8000 passwords Username xerox Tech-ref cixcos Tech-Spec socxic Analyst wizard Manufacturing elf 6085 Booting the *Installer* (the first couple of disks of the 22 disk set ViewPoint distribution) you are presented with a menu of numbered choices (related to installing the OS). If you ignore these numbers, and instead enter '911', you are prompted with a Dire Warning of Bad Things. Replying with 'iaccepttherisk' gets you into a command-line mode, with many powerful commands available - try 'help' as the first one! Booting the *Offline Diagnostics* (a standalone 2 disk set) gives you a menu of three choice: Normal User, Admin, or Service. The first isn't protected by a password. The other two - which give access to the format command, and the ability to write a new bad page table, are so protected. The Admin password I found to work was 'rgmsn'. The Service password was 'rexifsn' (nsmgr and nsfixer respectively, backwards, for those who are as slow as I am!). Two other passwords I have heard suggested, but not tried, are 'foo' and 'wizardmodeisnasty'. Not sure where they are to be used. --