SIMDDT DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM ============================ 00010 simulation BEGIN 00020 REF (head) queue; INTEGER i; 00030 00040 process CLASS entry(id); VALUE id; TEXT id; 00050 BEGIN into(queue); hold(5); out; 00060 END; 00070 00080 PROCEDURE print(element); REF (link) element; 00090 INSPECT element WHEN entry DO 00100 BEGIN 00110 outtext(id); outimage; 00120 print(suc); 00130 END; 00140 00150 queue:- NEW head; 00160 ACTIVATE NEW entry("FIRST ENTRY") DELAY 1; 00170 ACTIVATE NEW entry("SECOND ENTRY") DELAY 2; 00180 ACTIVATE NEW entry("THIRD ENTRY") DELAY 3; 00190 FOR i:= 1 STEP 1 UNTIL 10 DO 00200 BEGIN 00210 hold(1); outimage; 00220 outtext("Time: "); outfix(time,2,5); outimage; 00230 print(queue.first); 00240 END; 00250 END; To start SIMDDT on the above program, use the command: DEBUG DDTDEM Then you may for example tell SIMDDT: STOP AT 130 IF ID = "THIRD ENTRY" PROCEED And when SIMDDT stops at the breakpoint you can type: SCHED CHAIN OUTPUT PREV QUA ENTRY.ID Try other SIMDDT commands yourself!!!