110213 LIB.FOR: Library Routines Version: May 1975 Submitted by: David Sykes, Mead Technology Laboratories, Dayton, OH Operating System: RT-11 V2B Source Language: FORTRAN Software Required: SYSLIB Keywords: Libraries - RT-11, Sorting Abstract: LIB.FOR is a concatenated series of FORTRAN source modules for a variety of useful utility routines. They are intended to be built into the user library, although they can be separated out into separate subroutines. SORTR, SORTI, SORTB, and SORTW are a series of similar routines which provide very rapid sorts of arrays of real numbers, intergers, byte ASCII characters, and word ASCII characters (A1), respectively. They all use the monkey puzzle tree sort technique. SHELL and SHELLR are a pair of relatively fast in-place sort routines for integers and real numbers, respectively. All sort routines can also be used under DOS. CAD is a subroutine which implements the CAD function of the VT05 terminal, allowing the program to place the cursor anywhere on the screen. JDATE, KDATE, and LDATE provide manipulation for a Julian date in the same format that DOS uses; this is more useful for many purposes than the standard RT-11 system date word. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AA), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11