110215 TRACE.MAC/TR.MAC Version: July 1975 Submitted by: Michael N. LeVine, Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: RT-11 V2 Source Language: MACRO-11 Keywords: Debugging Abstract: TRACE/TR are meant as debugging tools for writing assembly language programs. When implemented and directed to do so, either program will, upon completion of execution of an instruction in a section of code being traced, print out the location in memory of that instruction, its mnemonic and arguments as well as the contents of all registers and memory locations referred to. They then return to the traced program for the next instruction. The resulting output is a listing of exactly what instructions were executed and what happened because of it. TRACE.MAC is a subroutine that must be linked in with the program to be traced and be initialized by it. TR.MAC is a pseudo device driver that is assembled and linked to TR.SYS, entered into the monitor device driver tables. The user does not have to link it into the main program each time. Both versions can be modified to direct their output to the LP: rather than the console device. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AA), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11