110386 RATFOR: Structured FORTRAN Pre-Processor Version: 16, January 1979 Submitted by: David P. Sykes, AMS, Inc., Arlington, VA Operating System: IAS, RSX-11D, RSX-11M Source Language: FORTRAN, RATFOR Memory Required: 30K Hardware Required: Disk, Line Printer Keywords: FORTRAN, Structured Languages/Programming Abstract: RATFOR is a structured FORTRAN pre-processor which improves many of the "cosmetic" and flow control inadequacies of standard FORTRAN. RATFOR is a machine and operating system that is as independent as possible and so is very transportable. RATFOR is FORTRAN except for following statements (which are converted to FORTRAN): DO; FOR; IF; IF ELSE; ELSE; REPEAT UNTIL; WHILE; and BREAK; NEXT. Also supported are: INCLUDE files, the ability to DEFINE symbolic constants, multi-argument MACROs, conditional processing of sections of code (IFDEF, IFNOTDEF, ENDIFDEF), nine levels of DEBUG lines, and character strings. Standard Digital Equipment Corporation commands line syntax with nine switches make RATFOR very easy to use. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AA), 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: FILES-11