110403 MACRO Package for MACRO-11 to Assemble INTEL 8080 Code Version: July 1979 Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corporation Operating System: RT-11 Source Language: MACRO-11 Keywords: Cross-Assemblers, MACRO, Microprocessors, Radio Abstract: This is a set of MACRO-11 macros to interpret INTEL 8080 mnemonics. As is normal in MACRO-11, the output will consist of two files; one file contains the binary image of the object, the other file contains the assembly listing of the assembled program. Two sample programs are also included; the first program is an 8080 resident load/debugger; the second program is an Amateur radio station Morse/Rtty input/output and station log maintainer. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AA), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11