110446 RT11/03 FORTRAN Extensions Version: 1.1, August 1980 Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corporation Operating System: RT-11 V3 Source Language: FORTRAN IV, MACRO-11 Memory Required: Same as RT-11 Hardware Required: V series options Keywords: FORTRAN, Libraries - RT-11 Abstract: The Real-Time 11/03 FORTRAN Extensions consist of a library (LSILIB) of laboratory subroutines supporting the ADV11-A, KWV11-A, AAV11-A, and DRV11. The laboratory subroutine library provides the capability of acquiring data in modes provided by the LSI laboratory hardware. The subroutine library also provides the capability to operate CRT display through the digital-to-analog converters included in the system package. A completion routine capability allows the user to write FORTRAN subroutines that are activated asynchronously upon completion of I/0 activity such as the filling of a data buffer. DRV11 support allows up to eight of these interfaces to be operated simultaneously. The library is easily configured for the particular set of devices on the user's configuration. Restrictions: Do not need the DRV11 to run the program. There is no documentation available for this program. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AB), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11