110462 TERM.FOR Version: 5.1, April 1988 Submitted by: Richard Desper, U.S. Army Materials Technology Lab., Watertown, MA Operating System: RT-11 V5.0 Source Language: FORTRAN IV Memory Required: 56KB Software Required: RT-11 Sysgened for Multi-terminal support. Hardware Required: DLV-11J Quad Serial Interface Keywords: Data Communications, Emulators Abstract: TERM is written in FORTRAN to convert a PDP-11/23 with a DLV-11J Quad Serial Interface into a smart terminal. The program allows the PDP-11/23 console terminal to converse with a remote computer. Disk files on the PDP-11/23 may be accessed as either sources or sinks for ASCII data files. File transfer is limited to ASCII files and is not automatically checked for errors, but is quite reliable at speeds up to 2400 baud. (A second speed limitation is that the remote computer baud rate must be slower than the PDP-11/23 console terminal rate, 9600 baud at this installation.) TERM is sufficiently transparent to the user to allow editing operations on the remote computer, e.g. VAX/VMS EDT using VT100 or VT200 terminal support. For possible use with a remote VAX, a VMS file TERM.COM is also provided to facilitate file transfer. Further details are in the file TERM.DOC and as comments in TERM.FOR. Notes: Operating system RT-11 V5.0 or higher is required. Changes and Improvements: Control Z from either the terminal or the remote host stops all file transfer. Restrictions: Console terminal baud rate must be faster than "Modem" (connected to remote host) baud rate. Media (Service Charge Code): One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11