110775 SCR: Scientific Reports on the Qantex Version: December 1984 Submitted by: Richard Bastien, Earth Physics Branch E.M.R., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Operating System: RSX-11M V4.1 Source Language: FORTRAN 77 Memory Required: 15616 KW Hardware Required: Qantex Model 7030 Printer Main PROM 884804, Revision F and higher revisions. Keywords: Scientific Applications, Text Formatting Abstract: SCR prepares scientific documents to be printed on the Qantex Model 7030. Printing mode selection responses are for main PROM 884804, revision F and higher. The program is written in FORTRAN 77 and run on RSX-11M. It operates on an input file in which columns N+1 to N+5 contains special characters to control the Qantex options that will be applied to the current line. N is specified by the user. The program recognizes 12 special characters which permit: printing in scientific and/or italic format, using the centreline and/or underline option, overprinting or 1/12 inch linefeed. The program provides full control of the printer speed for draft and/or letter quality printing and a choice of 5 different horizontal pitches. The limits are set to 123 columns and 53 lines per page. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up and Listing (DA), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: FILES-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: FILES-11