110785 VTLIBR: VT100 Library Version: September 1984 Submitted by: Franz Schryber, University of Fribourg, Misericorde, Switzerland Operating System: RT-11 V4 and V5 Source Language: FORTRAN IV Hardware Required: To use all features, VT100 with advanced video option required. Keywords: Terminal Management, Utilities - RT-11, VT100 Routines Abstract: VTLIBR, a VT100 library supporting nearly all VT100 ESCape sequences, has been written in standard FORTRAN IV without any inclusion of MACRO-11 (Assembler) or system routines, so there is no computer dependency if a reasonable FORTRAN IV STANDARD COMPILER is available. In time VTLIBR is only available as RT-11 object code library which must be used at link time together with the user supplied FORTRAN application program. A standardized extensive documentation together with sample routines written in FORTRAN and a small VTLIBR tutorial are included to give ideas on how to use the library. Standard FORTRAN IV cannot capture messages (ESCape sequences) which have been invoked by the program and which are sent by the terminal back to the program. Therefore, the following VT100 ESCape sequences are not implemented: cursor position report, device attributes, cursor key mode, identify terminal, keypad application mode, report terminal parameters, request terminal parameters and device status report. Also the user may find e.g. a routine for keypad application mode, nothing is done to capture and interpret those ESCape sequences. A READ.ME file gives general information on the whole package and the VTLIBR tutorial is included as hardcopy. Notes: Source code comments in German. Restrictions: ESCape sequences, which invoke back messages from the terminal are not supported. Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (EA), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11