110820 KEFSYS (KEF11 IMPLEMENTATION SYSTEM) Version: July 1985 Submitted by: Robert E. Marcum, Businessman's Computer Store Operating System: RT-11 V4.0 Source Language: MACRO-11 Memory Required: 64KB Hardware Required: 11/23 with KEF11 Chip Keywords: Floating Point Routines Abstract: Provides routines which effect convenient floating-point, ASCII and RAD50 data-type coversion implementation. These routines have been developed for use on the LSI-11/23 Processor, using the KEF11 floating-point chip. The development environment is RT-11/TSX. The unique feature of this software is its use of macros and addressing mode detection such that the implementation of each of the services provided is made to look in the code, just like an ordinary MACRO-11 instruction; that is, in the form "instruction SRC,DST". Notes: Digital Equipment Corporation's FPMP documentation would be helpful. Media (Service Charge Code): One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11