11S109 Best of RT - RT-11 SIG Tape Version: Spring 1989 Submitted by: John W. Bedel, Bethesda, MD Operating System: RT-11, TSX-PLUS Source Language: FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN IV, MACRO-11 Keywords: Symposia Tapes - RT-11 Abstract: This package contains a collection of submissions from the RT-11 SIG tapes from the Spring 1986 Australian Symposium and the Fall 1984 European Symposium, along with a collection of the "European Best of RT Tapes". Following is a brief summary of highlights: SPELL Spelling Checker with Dictionary. UCLPLS User Command Language (UCL) Program. UCL-PLUS is upward-compatible with the UCL distributed with RT-11, Version 5.1B and later. This version is UCL-PLUS V07.55. F77IND An IND command procedure that simulates all of the FORTRAN switches available. DFIND A utility for searching through an RT-11 structured file system and the subdevices on it. TSXLB TSX Library of FORTRAN Callable routines that implement the TSX-PLUS system services which are unique to TSX-PLUS. The library has been updated to include all TSX-PLUS unique services through TSX-PLUS V6.2. INDFIL IND Control Files for Manipulating Subdevices. DOWN will mount a subdevice file using the Logical Disk handler and assign either the default or a user-selected logical name to that device. UP moves "up" one level of subdevice nesting. TSXUTL A collection of programs for manipulating a TSX-PLUS system. VIRDSK Virtual-to-Disk Mechanism is a module to force VIRTUAL arrays to a disk file rather than extended memory. CONVRT Routines are FORTRAN-77 callable and provide conversion of BYTE (or CHARACTER) strings to and from INTEGER*2 and INTEGER*4 variables. LDMNGR The CD program will mount one or more subdevice files, define a logical name pointing to each, and connect (assign DK:) to the first one specified. EMULAT A collection of three pseudo-device handlers for RT-11 which will enable programs that require certain hardware to be run on PDP-11s that do not have that hardware. UNMAC A FORTRAN program to convert an RT-11 object file into a source or listing file. BASUTL Add executable modules (subroutines written in MACRO, FORTRAN..) in your BASIC 'workspace' for special I/O or speed of execution. ALEDA A FORTRAN package which allows the programmer to gain access to devices for interfacing and for user interaction. RUNOFF Bonner Lab RUNOFF for RT-11. This version has been modified significantly since the last release (Fall 1984). LDUDK Load VT200 User-Defined Keys provides RT-11 and TSX- PLUS users with a convenient method for programming the VT200 series terminal's keyboard. UTIL1 A collection of utilities which include a UCL example (Funny UCL in German), a UCL featuring parameter substitution & expansion of .COM files, a F4 INCLUDE statement pre-processor, and the famous GREP utility to do multi-file wildcard searches and others. DTX DOS Tape Exchange Program. Handles DOS formatted tapes under RT-11. COMM1 A VAX-TSX-PLUS communications package that runs at high baud rates. MISC Contains a library of digital filtering routines. Routines for 2-to-3 conversion of binary files to/from ASCII, some BESSEL function calculating subroutines, and a random number generator. F77UTL FORTRAN-77 Utilities, written in FORTRAN-77. Includes routines for converting ASCII strings to and from single- and double-precision integers, a single-character input routine, and several VT100 screen-control and formatting routines. FILUTL Utilities for source file maintenance. STRIP splits source files into comment and source code files. HEXFIL The program "TOHEX" converts any disk file to a file of hexidecimal characters replete with lines and line numbers. VFY A random-access (disk) verification utility. WATCH A program which will run as a detached job under TSX-PLUS to execute up to 32 command files in a time sequential order starting at 00:01 hours. DATFIT Routines for data anlysis and fitting for equation fitting routines, Digital filter routines, and 1st order differential equation solvers. GETRSX Transfer FILES-11 files to RT-11. Contains an RT-11 program for reading ODS-1 (RSX) disks. 22BIT Handlers for 22-BIT systems. MTUTL1 Various magnetic tape utilities which include a MTUTL2 utility to dump the contents of a magnetic tape to a terminal, a high-blocking-density magnetic tape backup system, and a program to create a FORTRAN Sequential ASCII data file from a magnetic tape file. EXEC A version of the TSTE terminal emulator program which includes Compuserve Information Service (CIS) "executive protocol for file transfer between DEC/H11 computers acting as terminals and the host machines at CIS. UPDATE A utility program to update a working disk from a master. MEMMAP The memory mapper scans PDP-11 memory from address zero up. RTCALC A simple yet quite functional spreadsheet in the LOTUS-123 or SATURN type. CVLLIB A general purpose library for the RT-11 MACRO, FORTRAN or C programmer. DBSMNG Data Base Management Package was developed from a suite of modules used to facilitate file I/O and complex data manipulation. HANDLR DU Handler for very large disks (larger than 256 MB) MSCP disks. MATRIX These are two matrix handling libraries: MATRIX for REAL*4 variables and CMTRIX for COMPLEX*8 variables. ASK ASKF77 is a set of FORTRAN terminal I/O routines. MONUTL Handy utilities for checking monitor offsets, device tables, and logical assignments. HANDLR Contains EIS Emulator and Handshake Handlers. EIS Emulator is written to emulate the EIS instructions MUL, DIV, SOB, ASH, ASHC, SXT, and XOR on a BIS machine. HS is a handshaking serial line handler which allows convenient file transfer between the two machines running under RT-11 version 3B or later, and whose protocol is so simple that a complementary serial I/O handler may be written easily for other operating systems. INCL A FORTRAN/RT pre-processor to simulate an INCLUDE statement. RMQ Interprocessor communications, and other stuff. Operates much like IND, in that it allows comments and operator decisions to be interspersed with KMON commands. SUP Subsystem Utility Program to create and maintain subsystem files. Restrictions: If there are any, they will be specified in each individual program's documentation. Complete sources may or may not be included. Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tape (PS) Format: RT-11, TK50 Tape Cartridge (TC) Format: RT-11