PRO144 Exam Score Record Package Version: V1.0, June 1985 Submitted by: Dan W. Schlitt, Lincoln, NE Operating System: PRO/VENIX Source Language: C Software Required: The UNIX utilities AWK, sed, sort, and fgrep. PRO/VENIX graphics programs hist and pscreen are useful. Keywords: Educational Applications Abstract: The Exam Score Record Package is a suite of programs which can be used to create and maintain an exam score record file. Programs are included to generate grade distributions and summary reports. The programs are mostly Bourn shell scripts. The work of the programs is done by three C programs and by sed, fgrep, sort, and AWK. The exam score record file is in a form which can be used by AWK to generate custom reports. Programs are included that use PRO/VENIX graphics programs to display data. Media (Service Charge Code): One RX50 Diskette (JA) Format: TAR