The following HELP is available: HELP COMMANDS - Short description of basic MCR commands HELP ERRORS - Explanation of RSX error messages HELP FLX - Explanation of FLX format HELP DMP - Explanation of DMP (dump) format. HELP TKB - Task builder switches and options. HELP CMP - CMP command summary. HELP FOR - Fortran compiler switch summary. HELP PIP - PIP switch summary. HELP LBR - Library command summary. HELP EDI - EDI command list. There are several "levels" of HELP, each of which is specified by adding another word to the previous level's request. ****For an example of how to use HELP, type: HELP MORE 1 MORE For example, suppose you wish to know the command to set the buffer size of your terminal. The first step would be to type: HELP COMMANDS to find out what HELP was available for commands. Then, you could find out about the SET command, by typing: HELP COMMANDS SET and finally, that would lead you to typing: HELP COMMANDS SET /BUFF which would explain the command you were interested in. Note that the first three letters of each word (except HELP) are sufficient. ****For another example type: HELP EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE Another example of how to use HELP: Suppose you wanted to know what the FORTRAN error 34 meant. The command: HELP tells you that there is HELP available for ERRORS, so you can find out what type of HELP there is by typing: HELP ERRORS This will tell you that there is HELP for ERRORS from FORTRAN, so you type: HELP ERRORS FORTRAN to find out about this type of errors. Now you can type: HELP ERRORS FORTRAN 34 Which will give you a bit more explanation of the error. Note that at each level, you ADD a word to the request. It is possible, of course, to ask for the detailed information immediately if you know the order of the words, but note that: HELP FORTRAN ERRORS 34 will not work, since the words FORTRAN and ERRORS are in the wrong order. Any request that HELP cannot satisfy is automatically recorded, and the system group will attempt to make HELP more HELPful, so please use it! 1 ERRORS There are several classes of errors reported by the system, and HELP is available separately for each class of error. To get help for a specific class of error, type: HELP ERROR class where "class" is the class of error. The following HELP is available: HELP ERROR DIRECTIVE - Directive errors HELP ERROR FCS - File control system HELP ERROR FORTRAN - FORTRAN errors (both compiler and run-time) HELP ERROR MOUNT - Magnetic tape mount errors EXAMPLES: HELP ERROR FCS HELP ERR MOU HELP ERRORS FORTRAN 2 DIRECTIVES Directive errors are a result of an error during system operation resulting from an user program request. These codes are negative numbers, and are printed by many of the system tasks when such an error occurs. The error is also returned to the status byte, and can be examined by the program if it is doing its system calls directly. ****For information on a particular error, type: HELP ERROR DIRECTIVE n where "n" is the error number. EXAMPLES: HELP ERROR DIR -16 HELP ERR DIRECT -4 3 -1 Directive error -1: INSUFFICIENT DYNAMIC STORAGE 3 -2 Directive error -2: SPECIFIED TASK NOT INSTALLED 3 -3 Directive error -3: PARTITION TOO SMALL FOR TASK 3 -4 Directive error -4: INSUFFICIENT DYNAMIC STORAGE FOR SEND 3 -5 Directive error -5: UN-ASSIGNED LUN 3 -6 Directive error -6: DEVICE HANDLER NOT RESIDENT 3 -7 Directive error -7: TASK NOT ACTIVE 3 -8 Directive error -8: DIRECTIVE INCONSISTENT WITH TASK STATE 3 -9 Directive error -9: TASK ALREADY FIXED/UNFIXED 3 -10 Directive error -10: ISSUING TASK NOT CHECKPOINTABLE 3 -11 Directive error -11: TASK IS CHECKPOINTABLE 3 -12 Directive error -12: code not used 3 -13 Directive error -13: code not used 3 -14 Directive error -14: code not used 3 -15 Directive error -15: RECEIVE BUFFER IS TOO SMALL 3 -16 Directive error -16: PRIVILEGE VIOLATION 3 -17 Directive error -17: RESOURCE IN USE 3 -18 Directive error -18: NO SWAP SPACE AVAILABLE 3 -19 Directive error -19: ILLEGAL VECTOR SPECIFIED 3 -20 Directive error -20: code not used 3 -21 Directive error -21: code not used 3 -22 Directive error -22: code not used 3 -23 Directive error -23: code not used 3 -24 Directive error -24: code not used 3 -25 Directive error -25: code not used 3 -26 Directive error -26: code not used 3 -27 Directive error -27: code not used 3 -28 Directive error -28: code not used 3 -29 Directive error -29: code not used 3 -30 Directive error -30: code not used 3 -31 Directive error -31: code not used 3 -32 Directive error -32: code not used 3 -33 Directive error -33: code not used 3 -34 Directive error -34: code not used 3 -35 Directive error -35: code not used 3 -36 Directive error -36: code not used 3 -37 Directive error -37: code not used 3 -38 Directive error -38: code not used 3 -39 Directive error -39: code not used 3 -40 Directive error -40: code not used 3 -41 Directive error -41: code not used 3 -42 Directive error -42: code not used 3 -43 Directive error -43: code not used 3 -44 Directive error -44: code not used 3 -45 Directive error -45: code not used 3 -46 Directive error -46: code not used 3 -47 Directive error -47: code not used 3 -48 Directive error -48: code not used 3 -49 Directive error -49: code not used 3 -50 Directive error -50: code not used 3 -51 Directive error -51: code not used 3 -52 Directive error -52: code not used 3 -53 Directive error -53: code not used 3 -54 Directive error -54: code not used 3 -55 Directive error -55: code not used 3 -56 Directive error -56: code not used 3 -57 Directive error -57: code not used 3 -58 Directive error -58: code not used 3 -59 Directive error -59: code not used 3 -60 Directive error -60: code not used 3 -61 Directive error -61: code not used 3 -62 Directive error -62: code not used 3 -63 Directive error -63: code not used 3 -64 Directive error -64: code not used 3 -65 Directive error -65: code not used 3 -66 Directive error -66: code not used 3 -67 Directive error -67: code not used 3 -68 Directive error -68: code not used 3 -69 Directive error -69: code not used 3 -70 Directive error -70: code not used 3 -71 Directive error -71: code not used 3 -72 Directive error -72: code not used 3 -73 Directive error -73: code not used 3 -74 Directive error -74: code not used 3 -75 Directive error -75: code not used 3 -76 Directive error -76: code not used 3 -77 Directive error -77: code not used 3 -78 Directive error -78: code not used 3 -79 Directive error -79: code not used 3 -80 Directive error -80: DIRECTIVE ISSUED/NOT ISSUED FROM AST 3 -81 Directive error -81: ILLEGAL MAPPING SPECIFIED 3 -82 Directive error -82: code not used 3 -83 Directive error -83: WINDOW HAS I/O IN PROGRESS 3 -84 Directive error -84: ALIGNMENT ERROR 3 -85 Directive error -85: ADDRESS WINDOW ALLOCATION OVERFLOW 3 -86 Directive error -86: INVALID REGION ID 3 -87 Directive error -87: INVALID ADDRESS WINDOW ID 3 -88 Directive error -88: INVALID TI PARAMETER 3 -89 Directive error -89: INVALID SEND BUFFER SIZE ( .GT. 255.) 3 -90 Directive error -90: LUN LOCKED IN USE 3 -91 Directive error -91: INVALID UIC 3 -92 Directive error -92: INVALID DEVICE OR UNIT 3 -93 Directive error -93: INVALID TIME PARAMETERS 3 -94 Directive error -94: PARTITION/REGION NOT IN SYSTEM 3 -95 Directive error -95: INVALID PRIORITY ( .GT. 250.) 3 -96 Directive error -96: INVALID LUN 3 -97 Directive error -97: INVALID EVENT FLAG ( .GT. 64.) 3 -98 Directive error -98: PART OF DPB OUT OF USER'S SPACE 3 -99 Directive error -99: DIC OR DPB SIZE INVALID 2 FORTRAN There are two types of errors possible when using FORTRAN, compiler errors and run-time errors. Compiler errors are detected by the compiler (FOR), and are coded as a single letter. For an explanation of a particular compiler error, type: HELP ERR FOR c where "c" is the letter representing the error. Run-time errors are detected when the program is run, and are reported as positive integers. Note that system errors other than FORTRAN errors are usually negative numbers. (SEE HELP ERRORS.) For an explanation of a particular run-time error, type: HELP ERR FOR n where "n" is the error number or error letter reported by FORTRAN. EXAMPLES: HELP ERRORS FORTRAN S HELP ERR FOR 101 3 B Compiler error B: Columns 1-5 of continuation line are not blank. Columns 1-5 of a continuation line must be blank except for a possible 'D' in column 1; the columns are ignored (WARNING). 3 C Compiler error C: Illegal continuation. Comments cannot be continued and the first line of any program unit cannot be a continuation line; the line is ignored (WARNING). If a line consists only of a carriage return-line feed combination, it is considered to be a blank line. If it has a label field, then it must have a statement field. 3 E Compiler error E: Missing END statement. An END statement is supplied by the compiler if end-of-file is encountered (WARNING). 3 H Compiler error H: Hollerith string or quoted literal string is longer than 255 characters or longer than the remainder of the statement; the statement is aborted. 3 I Compiler error I: Non-FORTRAN character used. The line contains a character that is not in the FORTRAN character set and is not used in a Hollerith string or comment line; the character is ignored (WARNING). 3 K Compiler error K: Illegal statement label definition. Illegal (non-numerical) character in statement label; the illegal statement is ignored (WARNING). 3 L Compiler error L: Line too long to print. There are more than 80 characters (including spaces and tabs) in a line. This diagnostic is issued preceding the line containing too many characters. The line is truncated to 80 characters (WARNING). 3 M Compiler error M: Multiply defined label. The label is ignored (WARNING). 3 P Compiler error P: Statement contains unbalanced parentheses. The statement is aborted. 3 S Compiler error S: Syntax error. Multiple equal signs, etc. The statement is not of the general FORTRAN statement form; the statement is aborted. 3 U Compiler error U: Statement could not be identified as a legal FORTRAN statement. The statement is aborted. 3 C Compiler error C: Constant subscript overflow. Too many constant subscripts have been employed in a statement. Simplify the statement. 3 L Compiler error L: More than 80 characters in input record. Simplify the statement or use continuation lines. 3 O Compiler error O: Unrecoverable error occurred while the compiler was writing the object file (.OBJ). Possibly, there is insufficient output file space. Rectify hardware problem, or make more space available for output by deleting unnecessary files. 3 P Compiler error P: Optimizer push down overflow; the statement is too complex, or too many common subexpressions occurred in one basic block of a program. Simplify complex statements. Report the error to your local Software Support representative. 3 R Compiler error R: Unrecoverable hardware error occurred while the compiler was reading source file. Rectify hardware problem. 3 S Compiler error S: Subexpression stack overflow; the statement is too complex. Simplify complex statements. 3 T Compiler error T: Memory overflow. Segment program into subprograms or compile in a larger partition. 3 W Compiler error W: Unrecoverable error occurred while the compiler was writing a listing file. The listing file space may not be large enough. Rectify the hardware problem, or make more space available for the listing file by deleting unnecessary files. 3 Y Compiler error Y: Code generation stack overflow; the statement is too complex. Simplify complex statements. 3 Z Compiler error Z: Compiler error. Report this error to the local Software Performance Report (SPR) Center listed in the DIGITAL Software News. Use an SPR form to report the error and include a program listing and a machine readable source program. 3 1 Run-time error 1: INVALID ERROR CALL A TRAP instruction has been executed whose low byte is within the range used by the OTS for error reporting (see Section C.2.4) but for which no error condition is defined. Correct the program logic. 3 2 Run-time error 2: TASK INITIALIZATION FAILURE Task start up has failed for one of the following reasons: 1. The directive to initialize synchronous system trap handling (SVTK$) has returned an error indication. 2. The executive directive to enable the FPP asynchronous trap (SFPA$) has returned an error indication. 3. The File Control Services initialization call (FINIT$) has returned an error indication. 3 3 Run-time error 3: ODD ADDRESS TRAP (SST 0) An odd address was detected during execution. This trap is useful in determining which instruction generated the error. 3 4 Run-time error 4: SEGMENT FAULT (SST 1) This memory protect violation is most likely due to a subscript value out of range on an array reference. 3 5 Run-time error 5: T-BIT OR BPT TRAP (SST 2) A trap has occurred as a result of the trace bit being set in the processor status word or due to the execution of a BPT instruction. These conditions should not occur. 3 6 Run-time error 6: IOT TRAP (SST 3) A trap has occurred as a result of executing an IOT instruction. This conditions should not occur. 3 7 Run-time error 7: RESERVED INSTRUCTION (SST 4) The program has attempted to execute an illegal instruction. This may be caused by task building with the wrong FORTRAN library for the given hardware configuration. 3 8 Run-time error 8: NON-RSX EMT (SST 5) The program has executed an EMT instruction whose low byte is not in the range used by the executive. 3 9 Run-time error 9: TRAP INSTRUCTION TRAP (SST 6) A trap instruction has been executed whose low byte is outside the range used for OTS error messages (see C.2.4 below in FORTRAN user's manual). 3 10 Run-time error 10: PDP-11/40 FIS TRAP (SST 7) A module using FIS was linked with a non-FIS FORTRAN library. (RSX-11M only.) This message may also result when an operating system, generated for an 11/40, is used on another system (executing FPP instructions). 3 11 Run-time error 11: FPP HARDWARE FAULT The FPP Floating Exception Code (FEC) register contained the value 0 following an FPP interrupt. This is probably a hardware malfunction. 3 12 Run-time error 12: FPP ILLEGAL OPCODE TRAP The FPP has detected an illegal floating point instruction. 3 13 Run-time error 13: FPP UNDEFINED VARIABLE TRAP The FPP loaded an illegal value (-0.0). This trap should not occur since the OTS initialization routine does not enable this trap condition. A negative zero value should never be produced by any FORTRAN operation. 3 14 Run-time error 14: FPP MAINTENANCE MODE TRAP The FPP has interrupted with a Floating Point Exception Code register value of 14 (octal). This is probably a hardware malfunction. 3 20 Run-time error 20: REWIND ERROR An error condition was detected by FCS during the .POINT operation used to position to the beginning of a file. 3 21 Run-time error 21: DEFINEFILE ALREADY DONE A second DEFINEFILE statement was attempted on a unit. The second DEFINEFILE is ignored. To change a DEFINEFILE specification, a CLOSE operation can be performed. 3 22 Run-time error 22: RECORD TOO LONG A record has been read which is too large to fit into the buffer specified by the MAXBUF TKB option. Rebuild the task using a larger MAXBUF specification. 3 23 Run-time error 23: BACKSPACE ERROR One of the following errors has occurred: a. BACKSPACE was attempted on a file opened for appending (see Section 2.5.6 of the FORTRAN user's manual). b. FCS has detected an error condition during the .POINT operation used to rewind the file. c. FCS has detected an error condition while reading forward to the desired record. 3 24 Run-time error 24: END-OF-FILE DURING READ Either an end-file record produced by the ENDFILE statement or the FCS end-of-file condition has been encountered during a READ statement and no END= transfer specification was provided. 3 25 Run-time error 25: INVALID RECORD NUMBER A direct-access READ, WRITE, or FIND statement has specified a record number outside the range from one to the value specified in a DEFINEFILE statement. 3 26 Run-time error 26: DEFINEFILE NOT DONE A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND operation was attempted before a DEFINEFILE was performed. 3 27 Run-time error 27: MORE THAN ONE RECORD An attempt was made to read or write more than a single record in an ENCODE or DECODE statement. 3 28 Run-time error 28: CLOSE ERROR An error condition has been detected by FCS during a CLOSE operation. (Refer to Section C.2.2 of the FORTRAN user's manual). 3 29 Run-time error 29: NO SUCH FILE A file with the specified name could not be found during an OPEN operation. 3 30 Run-time error 30: OPEN FAILURE FCS has detected an error condition during an OPEN operation. This message is used when the error condition is not one of the more common conditions for which specific error messages are provided. (Refer to Section C.2.2 of the FORTRAN user's manual). 3 31 Run-time error 31: MIXED ACCESS MODES An attempt was made to use both formatted and unformatted operations, or both sequential and direct access operations, on the same unit. 3 32 Run-time error 32: INVALID LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER A logical unit number was used which is outside the range specified by the TKB UNITS= option. 3 33 Run-time error 33: ENDFILE TO DIRECT ACCESS FILE An end-file record may not be written to a direct access file. 3 34 Run-time error 34: UNIT ALREADY OPEN A DEFINEFILE statement, CALL ASSIGN, or CALL FDBSET was attempted which specified a logical unit already opened for input/output. 3 37 Run-time error 37: INCONSISTENT RECORD LENGTH An existing direct access file hs been opened whose record length attribute is not the same as specified in the DEFINEFILE statement. Ensure that the file was created as a direct access file. The record length is not changed. 3 38 Run-time error 38: ERROR DURING WRITE FCS has detected an error condition while writing. (Refer to Section C.2.2.) 3 39 Run-time error 39: ERROR DURING READ FCS has detected an error condition while reading. 3 40 Run-time error 40: RECURSIVE I/O ATTEMPT An expression in the I/O list of a READ or WRITE statement has caused initiation of another READ or WRITE operation. This can happen if a FUNCTION that performs I/O is referenced in an expression in a READ or WRITE statement I/O list. 3 41 Run-time error 41: NO FCS BUFFER ROOM There is not enough free core left in the File Control Services buffer area to set up required I/O buffers. Rebuild the task with a larger ACTFIL declaration or reduce the level of multi-buffering. 3 42 Run-time error 42: DEVICE HANDLER NOT RESIDENT During an OPEN operation, the filename specification included a device for which no handler task is resident. Ensure that the handler is resident and the device name is legal. 3 43 Run-time error 43: FILE NAME SPECIFICATION ERROR The filename string used in a CALL ASSIGN is syntactically invalid, contains a switch specification, references an undefined device mnemonic, or is otherwise not acceptable to the operating system. 3 44 Run-time error 44: RECORDSIZE TOO BIG FOR 'MAXBUF' A DEFINEFILE statement has specified a record size which exceeds the size available in the record buffer. Rebuild the task using a larger TKB MAXBUF specification. 3 60 Run-time error 60: INFINITE FORMAT LOOP The format associated with an I/O statement that includes an I/O list has no field descriptors to use in transferring those variables. 3 61 Run-time error 61: FORMAT/VARIABLE - TYPE MISMATCH An attempt was made to output a real variable with an integer field descriptor or an integer variable with a real field descriptor. 3 62 Run-time error 62: SYNTAX ERROR IN FORMAT A syntax error was encountered during the processing of an object time format specification. Ensure that the construction of the format specification is correct. 3 63 Run-time error 63: OUTPUT CONVERSION ERROR During a formatted output operation, the value of a particular number could not be output in the specified field length without loss of significant digits. The field is filled with asterisks (*). 3 64 Run-time error 64: INPUT CONVERSION ERROR During a formatted input operation an illegal character was detected in an input field or the input value overflowed the range representable in the input variable. The value of the variable is set to zero. 3 65 Run-time error 65: FORMAT TOO BIG FOR 'FMTBUF' The OTS has run out of memory while scanning an array format that was generated at run-time. The default internal format buffer length is 64 bytes. This may be increased by using the FMTBUF TKB option (see Section 3 66 Run-time error 66: RECORD TOO BIG FOR 'MAXBUF' During an output operation a record was specified that was longer than the maximum record length. The default maximum record length is 132 (decimal) bytes. This may be changed by use of the MAXBUF Task Builder option (see Section 3 67 Run-time error 67: RECORD TOO SMALL FOR I/O LIST A READ statement has attempted to input more data than existed in the record being read. For example, the I/O list might have too many elements. 3 70 Run-time error 70: INTEGER OVERFLOW During an integer multiplication, division, or exponentiation operation, the value of the result exceeded 32767 in magnitude. Correct the program logic. 3 71 Run-time error 71: INTEGER ZERO DIVIDE During an integer mode arithmetic operation an attempt was made to divide by zero. Correct the program logic. 3 72 Run-time error 72: FLOATING OVERFLOW During an arithmetic operation a real value has exceeded the largest representable real number. The result of the operation is set to zero. Correct the program logic. 3 73 Run-time error 73: FLOATING ZERO DIVIDE During a REAL mode arithmetic operation an attempt was made to divide by zero. The result of the operation is set to zero. Correct the program logic. 3 74 Run-time error 74: FLOATING UNDERFLOW During an arithmetic operation a real value has become less than the smallest representable real number, and has been replaced with a value of zero. Correct the program logic. 3 75 Run-time error 75: FPP FLOATING TO INTEGER CONVERSION OVERFLOW The conversion of a floating point value to an integer has resulted in a value which overflows the range representable by an integer. The resulting value is unpredictable. 3 80 Run-time error 80: WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS An improper number of arguments were used in a call to a FORTRAN library function or system subroutine. 3 81 Run-time error 81: INVALID ARGUMENT One of the FORTRAN library functions or system subroutines has detected an invalid argument value. See Appendix B. 3 82 Run-time error 82: UNDEFINED EXPONENTIATION An exponentiation has been attempted which is mathematically undefined; e.g., 0.**0. 3 83 Run-time error 83: LOGARITHM OF NEGATIVE VALUE An attempt was made to take the logarithm of zero or a negative number. The result returned is zero. 3 84 Run-time error 84: SQUARE ROOT OF NEGATIVE VALUE An attempt was made to evaluate the square root of a negative value. Zero is returned as the result. 3 85 Run-time error 85: INVALID ARGUMENT TO LIBRARY FUNCTION An invalid argument was used in a call to a FORTRAN library function. 3 86 Run-time error 86: INVALID ERROR NUMBER The error number argument to one of the subroutines ERRSET or ERRTST is not a valid error number. 3 90 Run-time error 90: COMPILER DETECTED ERROR An attempt is made to link and run an object file with errors, generated by the FORTRAN compiler, reported during compilation. This error will result whenn the illegal source statement is executed. 3 91 Run-time error 91: COMPUTED GOTO OUT OF RANGE The integer variable or expression in a computed GOTO statement was less than 1 or greater than the number of statement lable references in the list. Control is passed to the next executable statement. (See the PDP-11 FORTRAN Language Reference Manual.) 3 100 Run-time error 100: DIRECTIVE: MISSING ARGUMENTS A call to a system directive subroutine was made in which one or more of the arguments required for directive executive was not given. 3 101 Run-time error 101: DIRECTIVE: INVALID EVENT FLAG NUMBER A call to a system directive subroutine was made in which the argument used for event flag 64). 2 FCS File control system (FCS) error codes: These errors are reported to the user in the FDB, and print- ed by the FORTRAN OTS. The FORTRAN error message is in the form: FCS: -24 0 FILENAME 4 where the error code is the first number printed (-24 in the example). The remaining information on this line is an error type indicator (0 indicates an FCS error), the filen- ame of the file (not including type or version), and the logical unit on which this error occurred. ****For more information, type: HELP ERROR FCS code where "code" is the error code. If this does not work, the error could be a directive error, and could be explained by: HELP ERROR DIR code 3 -1 FCS error code -1 (377 octal) Bad parameters 3 -2 FCS error code -2 (376 octal) Invalid function code 3 -3 FCS error code -3 (375 octal) Device not ready 3 -4 FCS error code -4 (374 octal) Parity error on device 3 -5 FCS error code -5 (373 octal) Hardware option not present 3 -6 FCS error code -6 (372 octal) Illegal user buffer 3 -7 FCS error code -7 (371 octal) Device not attached 3 -8 FCS error code -8 (370 octal) Device already attached 3 -9 FCS error code -9 (367 octal) Device not attachable 3 -10 FCS error code -10 (366 octal) End of file detected 3 -11 FCS error code -11 (365 octal) End of volume detected 3 -12 FCS error code -12 (364 octal) Write attempted to locked unit 3 -13 FCS error code -13 (363 octal) Data overrun 3 -14 FCS error code -14 (362 octal) Send/receive failure 3 -15 FCS error code -15 (361 octal) Request terminated 3 -16 FCS error code -16 (360 octal) Privilege violation 3 -17 FCS error code -17 (357 octal) Sharable resource in use 3 -18 FCS error code -18 (356 octal) Illegal overlay request 3 -19 FCS error code -19 (355 octal) Odd byte count (or virtual address) 3 -20 FCS error code -20 (354 octal) Logical block number too large 3 -21 FCS error code -21 (353 octal) Invalid UDC module 3 -22 FCS error code -22 (352 octal) UDC connect error 3 -23 FCS error code -23 (351 octal) Caller's nodes exhausted 3 -24 FCS error code -24 (350 octal) Device full 3 -25 FCS error code -25 (347 octal) Index file full 3 -26 FCS error code -26 (346 octal) No such file 3 -27 FCS error code -27 (345 octal) Locked from read/write access 3 -28 FCS error code -28 (344 octal) File header full 3 -29 FCS error code -29 (343 octal) Accessed for write 3 -30 FCS error code -30 (342 octal) File header checksum failure 3 -31 FCS error code -31 (341 octal) Attribute control list format error 3 -32 FCS error code -32 (340 octal) File processor device read error 3 -33 FCS error code -33 (337 octal) File processor device write error 3 -34 FCS error code -34 (336 octal) File already accessed on LUN 3 -35 FCS error code -35 (335 octal) File ID, file number check 3 -36 FCS error code -36 (334 octal) File ID, sequence number check 3 -37 FCS error code -37 (333 octal) No file accessed on LUN 3 -38 FCS error code -38 (332 octal) File was not properly closed 3 -39 FCS error code -39 (331 octal) Open -no buffer space available for file 3 -40 FCS error code -40 (330 octal) Illegal record size 3 -41 FCS error code -41 (327 octal) File exceeds space allocated, no blocks 3 -42 FCS error code -42 (326 octal) Illegal operation on file descriptor block 3 -43 FCS error code -43 (325 octal) Bad record type 3 -44 FCS error code -44 (324 octal) Illegal record access bits set 3 -45 FCS error code -45 (323 octal) Illegal record attributes bits set 3 -46 FCS error code -46 (322 octal) Illegal record number -too large 3 -47 FCS error code -47 (321 octal) (unused) 3 -48 FCS error code -48 (320 octal) Rename -2 different devices 3 -49 FCS error code -49 (317 octal) Rename -new file name already in use 3 -50 FCS error code -50 (316 octal) Bad directory file 3 -51 FCS error code -51 (315 octal) Can't rename old file system 3 -52 FCS error code -52 (314 octal) Bad directory syntax 3 -53 FCS error code -53 (313 octal) File already open 3 -54 FCS error code -54 (312 octal) Bad file name 3 -55 FCS error code -55 (311 octal) Bad device name 3 -56 FCS error code -56 (310 octal) Bad block on device 3 -57 FCS error code -57 (307 octal) Enter -duplicate entry in directory 3 -58 FCS error code -58 (306 octal) Not enough stack space (FCS or FCP) 3 -59 FCS error code -59 (305 octal) Fatal hardware error on device 3 -60 FCS error code -60 (304 octal) File ID was not specified 3 -61 FCS error code -61 (303 octal) Illegal sequential operation 3 -62 FCS error code -62 (302 octal) End of tape detected 3 -63 FCS error code -63 (301 octal) Bad version number 3 -64 FCS error code -64 (300 octal) Bad file header 3 -65 FCS error code -65 (277 octal) Device off line 3 -66 FCS error code -66 (276 octal) Block check or CRC error 3 -67 FCS error code -67 (275 octal) (unused) 3 -68 FCS error code -68 (274 octal) No such node 3 -69 FCS error code -69 (273 octal) Path lost to partner 3 -70 FCS error code -70 (272 octal) Bad logical buffer 3 -71 FCS error code -71 (271 octal) Too many outstanding messages 3 -72 FCS error code -72 (270 octal) No dynamic space available 3 -73 FCS error code -73 (267 octal) Connection rejected 3 -74 FCS error code -74 (266 octal) Timeout on request 3 -75 FCS error code -75 (265 octal) File expiration date not reached 3 -76 FCS error code -76 (264 octal) Bad tape format 3 -77 FCS error code -77 (263 octal) Not ANSI 'D' format byte count 3 -78 FCS error code -78 (262 octal) Not a network LUN 3 -79 FCS error code -79 (261 octal) Task not linked to specified ICS/ICR interrupts 3 -80 FCS error code -80 (260 octal) Specified task not installed 3 -81 FCS error code -81 (257 octal) Device offline when offline request was issued 3 -82 FCS error code -81 (256 octal) Invalid escape sequence 3 -83 FCS error code -83 (255 octal) Partial escape sequence 3 -84 FCS error code -84 (254 octal) Allocation failure 3 -85 FCS error code -85 (253 octal) Unlock error 2 MOUNT Magnetic tape mount error codes. These errors are generated while mounting ANSI file-structured magnetic tape volumes, and are reported after a MOUnt command, in the form: MOU -- MOUNT ERROR ACP nnn where nnn is the error number. ****For more information, type: HELP ERROR MOUNT num where num is the error number. 3 6 MOUNT ERROR ACP 6 - Get command line error 3 7 MOUNT ERROR ACP 7 - Syntax error 3 8 MOUNT ERROR ACP 8 - Bad device 3 11 MOUNT ERROR ACP 11 - Wrong volume (incorrect label) 3 12 MOUNT ERROR ACP 12 - All units must be TU16s 3 13 MOUNT ERROR ACP 13 - Not ANSI format 3 17 MOUNT ERROR ACP 17 - Privilege violation 3 18 MOUNT ERROR ACP 18 - Mixed 9 and 7 track 3 19 MOUNT ERROR ACP 19 - Message task (F11MSG) not installed. 1 COMMANDS Some commands available to the general user are: ABORT, ACTIVE, ALLOCATE, ASSIGN (ASN), BYE, DEALLOCATE, DEVICE, DMOUNT, HELLO, HELP, INIT, MOUNT, RUN, SET, TIME For further information on a command, type: "HELP COMMAND name", where "name" is the name of the command to be explained. EXAMPLES: HELP COMMAND ABORT HELP COMMAND TIME 2 ABORT ABO (Abort) -used to terminate task execution. If no task name is given, the task named for the entering terminal is assumed. Only a privileged terminal may abort tasks initiated from another terminal. >ABO TT2 !stop the task TT2. >ABO FOR !stop the FORTRAN compiler. >ABO !stop the task named TTn. !(where n is the terminal !number.) NOTE: The terminal may respond before the abort has been completed. The only positive indication of a completed abort is the message printed at the terminal which initiated the task. If this mes- sage is not printed, it could be because the abort is waiting for an I/O unit to be made ready before completing. Do not proceed until the message has been printed. 2 ACTIVE ACT (Active tasks) -used to display the names of all currently active tasks which were initiated from the terminal. >ACT ...MCR !MCR is always active. ...SYS !SYS prints this list. ...FOR !FORTRAN compiler is running. 2 ALLOCATE ALL (Allocate) -used to establish a device as the user's private device. This prevents other non-privileged users from accessing the device. A user cannot allocate a public device (such as a line printer). Devices are deallocated explicitly with the deallocate command (DEA) or implicitly when the user logs off the terminal (see BYE). A device must be allocated before a volume may be mounted (see MOUnt command). >ALL MT0: !make MT0: a private device Use the DEV command to determine which devices are available. 2 ASN ASN (Assign) -used to define, display, or delete logical device assignments. All assignments are local to a par- ticular terminal, so this command does not affect users on other terminals. If a logical name is identical to a physical name, the logical name has precedence. All assignments will be deleted when the user logs off the terminal (see BYE). For more information on the assign command, type one of: HELP COMMAND ASN DEFINE HELP COMMAND ASN DISPLAY HELP COMMAND ASN DELETE 3 DEFINE To define a logical device: >ASN TT1:=BF: !define BF: 3 DISPLAY To display all current local logical devices: >ASN !display current assignments BF: TT1: LOCAL TI - TT0: 3 DELETE To delete logical devices: >ASN =BF: !delete definition of BF: >ASN = !delete all assignments. 2 ASSIGN ASN (Assign) -used to define, display, or delete logical device assignments. All assignments are local to a par- ticular terminal, so this command does not affect users on other terminals. If a logical name is identical to a physical name, the logical name has precedence. All assignments will be deleted when the user logs off the terminal (see BYE). For more information on the assign command, type one of: HELP COMMAND ASN DEFINE HELP COMMAND ASN DISPLAY HELP COMMAND ASN DELETE 3 DEFINE To define a logical device: >ASN TT1:=BF: !define BF: 3 DISPLAY To display all current local logical devices: >ASN !display current assignments BF: TT1: LOCAL TI - TT0: 3 DELETE To delete logical devices: >ASN =BF: !delete definition of BF: >ASN = !delete all assignments. 2 BROADCAST BRO (Broadcast) -used to send a line of text to another terminal. The receiving terminal must be logged in. The message will be printed on the indicated terminal, preceded by the current time and the sending ter- minal's name. >BRO TT4:DONE WITH TAPE??? NOTES: To send a message to the computer operator, BROadcast to terminal CO:. To send more than one line, use the SND utility. 2 BYE BYE (Byebye, logoff) -used to sign off the system. BYE deletes all local device assignments (see ASN), dismounts any private volumes, deallocates any private devices, and aborts any active tasks initiated from the terminal. Further use of the terminal is prevent- ed until the HELLO command is issued. Users should always enter a BYE command before leaving a terminal. >BYE HAVE A GOOD MORNING 30-FEB-77 03:35 TT1: LOGGED OFF 2 DEALLOCATE DEA (Deallocate) -used to release a private (allocated) device, so that other users may access it. A device may be deallocated only from the terminal that was used to allocate it (see ALLocate). All private dev- ices are deallocated when the user signs off (see BYE). >DEA MT0: 2 DEVICE The DEVice command is used to determine the status of the devices on the system. This command can be used to determine which tape drives are available, for example. There are two forms of the device command: DEV -to list all devices on the system. DEV dd: -to list devices of type dd. EXAMPLES: DEV MM: -display status of MM tape drives. DEV LP: -display status of line printers. 2 DMO DMO (Dismount) -used to dismount a mounted volume. This opera- tion is only meaningful for file-structured vo- lumes (disks or ANSI mag tapes). There may be a delay in completing the dismount operation if I/O operations are in progress on the volume. If a magnetic tape is being dismounted, the volume label must be specified. A dismounted tape volume will be turned offline. >DMO MM0:DATA 2 DISMOUNT DMO (Dismount) -used to dismount a mounted volume. This opera- tion is only meaningful for file-structured vo- lumes (disks or ANSI mag tapes). There may be a delay in completing the dismount operation if I/O operations are in progress on the volume. If a magnetic tape is being dismounted, the volume label must be specified. A dismounted tape volume will be turned offline. >DMO MM0:DATA 2 HELLO HEL (Hello) -used to log on to a terminal. No commands (ex- cept HELP) will be processed from a terminal until a user has logged in. The user is asked for a password to confirm his authorization, accounting information is recorded, and a system message is printed. If a file named LOGIN.CMD exists in the user's directory, a @LOGIN.CMD command is executed. A user may log on using an alphabetic user code or his UIC. These are assigned by the system man- ager. For examples of the use of the HELLO command, type: HELP COMMAND HELLO EXAMPLES 3 EXAMPLES HELLO Examples: The examples which follow have omitted the system greeting message. This message identifies the system version, the terminal number, and the time and date, and includes an information message. >HELLO IRVING !user identifies himself PASSWORD: !system requests password or >HEL [100,244] !identify using UIC PASSWORD: !still needs password NOTES: -the password is not echoed. -the system message may be stopped by typing CTRL/O (AFTER 16 LINES), or by using a slash (/) instead of A COMMA IN The UIC. Users are urged to read this message at least once a day. THE SYSTEM MESSAGE WILL ALWAYS BE PRINTED WITH THE FIRST SIGNON OF THE DAY. 2 HELP HELP (Information, please!) -used to ask the system for information. A user who has difficulty using the system should try this command. >HELP NOTE: All four letters of this command are re- quired to distinguish HELP from HELLO. 2 INITIALIZE INI (Initialize volume) -used to initialize a user's volume. The volume must be loaded onto a private (allocated) device (see ALLocate). Note that tape labels are limited to 6 characters. Users should consult the com- puter system staff before using this command. >INI MM0:DATA/DENS=1600 >INI MT1:ARCHIV NOTE: All files on the volume will be destroyed! 2 MOUNT MOU (Mount) -used to mount a file-structured volume (disk or ANSI standard format magnetic tape) on a user's private device (see ALLocate). Volumes can not be mounted on devices which are not private. Volumes which are not file-structured can not be mounted. >MOU MT1:ARCHIV >MOU MM0:DATA/DENS=1600 >MOU DK1:TEMPSTOR NOTE: Many options are available when using a private volume. Consult the computer staff for more detail. 2 RESUME RES (Resume) -used to continue execution of a suspended task. >RESUME TT2 NOTE: A task can only be suspended by itself. This can be done using a system call within the program, for example, in FORTRAN: CALL SUSPND 2 RUN RUN (Run) -used to run a task. The task to be run is iden- tified by its filename, and will be given the name TTn, where n is the number of the terminal issuing the command. >RUN DK2:PROG !get the task from DK2:PROG.TSK >RUN $PROG !run a system program NOTES: TI: will be established as the terminal from which the task was run. This command only REQUESTS that a task be run, and it is possible that the task will not be started immediately (e. g. insufficient memory). In this case, wait for the TASK (not MCR) to respond before proceed- ing. It is impossible to abort the task until it begins to run, and attempting to RUN it again is pointless. Please be patient at times like this, the system is probably busy, and will get to you eventually. 2 SET SET (Set or display system characteristics) -used to alter or display certain terminal charac- teristics. This command should be used with care at a privileged terminal, since it is possible to incapacitate the system. The general form of the SET command is: >SET /keyword=value Only one keyword per command is permitted. Most keywords can be prefixed by NO to negate or dis- able the function of the keyword. Exceptions in- clude BUF, and UIC. The keywords listed below are the only keywords that should be used by the gen- eral user. If the "=value" part of the command is omitted, all terminals with the characteristic described by the keyword are listed. The keywords available to the general user are: /BUF, /CRT, /LOWER, /UIC For more information on a keyword, type: HELP COMMAND SET keyword 3 BUFF SET /BUF Set or display the default buffer size for the specified device. A non-privileged user may only alter the buffer size of his own terminal. The buffer size determines how many characters will be printed per line. >SET /BUF=TI: !display current size BUF=TI0:72. >SET /BUF=TI:132. !set for wide paper 3 CRT SET /CRT Control RUBOUT display. If a terminal is a re- freshed CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), it is possible to erase the last character with a RUBOUT by echoing a backspace-space-backspace. This option is not too useful for other terminals. >SET /CRT=TI: !this terminal is a CRT >SET /CRT !show all CRTs CRT=TT1: >SET /NOCRT=TI: !return to normal 3 LOWER SET /LOWER Control or display lower case conversion. (Terminals normally convert all input to upper case, but this can be controlled as shown below.) >SET /LOWER=TI: !disable conversion >set /nolower=ti: !enable conversion >SET /LOWER !display terminals with LOWER=TT2: !case conversion disabled. >SET /NOLOWER !display terminals with NOLOWER=TT0: !case conversion enabled. NOLOWER=TT1: NOLOWER=TT3: 3 UIC SET /UIC Establish or display default UIC. Note that this command does not affect the UIC used to au- thorize access to files. This means that a file which can only be read will still be read-only even if the default UIC is set to that of the file's owner. This command is useful if many references are to be made to another user's files. >SET /UIC=[100,100] !set default UIC >SET /UIC !display default UIC UIC=[100,100] 2 TIME TIME (Get system time and date) -used to display current time and date. >TIME 13:14:15 29-FEB-77 1 FLX A FLX command line has the following format: outfile/switch=infile1/switch[,infile2,...,infilen] where "switch" is a 2-character switch code. These are the possible FLX switch codes: BL:n - BLock IM:n - IMage mode BS:n - Block Size LI - LIst directory CO - COntiguous NU:n - NUmber of dir. blks DE - DElete RS - RSx format (Files-11) DI - DIrectory RT - RT-11 format DO - DOs format SP - SPool converted file FA:n - Formatted Ascii UI - use same UIc FB:n - Formatted Binary VE - VErify cassette FC - Fortran Carriage cont. ZE - ZEro (initialize) ID - current ID of FLX ****For an explanation of a particular switch, type: HELP FLX sw where "sw" is the switch code. 2 BL:n BLOCK /BL:n Indicates the number of contiguous blocks to be allocated to the output file. 2 BS:n BLOCKSIZE /BS:n Specifies the block size for cassette tape output. 2 CONTIGUOUS CONTIGUOUS /CO Indicates that the output file is to be contiguous. 2 DELETE DELETE /DE Deletes files from a DOS-11 or RT-11 volume. 2 DIRECTORY DIRECTORY /DI Causes a directory listing of DOS or RT volumes; or DOS or RSX cassette tape volumes to be listed. 2 DOS-11 DOS-11 /DO Identifies the file as a DOS-11 formatted file. 2 FA:n FORMATTED ASCII /FA:n Formatted ASCII. The optional value n is the size of fixed-length records. If n is omitted, variable length records are generated. 2 FB:n FORMATTED BINARY /FB:n Formatted binary. The optional value n is the size of fixed-length records. If n is omitted, variable length records are generated. 2 FC FORTRAN CARRIAGE CONTROL /FC Indicates that FORTRAN carriage control conventions are to be used. 2 IDENTITY IDENTITY /ID Requests the current version number of FLX. 2 IM:n IMAGE MODE /IM:n Image mode. The optional value n is the size of fixed-length records. If n is omitted, a record length of 512. bytes is used. 2 LISTING LISTING /LI Causes a directory listing of DOS or RT volumes; or DOS or RSX cassette tape volumes to be listed. 2 NU:n NUMBER /NU:n Used with /ZE and /RT switches to specify the number of directory blocks to allocate. 2 RS RSX OR FILES-11 /RS Indicates that file is a Files-11 formatted file. 2 RT-11 RT-11 /RT Indicates that file is an RT-11 formatted file. 2 SPOOL SPOOL /SP Indicates that the converted file is to be spooled via the print spooler. 2 UIC UIC /UI Indicates that the output file is to have the same UIC as the input file. 2 VERIFY VERIFY AFTER WRITE /VE Verify after write (for cassette only). 2 ZE ZERO OR INITIALIZE /ZE Initializes DOS and RT volumes and cassettes for DOS or RSX files. 1 DMP The DMP utility has one command: outfile=infile/switch where "switch" is the abbreviation for the switch code. Switches available are: AS - AScii format. ID - IDentify. BA:n:m - BAse block address. LB - print Logical Block. BL:n:m - BLock range to dump. LW - LongWord format. BY - BYte format. MD:n - Memory Dump DC - DeCimal format. RC - one ReCord at a time. DENS:n - DENSity of tape. R5 - Radix-50 format. HD - HeaDer. SP - SPool. HX - HeXadecimal format. WD - WorD format. ****For more information type: HELP DMP sw where "sw" is the mnemonic switch code. 2 AS ASCII FORMAT /AS Data should be dumped in ASCII (character) format. 2 BA:n:m BASE BLOCK ADDRESS /BA:n:m Specifies a base block address. n = high-order base block address (octal) m = low-order base block address (octal) All future block numbers will be added to this value to obtain the effective block number. 2 BL:n:m BLOCKS /BL:n:m Specifies the first (n) and last (m) logical blocks to be dumped. 2 BYTE OCTAL BYTE OCTAL /BY Data should be dumped in octal byte format. 2 DCIMAL DECIMAL /DC Dump in decimal format. 2 DENS:n DENSITY /DENS:n Specifies density (n=800. or n=1600.) of a TU16 input magnetic tape (when DMP is in device mode only). 2 HD HEADER /HD Includes the file header in the data dumped. To dump only the file header, specify: /HD/BL:0 2 HX HEXADECIMAL FORMAT /HX Specifies that data be dumped in hexadecimal byte format. 2 ID IDENTIFY /ID Causes the current version of DMP to be printed. This switch may be specified by itself at any time. 2 LB LOGICAL BLOCK /LB Causes only the starting (logical) block number and a contiguous or non-contiguous indication for the file to be printed. 2 LW LONGWORD (DOUBLE-WORD) /LW Specifies that data be dumped in hexadecimal double-word format. 2 MD:n MEMORY DUMP /MD[:n] Controls line number sequencing during a memory image dump. The line numbers are not reset to zero when a block boundary is crossed. The optional value (n) specifies the first line number. 2 RC ONE RECORD /RC Dump one record at a time (instead of a block) in the format specified by a format switch ( /AS, /DC, /HX, /LW, /R5, or /WD ). 2 R5 RADIX 50 /R5 Dump in RADIX-50 format. 2 SPOOL SPOOL /SP Spool the dump file to the line printer. (Note that /SP is the default, to stop spooling, specify /-SP) 2 WD WORD FORMAT /WD Specifies that data be dumped in hexadecimal word format. 1 TKB There are two further sets of HELP for the Task Builder (TKB): HELP TKB OPTIONS HELP TKB SWITCHES 2 OPTIONS Task Builder Options ABORT ABSPAT ACTFIL ASG COMMON EXTSCT EXTTSK FMTBUF GBLDEF GBLPAT GBLREF LIBR MAXBUF ODTV PAR PRI RESCOM RESLIB STACK TASKS TSKV UIC UNITS VSECT WNDWS ****For more help and syntax format, Type: HELP TKB OPTIONS opt where 'opt' is one of the options listed above. Each option is of interest to higher-level programmers, MACRO programmers or both. A detailed description of the category is contained in the TKB manual. 3 ABORT ABORT = n Direct TKB to terminate build. General interest cat: control 3 ABSPAT ABSPAT = seg-name:address:val-1:val-2:...:val-8 Declare absolute patch values. Macro programmers cat: alter 3 ACTFIL ACTFIL = file-max Declare number of files open simultaneously. High-level programmers cat: allocation 3 ASG ASG = device-name:unit-num-1:unit-num-2...:unit-num-8 Declare device assignment to logical units. General interest cat: device 3 COMMON COMMON = name:access-code[:apr] Declare task's intention to access a memory resident shared region. General interest cat: share 3 EXTSCT EXTSCT = p-sect-name$:extension Declare extension of a program section. General interest cat: allocation 3 EXTTSK EXTTSK = length Declare extension of the amount of memory owned by a task. General interest cat: allocation 3 FMTBUF FMTBUF = max-format Declare extension of buffer used for processing format strings at run-time. High-level programmers cat: allocation 3 GBLDEF GBLDEF = symbol-name:symbol-value Declare a global symbolDefinition. Macro programmers cat: alter 3 GBLPAT GBLPAT = seg-name:sym-name[+/-offset]:val-1:val-2 ...:val-8 Declare a series of patch values relative to a global symbol. Macro programmers cat: alter 3 GBLREF GBLREF = symbol-name Declare a global symbol reference. General interest cat: alter 3 LIBR LIBR = name:access-code[:apr] Declare task's intention to access a memory-resident shared region. General interest cat: share 3 MAXBUF MAXBUF = max-record Declare an extension to the FORTRAN record buffer. High-level programmers cat: allocation 3 ODTV ODTV = symbol-name:vector-length Declare the address and size of the debugging aid SST vector. Macro programmers cat: synchronous 3 PAR PAR = pname [:base:length] Declare partition name and dimensions. General interest cat: identification 3 PRI PRI = priority-number Declare priority. General interest cat: identification 3 RESCOM RESCOM = file-specification/access-code[:apr] Declare task's intention to access a memory-resident shared region. General interest cat: share 3 RESLIB RESLIB = file-specification/access-code[:apr] Declare task's intention to access a memory-resident shared region. General interest cat: share 3 STACK STACK = stack-size Declare the size of the stack. General interest cat: allocation 3 TASK TASK = task-name Declare the name of the task. General interest cat: identification 3 TSKV TSKV = symbol-name:vector-length Declare the address of the task SST vector. Macro programmers cat: synchronous 3 UIC UIC = [group,member] Declare the user identification code under which the task runs. General interest cat: identification 3 UNITS UNITS = max-units Declare the maximum number of units. General interest cat: device 3 VSECT Declare the virtual base address and size of a program section. General interest cat: allocation 3 WNDWS WNDWS = n Declare the number of additional address windows required by the task. General interest cat: allocation 2 SWITCHES Task Builder switches apply to one of the four types of file specifiers in a Task Builder command line: TKB T/sw,M/sw,S/sw=I/sw The file codes which the Task Builder switches apply to are: T task image file (.TSK) M memory allocation file (.MAP) S symbol definition file (.STB) I input file (.OBJ, .ODL, .OLB) For a summary of the TKB switches, type: HELP TKB SWITCH SUMMARY For a more detailed explanation of a particular switch, type: HELP TKB SWITCH sw where "sw" is the switch of interest. 3 SUMMARY AC:n T ACP MP I overlay desc. AL T allocate NT T networks CC I conc. objects PI T,S position independent CM T compatibility PM T post-mortem dump CP T checkpointable PR:n T privileged CR M cross-reference RO T resident overlay DA T,I debugging aid SE T send DL I Default library SH M short map EA T extended arith. SL T slave FP T floating point SP M spool FU T full search SQ T sequential HD T,S header SS I selective search LB I library TR T traceable MA M,I map contents WI M wide listing MM T memory manage. XT:n T exit For a more detailed explanation of a particular switch, type: HELP TKB SWITCH sw where "sw" is the switch of interest. 3 AC:n ANCILLARY CONTROL PROCESSOR /AC:n Task is an ancillary control processor. n is the first mapping register to use (n= 0, 4, 5 default=5). File: task image Default: -AC 3 AL ALLOCATE CHECKPOINT SPACE /AL Task can be checkpointed to space allocated in the task image file. NOTE: the /CP and /AL switches should not be used in the same line. File: task image Default: -AL 3 CC CONCATENATED OBJECT MODULES /CC Input file consists of concatenated object modules. If this switch is negated (/-CC) TKB will use only the first object module in the file. File: input Default: CC 3 CM COMPATIBILITY MODE OVERLAY STRUCTURE /CM Memory-resident overlays are aligned on 256-word physical boundaries. File: task image Default: -CM 3 CP CHECKPOINTABLE /CP Task is checkpointable. It is checkpointed to space allocated in the system checkpoint file. NOTE: The /CP and /AL switches should not be used in the same line. File: task image Default: CP 3 CR CROSS REFERENCE /CR a global cross-reference listing is appended to the memory allocation file. File: memory allocation Default: -CR 3 DA DEBUGGING AID /DA Task contains a debugging aid. File: task image,input Default: -DA 3 DL DEFAULT LIBRARY /DL Specified library file is a replacement for the system object module library. File: input Default: -DL 3 EA EXTENDED ARITHMETIC ELEMENT /EA Task uses extended arithmetic element. File: task image Default: -EA 3 FP FLOATING POINT /FP Task uses the floating point processor. File: task image Default: FP 3 FU FULL CO-TREE SEARCH /FU All co-tree overlay segments are searched for matching definition or reference when modules from the default object module library are being processed. File: task image Default: -FU 3 HD HEADER /HD Task image includes a header. File: task image, symol definition Default: HD 3 LB LIBRARY FILE /LB Input file is a library file. File: input Default: -LB 3 MA MAP CONTENTS OF FILE /MA Memory allocation output includes information from the file. The default is MA for an input file, and -MA for system and resident library STB files. File: input or memory allocation 3 MM MEMORY MANAGEMENT /MM System has memory management. The default for the memory management switch is MM if the host system has memory management hardware and -MM if the host system does not have memory management hardware. File: task image 3 MP OVERLAY DESCRIPTION /MP Input file contains an overlay description. File: input Default: -MP 3 NT NETWORKS /NT Task uses revised DDCMP network protocol. File: task image Default: -NT 3 PI POSITION-INDEPENDENT /PI Task is position-independent. File: task image, symbol definition Default: -PI 3 PM POST-MORTEM DUMP /PM Post-mortem dump is requested. File: task image Default: -PM 3 PR PRIVILEGED /PR Task has privileged access rights. File: task image Default: -PR 3 RO RESIDENT OVERLAY /RO Memory-resident overlay operator (!) is enabled. File: task image Default: RO 3 SE SEND /SE Messages can be directed to the task by means of the Executive SEND directive. File: task image Default: SE 3 SH SH Short memory allocation file is requested. File: memory allocation Default: SH 3 SL SL Task is slaved to an initiating task. File: task image Default: -SL 3 SP SP Spool map output. File: memory allocation Default: SP 3 SQ SQ Task p-sections are allocated sequentially. File: task image Default: -SQ 3 SS SS Selective Search for global symbols. File: input Default: -SS 3 TR 3 TR Task is to be traced. File: task image Default: -TR 3 WI WI Memory allocation file is printed at a width of 132 characters. File: memory allocation Default: WI 3 XT:n XT:n Task Builder exits after n diagnostics. File: task image Default: -XT 1 CMP CMP COMMAND SUMMARY The CMP command takes the following form: outfile [/sw...]=infile1[/sw...],infile2[/sw...] where the following switches can be specified for /sw: BL - Blank Lines LN - Line Number CB - Change Bars MB - Match Blanks CO - COmments SL:au - SLP command (with audit trail) DI - DIfference TB - Trailing Blanks FF - Form Feed VB - Vertical Bar LI:n - LInes ****For more CMP help type: HELP CMP sw where sw = the 2-character code for the CMP switch. 2 BL /BL Specifies that blank lines in both files be included in compare processing. If specified in the form /-BL, blank lines are not included in compare processing. Default: /-BL 2 CB /CB Specifies that CMP list infile2 with change bars in the form of exclamation marks (!) applied to each line that does not have a corresponding line in infile1. The change bar character can be changed from the exclamation mark to any character you wish by means of the /VB switch, described below. When a section of lines infile1 has been deleted in infile2 (the output listing file), the first line not deleted is marked. Default: /-CB 2 CO /CO Specifies that comments (that is, text preceded by a semicolon) be included in compare processing. If the form /-CO is specified, comments are ignored in compare processing. Default: /CO 2 DI /DI Specifies that CMP print the differences between the two files. /CB and /DI are mutually exclusive switches. If both are specified, /CB overrides /DI. Default: /DI 2 FF /FF Specifies that records consisting of a single form- feed character be included in compare processing. If /FF is not specified, form-feed records are ignored and are not included in the output listing. Default: /-FF 2 LI /LI:n Specifies that a number of lines (specified by the value n) must be identical before CMP recognizes a match. If n is not specified, CMP searches for three identical lines to match. When a match is encountered, CMP prints all the preceding nonmatching lines. Also, the first line of the matched sequence of lines is printed to help in finding the location in the code where the match occurred. 2 LN /LN Specifies that each line in the file be assigned a line number. Lines are numbered beginning with the number one (1); line numbers are incremented by one for each record read, including blank lines. Default: /LN 2 MB /MB Specifies that all blank and tab characters in a line are to be compared in compare processing. If /-MB is specified, ane sequency of blank and/or tab characters is interpreted as a single blank character in compare processing. However, all blank spaces are printed in the output listing. Default: /MB 2 SL /SL[:au] Directs CMP to generate an output file suitable for use as SLP command input. When /SL is specified, CMP generates the SLP command input necessary to make infile1 identical to infile2. If a 1- to 8-character alphanumeric symbol is included (preceded by a colon), an audit trail is specified for SLP input. 2 TB /TB Specifies that all trailing blanks on a line be compared during compare processing. If /-TB is specified, all blanks following the last nonblank character on a linne are ignored during compare processing. When -CO is specified, blanks that precede a semicolon (;) are considered trailing blanks and are ignored. Default: /TB 2 VB /VB:nnn Specifies an octal character code for use as a change bar. This switch is used in conjunction with the /CB switch. The value nnn specifies the octal character code. For example, you can specify /VB:174 for a vertical bar if your printer is capable of printing the vertical bar character. 1 FOR The switches used in the command line for FORTRAN IV are: DE - compile D lines (col. 1) OP - OPtimize EX - EXtend to 80 columns SN - inc. Sequence Numbers I4 - two-word Integer allocation SP - SPool listing ID - Fortran IDentification VA - Vector Arrays LI - LIsting options WR - WaRning ****For more Fortran help type: HELP FOR sw where sw = the 2-character code for The Fortran switch. 2 ERRORS For HELP with FORTRAN errors, type: HELP ERROR FOR 2 LI /LI:n Specifies the listing options. The argument n is encoded as follows: /LI:0 or /NOLI list diagnostics only /LI:1 or /LI:SRC list source program and diagnos- tics only /LI:2 or /LI:MAP list storage map and diagnostics only /LI:4 or /LI:COD list generated code and diagnostics only Any combination of the above list options may be specified by summing the numeric argument values of the desired list options. For example: /LI:7 or /LI:ALL requests a source listing, a storage map listing, and a generated code listing. If this switch is omitted, the default list option is /LI:3, source and storage map. (See Section 1.2.2.) If no listing output is specified, the following is assumed: TI:LIST.LST/NOLI 2 SP /SP Automatically spool listing file (RSX-11M, RSX-11D). The default (/SP) is to spool. 2 DE /DE Compile lines with a D in column one. These lines are treated as comment lines by default (/-DE) (see Section 1.6). 2 EX /EX Accept a full 80 columns of FORTRAN source input per line. Columns 73 through 80 are treated as a sequence field (comments). The default (/-EX) reads the first 72 columns. 2 ID /ID Print FORTRAN identification and version number on the user's terminal. The default (/-ID) omits the identification and version number. 2 OP /OP Enable the Common Subexpression Optimizer (CSE). In general the CSE optimizer will make the program run faster. However,the size of the program may be different than with no optimization (/-OP). The default is to optimize (/OP). 2 SN /SN Include Internal Sequence Numbers (ISN). The /NOSN option reduces storage requirements for generated code and slightly increases execution speed but disables line number information during Traceback. The default (/SN) is to use ISNs. 2 I4 /I4 Two-word default allocation for integer variables. Normally, single storage words will be the default allocation for integer variables not given an explicit length specification (i.e., INTEGER*2 or INTEGER*4). Only one word is used for computation. /-I4 is the default. 2 VA /VA Enable vectoring of arrays (see Section 2.7). The default (/VA) is to vector arrays. 2 WR /WR Enable compiler warning diagnostics. The default (/WR) is to issue warning diagnostics. 1 LBR LBR COMMANDS AND THEIR COMMAND LINE ABBREVIATIONS: CO - COmpress LI - LIst CR - CReate FU - FUll module description DE - DElete LE - List, with Entry points DF - DeFault RP - RePlace DG - Delete Global SP - SPool EP - Entry Point SS - Selective Search EX - EXtract SZ - SqueeZe IN - INsert ****For more help, type: HELP LBR sw where "sw" is the two-letter switch abbreviation. 2 COMPRESS COMPRESS outfile/CO:size:ept:mnt:=infile Creates a new library file and transfers contents, but physically deletes logically deleted records in the file and puts all free space at the end of the file. 2 CREATE CREATE outfile/CR:size:ept:mnt:type Allocates a contiguous library file on a direct access device. 2 DELETE DELETE outfile/DE:module1[:module-2:...:module-n] Deletes one or more modules and their associated entry points from a file. 3 GLOBAL DELETE GLOBAL outfile/DG:global1[:global2:...:globaln] Deletes specified library module entry points from a file. 2 DEFAULT DEFAULT The /DF switch can be issued alone or appended to a library file specifier. The form for specifying the DeFault switch is: outfile/DF:type... or /DF:type Where: outfile is the file specifier for the library file. /DF is the DeFault switch. type is OBJ for object library files, and MAC for macro library files. 2 DF DEFAULT The /DF switch can be issued alone or appended to a library file specifier. The form for specifying the DeFault switch is: outfile/DF:type... or /DF:type Where: outfile is the file specifier for the library file. /DF is the DeFault switch. type is OBJ for object library files, and MAC for macro library files. 2 DG DELETE GLOBAL outfile/DG:global1[:global2:...:globaln] Deletes specified library module entry points from a file. 2 ENTRY POINT ENTRY POINT outfile[/EP]=infile,...,infilen or outfile=infile[/EP],...[/EP] Include or excude entries in the entry point table. 2 EP ENTRY POINT outfile[/EP]=infile,...,infilen or outfile=infile[/EP],...[/EP] Include or excude entries in the entry point table. 2 EXTRACT EXTRACT outfile=infile/EX[:modulename:...modulenamen] Read a module from a library; write it to an output file. 2 INSERT INSERT outfile[/IN]=infile1[,infile2,...,infilen] Inserts library modules into a library file. 2 LIST LIST outfile[,listfile]/LI Lists all modules in the library file. 2 LE outfile[,listfile]/LE Lists all modules in the library file and all their entry points. 2 FU outfile[,listfile]/FU Lists all modules in the library file and provides a full module description including size, date of insertion, and version. 2 REPLACE REPLACE outfile/RP=infile1[,infile2,...,infilen] or outfile=infile1[/RP][,infile2[/RP],...,infilen[/RP]] Inserts, and in certain cases, replaces library modules in a library file. 2 RP REPLACE outfile/RP=infile1[,infile2,...,infilen] or outfile=infile1[/RP][,infile2[/RP],...,infilen[/RP]] Inserts, and in certain cases, replaces library modules in a library file. 2 SPOOL SPOOL outfile,listfile/SP The listing file is spooled out for printing. 2 SELECTIVE SELECTIVE SEARCH outfile=infile1/SS[,infile2[/SS],...,infilen[/SS]] Sets selective search attribute bit in object module header. 3 SEARCH SELECTIVE SEARCH outfile=infile1/SS[,infile2[/SS],...,infilen[/SS]] Sets selective search attribute bit in object module header. 2 SQUEEZE SQUEEZE outfile/SZ=infile1[,infile2,...,infilen] or outfile=infile1/SZ[,infile2[SZ],...,infilen[SZ]] Reduces size of macro sources by removing comments. 2 SS SELECTIVE SEARCH outfile=infile1/SS[,infile2[/SS],...,infilen[/SS]] Sets selective search attribute bit in object module header. 2 SZ SQUEEZE outfile/SZ=infile1[,infile2,...,infilen] or outfile=infile1/SZ[,infile2[SZ],...,infilen[SZ]] Reduces size of macro sources by removing comments. 1 PIP PIP COMMAND SWITCH SUMMARY AP - APpend PU - Purge BS - BlockSize RM - ReMove CO - COpy and merge RE - REname DF - DeFault RW - ReWind DE - DElete SB - Span Blocks EN - ENter SP - SPool FR - FRee UF - User File Directory ID - IDentity UN - UNlock LI - LIst UP - UPdate PR - PRotect ****For more PIP help type: HELP PIP sw Where sw = the 2-character code for the PIP switch. 2 APPEND APPEND outfile[/FO]=infile1 opens an existing file [,infile2,...,infilen]/AP[/FO] (outfile) and appends where /FO is File Owner the input file(s) onto the end of it. 2 BSIZE BLOCKSIZE outfile[/BS:n]=infile1 Define block sizes for [/BS:n],...,infilen[/BS:n] 7- and 9-track magnetic tape. 2 CO COPY AND MERGE outfile[/switch]=infile1 Creates a copy of a [,infile2,...,infilen] file on the same or [/switch] another device. /switch=BL:n[.] Block allocated. CO Contiguous output. -CO Output may be noncontiguous. FO File Owner. See Table 2-3 for a NV New Version. complete description SU Supersede. of these switches. 2 DF DEFAULT Dev:[group,member]/DF Changes the default device and/or UFD. 2 DE DELETE infile1[,infile2,...,infilen]/DE Deletes files. 2 ENTER ENTER outfile=infile1 Enters a synonym for [,infile2,...,infilen]/EN[/NV] file in a directory where /NV is New Version. with an option to force the version number of outfile to one greater than the latest version for the file. 2 FREE FREE dev:/FR Prints out the available space on a volume. 2 IDENTIFY IDENTIFY /ID Causes the version of PIP currently in use to be displayed on the terminal. 2 LIST LIST [listfile]=infile1[,...,infilen]/LI where [listfile] defaults to Lists one or more TI: if not specified. directories with an option to specify Alternate Mode Switches directory listing /BR Brief format. formats. /FU[:n] Full format. For a complete descrip- / TB Total blocks format. tion of these switches, see Table 2-4. 2 PROTECT PROTECT infile1/PR[/SY[:RWED][/OW[:RWED]] Alters file protection. [/GR[:RWED]][/WO[:RWED]][/FO] See Section 2.4.9 for where SY is system access rights. A complete description of OW is owner access rights these switches. GR is group access rights WO is world access rights RWED is read, write, extend, delete privilege FO is File Owner subswitch 2 PURGE PURGE infile1[,infile2,...,infilen]/PU[:n] Deletes a specified range of obsolete versions of a file. (Never deletes latest version.) 2 RMOVE REMOVE infile1[,infile2,...,infilen]/RM Removes an entry from a directory file. (Opposite of ENTER.) 2 RENAME RENAME outfile=infile1 Changes the name of a [,infile2,...,infilen]/RE file with an option [/NV] to force the version where NV is New Version number of outfile to one greater than the latest version for the file. 2 RWIND REWIND outfile [/RW]=infile[/RW] Rewind a tape. 2 SB SPAN BLOCKS SPAN BLOCKS outdsk:outfile/SB=inmag:infile File copied to disk from magnetic tape will have records crossing block boundaries. (/SB is the default.) 2 SPOOL SPOOL infile1[,infile2,...,infilen] Specifies a list of files /SP:n to be printed. (n is the number of copies.) 2 UF USER FILE DIRECTORY outfile[/UF[/FO]]= Create a User File infile,...,infilen Directory entry on a volume. 2 UNLOCK UNLOCK infile1[,infile2,...,infilen] Unlocks a file which /UN was locked as a result of being improperly closed. 2 UPDATE UPDATE outfile=infile1 Opens an existing [,infile2,...,infilen]/UP[/FO] file(s) (infile) and where FO is File Owner. writes it, from the beginning, onto outfile. 1 EDI COMMANDS ****For more HELP on the following EDI commands type only the FIRST word of a multiple word command. ADD ADD AND PRINT BEGIN BLOCK ON or OFF BOTTOM CHANGE CLOSE CLOSE AND DELETE CLOSES CONCATENATION CHARACTER CTRL/Z DELETE DELETE AND PRINT END ERASE EXIT EXIT AND DELETE FORM FEED FILE FIND INSERT KILL LINE CHANGE LIST ON TERMINAL LIST ON PSUEDO-DEVICE LOCATE MACRO MACRO CALL MACRO EXECUTE MACRO IMMEDIATE NEXT NEXT PRINT OPENS OUTPUT ON or OFF OVERLAY PAGE PAGE FIND PAGE LOCATE PASTE PRINT READ RENEW RETYPE SAVE SAVE SEARCH & CHANGE SELECT PRIMARY SELECT SECONDARY SIZE TAB ON or OFF TOP TOP OF FILE TYPE UNSAVE UPPER CASE ON or OFF VERIFY ON or OFF WRITE 2 ADD Add (string) Add the text specified by string to the end of the current line. ADD AND PRINT AP (string) Same as ADD, except the new current line is printed. 2 BEGIN Begin Sets the current line pointer to the top of the block buffer or input file. 2 BLOCK ON or OFF BLock[ON] or [OFF] Switch text access modes. 2 BOTTOM BO[TTOM] Sets the current line pointer to the bottom of block buffer or input file. 2 CHANGE [n]Change /string1/string2[/] Search for string1 in the current line and replace it with the text specified in string2. The integer n allows the user to change the first n occurrences of string1 to string2. 2 CLOSE CLose filespec Transfer the remaining lines in the block buffer and the input file into the output file, then close both the input file and the output file. CLOSE AND DELETE CDL [filespec] Same as the CLOSE command, except that the input file is deleted. 2 CLOSES Close secondary input file and begin selecting lines from the primary input file. 2 CONCATENATION CHARACTER CC [character] Change command concat- enation character to the specified character (default is &). 2 CTRL/Z ^Z Same as EXIT if in Edit mode; otherwise, it causes an immediate exit of EDI. 2 DELETE Delete [n] or [-n] Delete the current and next n-1 lines, if n is positive; delete n lines preceding the current line, but not the current line, if n is negative. DELETE AND PRINT DP [n] or [-n] Same as DELETE, except that the new current line is printed out. 2 END End Same as the BOTTOM command. 2 ERASE ERASE [n] Erase the entire block buffer, the current line, and the next n blocks. 2 EXIT EXit [filespec] Same as CLOSE command, except that, when files are closed, EDI exits. EXIT AND DELETE EDx [filespec] Exit from the editing session, close the output file, delete the input file. 2 FORM FEED FF Insert form-feed into block buffer after the current line. 2 FILE FIle filespec Transfer lines from the input file to the file specified by filespec. 2 FIND [n]Find [string] Find the line starting with string or, if n is specified, the nth line starting with string. 2 INSERT Insert [string] Insert string imme- diately following the current line. If string is null, EDI enters Input mode. 2 KILL KILL Terminate this editing session; close input and output files; delete the output file. 2 LINE CHANGE [n]LC /string1/string2 Same as CHANGE, except that all occurrences of string1 in the current line are changed to string2. 2 LIST ON TERMINAL LIST Print on user terminal all lines in block buffer or all remaining lines in input file, starting with current line. LIST ON PSEUDO-DEVICE LP List the text in the block buffer or input file on the pseudo-device CL:, starting with the current line. 2 LOCATE [n]Locate string Search the block buffer for string or, if n is specified, the nth occurrence of string. 2 MACRO MAcro x definition Define macro x to be definition. MACRO CALL MCall Retrieve macros from the latest version of file MCALL;n. MACRO EXECUTE [n]Mx [a] Execute macro x for n executions, passing it the numeric argument a. MACRO IMMEDIATE [n] Allows the user to define and execute a macro n times in one step. 2 NEXT Next [n] or [-n] Establish a new current line + or -n lines from the current line. NEXT PRINT NP [n] or [-n] Same as Next Command, but the new current line is printed. 2 OPENS OPens filespec Open secondary input file. 2 OUTPUT ON or OFF OUtput [ON] or [OFF] Turn output on or off. 2 OVERLAY Overlay [n] Delete the current line and the next n-1 lines, and enter Input mode. 2 PAGE PAGe [n] Enter block mode, if not already in block mode, and read page n into the block buffer. PAGE FIND [n]PFind (string) Identical to FIND command, except that it searches successive block buffers until the nth occurrence of string is found. PAGE LOCATE [n]PLocate (string) Same as LOCATE command, except that successive block buffers are searched for the value specified by string. 2 PASTE PAste /string1/string2 Same as the LINE CHANGE command, except that all lines in the remainder of the block buffer or input file are searched for string1. Wherever found, string1 is replaced with string2. 2 PRINT Print [n] Print the current line, and the next n-1 lines, on the terminal. The last line printed becomes the current line. 2 READ REAd [n] Read the next n pages into the block bluffer. 2 RENEW RENew [n] Write the current buffer and read in the next. If n is specified, repeat n-1 times. 2 RETYPE Retype (string) Replace the current line with the text of string. If string is null, the line is deleted. 2 SAVE SAve [n] [filespec] Save the current line, and the next n-1 lines, in the file specified by filespec. 2 SEARCH & CHANGE SC /string1/string2 Search for string1, in the block buffer or input file starting with the line follow- ing the current line. When string1 is found, replace all occurrences in line with string2. 2 SELECT PRIMARY SP Select primary input file. SELECT SECONDARY SS Select secondary input file. 2 SIZE SIZE n Specify maximum number of lines to be read into the block buffer on a single READ. 2 TAB ON or OFF TAb [ON] or [OFF] Turn automatic tabbing on or off. 2 TOP Top Same as BEGIN command. TOP OF FILE TOF Return to the top of the input file, in block mode, and save all pages previously edited. 2 TYPE TYpe [n] Same as PRINT command, except that the current line pointer does not change unless EOB is reached. 2 UNSAVE UNSave [filespec] Retrieve the lines which were previously saved on filespec and insert them immediately following the current line. 2 UPPER CASE ON or OFF UC [ON] or [OFF] Turn upper case conversion on or off. 2 VERIFY ON or OFF Verify [ON] or [OFF] Display or suppress display of lines located or changed. 2 WRITE Write Write the current block to the output file, and erase the contents of the buffer.