SPOOLING -------- The DEC print spooler has been abandoned because it is unable to alter its action once a file has been queued to it. It could also crash a system by depletion of pool space. It is unlikely we shall return to a task by the name of PRT... to enable DEC software to spool files since the default for most DEC software is to spool listing and dump files for listing and deletion. All queue entries are now processed by the program "...QUE" which accepts standard format commands. The switches are as follows: Function: --------- /IN Insert an entry /RM Remove an entry /LI List all entries ( no other switches apply) /AB Abort current entry ( HP and PL only) Queue: ------ /BA Batch queue ! SUbmit file /HP HP plotter queue ! HPplot file /LA LA36 printer queue ! SPool file /LP ANELEX printer queue ! PRInt file /PL CIL plotter queue ! PLot file Control: -------- /CM Compatible mode (ineffective - HP only) /CO:nn Copies (not used by any despooler ) /DE Delete file after spooling (all spoolers) /NF No form feeds on listing (LP & LA) /SP:nn Speed 1-36. for HP only. On a queue insertion ( except batch ) the relevant spooler is called to begin despooling. If a file was being de- spooled and the system crashed or the spooler crashed this file will be restarted. The queue system as setup requires a file [1,7]QUEUEMAN.SYS of fixed record size 64 bytes. Despoolers ---------- BATCH BA.... SUbmit filespec DE The batch spooler accepts a file of commands in a fixed format and inserts these over a virtual terminal. It records all use of that terminal in a log file { filespec.LOG }. The batch stream is started either by "RUN BA...." or by the rescheduled starting of the queue at 6pm every day. ( RUN BA..../RSI=24H ) HP flatbed HP.... HPplot filespec DE SP:nn CM This plots a file ( default name PLOTFILE.PLT ) on the flatbed The plot may be aborted by "QUE /HP/AB". Entries should not be made to the plotter queue when the plotter is switched off. To set up the plotter for a plot: (a) switch on plotter, (b) press CHART LOAD, position the paper, press CHART HOLD, (c) type the command "HP plotfile", (d) when the plotter completes its initialisation it will stop with ENTER lit, at this point press LOWER LEFT and then ENTER, the plotter will then complete initialisation and commence th plot. For further plots you can give the terminal commands at any time, but each time a plot is about to be output the plotter will stop with the ENTER light lit awaiting confirmation that the paper is present for the next plot CIL plotter PL.... PLot filspec DE This plots a file on the CIL plotter which may be aborted by the command "QUE /PL/AB". The default name for a file to be plotted is PLOTFILE.PLT. In this case also the plotter should be switched on and the paper and pen checked before plotting. LA36 LA.... SPool filespec DE NF This spools a file to the upper and lower case printer. To abort a file being output type <^S> on the LA36 then position to top of form. Then type <^O> <^Q>. The next file should then be started by the spooler. ANELEX LP.... PRInt filespec DE NF This prints a file on the Anelex lineprinter. It may be aborted by pressing OFFLINE then TOP OF FORM and then ONLINE. The spooler detects a break in the paper in the Anelex and the state where the Anelex is offline or claimed by another machine QUEUE COMMANDS - EXAMPLES -------------------------- QUEUE myfile.lst/RM/LA remove the entry for myfile.lst to be output on the LA36 QUEUE plotfile.plt/IN/PL append plotfile.plt to the queue for the CIL plotter QUEUE /AB/PL abort the file being output on the CIL plotter QUEUE /LI List all the queue entries CCL COMMANDS ------------ PLOT HPPLOT SUBMIT SPOOL PRINT Q/L { all described above except Q/L } Q/L = QUE /li DOC/LP subject = Print document on subject named DOC/SP subject = Spool .........................