RSX11M V3.2 BATCH RSX11M will spawn a new copy of each MCR utility up to one copy per terminal. Unfortunately, this advantage can also become a problem in a system with limited total and dynamic memory. Problems usually only develop if a large number of copies of the larger tasks are spawned( ie everyone is compiling and taskbuilding F4P tasks). BATCH is used to circumvent this problem by forcing F4P compil- ations and taskbuilds to occur in a single stream, ie only a single compilation or taskbuild will occur at a single time. During most of the day, this will not adversly affect trunaround time, however, it will slow down work at peak load times. This disadvantage is offset by people being allowed to continue to use the system at times during which they otherwise might have to be requested to log off. Further HELP using BATCH can be found by typing HELP $BATCH keyword, where keywords are BATCH How BATCH works @BATCH Generating a BATCH command file SUBMIT SUBMIT command line 2 BATCH BATCH works using a virtual terminal VT0: Each command file SUBMITTED for execution includes in it the user's logon UIC and PASSWORD. BATCH then logs the user onto VT0:. If the logon is successful the command file will be processed by a copy of ...AT. All output to the virtual terminal will be out to a log file(with extension .LOG;1). For example the command SUBMIT GGG/MMM/PASWRD FOO Will try logging the user onto the account [GGG,MMM] with a password PASWRD. After trying to logon, the file @FOO will be processed by ...AT. When the command file is finished by ...AT., BATCH notifies the initiating terminal that the command file has finished execution. One can then use PIP to display the contents of the LOG file. PIP TI:=FOO.LOG 2 @BATCH To aid the user in using the BATCH facility, an indirect command file, @BATCH exists. It should be used as a replacement for @FTN. @BATCH will create a compilation and taskbuild file and SUBMIT them for batch processing the first time. If one wishes to compile and build a task MYTSK, @BATCH will create the files MYTSK.CMD, and MYTSK.BLD. If at any time the user wishes to re- SUBMIT his source for compilation and taskbuilding, all he need type is SUBMIT GGG/MMM/PASWRD MYTSK where GGG and MMM are from his UIC=[GGG,MMM], and PASWRD is the user's LOGON PASWRD, and where MYTSK is the name for MYTSK.CMD. 2 SUBMIT SUBMIT is the command line dispatcher to BATCH. The syntax is SUB{mit} GGG/MMM/PASWRD COMMANDFILE where the 'mit' in braces is optional, and GGG and MMM are the user's group and member numbers respectively as found from UIC=[GGG,MMM]. PASWRD is the user's logon paswrd. COMMANDFILE is the name of the BATCH command file. The extension of the command file must be .CMD. However, the extension must not be typed in. If @BATCH has been used, the file TASKNAME.CMD, and TASKNAME.BLD already exist on the user's UIC and may be used to build the user's task, TASKNAME.