This directory contains three files which when run through the Bed program will generate three patched source modules from rsx11m 3.2. The patches are as follows: 1. mcrdis - remove restriction of multiple tasks running on the same terminal. It causes pipt3, pipu3 pipv3,... to be generated if ...pip is active. A kludge patch which converts 1 and 2 letter commands into the form: $$x or $xx. E.g. install the task l.tsk/task=...$$l then the command >l data will work the same as >$$l data. Aborting must specify the $$l however (unless you install the kill-all command elsewhere on this tape) Make syntax error try the catch-all. Allows for commands such as `abc/def' for all you Unix freaks writing shells. (Please let me know if you succeed). 2. inslb - multiple run restriction removed -> tt3,ut3,vt3 ... NOTE ---- WELL this patch includes the patch supplied by KMS FUSION's /prm enhancement. It may work without the rest of the patches, but I doubt it. Anyway, the /prm is extremely useful, so much so that I recomend that it be included before this patch is applied. 3. tktn - This provides an abort code which will suppress printing the abort message. Used with the `killall' program supplied in kill.mac Do not edit the files in any way before executing the below procedure. Since the corection files contain some binary stuff, avoid listing on the terminal. (The bed program prompts with a `*'). To generate the source modules do the following: Type: mcr>bed FILE.cor mcr>run bed *6y *e FILE.cor *7y Or: *6y *1,7d *7y *control-z *1,7d *control-z Note: A task image of the BED program is supplied as well. It should run with no difficulty. However, the objects and sources to rebuild it are also supplied elsewhere on the tape. (If you are not running 11m 3.2 don't even bother with any of these patches). Note that this task is build WITHOUT fcsres. If you wish to use this editor for other work, I suggest that you rebuild it from the objects. All modifications are in lower case (Dec stuff is almost always in upper case). To find what was modified, you can use the bed program as follows: *osn !case sensitive and line numbering on *g/[a-z]/p !print any line with lower case text If you need to convert any of this to upper case do the following: *os !case sensitive *g/[a-z]/s/.*/&\u !find lower case lines- convert to upper