TYPE.TXT The utility program "TYPE" will print a file (or files) on the user's terminal (TI:) by executing the command: MCR>TYP filename[,filename,...] [/sw] Switches are as follows: /HElp - print brief help message /TR[:nn] - truncate line to user's terminal width, or nn if specified - this switch inhibits wraparound on the terminal /-CO - don't print comment lines in the file (lines starting with "C" for FORTRAN or FLECS files, or ";" for MAC or CMD files) /CO - only print comment lines as defined above /HO - set crt into HOLD-SCREEN mode before starting typeout /-TI - don't print out the title line (filename, date, etc.) Wildcards are accepted for the UIC, filename, extension, or version. Also, wildcard characters are allowed, using "?" for any single character or "*" for a group of characters. For example, if a directory contains files ABC.DEF, ABCD.XYZ, and ABDEF.XXX, then the following commands will operate as shown: TYPE *.X?? or *.X* will type ABC.XYZ and ABDEF.XXX TYPE AB???.* will type ABDEF.XXX TYPE AB*.* or *AB*.* will type all three files TYPE ??C*.* will type ABC.DEF and ABCD.XYZ Wildcard characters cannot be combined with default extensions as described below, e.g. "TYPE A*" is illegal, but "TYPE A*.*" is valid. If no extension is given and wildcard characters are not used, then TYPE will look for extensions in the following order and output the first one it finds: .FLE , .FTN , .MAC , .CMD , .TXT , .DEF , .ODL , .TES .TEC , .PAS , .HLP , .BAS , .RNO , .LST , .MAP , .DAT If the filename starts with "$", then TYPE will use LB:[201,6] as the default device and UIC, i.e. ">TYP $MESSAG" is equivalent to ">TYP LB:[201,6]MESSAG". The task can be installed as ...TYP to implement the "TYPE" command, or as ...PRI to implement the "PRINT" command. When installed as ...PRI, TYPE will output to CL:.