This is the RSX/IAS SIG Symposium Tape from the 1981 Fall DECUS meeting in Los Angeles. The tape contains material submitted by the user community to the SIG at the Fall DECUS meeting. The programs on this tape are from user submissions. The DECUS staff, the RSX/IAS SIG staff, and DEC are all in relative ignorance of the contents of the tapes. No warranty of any kind is implied in the distribution of these tapes. The programs may or may not be well documented, they may or may not work, they may even crash your system. If you have a problem with the contents of the tape, contact the author of the program. Do not contact DECUS, DEC, or the RSX/IAS SIG. The tape contains approximately 36,000 blocks of software in 1900 files. Since this will fit on a single 2400 foot tape in 800 bpi BRU format, it will be distributed as such, as an RK07 image, the smallest DEC disk on which it will fit. If you are a VAX site and, for whatever reason, cannot read the contents of this tape (so graciously submitted by the hard-working RSX/IAS SIG members), please contact Jim Neeland. UIC account [300,1] contains several files of interest. The file RSXF81.DIR contains a directory of the contents of the tape (BRU does not produce nice directories). The file RSXF81TPE.DOC contains an abstract of the contents of the tape by UIC. The file README.ALL contains a concatenated list of all the README files on the collection. The file SUBMIT.DOC contains the guidelines for submissions to the RSX/IAS sig tape collection. This is must reading for everyone who desires to submit a program to the SIG tape. A copy of this letter appears in the file BEGINF81.TXT in the same account. The file UICSETF81.CMD contains the UFD commands to create all the needed UIC's on device XX:. Edit it to match your needs before using BRU to extract the tape contents. Note that a partial extraction can be achieved by only creating the desired UIC's. The UIC account [300,2] contains the program that is used to copy this and other tapes, BIGTPC. This is a new version of TPC with various new features. See the .DOC file also in [300,2] for further information. The source for this version has been supplied courtesy of Glen Everhart, UIC [312,315] this tape. To use TPC with the distribution one needs a disk with at least 38,000 blocks of free space, not necessarily contiguous. To read in a copy of the master tape onto your disk, one enters the following command: RUN BIGTPC TPC>DN:RSXF81.BRU=MT: To make a copy of the tape for someone, one enters the following command line: RUN BIGTPC TPC>MT:=DN:RSXF81.BRU PAGE 2 The distribution is again being made through the SIG tree-structured distribution system. A geographically oriented distribution scheme is used, where each LUG makes a few copies of the tapes and sends them on to other LUGS, which in turn makes a few copies of the tape and sends them on to other LUGS, and so on. The SIG is relying on each node to contact the next higher node for necessary tape-transfer arrangements. Since this is a volunteer operation, sincere interest on the part of soon-to-be participants is very helpful in assuring a timely distribution. Remember since it is a volunteer operation, DECUS is NOT paying for postage or free copies of magnetic tapes. Make arrangements so that this does not cost anybody a lot of money or magnetic tapes. The Tape Copy tree will be mailed in advance to all the nodes with two post cards included. The first post card is to be mailed on receipt of the tree, to acknowledge continued willingness and ability to participate. If there is some reason why a node cannot participate in the distribution, please contact Jim Neeland IMMEDIATELY. The second post card is to be returned when the Tape Collection copy is received. Now for a new project, we are in the beginning stages of compiling a tape which contains the most popular programs on all past sig tapes. This tape "Best of the RSX/IAS Sig Tapes" will be kept updated. The problem is how do we determine the most popular programs. If you have taken a program off the SIG tape and used it, write me (Jim Neeland) a letter and let me know. This be a start anyway. Let me know about things that did not work also. Some programs to start with would be TECO, SRD (which one ???), RUNOFF (whose mods ? or no more mods ?), Ralph's INDEX, and Jim Downward's KMSKIT (includes CCL). Write and let me know what other programs are being used and WHERE YOU FOUND THEM. Tell me which tape and what uic. Speaking of writing letters, if you use a program off the SIG tape, take the time to write to the author and let him know. If you find a bug or make an enhancement, write and let him know. Don't call (we all get too many phone calls) and don't expect a bug fix, but a little positive feedback can go a long way. Just think, we have over 230,000 blocks and 13,500 files. With a little positive feedback we will all have to get 6250 bpi tape drives. Anyway, my thanks to all the people who have submitted to the sig tape. You are the ones who have made it the huge success it is. The following people burned the midnight oil to create the 1981 Fall RSX/IAS sig tape: Ken Radford, Steve Lazarus, Philip Cannon, Glen Everhart, Bob Denny, and myself. Jim Neeland RSX-IAS SIG Tape Copy Coordinator Hughes Research Labs 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, California 90265 (213) 456-6411 ext. 333 ********************VD1:[5,5]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[5,5]README.1ST;2******************** These are fixes to the C-runtime I/O library from the Structured-languages tape, spring 1981 [5,5]. These changes are specifically for RSX-11M v3.2. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd, rm 4135 Schaumburg, Ill (312)-576-6017 FWILD - Properly handles wild-card with version 0 or -1. FOPEN - Added block-mode reads. New options switch "b". Use "locate-mode" when possible, for reading. Fix bug in setting the VF$FIL bit. GETC - Added block-mode read. Uses "locate-mode" when it can for reading, instead of "move-mode", so it should improve efficiency of reading. FSEEK - Special code for block-mode. TIATT - New module. Attaches LUN #1 (always TI:). The files here are: ?.VGN - original file from SLANGSPR81[5,5]. ?.CMD - Command file to update the VGN file. ?.MAC - The updated file ?.SLP - The self-locating SLP file to make the changes. Elsewhere on this tape [310,105] are 2 modified C utilities: DIR (revised from LC), a fast directory lister. (GETHDR.C reads file headers in a non-kludgy way). OD File dumper, which now works properly in block-mode. ********************VD1:[300,101]README.1ST;3******************** ********************VD1:[300,101]README.1ST;3******************** This is mainly a re-release of RUNOFF. Some minor bugs have been fixed from the last tape. This also includes 2 new switches: /BT - to give book-style title lines (page numbers on alternate sides of the page. /SC - For Diablo/NEC spinwriters, to make "dark" shift 1/120 inch instead of overprinting. NOTE: It has been discovered that controll things (underscore, case shift, etc) do not work properly or reliably in ".HEADER LEVEL's". There is nothing that can be done without some major re-work, and I don't know of anyone who has that kind of time (I certainly don't!). To tell the truth, anyone willing to expend that much effort would be better advised to re-write the whole thing, probably in C. See the document for explanation of margin settings in table-of-contents. Ray Van Tassle To install runoff: Type "@MAKRNO", then throw away the .TSK file you don't want. You may want to edit the task-build file to modify defaults. At Fermilab, we have used these modifications without problems for some time. If you have problems, call Daniel B. Curtis at (312) 840-3927. The fixes for change bar were done by Dan Curtis (no longer at Fermilab) The other stuff was done by Ray Van Tassle, Motorola, (312)-576-6017 As part of my changes, I may have lost the command files that were specific to RSTS. If so, sorry. RVT ********************VD1:[300,102]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[300,102]README.1ST;2******************** This is some modifications to TECO version 36. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 I plan to support these changes as long as I can, so if there is a new version of TECO, I will modify these mods correspondingly. The only ones liable to cause anyone else problems are the patches to OBJ modules. I use DISOBJ to find out where the patches go. At any rate, if you have problems, call me. It would really be nice if this stuff got put into an "official" TECO release. To put them in, put this stuff in the UIC that has TECO, and do "@MAKE" ************ If you have a VT-100, try "TES" (TEC /SC) which uses split-screen mode, to give VTEDIT-like full-screen editting, but normal TECO commands, and not as slow as VTEDIT. It is very nice!!! ******************************* This is some slight differences from the same set of stuff on the last tape. They do the following: 1) On an EI command, if the device/UIC are omitted, it will first look in the default device/UIC, and if not found, it will then look in LB:[2,2]. We use this to keep a "library" UIC of handy TECO macros, including a nifty TECO.TEC. 2) Some fixes to terminal I/O for RSX-11D and IAS. 3) When creating a file with an explicit version of ";1", it will re-write it if it is already there. (I would prefer to have a switch on the file-spec to specify /UP, but I didn't want to add things to the external interface. 4) When doing a normal edit (EB), it creates the output file with an initial allocation equal to the size of the input file. This makes the file creation slightly faster. 5) Patch to SCREEN.OBJ and TECO.OBJ, to take better advantage of "split-screen" mode. The one in SCREEN will paint a blob for a space on a HAZELTINE (or another CRT which doesn't have inverse video. The one in TECO.OBJ turns off the automatic echoing of the current text line on and if split-screen is on. 6) If invoked as MUN, TECO will lower it's priority after 30 seconds. This will keep a long MUN (for example: MUN SEARCH) from screwing up the other users. 7) Changed the "IMMEDIATE" mode operation slightly. This is un-documented, but very handy. It lets you write a TECO macro to get control when you use the alternate keypad, like the immediate mode and . This TECO macro is invoked by "n1,n2MA$$", where n1 & n2 tell you which key was pressed. I fixed it so that it would pass the entire 7-bit value to the macro (if I want it stripped to the lower 5 bits I can do it in the macro), and took out the echoing of the command. 8) To go along with this, I have a macro (KEYS.TES), which has most of the useful functionality of VTEDIT, but which is much, much faster and smaller. This works even on a tube (such as a hazeltine) that doesn't have an alternate keypad, you just to give it a double keystroke. 9) To go along with these, there is a TECO.TEC, which will load-up KEYS, go into split-screen mode, and fly! I fixed up CRTRUB.MAC, to add CRT support for a HAZELTINE 1500 (we have both VT-100's & HAZELTINES), and split-screen even works on a tube that does not have it!!!!!!! (Albeit not as nice as on a VT100). 10) The TECO.TEC supplied here set up these things, and if invoked as TES, starts up in split screen mode, if as TEV, starts up in VTEDIT mode. We keep this in LB:[2,2], so everyone gets started with it, unless they over-ride it with their own TECO.TEC. ********************VD1:[300,111]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[300,111]README.1ST;1******************** This UIC contains my paper to be given at the Fall 1981 DECUS symposium in L.A., plus a lot of the programs and update files mentioned. The paper is: RSX-11M Systems Operation. Using things from the RSX SIG symposium tapes to improve the operation and usablility of your 11M system. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd, rm 4135 Schaumburg, Ill (312)-576-6017 ********************VD1:[300,112]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[300,112]README.1ST;2******************** This is the WHO from CHI SPRING 1980 DECUS [307,20], with some minor fixes. The *.VGN are the original files. *.SLP are changes to the VGN. *.MAC are the updates ones. To build this, do @FIXWHO or MAC @WHOASM TKB @WHOBLD ********************VD1:[300,113]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[300,113]README.1ST;2******************** Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd, rm 4135 Schaumburg, Ill (312)-576-6017 These require my fixes for block-mode reads to the C runtime library. DIR (revised from LC), a fast directory lister. (GETHDR.C reads file headers in a non-kludgy way). OD File dumper, which now works properly in block-mode. GREP is from the SlangSPR81 [6,1] For the benefit of those people who don't have C & don't want to put it up, I have included TSK files of these 3 utilities. Perhaps seeing them will persuade you to get & use C. ********************VD1:[300,120]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[300,120]README.1ST;1******************** THIS UIC CONTAINS THE VS: DRIVER, CURRENT VERSION 2.04 (30-OCT-81 REVISION) AND ASSOCIATED UTILITIES AND TEST PROGRAMS. THE VS: DRIVER PROVIDES A SYSTEM OF NAMED QUEUES FOR INTER-TASK COMMUNICATIONS, AND CAN BE VIEWED AS AN EXTENSION OF A "VARIABLE SEND-DATA" SERVICE. VS: VERSION 2.04 INCLUDES SUPPORT FOR AST-ON-RECEIVE, SELECTIVE EXAMINE, SELECTIVE MESSAGE DELETE, AND FLUSH QUEUE, WHICH VERSION 1 DID NOT HAVE. IF YOU WANT SUPPORT (BUG FIXES, ETC.) FOR VS:, PLEASE CONTACT ME AT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES: VIRTUAL ADDRESS (MY EMPLOYER): JOHN OSUDAR SCIENCE APPLICATIONS, INC. 1211 W. 22ND STREET SUITE 901 OAK BROOK, IL 60521 PHYSICAL ADDRESS (WHERE I REALLY WORK): JOHN OSUDAR CHEMICAL ENGINEERING DIVISION BUILDING 205, ROOM A-109 ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY 9700 S. CASS AVENUE ARGONNE, IL 60439 LOGICAL ADDRESS (BUSINESS MAIL TO MY HOME): JOHN OSUDAR P. O. BOX 1451 HOMEWOOD, IL 60430 IF YOU'RE REALLY DESPERATE, YOU CAN EVEN CALL ME AT ARGONNE; MY OFFICE PHONE IS (312)972-7294. JOHN OSUDAR ********************VD1:[300,121]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[300,121]README.1ST;1******************** THIS UIC CONTAINS A SERIES OF FORTRAN CALLABLE SUBROUTINES DESIGNED TO ALLOW THE USER TO UTILIZE THE INTERNAL CHARACTER- ISTICS OF THE VT-100 FAMILY OF TERMINALS. SINCE THE ORIGINAL PURPOSE OF THIS LIBRARY WAS TO SUPPORT A VT-105 TERMINAL, SOME OF THE ROUTINES ARE SPECIFIC FOR THAT TYPE TERMINAL. THESE ROUTINES WERE WRITTEN FOR RSX-11M, AND THE FULL DUPLEX TERMINAL DRIVER. EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO INSURE THAT THE LOGICAL UNIT TO WHICH THESE ROUTINES ARE TO ACT UPON, IS IN FACT A TERMINAL. UNPREDICTABLE RESULTS WILL OCCUR IF THE OUTPUT IS REDIRECTED TO A DEVICE OTHER THAN A TERMINAL. FOR AN EXPLAINATION OF THIS SEE THE FULL DUPLEX TERMINAL DRIVER SECTION 2.17.3. WRITTEN BY KEN ROLLER RESEARCH COMPUTER SERVICES G.D. SEARLE P.O. BOX 5110 CHICAGO, ILL. 60680 THE FOLLOWING IS A SUMMARY OR THE ROUTINES: BUFFER - SET THE BUFFER SIZE VTANS - SET THE TERMINAL TO THE ANSI STD MODE ( NOTE: ALL ROUTINES EXPECT THE TERMINAL TO BE IN THIS MODE) VTBRT - SET THE BACKGROUND TO BRIGHT VTCLR - CLEAR THE SCREEN OF ALL GRAPHICS AND TEXT (VT-105 SPECIFIC) VTCMV - MOVE THE CURSOR TO THE REQUESTED POSITION VTDRK - SET THE BACKGROUND TO DARK VTDTX - DISPLAY TEST AT REQUESTED POSITION, AND WITH REQUESTED ATRIBUTES VTELN - ERASE ALL OR PART OF A SPECIFIED LINE VTESC - ERASE ALL OR PART OF THE SCREEN VTGOF - RETURN TERMINAL TO TEXT MODE (VT-105 SPECIFIC) VTGON - PUT THE TERMINAL INTO THE GRAPHICS MODE (VT-105 SPECIFIC, AND VT-125 TO VT-105 EMULATION MODE) VTHGT - ERASE A PAIR OF LINES AND SET THEM TO EITHER SINGLE OR DOUBLE HEIGHT VTHME - RETURN THE CURSOR TO THE "HOME" POSITION (UPPER LEFT) VTJMP - SET THE TERMINAL TO THE "JUMP" SCROLL MODE VTLED - CONTROL THE LED DISPLAY ON THE KEYBOARD VTRCR - RESTORE THE CURSOR AND GRAPHIC RENDITION (VT-105 SPECIFIC) VTROL - SET THE SCROLL AREA ON THE TERMINAL VTSCR - SAVE THE CURSOR AND GRAPHIC RENDITION (VT-105 SPECIFIC) VTSGC - ENABLE OR DISABLE THE SPECIAL GRAPHICS CHARACTER SET VTSRL - SET THE TERMINAL TO THE "SMOOTH" SCROLL MODE VTWDT - SET A LINE TO EITHER SINGLE OR DOUBLE WIDTH VTWHO - QUERIES THE TERMINAL AS TO ITS TYPE AND OPTIONS AND RETURNS THE INFO TO CALLING ROUTINE VT52M - SET THE TERMINAL TO THE VT-52 MODE VT080 - SET THE TERMINAL TO 80 COLUMN MODE VT132 - SET THE TERMINAL TO 132 COLUMN MODE (ASSUMES A.V.O.) VTLIB.CMD IS A COMMAND FILE TO COMPILE AND BUILD THE VT LIBRARY. ADDITIONALLY, THERE ARE SEVERAL EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF THESE ROUTINES. PROGRAM TREE WILL PRODUCE A CHRISTMAS TREE AND BLINK THE LIGHTS TO ONE OF THREE STATES. THIS PROGRAM IS BEST RUN FROM A HIGH BAUD RATE TERMINAL. (@ 4800 RUN TIME ~APROX 2 MIN) PROGRAM LED WILL TURN THE LED DISPLAY ON AND OFF WITH SEVERAL PATTERNS PROGRAM CUTE IS CUTE! END OF DOCUMENT ********************VD1:[300,123]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[300,123]README.1ST;1******************** UIC [300,123] contains Multitasker articles that I have written under the heading of "From the Wizzards Book of RSX MAGIC". These articles contain code of general use and therefor, I have put them in computer readable form. The uic contains the following files: 1. README.1ST -- this file. 2. WIZ1.DOC -- article about sending nonstandard ASTs to tasks 3. WIZ2.DOC -- article about an error logger. If you have questions or comments, contact me. Thanks Daniel B. Curtis Science Applications, Inc. 1121 W. 22nd St. Suite 901 Oak Brook, IL 60521 (312) 655-5960 ********************VD1:[300,126]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[300,126]README.1ST;2******************** The Archive System has been used by our company for over a year and has been found to be a very clean and efficient system. There are no known bugs. This system was written to run on an IAS3.1 Operating System with SRD and SORT-11 utilities. It is written in Fortran. DO NOT USE FORTRAN 77 The Fortran 4 plus compiler should be used and not Fortran 77. As of the date this program is being submittd we just received our Fortran 77 compiler and this program dos not work on it properly. We did not find out why yet. The first obvious problem is that number of days since last archive is not being calculated correctly under Fortran 77 which may indicate other serious problems elsewhere not yet discovered. The following files are given. Detail documentation can be found in the the Rno file. Logic flowchart of Dayarc and its routines also available if you write and request it. README.1ST - This file ARCBLD.CMD - Command file to build Archive. ARCHIVE.RNO - Archive Documentation HEDARC.FTN - List Archive heading, starts Dayarc. DAYARC.FTN - Daily storing of files on tape. LSTARC.FTN - List files stored on tape. RSTARC.FTN - Create Bis file to restore files from tape to disk. ASCARC.FTN - Create Bis files to save and compress Archive tapes. ARCLIB.FTN - Subroutines used in the Archive programs Please feel free to direct any questions to: Steve Citko or Felicia Redic 233 N. Michigan Engineering 28th fl. Chicago, IL 60601 (312) 565-1600 ext. 2309 or 2739 If there are any poblems or enhancements desired also feel free to let us know, and if they are not too much work, we will be glad to make them and make sure they are included on the next Sig tape so that all can benefit. ********************VD1:[300,130]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[300,130]README.1ST;1******************** Requirements: This version of pinochle is a 4-player partnership game written in PASCAL. Although the Swedish Pascal Compiler was used, the only "non-standard" Pascal code was the LOOP -END in the main routine. Description: The program has a competitive bid routine and has a fairly good play routine (it's easy to lose). The game has two features which are quite useful. For any prompt (bid or play), a single question mark typed will cause your current hand and the declared trump to be displayed. A double question mark will cause the computer to play your current turn. The program has two flaws (some people find them useful which is why they will probably never be fixed). One problem is that whenever you are depleted of a suit and that suit was led, you do not have to trump it. This has the advantage that if your partner is going to win the trick, you can give your partner a pointer. The other problem is that if trump was led, you do not have to go over the previous card. This has the advantage of giving your opponents your low trump and using your higher trump cards later. For either of the above problems mentioned, if the computer plays your turn, it will play "correctly". GOOD LUCK!!!!!!! Any suggestions or comments refer to: Stephen Dover 2942 MAcArthur Blvd. Norhtbrook, Ill. 60062 (312) 272-9555 ********************VD1:[300,131]README.DOC;1******************** ********************VD1:[300,131]README.DOC;1******************** MTREK FOR RSX-11M USERS --------------------------- Requirements: RSX-11M V3.2 (should work on V3.1) Memory requirements are approximate: (built with resident libraries) Common 3.5K words Driver 6K words Robots 3.5K words Player 9.5K words Description: This version of MTREK was modified to run under RSX-11M on a PDP 11/60 with 128K memory limit (the game can also run on smaller systems 11/23, 11/34, etc. with less memory). Because of the memory limit, the number of available player ships was reduced from 8 to 4 and the robots may use ships 1-6. Also the taskbuild files contain a reference to our fortran resident library, you will have to change the name (usually F4PRES). With these changes, the MTREK game is capable of running without checkpointing or shuffling occurring. It might be noted that checkpointing and shuffling degrades the game horribly. How to create MTREK: @BUILD ! assemble all required modules Put LEDFORD.STB & .TSK in LB:[1,1] How to start up MTREK: @SETPAR ! Remove current partitions and install LEDFORD common partition, driver and robots programs. This command file should be edited to match the configuration of your system. RUN MTREKINI ! Run initialization program. RUN ROBOT ! Set up robots. RUN MTR ! Start driver task. @GAMETIME ! Install player program. @KILLTREK ! Abort and remove MTREK ( does not abort or remove spawned versions of tasks). Also sets partition back to normal. Have fun and good luck!!!!!!!!! Any comments or suggestions refer to: Stephen Dover 2942 MacArthur Blvd. Northbrook, Ill. 60062 (312) 272-9555 ********************VD1:[300,131]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[300,131]README.1ST;1******************** MULTI-TREK is a game similar to traditional Star-Trek games except that it involves several players (currently up to 6), who play against each other rather than against imaginary Klingons, Romulans or whatever. The MULTI-TREK universe consists of a 80 by 80 matrix, of which an approximate 20 by 20 matrix of each player's immediate area is displayed and continuously updated at their terminal. MULTI-TREK was originally submitted to the New Orleans collection, then to the 1979 San Diego collection with the addition of robot ships. This version has significant en- hancements and improvements, most notably the addition of energy nets, an improved screen display, much better input-output (any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning may be used at speeds from 1200 baud on up), use of default ship and direction with most commands ("L" (locate command) sets the default dir- ection), more competitive scoring, smarter robot ships, commands can be stored in the typeahead buffer, commands with values can be typed as one command (i.e. C 3, W 4, L 1, etc), and fewer bugs. Complete instructions for starting and playing MULTI-TREK are in the file MTREK.DOC. The game consists of a driver task (MTREKD), a player task (PLAYER) for each terminal, and a shared global common area for inter-task communication. This version runs on RSX-11M V3.2, however, it should run under any system with shared global areas and rudimentary task switching or time-sharing. Real-time systems without time-sharing may have to play with priorities to insure that the driver task gets sufficient CPU time and that all players get an equal amount of time. This version of MULTI-TREK was written using a Fortran IV+ compiler (i.e. uses ENTRY points) Requirements: Unsolicited input AST attach (RDAST.MAC). Full-duplex terminal typeahead buffer. Get terminal characteristics (TERMINAL.FTN). NOTE: If your system does not support SET /SPEED (i.e. 11/23, etc.), modify the code in TERMINAL.FTN in subroutine GTCHAR that requests speed information (CHARS(1) & CHARS(2)). MTREK will work properly with any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning. The source code is set up to drive ADM3-A's (unfinished), VT100's (in VT52 mode), VT52's and ISC's. If you are using different terminals, you should modify the files TERMINAL.FTN and RDAST.MAC to drive your terminal. Modifications should be straight-forward as the code is commented on where to change it. To build MTREK, (also look at readme.doc) do @BUILD Notes: A problem exists when a player types very fast and the driver places the shot one on top of the other (torpedo hit torpedo) so the player does not shoot anything past the first square. A future enhancement is to reduce the AST processing of each character by reading the typeahead buffer. But I currently do not have the time to make the modification right now. Maybe someday. Send comments, suggestions, etc. to: Stephen Dover MCC Powers 2942 MacArthur Blvd. Northbrook, Il. 60062 (312) 272-9555 ********************VD1:[300,132]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[300,132]README.1ST;1******************** This directory contains the following programs: DSP.FTN - Converts input format to output format. Currently supported formats are: BYTE REAL*4 ASCII INTEGER*2 REAL*8 RAD50 INTEGER*4 OCTAL FCB.MAC - Prints out F11ACP file control blocks (open file information) of a disk device. Updated output format from Spring '81 source. LUT.MAC - Prints out the logical unit table of a running task including open file information. Updated output format from Spring '81 source. SPQ.MAC - Prints out the spool queue OR the receive queue of ANY task. All the above sources (except DSP.FTN) can be built all at once or selectively using the DOALL.CMD file. ********************VD1:[301,62]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[301,62]README.1ST;2******************** [301,062] account contents VAL a terminal I/O package This directory contains a set of terminal input and output routines which provide the writer of application programs with facilities such as defaults, range checking and an interface to a command language system. The routines are FORTRAN or MACRO callable and require 11M V3.2 or higher. It is intended that by the use of this package programs may be given more power for very little effort and users may be provided with a more forgiving interface than is obtained with FORTRAN input. The use of these routines is also required if the CLONE command language described in the UIC [301,63] is to be used. VAL provides the following basic features: 1. Free format input. Values are type converted as required and may be presented multiply on a line. Values are accepted in exponent form (ex. 1.65E3). 2. Output formatting in a single statement. The combination of the format string with the argument list simplifies writing and reading programs. 3. A default value may be specified in an input request and will be returned if the reply is CR or ';'. 4. Range limits may be specified for any value requested. If the reply is out of range an error message is printed and the question is re-posed. If ? is replied to any question the details of the type and range of the item required will be printed. 5. Replying to any question with CTRL-Z causes a user specified abort routine to be called. The programmer then has the choice of closing files and exiting, performing some special function or ignoring the interruption. 6. The prompt is included in the input call. This permits a question to be interrupted (by a range error for example) and the question to be re-posed on return. 7. Input and output calls may be easily issued from assembly code programs and routines. 8. All input and output is under user control. It is thus simple to interface to some form of command language and provide extensive task control features. The current implementation supports the CLONE command language. The special characters @ and ESCAPE invoke the CLONE processor. See the CLONE users guide for further details of the CLONE system. See README.2ND for installation details. Dave Plummer Division of Biophysics, Department of Radiology UCLA Center for the Health Sciences 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los angeles, CA 90024 USA. (213) 825 8113 ********************VD1:[301,62]README.2ND;2******************** ********************VD1:[301,62]README.2ND;2******************** VAL INSTALLATION The command file VALBLD will assemble the complete VAL system and place the resulting modules in a library named UTYLIB.OLB. For general use of the system this library should be copied to LB:[1,1]. Invoke this file as follows: @VALBLD ALL The VAL routine START creates a dynamic region for intertask communication. This region is created in partition VALPAR which must thus exist on the system prior to use of the VAL routines. For test purposes the module VALSUB may be edited to change the partition name to GEN. Otherwise create a system controled partition named VALPAR of 128. words for each terminal which may use VAL simultainiously. The following files should be consulted for further information. 1. VAL.RNO The complete VAL documantation 2. VALTST.FTN A test program for the system 3. The CLONE system documentation also released on the Fall SIG tape. ********************VD1:[301,63]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[301,63]README.1ST;1******************** [301,063] account contents CLONE command language system CLONE is a multi-user interpretive command language system for RSX11M V3.2 which enables user written tasks to be executed under a control program stored in a file or entered in 'immediate mode' at the terminal. CLONE was initially developed for the control of programs in medical image processing, but is of use in all applications where automatic or semi-automatic control of programs can save time and increase reliability. CLONE has a high-level block structured syntax which is readily accepted by novice users but which provides a full range of language capabilities and thus permits sophisticated programming. CLONE (and other similar command languages) give the following advantages: 1. Less operator intervention is required in a process controlled by CLONE thus the probability of error is greatly reduced. 2. CLONE may be used to group all the questions for an operation at one point. This means that the operator does not need to remain by the terminal during long processing operations and may perform other tasks. 3. CLONE enables a precise sequence of operations to be defined. Thus a protocol may be executed many times in exactly the same manner. This enables experiments to be performed more exactly, provides a written record of previous protocols and provides a formal method of defining a protocol. Unlike system orientated command languages (indirect MCR in RSX), CLONE is designed to communicate with all programs in an applications package. This requires that all programs which are to take advantage of CLONE use a special set of utility routines for terminal input. These routines are described fully in the document: VAL TERMINAL I/O PACKAGE; they provide a general purpose terminal interface for applications tasks whether they use CLONE or not. The VAL package appears on the Fall 81 SIG tape in [301,62]. See README.2ND for CLONE installation details. Dave Plummer Division of Biophysics, Department of Radiology UCLA Center for the Health Sciences 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los angeles, CA 90024 USA. (213) 825 8113 ********************VD1:[301,63]README.2ND;1******************** ********************VD1:[301,63]README.2ND;1******************** CLONE installation The CLONE system is built and installed by the command: @CLONEBLD ALL This command file will assemble all modules and build the three tasks which comprise the CLONE system. These tasks are: 1. CLONE the command language processor/interpreter itself 2. ...CL1 the MCR interface command. This task is installed from file CL1.TSK 3. CL1... the terminal input task. This task is installed from file CL1IN.TSK CL1... normally installs in partition VALPAR. If this partition has not been created or is not large enough the task may be installed in GEN. However as it is not checkpointable during input it is preferable to run CL1... in its own partition or FIX it. The size of this task is 2100(8) bytes. When CLONE has build successfully issue the command: CL1 @CLONETEST ********************VD1:[301,64]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[301,64]README.1ST;1******************** [301,064] - ERNMBR - ERROR-LOG ERROR-COUNT DISPLAY FOR M & M+ SUBMITTED BY: JIM NEELAND HUGHES RESEARCH LABS 3011 MALIBU CANYON RD. MALIBU, CA 90265 PURPOSE: AN INSTALLED (PRIVILEGED) TASK TO DISPLAY CURRENT ERROR COUNT (& WARN IF ERRORLOGGING OFF) ESPECIALLY DESIRABLE WHEN USING MAGTAPE TO WATCH FOR SOFT ERRORS. COMMENTS: A RATHER DUMB BUT USEFUL LITTLE UTILITY. ********************VD1:[302,212]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[302,212]README.1ST;2******************** FORTRAN SYMBOLIC DEBUGGING TOOL (SDT) SDT is different from most FORTRAN symbolic debugging tools currently available for the PDP-11 for the following reasons: 1. It steps through a program by FORTRAN statements and can display each statement at the time it is executed. 2. It supports a "split screen" format for CRT terminals. SDT I/O will be above the dashed line and regular program I/O below it. 3. It maintains breakpoint traps in the overlay loading mechanism (if used) and will set traps, as required, as different overlays are loaded. 4. It consists of two basic modules which communicate via send/receive directives: 1. A small module, 'LIMPIT', approximately 1KW in length, that is part of the user task being debugged. 2. The separate program, DEBUG, that gets requested by LIMPIT. DEBUG performs all table generation, file I/O, command parsing and communications with the terminal. This allows SDT to handle large tasks that are near their 32K address limit. SDT was written for IAS, but should be fairly easily modified for RSX-11M or M+. It has the option of using CRT screen formatting. The original code is for Beehive terminals, but all of the cursor positioning code is in the module POSITN.MAC and is well commented. When Task-building DEBUG, several warning errors (4 of them) will occur. Ignore them - they are due to the same module being in different overlays. If you have any comments, bug fixes, enhancements or whatever, please let me know..... Scott Leatham The Boeing Company Seattle, Washington (206) 237-6363 ********************VD1:[305,302]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[305,302]README.1ST;1******************** DECUS RUNOFF - VERSION M02.4 This release of DECUS RUNOFF is compatible with the previous text processing SIG's version M02. Several enhancements and fixes have been made. Please read the release notes in RNOM24.DOC first, then follow the directions in the manual RUNOFF.DOC for installation of this version. The RSX-11M/M+ installation has changed completely (for the better/easier). Bob Denny 01-Dec-81 Submitted by: Bob Denny Creative System Design Co. 3452 E. Foothill Blvd. Suite 601 Pasadena, CA 91107 (213) 792-9474 RUNOFF: Yet another RUNOFF??? YES! This is the "standard" RNO, with RT-11 support and an overhauled hyphenation system. No bells and whistles, BUT... it's the version that supports the "raw text" emitted by Dan Dill's "TEXT" mathematical typesetting pre-processor. He and I have been working to get a baseline for all DEC operating systems including RT. It's going into the DECUS library now. For more information on Dan Dill's mathematical manuscript pre-processor, see the Multi-Tasker October, 1981 edition. ********************VD1:[307,20]README.1ST;14******************** ********************VD1:[307,20]README.1ST;14******************** U. S. Geological Survey Submissions 1981 Fall DECUS Symposium, Los Angeles, California Directory: [307,20] Our submissions this year, as opposed to previous years, is more system oriented, towards the goal of maximizing system performance. (We have submitted many "toys" in the past; try any of the 1980 SIG tapes.) Most of these submissions are related to some of the topics discussed in the RSX-11M-PLUS Performance Session, and with some exceptions, the submissions are RSX-11M-PLUS dependent. With some time and experimentation, most everything here can be made to work on RSX-11M. Please note that with RSX-11M-PLUS V2.0 coming out shortly, some of our submissions (e.g., the .COR files for MCR and SGNMAS) will have to be adjusted, thrown out, or whatever. We would be happy to provide updates for the new release (no guarantees, you realize!); feel free to write us at the address below. Our submissions are modularized. The directory contains three files initially: README.1ST -- You are reading this now! USGS.CMD -- Overall command file for unloading modules USGS.ULB -- Universal library containing ALL the submissions, including "nested" .ULB libraries When you invoke USGS.CMD, you will be asked whether you want each submission unloaded from the universal library. In particular, our submissions are: I. FCPMU1 -- Multi-user F11ACP ------------------------------- If you've heard rumors, and didn't believe it, here it is: multi-user F11ACP. Check the benchmarks in the Multitasker, and check your memory requirements. If you want to give it a crack, all the files are's really easy (easier than on 11M). All that is involved is to redefine the PSECTions for F11ACP by assembling a dummy MACRO file and rebuilding F11ACP with a different build file. II. BLKIO -- Fast Universal Fortran I/O ----------------------------------------- Routines providing (very) fast Fortran block I/O to either normal or virtual arrays. (VERY applicable for 11M systems) Routines provided use direct IO.RVB and IO.WVB QIO's to and from Fortran arrays. We had another version using standard Fortran I/O (transportable!), but we seem to have misplaced it somewhere. Get in touch with us if you need it. III. STREAM -- USGS Local Configuration Command and Batch Files ---------------------------------------------------------------- What puts a RSX-11M-PLUS system together? Do you spend a lot of time with VMR? One of DEC's great ideas was the .ENABLE/.DISABLE QUIET directive in INDirect (AT.). That means your STARTUP.CMD file can be as long as you want, and you don't have to have any of it printed! We leave SYSVMR.CMD alone, and change STARTUP.CMD whenever a minor configuration chage occurs. Check our STARTUP.CMD files for ideas. Don't worry....sometimes we get confused trying to read it also. Our local program STTY may come in handy. With it, you can do as many SET /WHATEVER commands to a single terminal that you can fit on a line. It's included here, also. A special command file, REASSIGN.CMD, performs REAssign commands on the tasks which need work files (TKB, F4P, LBR, MAC). By reassigning the LUN's for the work files, you can balance out the load on your disks. Batch streams are like any other resource on a system....they must be properly managed. Without complicating things, you can encourage use of the batch streams from your CPU-heavy customers by opening up the number of processors at night, and then closing them down when the daytime load begins. Take a glance at our configuration files for ideas. IV. CSH -- Checkpoint Space Handler and TKTN Bug Fix -------------------------------------------------------- Here's our Checkpoint Space Handler, a tool which will show you what's on your checkpoint files and will force deallocation of a checkpoint file by spawning ACS and unstopping/restopping checkpointed tasks. (NOTE: It doesn't work yet on 11M. Volunteers?) If you like CSH, you may want to apply the correction file to TKTN pretty quick. Otherwise, when TKTN is called to deactivate a checkpoint file, and that file is not first in line, TKTN will hang your system. V. MCR -- The Non-overlaid MCR dispatcher + a bug fix + extra features ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Two mods in particular: patches so that you can un-overlay the dispatcher (unsupported by DEC -- who knows why???), a fix for continuation lines (will probably be published by DEC), and some changes so that your catchall task (if you have one) will get a crack at the command WHENEVER MCR can't swallow it (also, why didn't DEC do this?). VI. SYSGEN -- Correction to SYSGEN Subcommand file SGNMAS.CMD --------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to generate a configuration with multi-access disk drives on your RH70's, you'd better apply this .COR file to SGNMAS.CMD, or you'll risk a crash! VII. VERSATEC - RSX-11M-PLUS Line Printer Driver Including Versatec Support --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Versatec DMA LP driver for RSX-11M-PLUS. This is the driver that Larry Baker has advertised in the Multitasker. Now you can have it without writing away for it! VIII. NOTES -- Larry Baker's notes on Fortran, perfomance, and tapes -------------------------------------------------------------------- Why not? These are free notes, some of which you may find useful. Taken from several sessions at the Fall '81 Symposium. IX. FINALLY -- Who are we, where are we? ---------------------------------------- Please write us if there are any questions or problems associated with this kit. Please do not call - we don't have a secretary, and we really can't commit ourselves to handling phone inquiries (sorry!). If you've come up with enhancements, we'd really like to hear about them! Larry Baker Gary Maxwell U. S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Road M/S 77 Menlo Park, California USA 94025 ********************VD1:[307,22]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[307,22]README.1ST;1******************** THIS DIRECTORY, [307,22] CONTAINS ALL THE PROGRAMS DESCRIBED IN A TALK TITLED "RECOVERING FROM DISK DESASTERS" YOU SHOULD READ THE FILE "DISK.DOC" BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT TO USE ANY OF THESE PROGRAMS. DISK.DOC IS A RUNOFF OUTPUT OF THE TEXT FROM THE TALK, TO BE GIVEN ON DECEMBER 10TH AT THE FALL 1981 DECUS SYMPOSIUM. ALSO TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE PROCEEDINGS. ********************VD1:[307,36]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[307,36]README.1ST;1******************** Fall 1981 DECUS RSX/IAS SIG Tape Submission Joseph S. Sventek Computer Science & Mathematics Department Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720 This submission [307,36] consists of three parts: 1. drgtk.cor, hello.cor, sprovfdt.cor, homdir.mac, home.doc These files permit corrections to an RSX-11M v.3.2 system which allow a user's home directory to be found, even for priveleged users who have performed a set /uic to another uic. Consult the note `home.doc' for complete information. 2. acp.doc, fcpco1bld.cmd, fcpco1bld.odl, fcpmu.mac, fcpmubld.cmd, fcpmubld.odl These files are identical to those published in the October 1981 Multi-tasker for building a multi-user F11ACP for RSX-11M. Consult the paper `acp.doc' for more information. 3. The rest of the files in this UIC are command files for building FCSRES versions of many of the RSX utilities, as well as some modified build files for the utilities w/o FCSRES. The FCSRES files require the logical device assignments OU: for the task images and MP: for the maps, expect to find the corresponding ODL files in [1,23], place the map in [1,33] and the task image in [1,53]. The file `fcsres.doc' can be consulted for more information. ********************VD1:[307,100]README.TXT;1******************** ********************VD1:[307,100]README.TXT;1******************** VDX - Virtual Disk Package This is semi-weird, so bear with me. This package enables you to create a disk on a part of another disk. The virtual disk is a contiguious file of any size on the real disk. The virtual disk driver adds the starting logical block of the file to any IO.WLB and IO.RLB requests issued to it and passes the I/O packet on to the real disk driver. The virtual disk (file) is INIed, MOUnted, and used like any other disk. The program AVD assigns a file to a virtual disk unit and optionally can create a file. The format of its commands are: >AVD VDn:=file[/sw] /CR:n Create file of "n" blocks /RK Create file of 4800 blocks /RO Access file in readonly mode The program DVD deassigns the file. Its command form is simply >DVD VDn: The package is very useful for separating projects from each other and avioding UIC and filename conflicts. MAINTENENCE NOTES The command file 'VDXGEN.CMD' assembles and builds VDX. Before using VDXGEN, check the location of the system's RSXMC.MAC against where 'VDXASM.CMD' expects to find it. VDXASM may need to be changed. Also, decide how many VD: units you want, and set the symbol 'V$$D11' in 'VDPRE.MAC' accordingly. This stuff works correctly on both 11M and 11M+ systems. The code is conditionally assembled based on the symbol 'R$$MPL' in RSXMC.MAC, so make sure the RSXMC for the target system is used. ********************VD1:[307,100]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[307,100]README.1ST;1******************** README.1ST--- This directory contains three separate sets of files from NASA/Ames Research Center: TAT This program allows convenient manipulation of certain fields of the task header (ie. taskname, priority, partition, etc.) that can also be done at install time. This is especially convenient if tasks are not left installed, and it is inconvenient or impossible to rebuild. SVD, VD:, etc. This is mostly the same old virtual disk software, but has been modified to run on M or M+. Also included is SVD, which displays the filename of each virtual disk file which is assigned to a VD: CALC This is DECUS CALC modified to be compiled by FOR for systems with only EIS hardware. ********************VD1:[307,101]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[307,101]README.1ST;1******************** INSTRUCTIONS FOR *STARFLEET* PACKAGE ==================================== The program STARFLEET was written by Trevor Sorensen for use on the RSX-11M(+) Operating System. STARFLEET is a fairly standard Star Trek-type program, although more sophisticated than most. However, one feature that sets it apart from most Star Trek games is the incorporation of a comprehensive Service Record and associated features. Each player is kept on file. A new recruit starts out as a Cadet in Star Fleet Academy (Rank 1) and eventually works his way up to full Admiral (Rank 10). Awards are given along the way for outstanding missions, and if a certain minimum standard is met for a given rank, then the player is promoted to the next rank. There is also a Star Fleet Post Office (SFPO) for mail service between players; the Star Fleet News to keep players abreast of happenings, etc.; and the program allows each player to view his own Service Record, promotion history, etc. These features are described in more detail in STARFLEET.SFA. The program is written in FORTRAN IV-PLUS, and is set up to be installed on UIC [200,200]. If this needs be changed, the following files will have to be edited (search for all 200,200's): MAIN.FTN MESS.FTN NEWG1.FTN SFCMD.FTN NEWG4.FTN NEWG4A.FTN NEWG4B.FTN NEWG4C.FTN HUMOR.FTN FINI.FTN PROM.FTN Use the command file STREK.CMD to compile the source files (STREKP.CMD will compile with listings). Use the following to taskbuild: TKB TKB>@STREK.TKB If players will be running the program from other accounts, the data files will have to have the privilege reset to allow them proper access. The instructions for running the program are contained in STARFLEET.INS and UPDATE.INS. Additional information is in STARFLEET.SFA. The utility program to maintain the data files, etc. is contained in SFCMD.FTN. The program to write the day-message is in MESS.FTN. For both of these programs, the current password is "SFHQ". For running STARFLEET itself, the password for the manager (FLEET ADMIRAL) is "TEST". This can be changed in the subroutine SIR in the file MAIN.FTN. A comprehensive manual exists for setting up and maintaing the STARFLEET program. It is called "STAR FLEET COMMAND OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT MANUAL". A copy of it can be obtained from the author by writing to: Dr. Trevor Sorensen McDonnell-Douglas Technical Services Co., 16441 Space Center Blvd. Houston, TX 77058 If you have any problems with the program, contact the author. ********************VD1:[307,105]README.TOO;2******************** ********************VD1:[307,105]README.TOO;2******************** Notes on the Dual-Ported File-11 ACP Nov 81 The Dual-Ported Files-11 system enclosed here was not included on a previous DECUS tape (although I mailed a copy to anyone who asked for it) because my company made occasional noises about trying to sell support for it. Since it was developed for NASA, it is in the public domain and can't be sold itself. This version is for RSX-11M version 3.2, it will soon be sort of obsolete. That is, unless no code changes are made to F11ACP for RSX version 4.0. Judging from past experience, (they changed the code between 3.1 and 3.2), F11ACP will undergo enough changes to make the enclosed package obsolete. The enclosed code is useless without the source to the 3.2 F11ACP, which is only available if you purchase a source license. (The 3.1 version was easier to distribute because the F11ACP source was included in the standard distribution kit.) I can't give out the modified DEC written routines, only SLP files to modify them, so you need the DEC source for SLP to modify. I hope by giving this software wider distribution somebody else might pick up the ball and do the RSX 4.0 conversion. If you want to try, tell me, call or write, my address is below. I will probably want it and I may be able to help you with questions that come up. There's also the chance that more than one person will want to do it, maybe the work can be shared, so call me if you don't want to duplicate efforts. I may not be able to do the conversion myself, NASA may not be spending very much for contract programmers next year (you know, budget cuts). This code has been in daily use at NASA/Ames Research for a few years now without any major problems. There may be a few quirks. Occasionally unexplained things happen such as after being mounted for a week with no down time, the slave processor has trouble accessing the disk. But dismounting the disk on the slave side, and remounting it usually clears up any problems. But we haven't corrupted a disk because of this software since the debugging days (almost two years for the RSX 3.2 version). Note that this code does nothing at the driver level to implement dual-porting. A SLP file for the 3.2 DB driver (RP04, RP06) (the one we use) is included as an example. I also did a driver mod for DM's (RK06, RK07), but it worked so poorly that I am not including it. I blame the RK06/7 hardware design, the hardware people can blame me if they want, but I don't recommend those disks for simultaneous dual-porting. I haven't tried any of the other disks, but a glance at the RM03 documentation says it ought to work as well as the RP06. Dan McCoy (415) 965-6134 c/o Informatics Inc. 1121 San Antonio Road Palo Alto, California, 94303 ********************VD1:[307,105]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[307,105]README.1ST;1******************** May 80 These files comprise the Dual-Ported Files-11 ACP (DPACP); a modified version of F11ACP to support dual-ported hardware, written by Daniel McCoy of Informatics Inc. on a contract to NASA. A description of the individual files follows. Documentation: DPACP.RNO Design documentation for the software and installation information. PAPER.RNO A paper submitted to DECUS Fall 79 describing the development of the software DPACP source and build files: DPA.CMD Command file to build the ACP COR.CMD Command file to run the SLP files DPRE.MAC Macro prefix file for DPACP and ACPAUX NTDAT.MAC DPACP source NTSUBS.MAC " " RQIO.MAC " " ACCESS.COR SLP to turn F11ACP source from 11M V3.2 CLACC.COR into DPACP source for dual-porting. CLCRE.COR " " CLDAC.COR " " CLNUP.COR " " CRFIL.COR " " DEACC.COR " " DISPAT.COR " " DLFIL.COR " " DLMRK.COR " " DIRBUF.COR " " ENTNM.COR " " EXTEN.COR " " F11PRE.COR " " FNDNM.COR " " RMVNM.COR " " TRUNC.COR " " Auxiliary task (ACPAUX) source and build files: AUX.CMD Command file to build the auxiliary task. AUXMN.MAC ACPAUX source AUXERR.MAC " " AUXDAT.MAC " " AUXINI.MAC " " AUXIO.MAC " " AUXDIN.MAC " " ********************VD1:[311,131]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[311,131]README.1ST;2******************** This directory contains a copy of the slides for the talk RSX11M Device Commons presented at the 1981 Fall DECUS U. S. Symposium in Los Angeles. Also included are command and source files which illustrate the use of RSX11M device commons. The talk was presented by James F. Harrison, MP-1, MS 828, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (505) 667-5688 or (505) 667-5241. ********************VD1:[312,315]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[312,315]README.1ST;2******************** Fall 1981 [312,315] Collection There are several different programs here: DISASM - from the RSX11D version from the DECUS library of a few years back, but with the task readin section altered to handle RSX11M task images. The disassembler reads and displays disassemblies of task images. Some new code for improving the readability of output files is included as well. Note that DDT may be used as a symbolic patcher in assembly language for task images on disk in the event this tool points up some areas where change is wanted. Outputs from DISASM are not directly compatible with MACRO-11, though they may of course be edited. CAM - another task disassembler from the Amsterdam DECUS tapes (a concatinated file). Simpler to use, less features... BASH11M - A program that will patch an RSX11M or RSX11M+ system to allow tasks to enter a mode where they are run in User mode with previous mode Kernel. (Can also restore the system to normal). Only programs where initial PS is set this way, or that bash the PSW on the stack during AST or SST processing are so affected. This allows the MTPI/MFPI or MTPD/MFPD instructions to access all of kernel space including the I/O page, even for a nonprivileged task. Note that if the initial PS is set to previous kernel via ZAP of disk image after a task is installed, all RSX or IAS systems run in previous kernel mode for awhile. However, SST or AST processing can alter this. The patch ensures this state can continue, or be entered from SST/AST. (In RSX11M+ even unpatched, you can enter previous super mode by bashing a PS on the stack in an AST.) A routine to enter previous kernel mode is provided too. Normal system operation is unaffected by these patches and can continue indefinitely with them in place. For data gathering activities, this access to I/O page can be useful. The package does no more to destroy system security than installing a common in the I/O page does (since explicit PS access can also get into this mode), but makes it easier to access kernel structures and to use HOLs for privileged tasks. ALTWND - A subroutine providing access, on a system patched by BASH11M, to anywhere in memory. This is somewhat specialized and is designed to allow access for brief periods to buffers "somewhere" without losing address space. CSIOPS - A CSI parser skeleton in MACRO that gets a command line, parses it, opens files, and returns with files open. Useful as a skeleton for MACRO applications (with related routines in GETSTR and GTLIN) where a command line parser is desired that will do all the file opening overhead for you. Does not have logic for wildcards, but can handle multiple input and output files. Will need to be edited for any given application however. DDT22 - A revised DDT, with ability to work from another task or within a task. Includes new logic to decompose internal symbols in .STB files having them, and to pick them out by module name. Also comes with a new FDTSYM that uses its method of output of module name to disambiguate FORTRAN symbols for its symbol table file output (3rd output) that DDT uses. DDTKNL and DDTMU are the other parts of the package, for the 2 task DDT, and the DDTBLD file is updated and improved with a few other improvements. To use this feature with something real, a version of FDTSYM (the FDT pre-processor) has been included that will generate module names before the global symbol records it creates. To access a symbol within a particular module, set MDLCTL to -1 in DDT and fill in the 2 word area named MODULE within DDT (using $UV if needed to address DDT space, then $UM to address target space) with the RAD50 representation of the module name desired ("$'rad' enters "rad" in RAD50 at the open location, for instance). Then the symbols will not be displayed unless they are in the named module. Setting MDLCTL to 1 only selects internal symbols this way, and setting it 0 performs no module selection. FDTSYM - A revised version of FDTSYM, the preprocessor for FDT, which can create .STB files for use with DDT that have the module names preserved for dis-ambiguation by DDT as described above. FLTIBM and IBMFLT - A pair of routines (.MAC for PDP11, .MAR for VAX) which are FORTRAN callable to convert IBM to PDP11 floating point (single precision) numbers or PDP11 to IBM. They are valid FORTRAN functions, though they will work from assembler also. XMITR and ITTOUR - Two routines to update the version of XMITR submitted in [312,315] in Spring 81. These remove a couple of extra waits for significant event that slowed file transmission, without turning XMITR again into a CPU hog. FPEM - A new release of the RSX11M floating point emulator adapted from the Los Alamos original for RSX11D. Differs from the old one only in that it can use STOP instead of SUSEND, so can be run with high priority in RSX11S systems. This emulator does NOT require a sysgen and indeed assumes RSX does not know about floating point. It must be immovable in memory, which means fixing it AND placing it in a dedicated partition or at the BOTTOM of GEN (to avoid movement by shuffling). To use with F4P, you will have to replace F4PEIS in your runtime system, as RSX will not give floating ASTs to any tasks unless it thinks there is floating point. Tasks must be built with the /FP switch, and RSX must NOT execute any floating point code. If RSX executes F.P. code, the system crashes! So generate for no FPU unless you have the hardware, and use this if you don't. DSO and TRN - These tasks (DiSOwn and Task ReName) operate on all tasks running at the TI: of the caller. TRN just renames all tasks to unique names (guaranteed not to have embedded spaces in them so they can be aborted from the console, a useful feature if you use the modified MCR dispatcher for 11M+ in the Spring 81 tape) and leaves them at the console. This allows one to run multiple copies of MAC, F4P, TKB, etc., without change to RSX. It works on M or M+. Assemble and build as a normal privileged task for each. DSO will also change names (though it will assign different names from TRN), but it moves all tasks except itself to CO: so you can log off without aborting any disowned tasks. This will leave copies of AT. or PIN unable to run any more tasks, of course, but normal tasks will work fine (and the COLOG program can even log the task output!) These programs are normally built with a 64 word stack and priority 70; checkpointable if desired (I have them checkpointable). They need SUPERMAC to assemble correctly; see previous RSX SIG tapes for SUPERMAC. You can figure out how to make straight MACRO easily though -- an exercise for the reader... FFL - This version handles label records up to 20 bytes long and permits you to ignore tape errors. This is to read copies of FLX tapes produced at installations incapable of making 14 byte label records (e.g. the Structured Languages SIG's). LISTRS - This new version of LST, the multi-column listing utility adds a switch to permit output to be right shifted on the page by up to 31 columns, to give a right margin to it. BIGTPC.DOC - Documentation for BIGTPC (and a version merging Phil Stephenson's corrections to TPC with the other versions) as suggested by Phil Cannon in Spring 81. [312,316] PLOTA PLOTA is a plot package to plot histograms (or more primitive objects) on either HP 4 or 8 color plotters and/or Printronix printers with the aid of PLXY11 (available separately from DEC). Calls are very simple and permit linear or log plots, with numerous options, of positive integers. Scales, colors, etc., are all user settable. A runtime assigmnent can determine whether the plot goes to Printronix (LXY11) printer (in B&W) or to the HP color plotter. Compatible device independent calls are provided. Glenn C. Everhart ********************VD1:[312,316]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[312,316]README.1ST;1******************** ** EDITORS NOTE ** This UIC is documented in [312,315] ********************VD1:[312,317]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[312,317]README.1ST;1******************** TREAD/TWRITE SUBROUTINES TREAD/TWRITE SUBROUTINES INSTALLATION GUIDE AND RELEASE NOTES VERSION 3.02A AUTHOR: FRANK J. MANION CHI COMPUTER HORIZONS INC. 1050 KINGS HIGHWAY NORTH CHERRY HILL, N.J. 08034 (609)-779-0911 TREAD/TWRITE SUBROUTINES PAGE 2 1.0 PREPARING FOR INSTALLATION To install the TREAD/TWRITE subroutine system you should first log in to your computer under any account. Then simply use FLX to copy all files on the distribution tape to your account. Before you attempt to install the subroutines, the macro assembler and the librarian program should be INStalled on your system. 2.0 INSTALLATION To install the TREAD/TWRITE system, YOU MUST RUN THE INDIRECT COM- MAND FILE "TRWGEN". This file will automatically create an assembly prefix file used in the assembly of the TREAD/TWRITE system. This prefix file is not present on the distribution tape, hence you must run the command file. To run the file, simply type "@TRWGEN". I sug- gest that you run the file once with the /NOMCR switch to familiarize yourself with the command file before you actually try to install the subroutines. The command file is self documenting and needs no furth- er explaination here. Plase note that all files created by the ins- tallation process take the account that you are currently logged in to as the default input and output account (i.e. files are searched for and created under the current account and no other). 3.0 DISTRIBUTION FILES The following is a list of files found on the distribution tape. TREAD.MAC is the source code for the TREAD/TWRITE subroutine sys- tem. TREAD.DOC is the users guide to the subroutine system. It should be printed and read thoroughly before you attempt to use the routines. The entire manual up to and including appendix a is of intrest to any- one using the routines. Appendix b to the end of the manual are of intrest to the advanced user/programmer primarily. TREAD.RNO is a copy of the users guide (TREAD.DOC) in RUNOFF for- mat. TREAD/TWRITE SUBROUTINES PAGE 3 ASTOEB.MAC is the ASCII to EBCDIC translation subroutine used by the TREAD system. EBTOAS.MAC is the EBCDIC to ASCII translation subroutine used by the TREAD system. TRWGEN.CMD is the MCR indirect command file used to create the as- sembly prefix file TREADPRAM.MAC, and to assemble the TREAD system. TREADPARM.MAC is created by the file TRWGEN.CMD. This is the as- sembly prefix file. This file is not on the distribution tape, but is created only by running TRWGEN. README.1ST is this file. README.RNO is the run-off version of this file. COPYMT.FTN is a FORTRAN program which uses the TREAD/TWRITE system to copy magnetic tapes written in IBM RECFM=FB format (all tapes read and written by TREAD/TWRITE are in this format). The program allows users to specify nearly all options possible (i.e. file number, la- beled or unlabeled, density, etc.) for magnetic tape input and output. Two tape drives are needed to run the program. The program COPYMT can copy any such tape up to one containing input blocks of data about 22000 bytes in size. The program is rather self explanatory, and it is also a fair example of how to use the subroutines. MAKBUF.MAC is a macro subroutine needed by COPYMT. 4.0 COMPATIBILITY WITH IAS/RSX11D The TREAD/TWRITE system was written for an RSX11M system. I have been unable to test it on an IAS or 11D system, but I assume it would work on those systems with little or no modification. 5.0 GENERATING THE TASK "COPYMT" To compile and link the task COPYMT, do the following: 1. FOR COPYMT,LP=COPYMT/NOSN 2. MAC MAKBUF,LP=MAKBUF 3. TKB MAKBUF/CP,LP=COPYMT,MAKBUF,LB:[1,1]SYSLIB/LB:$SHORT TREAD/TWRITE SUBROUTINES PAGE 4 4. TKB OPTIONS: UNITS=3,ACTFIL=1,MAXBUF=80,ASG=TI:3 ********************VD1:[314,1]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[314,1]README.1ST;2******************** **** SUMMARY OF CHANGES FOR VERSION 23 OF RSX RATFOR: THIS RATFOR IS SUPPORTED BY THE STRUCTURED LANGUAGES WORKING GROUP OF THE RSX SIG. BUGS FIXED: # PCN #118, 22 JUN 81, FIX BUGS RE OPEN & CLOSE IFDEF/IFNOTDEFS CHANGES,FEATURES: # PCN #112, 20 JUN 81, ADD TO END OF SPAWN CMD LINE TO GET > BACK. # PCN #113, 20 JUN 81, CHANGE REAL TO I*4 IN 'DAYS'. DELETE 'REALCODE'SYMBOL # PCN #114, 21 JUN 81, REPLACE STRGET WITH GETIN TO SPEED UP INPUT IN GETLIN # PCN #115, 21 JUN 81, REPLACE STRGET WITH GETIN IN DUMPIT & DMPIDX # PCN #116, 21 JUN 81, DELETE CPRTLN FROM DEFLST AND USE LOCAL BUFFER INSTEAD # PCN #117, 21 JUN 81, FIX LISTING OF PROCESSOR FEATURE KEYWORDS TO ALLOW LOWER CASE # pcn #119, 11 JUL 81, DELETE SYMBOL 'OPENCLOSE' & USE OF CALL ASSIGN,FDBSET # PCN #120, 12 JUL 81, CHANGE GTOK TO ALLOW PERIODS (DECIMAL POINTS) TO BE PART OF TOKENS, NOT SEPERATE TOKENS. THIS ALLOWS PERIODS TO BE USED AS PART OF SYMBOLIC CONSTANTS AND DEFINITIONS.ALSO, RAD50 TASK NAMES (/6R...PIP) NO LONGER NEED BE PROTECTED WITH %. # PCN #121, 12 JUL 81, ALLOW " AND ' AS PART OF THE FILE SPECIFICATION FOR INCLUDEs IN ORDER TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER VERSIONS OF RATFOR FROM THE UNIX WORLD. # PCN #122, 3 AUG 81, IF UNABLE TO FIND AN INCLUDE FILE, REPORT IT'S NAME TO USER # PCN #123, 3 AUG 81, TRUNCATE FULL LINE COMMENTS AT COL 72 SO FORTRAN IV DOES NOT GET UPSET WITH LINES > 72 COL. NEW ROUTINES: An alternate and faster version of STRPUT is included as a seperate file which you can use to replace the standard strput in STRLIB if you want another 6% overall speed improvement. Read the comments in STRPUT.RAT. CLOSE subroutine is added as an interface the the operating system's file close mechanism. CALL CLOSE now calls this subroutine instead of the RSX CLOSE routine directly. OPNIN & OPNOUT are provided with versions of the OPEN statement that implements BIG BUFFERING for RSX systems that support it (M+ by default supports it, M if you build it that way). You must also change TKBRATFOR.CMD to allow 15 extra FCS buffers (this adds 8kb to your task size). Big buffering speeds up the pre-processor by 7-8% (on RP06s). The new symbol DISK_BLOCKSIZE is defined in RATRSX and used in OPNIN & OPNOUT. If you want big buffering, define it as > 512. If not, define it as 512 to get regular buffering. It must be defined as something. See the I/O Operations Manual, Chapter 2. QUICK BUILD INSTRUCTIONS: (SEE BLDRATFOR.CMD, A RSX11/M INDIRECT COMMAND FILE THAT DOES THE WHOLE THING, FOR MORE INFO). SEQUENCE IS THE SAME FOR BOTH RSX11/M AND /D BUT A COMMAND FILE THAT DOES IT ALL IS AVAILABLE FOR /M. COMMAND FILES SUPPLIED ARE FOR FORTRAN IV V2, BUT ONLY MINOR MODS ARE NEEDED FOR F4P; SEE F4PRATFOR.CMD AS A SAMPLE. COMMAND FILES ASSUME A DUMMY DEVICE NAMED XX0:. ASSIGN THIS WHEREVER YOU WANT BEFORE BUILDING. THE FIRST TIME, RATFOR IS BUILT FROM THE .FTN FILES ON THIS TAPE, AFTER THAT, WITH A WORKING VERSION OF RATFOR, YOU CAN RATFOR THE .RAT FILES TO CONFIGURE THINGS THE WAY YOU WANT IT. FIRST TIME YOU BUILD RATFOR-- MOVE EVERYTING ON THIS TAPE INTO UIC OF YOUR CHOICE. GIVE MCR THE FOLLOWING- FOR @FORRATFOR OR F4P @F4PRATFOR FOR @FORSTRLIB LBR @LBRRATFOR LBR @LBRSTRLIB TKB @TKBRATFOR INS RATFOR AFTER THE FIRST TIME-- ADD : RAT @RATRATFOR BEFORE THE FIRST LINE ABOVE. EDIT TKBRATFOR.CMD FOR RESIDENT LIBRARIES OF YOUR CHOICE. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS, CALL DAVID P SYKES Brown Boveri Compuguard 4709 Baum Blvd Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 622-6200 GOOD LUCK ********************VD1:[315,100]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[315,100]README.1ST;1******************** This directory contains a number of utilities and subroutines which are likely to be of interest to a substantial proportion of the RSX/IAS community. The submission is oriented towards IAS, but much of the software will run on RSX-11M or RSX-11D with minimal to no changes. Where possible, software restricted to IAS is noted as such in the below list. The major submissions in the directory are: Complete programs ADDBAD - Adds bad blocks to the bad block file (BADBLK.SYS) without requiring volume re-initialization. AFT - Prints all of the file names on a volume modified after a specified date. This was originally written when we had a disk hardware problem and wanted to recover as many files as we could from a rather corrupted disk. ASG - This task will reassign the logical unit numbers of a task image without requiring the user to re-taskbuild with different ASG directives in the command file. ASN - This IAS-only task implements assignable logical devices for IAS similar to the VAX/VMS ASSIGN command or the RSX-11M ASN command. BLK - Locates the file which has a specific physical block allocated. Useful when there is a block showing up as bad in the error log which can be removed from circulation by moving the file and running 'ADDBAD' on the block. CANALL - This IAS/RSX-11D only task will cancel all of the copies of a multi-user task on all terminals in the system. COMP - Compares two files on a block-by-block basis rather than the line-by-line basis used by CMP. COR - This is an IAS/RSX-11D package to take postmortem task dumps in a manner similar to the postmortem system dump provided by CDA. It also uses a patch to .TKTN. with a subroutine named DMPCOR. This is the same program which was submitted to an earlier DECUS tape, updated to run under IAS V3.1 to use the new Executive data structures properly. CPY - Copies files 63 blocks at a time for a faster transfer than PIP provides. DAC - Sums up the disk space used by each UIC on the disk. DELFID - Removes a file by file ID even if the file has a bad file header. This allows such files to be deleted without having to ZAP the INDEXF.SYS file manually or running DSC. DUMPCORE - An IAS/RSX-11D task which will dump the memory of a running task. This was originally written by Ray French, and the current version is modified to be able to run with the "COR" package noted above. DVL - An IAS/RSX-11D only task to display device information. EXEMCR - An RSX-11D only task to execute an MCR command line. FIL - A utility which tries to reconstruct locked files. FRG - Prints out disk space fragmentation information. This is a corrected and enhanced version of the FRG which was on the DECUS tape some time ago. GREP - A utility for locating search patterns within a group of files. This is a much enhanced version of the GREP which appeared in an earlier DECUS tape. IRF - This IAS/RSX-11D task will attempt to gracefully exit a task which has an I/O rundown failure. MCM - This IAS-only task sets the terminal into real MCR mode (not the MCR mode in PDS). MCX - This IAS-only task is a companion task to MCM to return the terminal to DCL. MUNG - This IAS-only task is a companion task to the ASN task mentioned above. PRECIS - This is an enhanced DMP-like utility which produces a more useable listing. READTAPE - This allows fast reading of magnetic tape by using large buffers and multi-buffering the drive. The full benefit of this is probably not felt under RSX-11M, but would be under systems supporting multi-buffering (IAS, RSX-11D, and RSX-11M/PLUS (?)) SPW - This IAS-only task will monitor the progress of the despooler in printing your file. STAT - This IAS-only task uses the CRT to produce a bar graph detailing system usage. STF - This IAS/RSX-11D task is an MCR command line stuffer task. SUPERWHO - This IAS-only task displays system users on the CRT. TAPEIMAGE - This task allows disk images to be moved between non-ANSI magtapes, files, and Foreign disk volumes. TAPUTL - Installed with various names, this task will allow the user to manipulate a non-ANSI magtape by rewinding it, spacing forward, backward, etc. TMR - This IAS-only task will time the execution of a target task and print out a summary of where it is spending its time for performance improvement or monitoring. TPC - A task to copy magnetic tapes, EOF marks and all. This is a corrected and enhanced version of the TPC which has appeared in the DECUS library before. TRANSLATE - RT-11 supports ANSI magtape but it produces a format which isn't palatable to RSX/IAS systems. This program will convert a file transferred from an RT-11 magtape into something useful on a Files-11 system. UNDELETE - This task will undelete a file under certain restrictions. USP - This IAS-only task will unspool a line printer without requiring that the SP0: device be dismounted. UTX - This IAS-only task is a modification of the same task which appeared on an earlier DECUS tape to use the screen formatting package. VOL - This allows modification of disk volume names and other characteristics. WHO - This IAS-only task is an enhanced version of a program submitted to an earlier DECUS tape to display terminal usage. Subroutine library BIOMAC - This is a set of structured programming macros. CTLIMP - This subroutine sets a file to carriage control implied for the FOR compiler. DELETE - This subroutine will delete a file from a Fortran program compiled with the FOR compiler. DIRDL - This executes a directive with retries on nonexistant pool space. It is used by many of the above tasks. MTYPE - This subroutine returns the machine type. It is currently written for IAS but modifying it to run on RSX-11M should be trivial. It is used by some of the above tasks. NOLOCK - This subroutine will notify FCS not to lock a file on abnormal termination of a program compiled with the FOR compiler. PRFCS - This subroutine prints the FCS or DSW error code for an error. It is used by many of the above tasks. PRTIME - This subroutine returns a character string giving the current date and time. It is used by many of the above tasks. RFILN - This subroutine will read the characteristics of a file and obtain its name, which it returns as a string. It is used by many of the above tasks. SCRPKG - This is a screen formatting package which allows terminal- independent screen addressing. It is patterned after the package on the VAX and on a package on the PDP-11 which requires that the calling program be written in PL/I. This will work with almost any language, and is used by some of the above tasks. SPOOL - This is a subroutine to spool a file to the printer from a program compiled with the FOR compiler. PRINT - This is a subroutine which makes printing readable output from an assembler subroutine or program less painful. It takes care of all conversion problems and calling the appropriate QI/O system services. YMPRINT - This is the macro which sets up the call to the PRINT subroutine. ********************VD1:[315,111]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[315,111]README.1ST;1******************** Triangle RUNOFF This is a copy of the version of RUNOFF as modified by the Triangle LUG (primarily Jon Berntsen and Henry Tumblin). Note that it has been much modified from the original DECUS RUNOFF, and includes many new features, including the ability to include files within a RUNOFF document. The code quality has been somewhat improved (including removal of all self-modifying code, so it can be built with a sharable pure area on those systems supporting that feature -- e. g., RSX-11D, IAS, and RSX-11M/PLUS). This version has been distributed to many sites but has never been put on a DECUS tape. It is rumored to work properly on just about any DEC PDP-11 type operating system, including VAX/VMS and RSTS, though I don't think it will run under RT-11. Command files are provided to create an executable version of the program; anyone doing this should edit the file RNPRE.MAC beforehand to specify things like machine type and operating system. The current version is dated August 1980, and has not had major enhancements since that date although there have been many bug fixes. This is not officially supported by the Triangle LUG although there are a number of sites interested in the program and we would be interested in hearing about any bugs which anyone encounters, but make no commitments to fixing any of them. Send any bugs or new features to Jon H. Berntsen, Ph. D. Project Engineer Rockwell International 800 Eastowne Drive Suite 200 Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 There are some task images provided in this directory; these will run correctly under RSX-11M V3.2, so rebuilding may not be necessary for this system. Since they were created at the Rockwell site, they probably reference FCSRES, so if your system does not use FCSRES they will not run and you will have to build the program again anyway. Good luck. Bruce C. Wright ********************VD1:[330,1]README.;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,1]README.;1******************** T H E B E S T O F I C R = = = = = = = = = = = = Bob Stodola Bill Cael Bill Wood This tape contains release 2 of "The Best of ICR", a selection of useful programs from the Institute For Cancer Research. The tape is in DOS format at 800 BPI. Each UIC contains a README.1ST file; you can copy these files to disk by saying, MCR FLX SY:=MM0:[*,*]README.1ST/DO Almost all of the programs have been revised in one way or another since the last release to fix bugs or add capability. Following are some random notes: 1. The bug in the RSX subtasking subroutine, RUNSYSRSX, which was distributed on the Spring 1981 RSX/IAS sig tape has been fixed. This means that programs that do subtasking such as CPL, SRDCMD, and TRU should work now on RSX systems. 2. Most of the programs may be linked with a resident library to make the tasks smaller. 3. When building the programs, be sure to read each one into its own UIC to avoid file name conflicts (for instance RATFIV's IO.RAT is different than LIST's IO.RAT). 4. When building FDT on RSX systems, be sure to uncomment the line in FDT.MAC which defines RSX11M. 5. On IAS, programs which do subtasking (TRU, CPL, SRDCMD, and LIST when using SRD to select files) require subtasking privi- leges, and XEQ requires the chain privilege. 6. [330,3]CPL will run on RSX or IAS systems; however the build command file is for IAS and must be modified for RSX, which should be straightforward. 7. The version of SRD on [330,5] has been substantially debugged since the last release and has none of the horrible SRD bugs mentioned on SIG tapes and at the Fall 1981 convention. When building SRD, ignore the task builder diagnostics. 8. BURSTF now handles files with characters in columns 73-80. Page 2 A short description of each program on the tape follows: [330,1]: LIST - LIST is like the TYPE and GREP commands only better. LIST's simplest use is to display lines from a file a screen at a time, however it has sophisticated string search- ing, can be positioned randomly in the file, and can write por- tions of the file to disk. In addition, LIST can use SRD to select multiple files, making it easy to do such chores as searching through a group of files for a particular string or variable. Useable on RSX or IAS. [330,2]: FDT - Number one on the RSX and IAS menus was a Fortan symbolic debugger. Here it is! RSX or IAS. [330,3]: CPL - CPL compiles modules in any language if the source has been changed since the last compilation. It handles multi-pass compilers, including RATFIV, Swedish and NBS Pascal, and Whitesmith's C, as well as single-pass compilers such as F4P, BASIC+2, and MACRO. A must for software developers. RSX or IAS. [330,4]: SRDCMD - SRDCMD is a flexible command line generator which spawns SRD to select files, then writes command lines con- structed from specified text and the device, uic, name, exten- sion, and version fields of the selected file names. RSX or IAS. [330,5]: SRD - An enhanced version of SRD including more powerfull file string matching, selection by file revision date, and sto- rage allocation summary. RSX or IAS. [330,6]: TAPE - TAPE reads and writes tapes in a variety of for- mats, including blocked ASCII, blocked EBCDIC, and DEC-10 copy format. RSX or IAS. [330,10]: BURSTF - BURSTF bursts Fortran subroutines, functions, main programs, and block datas from a file and writes them to individual files. RSX or IAS. [330,11]: RESEQ - RESEQ resequences the statement labels in a For- tran program. RSX or IAS. [330,12]: TRU - TRU truncates files, but does not access the file if it doesn't need truncation. This is a must when using BRU for incremental backup, as BRU would copy all files which had been truncated with PIP, even if the file hadn't needed trunca- tion. RSX or IAS. [330,13]: XEQ - XEQ runs programs. It maintains a global common area which contains, for each user, a list of directories to search when XEQ trys to run a program. Never again will you have to type XX0:[100,222] when running XX0:[100,222]FOO! In addition, XEQ can pass a command line to the program it in- vokes, whether or not the program is installed. IAS only. Page 3 [330,14]: SCHEDULE - SCHEDULE will invoke MCR command lines at scheduled times during the week. The list of commands and times is maintained in a file. IAS but easily modified for RSX. [330,14]: GAME - GAME uses SCHEDULE to restrict game playing to specified times. IAS and RSX (see SCHEDULE). [330,14]: RUNNL - RUNNL is a companion program to SCHEDULE and GAME. It will run a task on the pseudo device NL. IAS only. [330,15]: RATFIV Version 2 - an enhanced and debugged version of the Software Tools Group's Ratfor compiler, Ratfiv features op- tional Fortran 77 output, the SWITCH and STRING statements, a powerful macro processor with macro argument capability, condi- tional compilation, output of string literals as quoted strings (necessary for OPEN statements, etc.) or optionally as holler- ith strings, and specification of FORMATs within READ, WRITE, ENCODE, and DECODE statements. RSX or IAS. [330,16] (IAS): MTREK - The best Star Trek ever, this is a multi-terminal real-time all out war game, replete with torpe- does, tractor beams, anti-matter, etc. This program was origi- nally written at Boeing; we have enhanced and debugged it. Terminals with clear screen and cursor positioning are all that's required. IAS or VAX, but you could modify it for RSX. We would like to hear of any problems or comments you have. Robert K. Stodola, Bill Cael, and William P. Wood, Jr. Computer Center The Institute for Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Phila., Pa. 19111 (215) 728 2760 ********************VD1:[330,1]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,1]README.1ST;1******************** LIST File Listing Utility ========================= LIST is like the TYPE and Unix GREP commands only better. LIST's simplest use is to display lines from a file at the terminal, usually a screen at a time. It has sophisticated string searching and can write out portions of files to disk. File names to be listed may have wild card characters in them, making it easy to do such chores as looking through a group of files for a particular string or variable. Finally, LIST can be positioned randomly in a file using line (record) numbers. LIST is very fast, as it uses a macro interface to the file sys- tem to read and write files; in addition it buffers the disk address of every 100 lines to simulate random access on the file. LIST is available for VAX VMS systems and RSX/IAS systems. The VAX VMS version runs in native mode. There is no help file for VAX VMS yet, however a comprehensive user manual, LIST.DOC, is included in both distributions. The VAX VMS version also includes a command file, MAKELIST.COM, which uses LIST to rewrite a carriagecontrol NONE file as a carriagecontrol LIST file, and a command file, SEARCH.COM, which uses LIST to search through files for a given string. On RSX/IAS systems, SRD is used to select wild card file names. The routine which gets file names from SRD is called FNDFIL.FTN; if for some reason SRD doesn't work with LIST (if your SRD has a differ- ent output file format from our SRD, for instance) then modify this file. If you would rather use PIP than SRD, there is a file called PIPFIL.RAT (and also PIPFIL.FTN) which contains the FNDFIL subroutine, but for PIP. A help file is included (LIST.HLP) and should be placed on LB:[1,2]. LIST is written almost entirely in Ratfiv; on RSX/IAS systems, the .FTN files are included, however the Ratfiv compiler is also in- cluded on this tape, and should be very simple to build. On VAX VMS systems, LIST's .EXE file is included, as is the Ratfiv source and the Ratfiv compiler. To build LIST for VAX VMS, say @BUILD To build LIST for IAS, say @IASBUILD To build LIST for RSX-11M, say @RSXBUILD Page 2 To build LIST for IAS multi-user systems use IASBUILD.CMD, but substi- tute the object code produced by RUNSYMU.FTN for that produced by RUN- SYSIAS.MAC in the file IASTKB.CMD. Send comments, problems, etc. to: William P. Wood, Jr. Computer Center Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 ********************VD1:[330,2]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,2]README.1ST;1******************** F D T ===== This UIC contains the ICR FORTRAN IV Plus Symbolic debugger. It is designed for IAS, but should also work under RSX-11M if you uncomment the line which defines RSX11M in FDT.MAC. Please read FDTEXP.DOC for more information. If you have problems, corrections or comments please contact: Robert K. Stodola Computer Center The Institute for Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111 215 728-2760 ********************VD1:[330,3]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,3]README.1ST;1******************** CPL --- CPL is a utility which compiles your programs in a compiler independent manner. It alleviates the headache of having to remember the syntax quirks of all the compilers on your system. CPL also aids in the maintenance of programs consisting of many modules since it compiles files based on the dates of the source and object files and maintains a user library. Features include: The same command line syntax is used for all compilers. CPL selects the compiler to use based on filename extension. CPL will only compile a given file if the source file post-dates the object file. User library maintenance. CPL will replace in the users library only those files on a command line which were actually compiled. Multiple pass compilations are done with a single command line. Implementation of prefix files in a compiler independent manner. Compilers supported in the current implementation: FORTRAN 4 PLUS MACRO BASIC PLUS 2 RATFOR NBS PASCAL SWEDISH PASCAL WHITESMITHS C Refer questions to: William F. Cael (215)-728-2760 Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Phila., Pa. 19111 ********************VD1:[330,4]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,4]README.1ST;1******************** SRD command line generator ========================== SRDCMD generates command lines which contain file names selected by SRD (or PIP - see below). For example, the following SRDCMD com- mand generates command lines to copy all files created today to UIC [6,120]; the command lines are written to the file T.CMD: SRDCMD> *.*/DA COPY 'N'E [6,120]*.* >T The string 'N'E specifies that the name and extension of each file name be expanded at that point in the command line. Version, UIC, and device information can also be placed anywhere in the command line. For further information, see SRDCMD.DOC. The routine which gets file names from SRD is called FNDFIL.FTN; if for some reason SRDCMD doesn't work correctly (if your SRD has a different output file format from our SRD, for instance) then modify this file. Another alternative is to build the version of SRD includ- ed on this tape, which is an enhanced and debugged version. If you would rather use PIP than SRD, there is a file called PIPFIL.RAT (and also PIPFIL.FTN) which contains the FNDFIL subroutine, but for PIP. SRDCMD is written almost entirely in Ratfiv; the .FTN files are included, however the Ratfiv compiler is also included on this tape, and should be very simple to build. (See README.1ST on the Ratfiv compiler directory.) To build SRDCMD for IAS, say @IASBUILD To build SRDCMD for RSX-11M, say @RSXBUILD To build SRDCMD for IAS multi-user systems, use IASBUILD.CMD, but sub- stitute the object code produced by RUNSYMU.FTN for that produced by RUNSYSIAS.MAC in the file IAS.TKB. Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Computer Center Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 ********************VD1:[330,5]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,5]README.1ST;1******************** SRD ---- This is an enhanced version of SRD. Enhancements include: 1. The selection string wild character '*' will match any string or the null string. A*B.* will match AB., AAB.FTN etc. 2. A /RV[:date] switch which will select files by revision date. It may be combined with /BE, /AF. 3. A /SU switch which will give a storage allocation summary for files selected. 4. A /OW[:selectionstring] switch which will select files by owner. The selection string syntax is the same as file selection strings. The wild characters '?','*' may be used. /OW:[2??,1*] will match [200 thru 277,1], [200 thru 277,10 thru 17], [200 thru 277,100 thru 177]. 5. The haunting directory write back bug has been fixed. 6. The /NE switch now applies to all other selection criteria not just /SE. Building SRD: For RSX11M delete the definition of IAS in SRDPRE.MAC and edit the command files. Also you may build an overlaid version (saves about 2k) by editting SRDBLD.CMD to include SRD.ODL (ignore task builder diagnostics). @SRDEXP Direct questions to: William F. Cael (215)-728-2760 Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Phila., Pa. 19111 ********************VD1:[330,6]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,6]README.1ST;1******************** TAPE instructions. ------------------ Tape is designed to run under version 3.00 of IAS on a PDP-11/70. On an IAS system it may be linked using the command file EXPORT.CMD. This program has not been tested on an RSX-11M system, but should require little or no modification. The command file RSXBLD.CMD may build TAPE correctly under RSX-11M, but this also has not been tested. Note that the build files assume that the FORTRAN-IV Plus library is in the system library. Begin by copying all files to the system disk. NOTE: QIOSYS.FTN MUST BE PUT ON [1,1] AND ALL OTHER FILES ON [22,11] TO COMPILE CORRECTLY. One known bug exists: the number of lines read or written is an integer*2 variable, so it will report the incorrect number of lines if the file is larger than 32767 lines. The file should be read/written correctly, however. If you have problems, corrections or comments please contact: Robert K. Stodola Computer Center The Institute for Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111 215 728-2760 ********************VD1:[330,10]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,10]README.1ST;1******************** BURSTF BURSTF bursts the subroutines, functions, programs, and block datas in a FORTRAN source file into their own individual files. To build Burstf, do @BUILD Documentation is in the file BURSTF.DOC. Send comments, problems, etc. to: William P. Wood, Jr. Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 ********************VD1:[330,11]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,11]README.1ST;1******************** RESEQUENCE ========== This program resequences statement numbers in FORTRAN IV-PLUS programs. See RESEQ.DOC for more detail. ********************VD1:[330,12]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,12]README.1ST;1******************** TRU === TRU truncates files. Though PIP will also truncate files, PIP will change the revision date on all files specified, even if they did not require truncation. This will cause an incremental backup program (such as BRU) to needlessly backup files which have not been changed. TRU first ascertains whether or not a file requires truncation before invoking PIP to actually do the truncation. NOTE: THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES THAT A SCRATCH DIRECTORY LB:[12,1] BE AVAILABLE TO ALL USERS. This program runs under IAS v3.0. To use under RSX-11M, replace the object runsys.obj with the object produced by runsysrsx.ftn. To use under multi-user IAS systems, replace the object runsys.obj with the object produced by runsymu.ftn. ********************VD1:[330,13]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,13]README.1ST;1******************** XEQ === XEQ is like the RUN command, except that it will search one or more directories to find the program you wish to run, and then chain to that program. You may tell XEQ which directories to search; once you have done so, you need not do it ever again unless you wish to change the search directories. For example, if LB:[100,100] was in my search path, I would only have to type: XEQ PROGRAM to run LB:[100,100]PROGRAM, even if my default directory was not LB:[100,100]. XEQ is also able to pass a command line to the program it invokes. This feature is very useful for users who don't have the privilege to install tasks, as it allows them to pass command lines to their programs from the terminal, or, most importantly, when the program is executing in a command file. Also, pool space is saved by XEQing programs rather than installing them. Uninstalled programs can be stored on a common task UIC and XEQ'ed when needed provided the UIC is in your search path. XEQ's list of search directories is maintained for each user in an installed global common area, XEQCOM. Currently there is room for up to 256 users and 380 search directories in XEQCOM, which is about 8K words long. The common area may be enlarged or decreased by modifying the symbolic parameters in XEQCOM.COM. XEQ needs to be able to find out who is running XEQ to look up the correct search path. A program, WHOIST, is included on this directory which is mapped to IASCOM. WHOIST waits in a swapable stop state until it gets a request for a user's name from XEQ through the WHOZON subroutine. The three parts of XEQ (XEQ itself, XEQCOM global common, and .WHO.) may all be built by saying @BUILD. You will probably want to move XEQ and WHOIST to your system task directory and XEQCOM to your shared library directory after building them. A test program, ECHO, is built by the BUILD file to test XEQ. ECHO echoes command lines. In order to receive a command line from XEQ, a program such as ECHO must be linked with a routine, RECCML, which is included on this directory. RECCML's calling sequence is like the calling sequence for GETMCR. However ECHO illustrates the use of a more general Page 2 routine, GCMD, which attempts to get a command line first from MCR using GETMCR, then, failing that, from XEQ using RECCML, and failing that, from the terminal, using a user-specified prompt. Thus programs which use GCMD can get their command lines from MCR if they are installed, as well as from XEQ or the terminal. You should look at ECHO.RAT if you want to use GCMD. GCMD is located in the support library, and it's source is in GETARG.RAT. The file XEQ.HLP is a user help file which should go in your system help file. It explains how to tell XEQ your search path. One command is not described in XEQ.HLP; this is the /PEEK command, which causes XEQ to print the name of each user, his/her search path, and the index of that user in XEQCOM. The output from /PEEK may be redirected to a file if FILE is specified after /PEEK, for instance: XEQ/PEEK PATH.LST XEQ is IAS specific. To build XEQ, do @BUILD Documentation is in the file "XEQ.HLP". Note that users of XEQ must have the privilege to chain to another task. Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 ********************VD1:[330,14]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,14]README.1ST;1******************** This UIC has three programs for IAS. The GAMe command allows a common interface to games. Used in conjuction with the SCHEDULE program, it also allows the system manager to restrict game playing to specified hours. See GAME.DOC for more information. RUNNL is a program which will spawn a task on the privileged TI of device NL0. In order to use, you must have included this device in your SYSGEN command file, though it need not have any device handler associated with it. RUNNL handles all task scheduling requests sequentially, and will not schedule a second task until the first has exitted. Where possible, therefore, tasks which may take more than several seconds should be started by spawning ...RUN with a command line to run the desired task. See RUNNL.DOC for more information. The program SCHEDULE allows a system manager to schedule tasks to be run at specified times and days. For example, you may schedule a timesharing parameter be changed each weekday at 08:00, and again at 18:00 on weekdays, or that a file be printed each saturday at 20:00, etc. See SCHEDULE.DOC for more information. TO BUILD PROGRAMS: @BUILD WHEN BRINGING UP SYSTEM, SET DEFAULT TO THIS UIC AND EXECUTE: @SUP ********************VD1:[330,15]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,15]README.1ST;1******************** Ratfiv Version 2 Ratfiv is a structured Fortran preprocessor providing SWITCH, IF - ELSE, WHILE, FOR, DO, REPEAT - UNTIL, STRING, and BREAK and NEXT constructs. Also supported are INCLUDE files, DEFINE for symbolic constants and macros with arguments, conditional compilation, formats in read, write, encode, and decode statements, use of >, <, etc. instead of .GT., .LT., etc, and the RETURN VALUE construct in functions. Ratfiv was developed from the Ratfor compiler distributed by Lawrence Berkley Labs; versions are available for VAX VMS and RSX/IAS systems. The major enhancements in Ratfiv are: 1. Ability to specify a format statement inside READ, WRITE, ENCODE, and DECODE statements; 2. Consistent line continuation using the underline character; 3. Production of properly indented upper case Fortran code with comments passed through; 4. Optional output of Fortran 77 code with the /F77 switch; 5. Addition of a /SYMBOLS switch to the command line to optionally read the SYMBOLS file; 6. Output of quoted strings or optionally hollerith strings (quoted string output allows Ratfiv to be used with DEC Fortran OPEN statements, the Fortran 77 CHARACTER data type, etc.); 7. Evaluated and unevaluated arguments in macros; 8. Correct line number reporting; 9. Exit with error status if an error occurs during compilation; 10. Use of character constants in case labels; 11. Numerous bug fixes; 12. Comprehensive documentation; 13. Ratfiv keywords need not appear at the beginning of a source line in order to be recognized. Page 2 This version of Ratfiv may be used if you want to compile the Ratfiv source to the other programs written in Ratfiv on this tape. Version 2 of Ratfiv has a few enhancements, bug fixes, and changes since Version 1. The enhancements are: 1. The documentation has been revised, particularly the section on defining macros; 2. Hollerith strings may be optionally outputted instead of quoted strings; 3. The initialization and increment parts of FOR loops may have more than one statement in them; 4. Macro definitions may have commas in them; 5. Arguments to the _len and _include macros may have commas in them; 6. The special macro arguments $& and %& are replaced by ALL the arguments passed to the macro; 7. Octal constants may be inserted in STRING variables; 8. The number of special escaped characters in the STRING statement has been increased and these characters may also be used with the CASE statement; 9. Quoted strings are consistent in that double and single quoted strings may both have double or single quotes in them, even in the STRING and CASE statements; 10. Macros may be defined which emulate the _ifdef, _ifndef, _enddef, and _elsedef macros (see the file RATFOR.SYM for an example of this); 11. Some unused CONTINUE statements in the Fortran output have been eliminated. A few changes were made that could cause incompatibility with Version 1. I am sorry for these changes, but they were necessary for my peace of mind. I expect this version to be pretty stable. The changes are: 1. The dot (.) character is not allowed in macro names anymore. This change was made because it could Page 3 cause problems when a macro name appeared next to a valid dot character, as in "if (status.eq.EOF)". 2. The BREAK statement may not be used to break from a SWITCH statement anymore. This change was made for compatibility with Ratfor preprocessors and to make BREAK consistent with the NEXT statement. It was a bad idea in the first place to have BREAK break from a SWITCH statement. 3. Brackets ([]) have no special meaning within macro definitions anymore. The use of brackets in macros was too obscure to justify them. In any case there was little need for them. 4. The NEWLINE character was changed from carriage-return to line feed for compatibility with Ratfor preprocessors. Some of the bug fixes are (there weren't too many bugs): 1. include statements insert their input into the input stream correctly when they appear in a macro; 2. Error line number reporting is REALLY correct this time; 3. Literal Fortran code is allowed in macros. The file "RATFOR.SYM" contains some macro definitions which, if placed at the front of the Software Tools "SYMBOLS." file, make Ratfiv largely compatible with the latest (Spring 1981 VAX sig tape) version of Software Tools Ratfor available from Joe Sventek. I have compiled about 15 thousand lines of his code with Ratfiv; the only problem was that some variables named "string" ("string" is a Ratfiv keyword) had to be renamed. Software Tools Ratfor code should be compiled with Ratfiv's "/SYMBOLS" switch, and with Ratfiv's "/HOLLERITH" switch for compatibility on the VAX. This is the only place where the "/HOLLERITH" switch has been needed so far. Note that shortening of long names is not available in Ratfiv; I have not checked whether long names are used in the RSX/IAS version of the Software Tools. Also, the "$(" and "$)" brackets for use with macros are not available in Ratfiv; there seems to be little use for them in Ratfiv. Page 4 I expect that Ratfiv will be fairly stable from now on, although it's possible I will add enhancements. I am interested in hearing about and fixing bugs, however. To build Ratfiv, do @BUILD Documentation is in the file RATFIV.DOC. The "@BUILD" file builds Ratfiv and also Macro, which is just the macro preprocessor portion of Ratfiv. Input passes through the macro processor unchanged except that macros are expanded. There is no documentation for Macro, however the form of the command line is like Ratfiv's and the macros are the same, except that "define" isn't available; use "_macro" instead. There is a system-wide file called "SYMBOLS." which can be read by specifying "/SYMBOLS" on the Ratfiv command line (see the section, "USING RATFIV" in "RATFIV.DOC"). The default location of this file may be changed by changing the define for "USER$BIN" in the "SYMBOLS." file and rebuilding the compiler from scratch. Most people won't need this file, however, so you can just leave it on the directory where Ratfiv is located, since Ratfiv first checks the default directory for the "SYMBOLS." file before looking for the system-wide file. If you are using the FOR compiler instead of F4P on a PDP11, be sure to compile the Fortran sources with the -SN switch. Ignore the errors in IO.FTN; they are in modules which aren't used by Ratfiv. You will also have to change the RATFIV.TKB file as follows: 1. Delete the MAXBUF=512 option. 2. Change ACTFIL=8 to ACTFIL=7 3. Change UNITS=10 to UNITS=9 These changes reduce the number of file inclusion levels allowed by Ratfiv by one, but the task would be too large otherwise. If the task is still too large, you can reduce ACTFIL to 6 and UNITS to 8, but don't reduce them any more as then you will not be able to include any files. Page 5 After reducing the number of file inclusion levels, then after successfully building Ratfiv you should change the define for NFILES in the file "MACSYM." to reflect the changes (i.e subtract 1 or 2 from the defined value of NFILES), and then rebuild the compiler from scratch. Send comments, problems, etc. to: William P. Wood, Jr. Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 ********************VD1:[330,16]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[330,16]README.1ST;1******************** MULTI-TREK is a game similar to traditional Star-Trek games except that it involves several players (currently up to 8), who play against each other in real time rather than against imaginary Klingons, Romulans or whatever. The MULTI-TREK universe consists of a 100 by 100 matrix, of which an approximate 20 by 20 matrix of each player's immediate area is displayed and continuously updated at their terminal. MULTI-TREK was originally submitted to the New Orleans RSX/IAS sig tape, then to the 1979 San Diego RSX/IAS sig tape with the addition of robot ships. Since then it has been recoded in RATFIV and has significant enhancements and improvements, most notably the addition of energy nets, an improved screen display, much better input-output (any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning may be used at speeds from 1200 baud on up), use of default ship and direction with most commands ("L" sets the default direction), more competitive scoring, smarter robot ships, and fewer bugs. This version was submitted to the Spring 1981 VAX and RSX/IAS tapes, and is being resubmitted to the Fall 1981 tapes with some slight improvements. Complete instructions for starting and playing MULTI-TREK are in the file MTREK.DOC. The game consists of a driver task (MTREKD), a player task (MTREK) for each terminal, and a shared global common area for inter-task communication. This version runs on VAX VMS, however, it should run under any system with shared global areas and rudimentary task switching or time-sharing. Real-time systems without time-sharing may have to play with priorities to insure that the driver task gets sufficient CPU time and that all players get an equal amount of time. MULTI-TREK was written with a structured Fortran called RATFIV. The IAS version contains all of the Fortran produced by RATFIV, as well as the RATFIV source (file type .RAT). The VAX VMS version does not include the .FOR files, however the RATFIV compiler is included on both distribution tapes. MTREK will work properly with any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning. The source code is set up to drive ADM3-A's or VT100's. If you are using different terminals, you should modify the file "TERMINAL.RAT" (you could modify "TERMINAL.FTN") to drive your terminal. Modification should be straight-forward as the code is commented on where to change it. To build MTREK, do @BUILD The VAX VMS version places the common area, LEDFOR, on SYS$SHARE and installs it /WRITE/SHARE. It also puts MTREK.EXE, the player task, and MTREKD.EXE, the universe manager task, on SYS$SYSTEM, and installs MTREK.EXE with DETACH and ACNT privileges, so that anyone can start up MTREKD as a detached process (only one copy of MTREKD runs at a time, however). Page 2 After building MTREK, first run MTREKINI. Then, on VAX VMS systems, say MCR MTREK and you are off and running. On IAS systems, the universe manager MTREKD must be started by hand before MTREK is run. You can run MTREKD on a dedicated terminal or install it and run it /REAL. Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Computer Center Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 ********************VD1:[332,60]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[332,60]README.1ST;1******************** UIC: unknown FILES: CCL.MAC FIXUP.MAC LOOKUP.MAC CCL.CMD DRSPW.SLP CCL.HLP NEW.HLP SYSCCL.CCL SYS: RSX-11M V3.2 (4.0?) This is a complete revision of CCL a program originally written by R. J. Kirkman and revised by J. Downward. The original may be found complete with documentation on the KMS FUSION UIC [344,*] on the Fall '79. and both '80 DECUS tapes. In addition an SLP file to patch the RSX-11M V3.2 exec. is necessary. This patch comes compliments of G. Thompson [307,21] from the Fall '80 DECUS tape. It had 1 missing line which I inserted. The patch may not be necessary for V4.0 users if the preliminary information about the new flavor of spawning is correct. The extra features added to CCL are foreward GOTO event multitasking with event flag synchronization and parsing of statements by dividing the parameters into before/after "=" segments. The addition of many extra error messages, and a few debug features made an almost complete simulation of DCL possible. Since DEC is now supporting DCL you may not need this, but V3.2 users can use it. In addition a .CCL file with illustrations of the new features is supplied. As well as a CCL.HLP file. In particular the DCL form of FOR and LINK commands are supported and they may be intermixed freely with the MCR command form. That is either FOR [/sw1/sw2...] filename or FOR file1,file2=file3/sw1/sw2... may be used. A help file NEW.HLP is included to detail the syntax generated by CCL. This version has been at use at Bonner Lab at Rice University for a while and should be quite bug free. If you need help or want a little more information on it you may get me at. Bonner Nuclear Lab, Rice Univ., Box 1892, Houston Tx, 77001 or by phone (713) 527-4018. John Clement. ********************VD1:[332,100]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[332,100]README.1ST;1******************** >CONTRIBUTION FROM HOUSTON AREA RSX/IAS LUG WILLIAM D. BURTON, JR. TEXAS RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MENTAL SCIENCES 1300 MOURSUND HOUSTON, TEXAS 77030 (713) 797-1976 EXT 501 THIS SUBMISSION CONTAINS REVISED VERSIONS OF PROGRAMS WHICH APPEARED ON THE RSX/IAS SYMPOSIUM TAPE FROM MIAMI, SPRING, 1981 DSCDIR - FORTRAN PROGRAM TO PRODUCE A DIRECTORY OF THE CONTENTS OF DSC (DISK SAVE AND COMPRESS) TAPES. NOW ALLOWS 1600 BPI TAPE, DOES NOT CHOKE ON .DIR FILES WHICH ARE EMPTY. HAS RUN UNDER BOTH RSX-11M (3.0 OR LATER) AND IAS FILES: DSCDIR.FTN, DSCDIR.CMD, DSCDIR.DOC DSCCPY - FORTRAN PROGRAM TO RESTORE JUST A FEW FILES FROM A DSC TAPE WITHOUT RESTORING THE ENTIRE VOLUME. GENERAL USER-ORIENTED FIXES. HAS RUN UNDER BOTH RSX-11M (3.0 OR LATER) AND IAS FILES: DSCCPY.FTN, DSCFTN.FTN, DSCMAC.MAC, DSCCPY.CMD, DSCCPY.DOC DSCTAP.TXT - DESCRIBES FORMAT OF DSC-PRODUCED TAPES. ********************VD1:[336,300]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[336,300]README.1ST;1******************** This is RSX Network Mail, a midnite hack done to provide communications between RSX Systems and to communicate with VMS Mail. RSX Mail and VMS Mail are collectively called Mail-11. Unlike the VMS version, RSX Mail-11 requires DECNET, even for local mail delivery. This file is called README.TXT on the DECUS tape to correspond with normal DECUS practices. The remainder of the files are all contained in MAIL.ULB, a universal library. Inside that library this file is known as "MAIRLS" or "MAIL.RLS." These programs are written primarily in FORTRAN and BASIC-Plus II. Task images are provided so that they can be used at sites without licenses for these language products. For those users who have the compilers, you are welcome to make your own modifications. The programs could use much additional human engineering; they are provided on an as is basis to DECUS. No SPRs, inquiries, or complaints, please. Mail Sender Mail Reader Help files Mail Server (Network Object) NETSND.FTN MAIL.CMD UNSSEND.HLP MAILSRV.B2S NETSND.OBJ MAIL.FTN UNSMAIL.HLP MAILRSX.B2S NETSND.CMD MAIL.OBJ MAILARC.B2S GINUAB.MAC MPT.MAC Mail Notify MAILSRV.OBJ GINUAB.OBJ MPT.OBJ MAINOT.FTN MAILSRV.ODL MAINOT.OBJ MAILSRV.CMD MAINOT.CMD *****NOTE: Due to ongoing development on our system, some UICs for Language OTSs in some command files may have to be altered. Configuration Options: 1) RSX Group format - all incoming mail is placed in LB:[1,7]uic.TXT The Mail Reader is used to check for and read mail. *** THIS IS THE RECOMMENDED FORMAT. *** 2) ARC Mail Format - all incoming mail is placed in LB:[1,7]uic.TXT Use Alberta Research Council Mail to check for and read mail. *** OBSOLETE, YOU PROBABLY DON'T WANT TO USE. *** 3) First RSX format - incoming mail is placed in individual MAIL.TXT files in each user's own directory. Mail is read by processing the individual files with standard RSX utilities or with an indirect command file reader, NOT SUPPLIED HERE. *** OBSOLETE, YOU PROBABLY DON'T WANT TO USE. *** Choosing your configuration: The MAILSRV.OBJ in the ULB will be in RSX Group Format. To compile mail you get option 3 by simply compiling MAILSRV.B2S; you get the other options by APPENDING (with the BP2 compiler) either MAILARC.B2S or MAILRSX.B2S before compiling. For example, to compile RSX Group Format (the normal configuration): RUN $BASIC2 OLD MAILSRV APPEND MAILRSX COMPILE ^Z Building Mail: Unless you want to modify Mail, you should not have to build it. The four task images in the Universal Library will run on any machine which has EIS. (Due to the use of F4P, EIS is a minimum requirement for Mail.) You should be able to skip reading the rest of this section, and go on to "Installing Mail" The four .CMD files provided contain enough information to enable building the four programs. Be sure and use MAILSRV.ODL and .CMD, and not a file produced by the BP2 compiler. The Fortran-IV-Plus code does not generate FPP instructions; thus it may be used on any machine which has EIS (most PDP-11s have EIS). If you do not have floating point, check local procedures for using F4P. Installing Mail: Simply install the four Tasks. Also issue the command: NCP SET OBJ 27 NAM MAL$$$ USE DEF VER OFF COP 20 Creating the Routing File and the Forwarding/Filter File: 1. LB:[1,2]MAILNODE.DAT is the routing file and contains lines of the form: nodename poor::mans::routing::to::nodename:: e.g. ARK BABEL::GALAXY::STAR::VAX4::ARK:: If you wish, you may initially create a null file: PIP LB:[1,2]MAILNODE.DAT=NL: 2. LB:[1,2]MAILUSER.DAT is the Forwarding/Filter File and has lines like: localname->nodename::nodefurther::distantname localalias->localnameoraccount localname->(Error message) e.g. LUSER->CORRECT::NODE::LUSER SYSTEMMANAGER->WATSON SMITH->(Smith - Send to J_SMITH or G_SMITH or B_SMITH) B_SMITH->B_SMITH J WILSON->[231,277] M PORTER->M_PORTER COMMENT LINE (Any line which does not contain "->" is a comment.) A SPACE AFTER THE INITIAL MEANS THAT IT IS OPTIONAL. AN UNDERSCORE MAKES IT REQUIRED. An optional feature (called ABSOLUTE filter) requires that all users who will receive mail on this node be entered in the Filter File. An entry of the form NAME->NAME is sufficient if no translation is required. To activate this feature, a line BEGINNING with "->" (in column one) is placed at the END of the Filter file. This line contains the message to be returned to the person trying to send mail. e.g. -> does not read mail on THSNOD The user's name, followed by the message will be returned as an error. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND USING THE ABSOLUTE FILTER, SO THAT OTHER USERS DON'T SEND MAIL TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE ACCOUNTS ON YOUR SYSTEM, BUT DON'T USE YOUR SYSTEM OFTEN ENOUGH TO CHECK FOR MAIL. Mail Notification has now been documented in the help files. Users turn it on for a particular terminal by typing MAIL ? NOTIFY and turn it off by typing MAIL ? NONOTIFY. The system must take care of shutting it off when a user signs off; this is currently done for RSX-11M-PLUS systems with a file in LB:[1,10]LOGOUT.CMD which contains a MAIL ? NONOTIFY command. For RSX-11M systems, the BYE program must be rebuilt using the "USER Subroutine" provided. See BYEMAI.MAC and your own system's BYEBLD.CMD. Note that the RSX group intends to implement a "MAIL Subroutine" similar to the "USER Subroutine" which will eventually replace both methods. The ? command may be qualified with a /BRIEF. This speeds up checking for mail. Your startup procedure should issue a PIP LB:[1,7]LOGDATA.DAT;*/DE in order to delete old notification information. It may also be desirable to issue a MAIL ? NONOTIFY after the delete; this will assure that the owner of the file is SYSTEM rather than the first user who types MAI ? NOTIFY. NOTES ON THE MAIL READER: I wrote this very quickly (2 1/2 days) and intend to do some additional work on it. In particular: The READ command will eventually be modified to accept a file name. (Currently you must switch to a file you have filed mail into with the DIRECTORY command). Mail will be modified so that it doesn't exit when you try to read an empty Mailbox, allowing you to issue another command. The format of the "POSTOFFICE" will be changed so that Mail is aware of what you have read, so that it can begin with new mail. For now, users may file mail in other mailboxes to get it out of the postoffice. Some of these features may be provided on future RSX-Sig Tapes, but no promise of future versions of this submission are implied. ********************VD1:[337,30]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[337,30]README.1ST;1******************** THIS IS THE LATEST VERSION OF THE SFGL70 GENERAL PURPOSE FORTRAN CALLABLE GRAPHICS PACKAGE THAT HAS BEEN DISTRIBUTED THE LAST 2 YEARS. A FEW MINOR BUGS HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED SINCE THE LAST VERSION. IT RUNS UNDER RSX11M & IAS. I HAVE ALSO SUBMITTED A VERSION THAT RUNS UNDER RT-11 TO THE RT11 SIG TAPE. MANY PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD HAVE BEEN USING IT SUCCESSFULLY FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS. IT'S SMALL(1.5 KW) & FAST. IT SUPPORTS TEKTRONIX 4006, 4010,4014 & 4025 TERMINALS. IT ALSO SUPPORTS VT100'S THAT HAVE THE RETRO GRAPHICS UPGRADE. IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS GETTING IT TO WORK PLEASE CONTACT ME AT: KEN DEMERS UNITED TECHNOLOGIES RESEARCH CENTER ROBOTICS LABORATORY EAST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06108 203 727-7527 OR 7240 THANKS KEN ********************VD1:[343,1]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,1]README.1ST;1******************** Submitted by: Robert Nance Johnson Controls Inc., Special Systems Operation 9550 Ridgehaven Ct. San Diego, CA 92123 Description: Probe is a system performance measuring tool. It indicates the amount of time being spent in interrupt processing, kernel space processing, user space processing, and null time. In addition, it provides some subroutine time histogramming for an adjustable number of (FORTRAN usually) tasks by taking advantage of the exit traceback information provided by the OTS. It is intended for use on a CRT, and is presently set for a VT100. System reqts: During Probe's execution, I found that Probe introduces about 5% overhead in CPU time. If it is changed to update the screen less often, this will be lessened. Its size is adjustable, it is set up for about 2KW. It is driven by system clock interrupts, and can easily be changed to be compatible with any such interrupt. It uses memory management hardware address directly - It should not be too difficult to change it if, for some reason, its use on systems without this hardware. In its present configuration it uses one global event flag. Documentation: PROBE.DOC describes the output format and some uses, and the source is well commented (I hope). Status: A possibly dangerous tool in the hands of fiddlers. If aborted when not in stasis mode it will leave some of the pool space permenently allocated. It is run at extremely high priority to prevent races, as it pokes around in the pool space and the memory management hardware to retrieve the subroutine histogramming information. Desired enhancements: The ability to better pick which tasks are histogrammed. Data buffering storage changable based on task size extension at install time. Support: The author welcomes comments & suggestions, but does not want complaints, although will be interested in fixes to eliminate same. I do not yet know for certain how compatible it will be with RSX v4.0 or the new Fortran, but will myself make any necessary conversions, and will share any such changes, if any, when they are available. ********************VD1:[343,10]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,10]README.1ST;1******************** ONVOLUME The ONVolume routine allows a priviledged user to discover which TI's are mounted to non-public devices. The syntax of ONV is ONV DDn: To display one device ONV DD: To display all DD: ONV /ALL To display all mountable units in the system. To build ONV: MAC ONVOL,LS:LP=LB:[1,1]EXEMC/ML,[11,10]RSXMC,SY:ONVOL TKB ONVOL/CP/PR,MP:LP=LB:[1,54]RSX11M.STB,SY:ONVOL ********************VD1:[343,11]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,11]README.1ST;1******************** The DYL utility is used to load a bootable task image onto a floppy in either RX01 or RX02 format. The loader will write the bootstrap block for an RX01 in single density format or an RX02 in dual density format. It will not, however, write for an RX02 in single density format. If the target diskette is not at the user-specified density, DYL will format the floppy to the proper density before loading. The syntax of the DYL utility is: DYL DYn:/Density=Taskimage[/-WB] Where: DYn: is either DY0: or DY1: /Density is /SGL for RX01 or /DBL for RX02 format /-WB is an optional switch to disable writing the Boot Block. In order to taskbuild a program for use with the DYL program, use the following format: >TKB TKB>TASK/-MM/-HD,MAP=OBJECT TKB>/ ENTER OPTIONS: TKB>STACK=0 TKB>PAR=LSIPAR:stadd:size ! Stadd is the start address in octal TKB>// ********************VD1:[343,12]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,12]README.1ST;1******************** UNDELETE Originally written by Richard Kirkman and appeared in July 1981 Decus RSX11M SIG newsletter, THE MULTI-TASKER. The function of this program is to attempt to recover a recently deleted file. The program will accept a command line with input and output disks (which must be different) and an input UIC. It will then scan the input disk indexfile for all deleted files with that UIC. Will print error message (warning) if search of bitmap shows that a file block has been reused. Will use IO.RLB from privledged task to read all blocks of the file and then create new file in owners UIC on output device. This program will only succeed in recovering a file, if the file header has not been reused. It's optimum use would be when a single user accidentally deletes a file and immediately stops all writing to the volume, to avoid loosing either the file header or any of the other blocks belonging to the deleted file. COMMANDLINE FORMAT: "UND>DO:=DI:[grp,mbr]" Where DO: is the output device, DI: is the input device and the output and input devices are not the same. OUTPUTS: Places the undeleted file into the users current UIC on the output device. Build instructions: MAC UNDEL,LS:LP=UNDEL TKB>UNDEL/CP/PR:0,MP:LP=UNDEL TKB>/ TKB>STACK=64 TKB>TASK=...UND TKB>PRI=100 TKB>UIC=[1,1] TKB>// ********************VD1:[343,13]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,13]README.1ST;1******************** The downline loader downloads the absolute loader to an LSI from the PDP 11/35 through a user specified TT line. The program then sends a task image to the absolute loader. To run the downline loader: The LSI must first be able to accept an ODT command, This can be done by halting the LSI, then restarting it. Run the downline loader from the console. The downline loader will prompt for the TT line to the LSI, the downline loader sends the microcode load command to the LSI then downloads the absolute loader to the LSI. Once the absolute loader is in the LSI, the downline loader prompts for the task to be loaded to the LSI, (The task to be loaded must not have a header) where the downline loader will send the proper information for loading the task to the absolute loader. To compile and build the downline loader: MAC LOAD,LS:LP=LB:[1,1]EXEMC/ML,LOAD TKB LOAD,MP:LP=LOAD ********************VD1:[343,14]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,14]README.1ST;1******************** KILLER - RSX-11M JOB KILLER PROGRAM DESCRIPTION - Task issues a BYE command against a user logged on the terminal given in the command line to KILLER. This action, in effect, 'kills' that user. LIST OF FILES - KILLER.MAC ;Main program and build information This task will allow the privileged user (or any user logged in at TT0:) to log off any logged-in user. The method is to run BYE at the targeted user's TI:. KILLER will temporarily redirect CO: to TI: so the logout message furnished by BYE will be displayed for confirmation. The command line format to KILLER is as follows: KIL TTxx ;where xx is the target tty unit number (octal). BUILD INSTRUCTIONS: >MAC KILLER=LB:[1,1]EXEMC/ML,LB:[200,200]RSXMC/PA:1,SY:''KILLER >TKB KILLER/PR=KILLER,LB:[1,54]RSX11M.STB >/ >TASK=...KIL >STACK=64 >UNITS=1 >// ********************VD1:[343,21]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,21]README.1ST;1******************** SUBMITTED BY: PAUL D. CLAYTON REPUBLIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ONE NESHAMINY INTERPLEX, SUITE 306 TREVOSE, PA. 19044 THIS AN UPDATED VERSION OF THE FORTH PUT ONTO THE FALL '80 RSX/IAS SIG TAPE. IT IS NOT MEANT AS A OFFICAL RELEASE OF FORTH AND I AM ** NOT ** A MEMBER OF THE FORTH INTEREST GROUP OR DEVELOPMENT TEAM. IT IS MEANT SOLEY AS AN ENHANCED VERSION PROVIDING A BETTER TOOL FOR GENERAL USE AND USER ACCEPTENCE. THERE IS ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION IN THE SOURCE LISTING WHICH SHOULD BE CONSULTED ALONG WITH THIS DOCUMENT. THIS SYSTEM IS MODIFIED TO RUN UNDER IAS V3.0. NO TESTING HAS BEEN DONE UNDER RSX-11M(+) OR THE OTHER SYSTEMS. IN OTHER WORDS, IF YOU DON'T HAVE IAS YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. MODIFIED BY PAUL D. CLAYTON REPUBLIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ONE NESHAMINY INTERPLEX,SUITE 306 TREVOSE, PA. 19044 THE FOLLOWING MODS WERE DONE: MODS SHOWN AS +M001 ARE FOR: COMMAND - BIKEY ADD IN THE CAPABILITY TO RECIEVE THE TRUE BINARY VALUE OF A TYPED CHARACTER, INCLUDING ALL CONTROL CHAR. ***WARNING: CONTROL-C HAS NO MEANING WHEN THIS FUNCTION IS ON. COMMAND: -BIKEY RETURNS THE TERMINAL HANDLER TO NORMAL FOR RECOGINIZING ALL CONTROL CODES. THIS IS THE INVERSE OF BIKEY. COMMAND: ALTPAD ENABLES THE ALTERNATE KEYPAD ON THE VT100 TO SEND ESCAPE SEQUENCES BACK TO FORTH. THE NORMAL MANNER IS FOR THE ALTERNATE KEYPAD TO SEND NUMERICAL VALUES. COMMAND: -ALTPAD RETURNS THE ALTERNATE KEYPAD TO NUMERICAL USE. THIS IS THE I INVERSE OF THE ALTPAD COMMAND. COMMAND: TRKEY RETURNS ONE (1) AND ONLY ONE CHARACTER PER COMMAND USE. THIS IS USEFUL WHEN ALTPAD IS BEING USED OR IN AN EDITOR AND ALL YOU WANT IS ONE CHARACTER AT A TIME. CARRIAGE RETURN IS NOT NEEDED TO RECIEVE THE DATA AS IT IS WHEN YOU USE THE KEY COMMAND. MODS SHOWN AS +M002 COMMAND: LP DIRECTS ALL OUTPUT NORMALLY SENT TO THE CRT TO GO TO A DISK FILE CALLED 'FORTHLP.LST' WICH IS AUTOMATICALLY SPOOLED AND DELETED WHEN YOU EXIT FROM FORTH. COMMAND: TERM REDIRECTS ALL OUTPUT TO GO TO THE CRT FROM THE TIME THE COMMAND IS USED. THE LP AND TERM COMMANDS CAN BE USED INTERCHANGABLEY AS OFTEN AS YOU WANT. ADDITIONS TO THE SCREENS IN FORTH.DAT A FULL SCREEN EDITOR HAS BEEN INCLUDED IN THE SCREENS WHICH WAS FOUND IN DOCTOR DOBB'S JOURNAL AND ENTERED BY TERRY BOSSERT OF RMS. THE EDITOR IS AUTOMATICALLY LOADED IF YOU TYPE '1 LOAD'. IT IS ALWAYS BEST TO HAVE THE EDITOR LOADED FOR QUICK EDITING AND ALSO THE COMMANDS '\' AND SCREENMOVE ARE DEFINED IN THE EDITOR SCREENS. THE FILE FORTH.IDX CONTAINS THE INDEXS OF THE SCREENS CURRENTLY DEFINED IN FORTH.DAT. THE EDITOR IS VERY WELL COMMENTED AND A GOOD EXAMPLE OF FORTH PROCEDURES. KNOWN PROBLEMS: EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE THE SYSTEM WILL ABORT WITH A SEGMENT FAULT. WHO KNOWS WHY, DON'T ASK ME. THE FORTH.DAT FILE FDB CODE HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO LEAVE THE FILE UNLOCKED IN THE EVENT OF TASK ABORT. END OF ADDITIONS BY PAUL D. CLAYTON AND CREW ********************VD1:[343,22]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,22]README.1ST;1******************** SUBMITTED BY: PAUL D. CLAYTON REPUBLIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ONE NESHAMINY INTERPLEX, SUITE 306 TREVOSE, PA. 19044 THESE ROUTINES LABELED 'SCREEN' WILL PLACE DATA AT USER SPECIFIED PLACES ON TERMINAL SCREENS FOR BOTH VT100 AND VT52 TERMINALS. THE FILE 'SCREEN.DOC' IS A REFERANCE TO THE ROUTINES AND THEIR CAPABILITIES. THEY ARE USED ON A PDP 11/70 UNDER IAS. VER3.0 WITH NO PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED. THEIR USE UNDER ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM IS NOT ASSURED, THE SELECTION OF TERMINAL CHARACTICS TO USE MAY BE DIFFERENT BETWEEN OPERATING SYSTEMS. *** USER BEWARE OF OPERATING SYSTEM DIFFERENCES.!!!! THE ROUTINES LABELED 'SIMTAP' ARE FOR AN 'EMULATED' TAPE DRIVE ON DISK VOLUMES. THE FILE LABELED 'SIMTAP.DOC' CONTAINS ALL THE INFORMATION NEEDED TO USE THESE ROUTINES TO THEIR FULLEST. ********************VD1:[343,23]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,23]README.1ST;1******************** SUBMITTED BY: PAUL D. CLAYTON REPUBLIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ONE NESHAMINY INTERPLEX, SUITE 306 TREVOSE, PA. 19044 THIS PROGRAM WILL READ, WRITE AND LIST THE DIRECTORY OF A RT-11 FORMAT MAG-TAPE ON AN IAS OPERATING SYSTEM. THE TAPE VOLUME BLOCK IS CHECKED TO MAKE SURE THE TAPE WAS GENERATED ON AN RT-11 SYSTEM. THE TAPE ITSELF MUST BE MOUNTED WITH FOREIGN CHAR. AND ATTACHABLE. THE IAS COMMAND TO DO THIS IS: PDS> MOU/FOR MM0: RT THE PROGRAM IS DESIGNED AS A 'BULK' READ/WRITE. INDIVIDUAL FILES CAN NOT BE PICKED OFF. YOU WILL GET ANY FILES IT FINDS ON THE TAPE. WHEN WRITING TAPES, THE PROGRAM LOOKS FOR A FILE 'RT.DAT' AND EXPECTS TO FIND THE FILE SPECIFICATIONS (WITHOUT DEVICE OR UIC) FOR THE FILES TO BE WRITTEN TO THE TAPE. IN OTHER WORDS, RT.DAT CAN ONLY CONTAIN FILE NAMES AND EXTENSIONS!!! THE COMMANDS THE PROGRAM WILL ACCEPT ARE AS FOLLOWS. 1. INPUT FROM TAPE: RT/IN[:DEV] QUALIFIERS ARE: /PE 2. OUTPUT TO TAPE: RT/OUT[:DEV] QUALIFIERS ARE: /PE 3. DIRECTORY OF TAPE: RT/DI[:DEV] QUALIFIERS ARE: /PE /LP NOTE: LP = USED IF THE OUTPUT IS TO GO TO THE LINE PRINTER ALSO. PE = USED IF THE TAPE IS 1600 BPI DEV = MM OR MT DEVICES AND UNITS 0 TO 7 (IE. MM0) YOU CAN EXIT FROM THE PROGRAM BY ENTERING CONTROL-Z TO THE 'RT>' PROMPT. THIS PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN TESTED ON ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM AND AS SUCH, IS NOT GARUARENTEED TO WORK ON ANYTHING OTHER THAN IAS. THE DEVELOPMENT OPERATING SYSTEM WAS IAS V3.0 AND FORTRAN IV-PLUS. TO BUILD THE PROGRAM ENTER '@BUILD' IN DCL MODE. ********************VD1:[343,25]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,25]README.1ST;1******************** SUBMITTED BY: PAUL D. CLAYTON DATA MANAGEMENT SIG NEWSLETTER EDITOR REPUBLIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ONE NESHAMINY INTERPLEX, SUITE 306 TREVOSE, PA. 19044 THIS ACCOUNT CONTAINS ALL THE NEWSLETTER ARTICLES THAT I AM MAINTAINING ON A WORD PROCESSING SYSTEM. IT IS A 'FIRST' BECAUSE NO OTHER SIG TODATE HAS INCLUDED ITS MAIN ARTICLES TO THE SIG TAPES FOR ADDITIONAL DISTRIBUTATION. ALL THE ".DMS" FILES ARE IN LINE PRINTER LISTING FORMAT, (NOT RUNOFF) FOR DIRECTING TO A LINE PRINTER FOR ADDITIONAL COPIES WHICH CAN BE SENT TO ALL THE PEOPLE THAT WOULD FIND THEM EDUCATIONAL. I WILL MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO CONTINUE THIS PRACTICE IN THE FUTURE. NOTE: THE FILE SEQ100.DMS IS A MASTER INDEX TO THE ARTICLES IN THE DMS NESLETTER SINCE I TOOK IT OVER IN MIAMI '81. THE KEY TO FINDING THE ARTICLES YOU WANT IS TO TAKE THE SEQUENCE NUMBER FROM THE INDEX (EXCLUDING PERIODS), PUT 'SEQ' IN FRONT AND FILE EXTENSION OF 'DMS' TO GET THE FILE YOU WANT. IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR FUTURE ARTICLES, PAST ARTICLES, PROBLEMS, HINTS, ETC. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL AT (215) 441-2708. ********************VD1:[343,26]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,26]README.1ST;1******************** Submitted By: Ken Tibesar 3M Center St. Paul Minnesota The following are a set of routines that allow the interface of OMSI Pascal Ver. 1.2 to RMS-11. It is a comprhensive set of tools. The routines are adaptable to OMSI Pascal Ver. 2.0 with minor changes (which must be done by yourself). The author (3M Corp.) respectfully holds the option to be rude to anyone calling on the phone. The documentation in the Runoff file is complete and should answer all questions. It is not known if these routines will work with NBS or Swedish Pascal as distributed by the Structured Languages SIG. A directory of the files are as listed below. 1) Installation Guide. PRMINS.DOC 2) RSX Library Build Command File PRMPAS.CMD 3) PRM Internal Structures PRMCON.PAS RMSCON.PAS PRMTYP.PAS RMSTYP.PAS FAB.PAS RAB.PAS 4) PRM User Records and Calls PRMCAL.PAS PRMPRE.PAS 5) PRM Source Code in SLIP Format PRMCLO.SRC PRMCRE.SRC PRMDEL.SRC PRMFRE.SRC PRMKEY.SRC PRMOPE.SRC PRMRET.SRC PRMSTO.SRC RMSINI.SRC 6) PRM Documentation PRMPAS.RNO 7) Example #1 PRMEXA.PAS PRMEXA.ODL PRMEXA.CMD 8) Example #2 CREIDX.PAS CREIDX.CMD CREIDX.ODL 9) RSX Command File to Transfer Files PRMXFR.CMD ********************VD1:[343,31]README.1ST;4******************** ********************VD1:[343,31]README.1ST;4******************** Editor's note: UIC references are changed here ONLY to reflect SIG tape assignments - all other documentation is unchanged. Conversions are: [150,n] ==> [343,3n] e.g. [150,] ==> [343,34] ***** Roadmap to the 3M Fall 1981 DECUS Contribution ***** This set of UICs contains the 3M Fall 1981 DECUS contributions. We are pleased to present (1) an IFTRAN precompiler for structured FORTRAN, (2) some useful patches to RSX-11M-Plus HELLO, (3) the world premiere of 3M's first VT100 film. IFTRAN - UICs [343,31], [343,32], [343,33] We are pleased to present a new precompiler for structured FORTRAN, which is called IFTRAN. The source files for this precompiler will be found in UICs [343,32] and [343,33]. Documentation in RUNOFF format and a README.1ST file will be found in UIC [343,31]. Anyone wanting to build this precompiler should note that (1) It was written in FOR, not F4P, and no attempt has been made to make it compatible with F4P, (2) If you build it with THReaded code, it will run slower than sin, (3) MACRO subroutines are available to the bold user who wants it to run faster. This precompiler (in a different incarnation) has been used extensively at the University of Wisconsin in a teaching environment, so while the principal code is assuredly (relatively) bug-free, no such guarantee is made for the RSX command line parsing routines or system calls. In particular, the command line parsing is very rough ... but it works. This set of files has also been released to the DECUS Program Library under DECUS number 11-481, "An IFTRAN Precompiler for PDP-11 FORTRAN". M-Plus HELLO patches - UIC [343,34] In this UIC we have included a SLP file to rebuild RSX-11M-Plus HELFSL with some useful enhancements. These are (1) A customized login header, (2) Strikeover masking for logins of the form Name/Password, and (3) Printing of file LB:[1,2]NOLOG.TXT for login attempts when logins are disabled. These patches were adapted from Jim Downward's patches to RSX-11M V3.2 HELLO. They have been submitted to DEC for possible future inclusion, but if you want 'em, you'd better get them here and not wait for DEC to officially support them. Note that we didn't remove our custom headers or custom strikeover mask in HELLO.SLP; it will be necessary for you to edit the file and include your own. This SLP file is current to Autopatch D of RSX-11M-Plus. We have been using it for five months now and have encountered no problems with it. Film - UIC [343,35] For those who have VT100 compatible terminals, we proudly premiere the first ES and T film production, GONZO.FLM, in UIC [343,35]. Inspired by the antics of new users on our system who innocently try to debug their privileged programs which map over the Exec (often without benefit of $SWSTK), we hope that everyone enjoys it. Run at 9600 baud, please. Bruce R. Mitchell Michael J. Lynch 3M Company Engineering Systems and Technology Computer Control Technology Section Building 518-1 3M Center Saint Paul, Minnesota 55144 ********************VD1:[343,31]README.2ND;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,31]README.2ND;1******************** IFTRAN V02.01 DISTRIBUTION KIT Bruce R. Mitchell, BSEE, BSIE Department of Anesthesiology University of Wisconsin - Madison This distribution kit contains the files necessary to build a working version of the IFTRAN V02.01 precompiler. In this kit you will find three UICs: [150,1], [150,2], [150,3]. This UIC [150,1] contains this README.1ST file and the IFTRAN.RNO file. The IFTRAN.RNO file contains all the documentation you will need to build and use the precompiler. It is set up to produce documentation on 12 chars/inch horizontally, 6 chars/inch vertically, with margins of 15 on the left and 90 on the right. If these are not satisfactory, you will have to extensively edit the file, as the file is predicated on having a printer which does this. RNO the IFTRAN.RNO file and read it. When you have finished, copy the files from [150,2] into your preferred UIC and build the bootstrap precompiler using file IFT.CMD. Install the resulting task and delete all other files copied from [150,2]. Copy the files from [150,3] into your preferred UIC and build the V02.01 precompiler using file IFTBUILD.CMD. This indirect file will ask you what your preferences are for task attributes. When you are through, you will have a customized version of the precompiler. Direct any inquiries and suggestions to Bruce R. Mitchell at the Department of Anesthesiology, B6/387 Clinical Sciences Center, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin, 53792. DO NOT direct inquiries regarding this distribution kit to Dr. Dietmeyer. He will be very miffed and tell you that he knows nothing about PDP-11 FORTRAN, which is true. ********************VD1:[343,32]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,32]README.1ST;1******************** ** EDITORS NOTE ** This UIC is documented in [343,31] ********************VD1:[343,33]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,33]README.1ST;1******************** ** EDITORS NOTE ** This UIC is documented in [343,31] ********************VD1:[343,34]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,34]README.1ST;1******************** ** EDITORS NOTE ** This UIC is documented in [343,31] ********************VD1:[343,35]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,35]README.1ST;1******************** ** EDITORS NOTE ** This UIC is documented in [343,31] ********************VD1:[343,40]README.1ST;4******************** ********************VD1:[343,40]README.1ST;4******************** PETER J. HUNTER U.C. DAVIS DIV. ENV. STDS. DAVIS, CALIF. 95616 (916) 752-7533 This directory contains a Foreign Tape Processor(FTP) which allows a user to read, write and dump tapes that are not RSX compatible. FTP.HLP explains how to use FTP, and a ready to use task image is included as well as all source files. Inaddition to FTP there is a string library(STRING.FTN) for FORTRAN which maybe of some value. Example uses of FTP are: FTP>FILE1.DAT=MT0:/RS:80:800 This would copy the current file on MT0 to a disk file named FILE1.DAT. The tape file is blocked with 10 logical records per physical tape record. FTP>MT0:/FT:EB/RS:84:840 = MYPROG.FTN This would copy the ASCII file MYPROG.FTN to tape MT0 translating ASCII characters to EBCDIC. The tape would be blocked with 10 logical records of 84 characters per physical tape record. ********************VD1:[343,50]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,50]README.1ST;1******************** Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Title: LIST Author: Robin Miller Date: March 25, 1981 Original source taken from KMS Software Kit. Description: The LIST program is used to list file(s) at the terminal. It will list one screen full at a time so you can easily scroll through the file. On the VT52, VT100, and Tektronix scope, it keeps the file name and creation date at the top op the screen. It also has some useful listing options it accepts after listing each page. Typing a question mark (?) will display help on all the options. Operating procedures: >LIST Where: may be any legal RSX-11M file specification, and may have wildcards (*) for file names. If wildcards are used, the version number also defaults to * automatically. Examples: X.MAC, TEST.*, *.PLI. ********************VD1:[343,51]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,51]README.1ST;1******************** Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: VAXNET Author: Roger Lipsett INTERMETRICS April 1979. Rewritten by: Robin Miller Project Software & Development, Inc. 1981 VAXNET is a program used to transfer ASCII files over an asynchronous communications line between two computers. The progams supplied in this directory allow for communications between VAX and VAX or between VAX and RSX11M. Two programs called F2T and T2F allow task images to be converted into ASCII records, transferred to the other computer, and then converted back to a task image which can be run. This program has several enhancements over the original which include: o Help available on each question by typing the ESCape key. o Ability to backup to the previous question by typing the ! key. o Automatic setup of both local and remote terminal ports. o The ability to put output from the remote into a logfile on the VAX which can then be REFORMATed and printed/edited. o Terminal I/O is done in full duplex mode. o Better error checking and recover when transfering files. Several problems: o occasionally the program will get stuck in a HIBERNATE state or will exceed its buffer I/O quota (my count was 6). When stuck in the HIBERNATE state, it must be STOPped from another terminal. o when VAXNET is talking to another VAX (at 9600 baud), the XON/ XOFF which the terminal driver sends when the typeahead buffer is almost full does not always work properly (loose characters). This problem it not so bad when communicating with RSX-11M or if the baud rate of the remote terminal port is less than that of the local port. The problem does not exist if the remote port is at 1200 baud. Build Procedures: List file VAXNET.HLP for helping on building VAXNET & SNDRCV. ********************VD1:[343,52]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[343,52]README.1ST;2******************** Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: EDT.TEC, DRAW.TEC (runs on TECO V35 or V36) Author: Robin Miller Date: 1981 EDT.TEC is a teco macro which emulates version 2 of EDT (known as ED2 on RSX-11M). It was written before ED2 was released to the REAL world since I got tired of waiting for DEC. Since it is written in TECO, it puts a much heavier load on the system than ED2. The actual macro is about half the size of VTEDIT.TEC (but no faster) since I've placed all the help information in a file called TECEDT.HLP. Although it doesn't get much use now that ED2 is released, it still comes in useful since TECO has many features for complicated editing which ED2 doesn't. The major use of EDT.TEC now is on RT11 systems where ED2 doesn't exist and where the response time is very good. Extensive documentation exists in the unsquished macro (EDT.TES) which makes it much easier to modify than VTEDIT from DEC ever was. About the only ED2 key not implemented, is CTRL/K for define key. I have CTRL/K setup to kill the output file and exit. Also CTRL/E is very useful to exit and go (TECO V36 only). Its spawns a command line of the form "FOO filnam.ext" which another program or command file can pickup and automatically do something with it. DRAW.TEC is basically EDT.TEC with the ability to do drawing. By typing the GOLD (PF1) key twice, you go into drawing mode which then allows the arrow keys to draw a specified character (* by default). The drawing character can be changed by typing CTRL/G and specifying the character to draw with. ********************VD1:[343,53]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,53]README.1ST;1******************** Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: PNG Author: J L Frost Chevron Reserch Company Submitted by: Robin Miller Project Software & Development, Inc. PNG is a video ping pong program which was written by J L Frost at the Chevron Research Company. It original ran only on the VT52 series terminal. I've modified it to run on the VT100 terminal as well. The VT52 code still exists and is conditionalized by the symbol VT52. The program starts off with a help page to explain how to run the game. ********************VD1:[343,54]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,54]README.1ST;1******************** Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Programs: RSXMSG, RSXERR, TRYMSG Author: Robin Miller Date: 1981 RSXMSG is a module which is used to either report or return an RSX-11M error message. All error messages are included in this module which takes up approximatly 2.5 KW. Since most Fortan programs are overlayed anyway, this size is insignificant since it can be hidden in one of the overlays. For macro programs which use file I/O, these messages should probably be moved to a disk file. RSXERR is a macro program which makes use of the RSXMSG module to return a specified error message to the terminal. This is very useful since most RSX-11M utilities (excluding ED2 and PIP) report stupid error numbers which make no sense to the average user. This program will also report all Directive or I/O error codes (including quota exceeded for VAX) if you specify an asterisk (*) in response to the error code question. TRYMSG is a Fortran program which illustrates how to call the various entry points in RSXMSG. It also contains extensive documentation on the RSXMSG bit definitions and calling sequence from Macro. ********************VD1:[343,60]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[343,60]README.1ST;2******************** THE FOLLOWING IS A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMS IN THIS DIRECTORY ALL RUN ON IAS 3.0 AND 3.1 REAL-TIME AND MULTI-USER SYSTEMS. SUPPLIED BY ADCOM/J-2YPI, CHEYENNE MOUNTIAN, COLORADO SPRINGS, 80914 ROBERT L. REED. PHONE -- (303)473-4010 EXT. 3529 ATS A dynamic, multi-column, Active Task Scan. NODE A dynamic, multi-column display of active tasks with node pool usage shown. SRD Taken from one of the DECUS tapes. All the known problems are fixed. 1. Buffer size. 2. Single digit date select such as 1-dec-81 3. Directory too big now tells which directory and shows what it can of the directory. Bad things such as incomplete sorts or partial write backs do not take place. 4. Date selects show creation dates on listing 5. Wild card Uic's don't abort after directory to big 6. ETC. who remembers all the patches NOTE: the SRD.UNI file is a universal library file. the SRDEXE module is a command file to extract all the other files. This is usable on IAS 3.1 ********************VD1:[343,70]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[343,70]README.1ST;1******************** SEE is a real-time memory display which permits selective display of up to eight 'windows' anywhere in memory in word, byte or character modes on a VT-52. For mapped RSX11M. See SEE.RNO for details. Jack Harvey National Data Systems 299 Market St Saddlebrook, NJ 07662 phone 201 843-5300 ********************VD1:[344,62]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[344,62]README.1ST;2******************** CCL V8.0 This version of CCL is a composit of the work of Angle Li at the University of Miami, Paul Sorenson at Michigan State University, and Jim Downward at KMS Fusion. Angle Li edited the code to remove all the funny F4P lables and to comment the code. Paul Sorenson then provided a substanitial rewrite to CCL to provide significantly more flexible command string parsing. V8.0 of CCL will use the RPOI$ directive to chain command lines to tasks. In doing so the OCB's will be relinked and CCL will exit at once since it is not needed to hang around in core to pass back OCB information. This makes it possible to have CCL commands within a command file started by a CCL command. Also CCL was upgraded so that it can be an Alternate CLI for RSX11M V4.0. If it is used as an alternate CLI, it will receive the command line prior to MCR. This means that any MCR command (even for installed tasks) can be trapped and reparsed. Moreover, even with an unmodified MCR, illegal characters can be used as commands. The same CCL task image can be installed both as the catchall task (...CA.) and as an alternate CLI. If it is to work as a catchall task it must be installed with the name ...CA. User's desiring to use the Alternate CLI features should create a LB1:[1,5]SYSCLI.CCL file to avoid nasty error messages. Note that both the names for the system and the user CCL files are modified for if CCL is a CLI. The names are LB1:[1,5]SYSCLI.CCL and SY:[UIC]USERCLI.CCL. INSCCLCLI.CMD will install CCL as a CLI on a V4.0 system. To simplify use of CCL for user's (like myself) who often assign a local LB:(to do a sysgen). The location of SYSCCL.CCL has been moved to LB1: (unless symbol $LB0 is defined in PRECCL.MAC). To use CCL, please do a global assign of LB1: to a physical disk either in VMR or in STARTUP.CMD. As was previously mentioned, this version of CCL has been extensively rewritten to provide a more flexible command format. The major changes that must be kept in mind for this newest version are, 1) All conditional assembly directives are now in PRECCL.MAC for easier access (see comments for their affects). They are $LB0,,$DCL, and $TABLE. 2) An internal table lookup has been added to offer a compromise between DCL and the .CCL files. (see comments in CCL.MAC) 3) Several new parameters have been defined -- %A%, %B%, %C% and %0% %A% is set the the entire character string past the command. %B% is set to character string up to first space %C% is defined as everything not in %B% (excluding delimiter) %0% is set to values of any leading switches (e.g. BRU/REW/VER, %0%=/REW/VER) 4) Two options have been added for command building. If a parameter is null, it may be replaced by a string starting with the key character "\" and extending to the % delimiter, also, a parameter may be tested by %2?S1\S2% which will insert string "S1" if parameter 2 is defined, otherwise string "S2" will be inserted (either S1 or S2 may be null). 5) A command line may extend to the next line by including the "+" character as the last character in the line. 6) USERCCL.CCL is opened on the user's logon UIC rather than the current default UIC. 7) If CCL can not find a command, it will try sending off its command to another catchall ...CA2. 8) %R is a special character signifying that CCL is to ring the terminal BELL when it exits. A previous version used %B for this. Sorry for the incompatability. 9) %D is added to aid in debugging CCL command lines. When it is encountered, the command up to that point is displayed in expanded format at the user's terminal rather than being sent to MCR. 9) %P is added to signify that an action line is to be printed out on TI:. This makes it very easy to create CCL commands which send escape sequences to control terminal characteristics. 10) %Q is added to signify that CCL should exit without sending on the command to MCR if a required input field is defaulted with a null (ie %1\%) and the input parameter is also a null. This prevents various PIP like commands from occuring with no files specified which often results in defaulting to the entire directory. 11) Two possible TABLE macro files are offered. TABLE.BIG has all kinds of CCL commands and results in a significantly larger CCL. TABLE.KMS includes those commands which used to be processed by the internal DCL code. The size of CCL using the internal table file is comprable to the previous versions using hard coded command. TABLEGEN.CMD allows the user to create an internal CCL file. 12) CCLGEN allows the user to select amoung a variety of options. If the user desires to use an internal table file, CCLGEN will allow the user to link to TABLEGEN.CMD to create an internal table from a standard CCL file. One can use either USERCCL.CCL or SYSCCL.CCL, for example, as a source file. 13) CCL now checks to see if the keyword typed in is longer than the maximum specified in the file (previously was ignored). This means that commands FOO and FOOY can be different and distinct. 14) Documentation and HELP files have been updated to reflect the many, many new features. 15) CCL now uses RPOI$ to chain the command to MCR if either a %$ is found, or if the action line is the last or only action line. The Command is chained off, and CCL immediately exits. This is only for the commands handled via the table file or the external file. The hardwired commands still use SPAWN. If RPOI$ fails CCL trys to use the SPAWN directive. Note that this makes it possible to have CCL commands within command files started by CCL commands. CCL is no mostly recursive although it is still not possible to have a CCL command itself be a CCL command. 16) Support for Dan Steinberg's patch for DRSPW (passing/relinking OCB's on special SPAWN directive) is withdrawn. RPOI$ can be used without patching the standard RSX11M system. 17) Support for CCL as an alternate CLI. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ KNOWN BUGS and RESTRICTIONS 1) If you specify the following in a command definition file (note the command set specifies a required prompt is parameters are missing, but no prompt is present) $4411XSET *command_text CCL will come back and tell you that there is a read error on LB1:[1,5]SYSCCL.CCL. If you try $4411XSET ?0Switches *set %0%%1%P% you will also get a read error message on LB1:[1,5]SYSCCL.CCL if you type XSET /UIC=[xxx]. Values are stuffed into the %0 parameter until a space is found. Hence the whole line goes into %0. Now this screws up the checking for whether or not enough parameters were entered. %0 is not at this time counted as one of the characters, so CCL gets confused. The %0 parameter should be used with care until someone has a chance to come up with a versitile fix which doesn't screw up something else. I don't have time to fix this bug for this release, but I would welcome any help that any users would like to give. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Included on this UIC is a working task image of CCL built without FCSRES and with TABLE.KMS. It may be used either as a CLI or as ...CA. on a V4.0 system (maybe even on a V3.2 system, try it). Active contributers to CCL now include Mr. Angel Li RSMAS/MPO University of Miami 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy. Miami, Fl. 33149 (305)-350-7491 Paul Sorenson Dept. of Physiology Mich. State Univ. E. Lansing, MI 48824 (517)-355-5125 And myself, James G. Downward KMS Fusion, Inc PO Box 1567 Ann Arbor, Mi 48106 (313)-769-8500 ********************VD1:[347,101]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[347,101]README.1ST;1******************** FDV.COR THIS IS A CORRECTION FILE TO THE FMS-11 FORM DRIVER (FDV VERSION 01.00) TO ADD ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONALITY. THE RSX UTILITY SLP SHOULD BE USED TO APPLY THIS CORRECTION TO THE FDV.MAC SOURCE FILE. ADDED FUNCTIONALITY: ONE WORD IS ADDED TO THE FMS IMPURE DATA AREA. THE FIRST BYTE OF THIS WORD CONTAINS THE FIRST LINE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN ON WHICH THE CURRENT FORM IS DISPLAYED. THE SECOND WORD CONTAINS THE LAST LINE NUMBER ON THE SCREEN USED BY THE CURRENT FORM. THIS WORD MAY BE ADDRESSED BY USING THE SYMBOL I$FLLL AS AN OFFSET INTO THE IMPURE AREA. PROGRAM FUNCTION KEYS PF3 AND PF4 ARE CHANGED TO FUNCTION AS USER CONTROLLED PROGRAM FUNCTION KEYS IF THE CURSOR IS NOT POSITIONED IN A SCROLLED AREA WHEN THEY ARE DEPRESSED. THE KEYS FUNCTION EXACTLY LIKE THE NUMERIC KEY PAD WHEN IT IS IN PROGRAM FUNCTION KEY MODE. PF3 RETURNS AN "R" AND PF4 RETURNS AN "S" TO THE USER PROGRAM IF THE KEYS ARE DEPRESSED WHILE THE CURSOR IS NOT IN A SCROLLED AREA. IF THE CURSOR IS IN A SCROLLED AREA WHEN PF3 OR PF4 IS DEPRESSED, THE KEYS FUNCTION EXACTLY AS DESCRIBED IN THE FMS-11 DOCUMENTATION. THREE NEW FUNCTION CODES ARE ADDED TO FORM DRIVER CALLS. FC$GVA THIS CALL MAY BE USED BY THE USER PROGRAM TO OBTAIN THE CURRENT SETTING OF THE VIDEO ATTRIBUTES OF ANY FIELD ON THE CURRENT FORM. FC$SVA THIS CALL MAY BE USED BY THE USER PROGRAM TO DYNAMICALLY SET NEW VIDEO ATTRIBUTES FOR ANY FIELD ON THE CURRENT FORM. CAUTION: 1- THE ORIGINAL VIDEO ATTRIBUTES ARE NOT SAVED AND MUST BE RESTORED BY THE USER PROGRAM IF DESIRED. 2- IF THE VIDEO ATTRIBUTES OF AN INDEXED FIELD ARE CHANGED, ONLY THE SINGLE FIELD SPECIFIED BY THE INDEX VALUE SPECIFIED IN THE CALL IS CHANGED ON THE SCREEN. HOWEVER, IF CNTRL W IS DEPRESSED WHILE ANY FIELD IN AN ARRAY HAS ITS ATTRIBUTES CHANGED, ALL FIELDS IN THE ARRAY ARE REPAINTED WITH THE ATTRIBUTES SPECIFIED IN THE LAST CALL WHICH AFFECTED A FIELD IN THE ARRAY. FC$NFI THIS CALL MAY BE USED TO FIND THE I.D. (NAME) OF THE FIRST FIELD ON A FORM, OR THE I.D. (NAME) OF THE FIELD FOLLOWING THE FIELD SPECIFIED IN THE CALL. THIS CALL IS USEFUL IN DETERMINING THE NAMES OR ORDER OF FIELDS ON A FORM. THE NEW FUNCTION CALLS AND RESULTING STATUS CODES ARE DOCUMENTED IN DETAIL IN COMMENTS IN THE FDV.COR FILE. ********************VD1:[350,200]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[350,200]README.1ST;1******************** ** EDITORS NOTE ** This "document" was extracted from the .FTN file. THIS PROGRAM WILL READ A FILE UNDER RSX-11M WHICH WAS CREATED BY RSX-11M PIP BUT COPIED FROM AN ASCII TAPE WHOSE FILE WAS CREATED BY RT-11 PIP, AND REFORMAT THE RT-11 FILE TO RSX FILES-11 FORMAT. THIS WORKS ONLY FOR SOURCE CODE FILES, TEXT FILES, .DOC FILES, ANY ASCII FILE. THIS IS A SIMPLE FORTRAN PROGRAM BUT IT HAS HELP ME CONVERT THE RT-11 FORMATTED ADVENTURE GAME AND THE LATEST DUNGEON GAME. I AM STILL LOOKING FOR A PROGRAM WHICH CAN REFORMAT RT-11 PIP COPIED *.OBJ, *.OLB, *.TSK, AND FORTRAN DIRECT ACCESS FILES. IF YOU HAVE SUCH A PROGRAM CONTACT ME AND SUBMIT YOUR PROGRAM TO DECUS. MR. GEORGE VELEZ REVLON RESEARCH CENTER, INC. 945 ZEREGA AVENUE BRONX, NEW YORK 10473 (212) 824-9000 EXT. 287 C C ********************VD1:[352,2]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[352,2]README.1ST;1******************** [352,2]README.1ST - LOS ANGELES FALL 81 - FILES SUBMITTED BY: Bob Turkelson NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 935 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 344-5003 This UIC contains files for the TALK program. TALK is a terminal emulation program which enables a user on an RSX-11M V3.2 system with the full duplex terminal driver to communicate with a remote host computer over a single line interface (such as a DLV11 or DL11). The program begins in terminal mode, and has the capability of bi-directional file transfers. See the documentation and program source for details. TALK has been modified quite a bit since the preliminary version which appeared on the Miami Spring 81 SIG tape in [352,2]. This version includes bug fixes and new features. The file NOTES.DOC describes the changes since the last version and gives instructions for building TALK. I plan to submit an updated version of this program to the RSX SIG tape in the spring. Kindly advise me of any changes you make to the program. NOTES.DOC TALK instructions and notes TALKSYS.MAC TALK prefix file for local and host system parameters. *.MAC TALK source files. TALK.CMD Command file to assemble and build TALK. TALK.DOC TALK documentation. TALK.RNO Runoff input file for TALK documentation. [352,2]README.1ST - END ********************VD1:[352,4]README.1ST;2******************** ********************VD1:[352,4]README.1ST;2******************** [352,4]README.1ST - LOS ANGELES FALL 81 - FILES SUBMITTED BY: Bob Turkelson NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 935 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 344-5003 This UIC contains correction files for SRD V6.0, which was submitted to the Spring 1981 Miami RSX SIG tape, in [373,4]. The modifications I made are: o Corrected the problem with SRD.CMD which caused the generation of incorrect initialization defaults when the feature was used. o Changed SRD.CMD so that a different SRD.ODL file is generated when SRD is built with FCSRES. o Corrected a but which prevented /WB/-LI from working properly (the directory was not sorted before the write-back). o Changed SRD so that when the /SE switch is specified, /WI and /WD are ignored; that is, there is no implicit wild-carding whenever the /SE switch is used. o Added the /ZE switch to list zero used block files. o Added code so that if the file attributes area of the header contains a value of 0 for the number of blocks allocated, SRD will calculate the number of allocated blocks from the retrieval pointers. The SLP *.COR files assume the Version 6.0 *.MAC files are in the current UIC, and that they have file version number 1. The correction files create *.MAC;2. Procedure: SLP @SRD.COR ! Corrects all necessary files @SRD ! Asks configuration questions and builds SRD I plan to make additional modifications before the next SIG tape. I will keep Version 6.0 *.MAC files as the base, and add on to these correction files. I would appreciate hearing from those who have made changes or plan to make changes to this version, so we can continue to improve this useful utility. [352,4]README.1ST - END ********************VD1:[360,235]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[360,235]README.1ST;1******************** Los Angeles, Fall 1981 - RSX/IAS and VAX SIG tape The following are contributions from: A.R.A.P. Box 2229 Princeton, NJ 08540 Contact: John Leonard (609) 452-2950 A.R.A.P. modified Triangle/Duke/Rockwell RUNOFF for technical documents In addition to the excellent changes that are part of the base line TRIANGLE RUNOFF, ARAP has added a number of features to RUNOFF to enable us to produce technical reports. We required support for greek characters, extended sub/super script capability, ability to produce very complex mathematical equations etc. We have successfully been using RUNOFF in conjunction with a screen editor to produce reports on a production basis. Some of the features include: a) Support for Greek/Math character set. Output is produced on a DIABLO 1640 in two passes. Lines up amazingly well. Implemented with meta-characters like underline function. b) Super/subscripts adjustable in 1/8 line increments. Can set to super/sub 3/8 line instead of 1/2 and change amount througout document as needed. (meta-characters) c) Line spacing adjustable to 1/8 line (.SP) and also .BLANK can use 1/8 spacing. e.g. .BLANK 1+5/8 d) Overbar function, implemented similar to underline. Adjusts to highest superscipt to be overscored. e) Equation mode command. Allows reasonable description of equations, set spacing around equation, sets line spacing (to 1/8), allows '#' to be horizontal half-space for aligning 1 character above 2 (a/bc) for example. f) Justified output uses a horizontal half-space to fill. g) Overstrike ability using backspace, justifies properly. h) String substitution definitions. Similar to the numeric substituion, but allows strings within the text to be identified and substituted for. e.g .SUB ARAP = 'Aeronautical Research Associates of P' Any occurence of ARAP within text will be substituted. or | = Y to get a vertical bar on a QUME letter Gothic print wheel. The following is a brief description of the files used to build and run RUNOFF. Most command files are in VAX command format but should be easily changed for M or IAS. On the RSX sig tape the files should be in [360,235]. XNOMAC.COM To assemble all of the RUNOFF source modules. Uses XNPRE.MAC which does not build for READ-ONLY psects. Use RNPRE to build for READ-ONLY psects. MAC.COM is used for the MACRO command line template. XNO.CMD TKB format task-build command file. (on Vax compatibility mode. May want to edit the options for M or IAS. TKB @XNO or MCR TKB @XNO The .TSK or .EXE file is XNO but can be installed as RNO. RNO.RNO After RUNOFF is built the documentation can be produced from this file. Use it as input to the newly built version or RUNOFF - MCR RNO output-spec=RNO If you have a DIABLO specify the /DI/UL:L switches on the RNO side. Output-spec can be a printer, terminal or file. RNO.CMD This is a command file we used on IAS for running RUNOFF. It prompts for certain information and assists in alligning paper on the second pass. It also calls RNO.MCR and runs DEVUIC. This is specific to the IAS command language but should be adaptable to M if need-be. RNO.COM VMS version of RNO.CMD RNOERR.COM This command file creates the error message file from the source error message file. RNOERR.MSG should be placed on LB0:[1,2]. Note: VM users ! RUNOFFrefers to LB00 (two zeros) so ASSIGN SYS$SYSDIK TO LB00: or RNOERR.MSG will not be able to be accessed. KEYBOARD.RNO This RUNOFF file will print out the greek symbol layout for the terminal keyboard. It is set to use the same positions as and IBM selectric typewriter. HYPHEN.MAC I've substitued a null version of the hyphenation routine. If you want to use the hyphenation feature, link in HYPHEN.OBJ instead of XYPHEN.OBJ Notes This version of RUNOFF assumes you are using a QUME symbol-2 wheel for the greek/math. Within XUNOFF.MAC is an alternate table to map into the greek/math wheel Diablo makes. We have found the QUME wheel to be more satisfactory and, works fine in the Diablo. If you have questions or problems regarding RUNOFF after sifting through the documentation etc., please feel free to call me. ********************VD1:[370,130]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[370,130]README.1ST;1******************** [370,130] SUBMISSION BY MICHAEL LEVINE FOR FALL 81 RSX SIG TAPE INDEX PROFILE PACKAGE MAZE RT-11/RSX/IAS INDEX VERSION 5.6 INDEX IS A FORTRAN CROSS REFERENCING PROGRAM. A FORTRAN SOURCE FILE PROCESSED BY INDEX WILL BE CHECKED FOR ALL OF ITS VARIABLE NAME AND LABEL USEAGE. THE RESULTS WILL THEN BE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, LISTING ALL THE VARIABLE NAMES AND LABELS USED IN THE PROGRAM, THE LINES ON WHICH THEY WERE USED, AND HOW THEY WERE USED(AS AN OPTION LINE NUMBERS FROM FORTRAN PRE-PROCESSORS PRINTED IN COLLUMNS 73 TO 80 OF THE GENERATED FORTRAN SOURCE CAN BE USED IN THE CROSS REFERENCE IN THE PLACE OF THE FORTRAN COMPILER LINE NUMBERS). IF NEEDED THE VARIABLES FROM SPECIFED FORTRAN SOURCE FILES CAN BE SAVED ALONG WITH THOSE OF OTHER FORTRAN SOURCE FILES AND LATER PRINTED OUT AS A SUPER INDEX GIVEING VARIABLE NAME AND THE NAMES OF ALL THE FORTRAN SOURCE MODULES IT WAS USED IN.ALSO INCLUDED IS THE CAPABILITY TO EXCLUDE FROM THE INDEX LISTING ALL VARIABLES THAT ONLY APPEAR IN A FORTRAN SOURCE MODULE IN A COMMON BLOCK ,TYPE OR EQUIVALENCE DECLARATION BUT ARE NOT USED ELSEWARE(OR LIST ONLY THOSE IF WANTED). THE USER CAN ALSO LIST ONLY THOSE VARIABLES THAT ARE GLOBAL (DEFINED IN A COMMON BLOCK) OR THOSE THAT ARE LOCAL AS WELL AS THOSE VARIABLES THAT ARE ASSIGNED A NEW VALUE (OR NOT ASSIGNED A NEW VALUE IF WANTED). A VARIATION OF THE SUPER INDEX IS AVAILABLE TO LIST ALL ENTRY POINTS, THE MODULES THAT THEY ARE DEFINED IN, AND ALL THE ENTRY POINTS THAT CALL THEM AND THAT THEY CALL PLUS AN INDENTED CALLING TREE AND A SWITCH SELECTABLE INDENTED CALLED BY TREE. INDEX WILL HANDLE ALL SOURCE FILES WRITTEN IN FORTRAN FOUR OR FORTRAN FOUR PLUS IN ACORDANCE WITH 'PDP-11 FORTRAN LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL' (AA-1855D-TC) AND THE FORTRAN 1977 STANDARD. INDEX CAN BE GENERATED TO RUN UNDER THE RT-11, RSX-11M, OR IAS OPERATEING SYSTEMS AND THE DESIRED USER CONFIGURATION WANTED USEING A FORTRAN PROGRAM TO GENERATE A FILE OF CONDITIONAL ASSEMBLY PARAMETERS. THIS VERSION OF INDEX IS THE MOST POWERFUL TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE DECUS SIG TAPES (BOTH RT AND RSX/IAS). PREVIOUS SUBMISSIONS BY EITHER MYSELF OR OTHERS WITH MODIFIED VERSIONS UNDER RSX ARE: [300,031] FALL 77 ? [302,112] FALL 78 ? [307,020] SPRING 80 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (AS 'IDX') [370,130] FALL 80 MICHAEL LEVINE [302,304] SPRING 81 RAY FRENCH INDEX HAS APPEARED ON ALL THE FALL DECUS RT SIG TAPES. PROFILE V01.0 THE PROFILE PACKAGE IS A SET OF TWO MACRO MODULES AND THIS DOCUMENT THAT WILL ALLOW THE USER TO DETERMINE HOW OFTEN INSTRUCTION MEMORY LOCATIONS ARE EXECUTED AT RUN(CRAWL) TIME AND A SUMMARY OF WHAT INSTRUCTIONS WERE EXECUTED AND REGESTERS AND ADDRESSING MODES USED ON BOTH THE INSTRUCTION AND PROGRAM LEVEL. THE 'MEASURE' MODULE IS TASK BUILT INTO THE USERS PROGRAM TO RECORD THE MEMORY LOCATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS EXECUTED. THEN THE 'EVALUATE' PROGRAM IS RUN ON THE DATA GATHERED AND A LISTING OF THE RESULTS IS GENERATED. MAZE THIS IS AN MODIFICATION OF THE VT-100 MAZE PROGRAM THAT APPEARED ON THE SPRING 81 VAX SIG TAPE TO RUN UNDER RSX. TO BUILD JUST ENTER THE COMMAND @MAZE. THE PROGRAM PROMPTS ALL INSTRUCTIONS NEEDED TO USE IT. ********************VD1:[374,1]README.1ST;1******************** ********************VD1:[374,1]README.1ST;1******************** [360,360] Submitted by: Bob Denny Creative System Design Co. 3452 E. Foothill Blvd Suite 601 Pasadena, CA 91107 (213) 792-9474 BOGGLE: This program plays "Big Boggle", a game in which the players try to form words of 3 or more letters from an 5x5 array of letter cubes using contiguous cubes. This game acts as an opponent. Use a real Big Boggle board, run the program and enter in the letters as requested. The program will write out the words it finds on the terminal and to a file BOGGLE.OUT. Sorry, it doesn't support the "Qu" cube. No need to install the task, put BOGGLE.DIC in your UIC. SORT: This is a major rewrite of the "sortc" program on the DECUS C kit. It's a lot faster, and needs essentially no stack, and a temp file only slightly larger than the input file. Runs as task "...SOR" SUPERDUMP: A "full bore" file/device dump utility. Documentation and source in SOD.RNO and SOD.C. Does everything you'll ever want, including file header dumps, with multi-header support. Runs as task "...DUM". CHAT: This program allows users to chat with each other from terminal to terminal. Install, runs as "...CHA". Uses IO.WBT's so you get auto ^R while typing. Looks a bit kludgy, but it's convenient and prevents full-duplex garbage when both parties type at once. If the called party's terminal is attached, it announces "Request to chat" and waits for the terminal to become available. The caller sees "CHAT" when he has attached the other terminal. The caller types ^Z to terminate chatting. TODAY: Writes out date and time in English, per the format used by Robert J. Lurtsema, a classical radio announcer in the Boston area. Also says the phase of the moon. Written by Martin Minow. Runs as task "...TOD". HANOI: Does the "Tower of Hanoi" on a VT-52 or a '100 in '52 mode, actually moving the rings visually between posts. The first time I ran it I cracked up. Install it with /TASK=...HAN and say HANOI n, where "n" is the number of rings. Try 4 the first time. I think Dave Conroy wrote it, and Martin Minow hacked on it. These programs were written in C, compiled by the DECUS compiler and TKB'ed with the DECUS runtime library, and the RSX executive extensions library. You can get the kit through me or the Structured Languages SIG. Have fun. JARGON: This file is a riot! It contains a valuable dictionary of computerese, straight from the Stanford/MIT Artificial Intelligentia. I got a big kick out of reading it, and keep my listing close by at all times for ready reference.