08-NOV-82 The files for DIR.C and GETHDR.C in this directory are modified from Ray Van Tassle's contribution on (I believe) Fall 81's tape. Modifications: 1. Made definitions of variables into "long" so that files with more than 32,767 blocks allocated or used would be reported properly. Changed format from four to six digits. 2. Changed freopen statement for INDEXF.SYS, removed "b" option which caused "error reading file attributes" message (in GETHDR) when compiled on M+ V2.0 using V2 of the C compiler. 3. Replaced call to IOVTOA (obsolete) with call to FGETNAM. 4. Replaced call to TIATT function (not present in standard library) with QIOW from C executive extensions, to attach the terminal. If you have the LBL tools package up, the files DIR.TCS and GETHDR.TCS will give you a history of the changes using GET. (If you don't plan on having the tools, you can delete the *.TCS files.) DIR.CMD will compile and task build the program if you have the C compiler installed as ...XCC and the C assembler as ...XAS. (On an RSX system...no files for other opsys.) Hereafter is Ray's original README file. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd, rm 4135 Schaumburg, Ill (312)-576-6017 These require my fixes for block-mode reads to the C runtime library. DIR (revised from LC), a fast directory lister. (GETHDR.C reads file headers in a non-kludgy way). OD File dumper, which now works properly in block-mode. GREP is from the SlangSPR81 [6,1] For the benefit of those people who don't have C & don't want to put it up, I have included TSK files of these 3 utilities. Perhaps seeing them will persuade you to get & use C.