Well, it took a while, but I now have the HP9836 Kermit working well enough so I'd trust it at other sites. This version is intended to work only on the HP9836, so it is heavily dependent on the HP pascal extensions, mostly the module facility. It probably will not be easy to port to non-HP machines. The actual Kermit protocol routines are from the RT-11 Pascal version from Ontario/CU. The user interface has been completely rewritten - one of our requirements was that it be reasonably idiot-proof. The current version is minimal, and at this point is really a prototype. It will only transfer text files, only one file at a time, and the error handling is not the greatest, but it works for everything it's supposed to do. I plan to be adding a lot to this implementation quite soon, to improve the user command interface, improve error handling, add login packets, and maybe binary transfers. The important features (marked by +) and misfeatures (marked by -) of the current version are - errors not handled gracefully - only transfers one file at a time - does not handle wild cards - only transfers text files + continuous status display during file transfers + can talk to a server - does not handle timeouts - only acts as local Kermit + reasonably friendly command interface, modeled after TOPS-20 COMND facility. I have made the sources and documentation available on RUTGERS.ARPA in KRM*.TEXT. There are six source files, which contain about a dozen modules altogether. They use only the recommended library routines and such that HP distributes. The file KRMDOC.TEXT summarizes the (mis)features and gives details on how to run this Kermit. Mike Gallaher Gallaher@Rutgers.Arpa