Kermit Help File Kermit is a family of programs which perform reliable file transfer between computers over regular TTY lines. This file contains the Kermit commands for the Vax/VMS version of Kermit. Command Explanation send Sends a file or file group from the VAX to the remote host. The name of each file is passed to the remote host in a special control packet, so that the remote host can store it with the same name. VMS wildcarding is allowed. receive Receive a file or file group from the remote host. If an incoming file name is not legal, then attempt to transform it to a similar legal name, e.g. by deleting illegal or excessive characters. If the file already exists, it will be supersceded. set Establish various system-dependent parameters, such as max- imum packet length, debuging mode, transmission delay, etc. Also allows the user to specify virtual terminal line-speed, and parity. show Display various system-dependent parameters established by the SET command. connect Establish a virtual terminal connection from the VAX to a computer hooked up to it through a TTY line. The connection uses the line speed, and parity defined by the set command. status Give information about the last file transfer; effective baud rate, number of ACK's, NAK's, and bad packets, etc. dcl Perform a call to VMS DCL. help Print instructions on various commands available in Kermit. You are reading it. exit Exit from Kermit. quit Same as exit command.