Kermit-P/OS seems to work with Kermit-32 for ASCII files, and with BINARY mode from VAX to P/OS as long as the binary file is a 'block' flavor one (R.FIX/512 bytes), with 8-bit I/O. I haven't done any tests with Kermit-32 in "FILE_TYPE BLOCK" mode to see if task images etc. can be moved from the PRO to the VAX. Kermit-P/OS currently spawns the PRO Communications for terminal emulation. The file transfer sub-task, KFI, takes a Unix-ish command line from KERMIT. It is by far the easiest to use the KERMIT control task as you'll see... Usage: KFI [s|r|g|q|e][ifd[d]]b [file ...] s = send (server or non-server) r = receive (non-server) g = get (server) q = logout remote server e = finish remote server f = do not strip filenames to "normal form" i = image mode (requires 8-bit I/O) d = debug (norm) dd = verbose debug b = baud rate (defaults to 1200) If no file is given, an appropriate file selection menu will appear. Once the transfer starts, operation should be obvious. The parent task, KERMIT, will save the settings for baud rate and ASCII/IMAGE transfer mode in a file which it automatically creates if it is not there, in [ZZSYS]. If you want to rebuild KERMIT so it'll run as a program from DCL, you'll have to define the symbol TESTING and re-assemble. This enables code which opens the menu and help files. The application flavor depends on the ASSIGN/MENU and ASSIGN/HELP lines in the .INS file for this, as the C library doesn't yet translate APPL$DIR, so the menu & help file opens from inside Kermit won't work. Instead, move the KERMIT.MNU and KERMIT.HLP files to your default directory and recompile with TESTING defined. One last caution ... if the logicals APPL$HELP and/or APPL$MNU are defined, the "program" flavor will fail to open the files. Just deassign the logicals. Ah ... I have also left some (hopefully) handy tools in [.posutil]. There is documentation on them. The most useful is SRD, which will re-order your directories, search for locked and/or zero-length files, give quick listings in sorted order & more. The file DCLSRD.HLP is set up to be hooked into the help stuff by editing DCL.HLP in [001002] to add SRD as a category in MORE. DOB is the famous object module & object library disassembler. Handy for poking around in undocumented corners of the libraries & getting symbol definition listings without having to link a phoney program. Have fun ... Bob