RSX/IAS SIG Tape Distribution - Fall 1984 =========================================== This is the RSX/IAS SIG Symposium Tape from the 1984 Fall DECUS Symposium at Anaheim. The tape contains material submitted by the user community for the tape at that meeting. The programs on this tape are from user submissions. The DECUS staff, the RSX & IAS SIG staffs, and DEC are all in complete ignorance of the contents of the tapes. No warranty of any kind is implied in the distribution of these tapes. The programs may or may not be well documented, they may or may not work, they may even crash your system. If you have a problem with the contents of the tape, contact the author of the program. Do not contact DECUS, DEC, or the RSX or IAS SIG's. The tape contains over 2000 files requiring 60,000 blocks of disk space. Since this will fit on a single 2400 foot tape only in BRU at 1600 bpi, it is being distributed as such. To simplify distribution and production, the tape is a single BRU container file followed (for the LUG distribution only) by several extra files. Directory [300,1] contains the files documenting the contents of the tape. The following files are present: RSX84BTPE.DOC contains an abstract of the contents of the tape by UIC. 84BREADME.ALL contains a concatenated list of all the README files on the tape. RSX84B.DIR contains a directory of all the files on the tape (BRU does not produce nice directories). This is a brief listing with UICs and filenames only for space reasons. SUBMIT.DOC contains guidelines for submissions to the RSX/IAS Sig Tape collection. This is MUST reading for everyone who desires to submit a program to the SIG tape. BEGIN84B.DOC has a copy of this text. UICSET84B.CMD contains the UFD commands to create all the needed UIC's on a device whose name is asked for in the command file. Edit it to match your needs before using BRU to extract the tape contents. A word of caution: under at least some circumstances, 11M V4.0 BRU's /UFD switch creates directories even when it doesn't put anything in them. Glenn C. Everhart RSX/IAS SIG Tape Copy Coordinator RCA GSD Engineering ms 206-1 Rt. 38 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08358 (609)-338-6022 MD0:[200,5] ********************* ********************* This area contains some task images for the PRO 350. Among them are: FORTH - FIG Forth interpreter. FORTH.DAT is the data files for it. ATT - Read or set file attributes. ATT /HELP gives info on use. Very handy for changing carriage control attributes, resetting fixed record lengths or doing other weird things to FCS or RMS attributes. (Works on VAX too but with some caveats and weirdness.) DOB - Object disassembler. Turns .OBJ files (or members of .olb files) back into Macro-11. Does not crash on ISD records. [200,5] PRO 350 TASK IMAGES This area contains several task images for the PRO 350/380 running P/OS. These images are nonprivileged and should work on most any P/OS version. They include: ANALYT.TSK - New task image for PortaCalc, sources on this tape. Note you need AK*.CMD and KY*.CMD and KEYPAD.PIC in directory [DK] to use this image most effectively. ATT.TSK - Task to read/write file attributes. Use the ATT /HELP command to get switch list. Can change FCS/RMS attributes of any file; very handy for diddling. FORTH - FIG Forth V1.3 for the PRO (off an old RSX SIG tape). DOB - Object disassembler. Will allow you to make MACRO source out of any object files (also can use /LB:module to get object modules out of an object library.) Very handy for patching code you don't have sources for. MD0:[240,1] ********************* ********************* Madison Wisconsin Local Users Group Submissions submitted by: Michael K. Mansfield William T. Patterson University of Wisconsin Almark Enterprises, Inc. 302 Hiram Smith Hall 6425 Odana Road Madison, WI 53706 Madison, WI 53719 (608)262-7730 (608)274-3140 Enclosed is some of the more useful public domain software for personal computers that we have gathered from various sources. Most of this software has come from various Fidonet BBS systems and Digital's LCG Market system. The latest versions are available on Michael's Fido BBS system ((608) 233-8449). We would like to thank Prof. Murray Thompson, Director of the University of Wisconsin's Physical Sciences Lab (PSL), for sharing his VAXcluster with us to make this submission possible. [.CPMRB] CP/M-86/80 programs for the Rainbow. [.FIDONET] Rainbow versions of Fidonet BBS software. [.KERMIT] MS-DOS (PC-DOS) versions of Kermit for the Rainbow, IBM-PC, and Wang-PC. [.MISC] Miscellaneous information. [.MSRB] MS-DOS programs that are Rainbow specific. Page 2 [.MSDOS] General MS-DOS that should run on most computers running a version of MS-DOS or PC-DOS. MD0:[240,2] ********************* ********************* Madison Wisconsin Local Users Group Submissions submitted by: Michael K. Mansfield William T. Patterson University of Wisconsin Almark Enterprises, Inc. 302 Hiram Smith Hall 6425 Odana Road Madison, WI 53706 Madison, WI 53719 (608)262-7730 (608)274-3140 This subdirectory contains Rainbow Specific CP/M-86/80 programs. [.CPMRB] DOSFLX.CMD;1 Access MS-DOS and PC-DOS disk files (from DEC) PACMAN.CMD;1 Demo (try this on MS-DOS with AME86) SETPORT.CMD;1 Set printer/comm. port parameters (from DEC) MD0:[240,3] ********************* ********************* Madison Wisconsin Local Users Group Submissions submitted by: Michael K. Mansfield William T. Patterson University of Wisconsin Almark Enterprises, Inc. 302 Hiram Smith Hall 6425 Odana Road Madison, WI 53706 Madison, WI 53719 (608)262-7730 (608)274-3140 Rainbow versions of Fidonet BBS software. The latest version is obtained by calling a Fidonet node (see NODELIST in [.MISC]) and downloading it. Use the LU.EXE utility to unpack the libraries and the USQ.EXE utility to unsqeeze the *.*q* modules. [.FIDONET] BBSFILS.LBR BBS-FILS.LBR file for version 9K distribution FIDO10A.LBR Version 10A update to files in FIDO9K.LBR FIDO9K.LBR Version 9K Fidonet distibution FIDOHLP.LBR Distributed with version 9K. MD0:[240,4] ********************* ********************* Madison Wisconsin Local Users Group Submissions submitted by: Michael K. Mansfield William T. Patterson University of Wisconsin Almark Enterprises, Inc. 302 Hiram Smith Hall 6425 Odana Road Madison, WI 53706 Madison, WI 53719 (608)262-7730 (608)274-3140 MS-DOS versions of Kermit. Get the latest version from DEC's LCG system (see [.MISC]). [.KERMIT] [ deleted. MSDOS Kermit is in [356,40]. - ed] MD0:[240,5] ********************* ********************* Madison Wisconsin Local Users Group Submissions submitted by: Michael K. Mansfield William T. Patterson University of Wisconsin Almark Enterprises, Inc. 302 Hiram Smith Hall 6425 Odana Road Madison, WI 53706 Madison, WI 53719 (608)262-7730 (608)274-3140 This subdirectory contains some miscellaneous information. There is a demo session linking to Digital's LCG Market system, the VAX-11 FORTRAN source for a VAX XMODEM implementation, a listing of DEC micro user groups, and a listing of Fidonet nodes. [.MISC] AREAS.TXT LCG file areas COMMANDS.TXT LCG commands DECUSERS.DOC DEC micro users groups DEMO.LCG Log of LCG session with added comments FIND.TXT LCG aid to finding files KERMIT.HLP LCG help using Kermit LENGTH.TXT LCG help in estimating file size NODELIST.DOC List of Fidonet nodes VAXVMS.LBR VAX-11 FORTRAN implementation of XMODEM protocal MD0:[240,6] ********************* ********************* Madison Wisconsin Local Users Group Submissions submitted by: Michael K. Mansfield William T. Patterson University of Wisconsin Almark Enterprises, Inc. 302 Hiram Smith Hall 6425 Odana Road Madison, WI 53706 Madison, WI 53719 (608)262-7730 (608)274-3140 Here is a collection of useful MS-DOS modules. The modules in libraries (*.LBR) must be extracted with the LU.EXE utility. The documentation for LU is in LU.DOC. Any module with a "Q" in the second character position of the filename extension (i.e. SAMPLE.DQC) has been "squeezed" so that it takes up less space (and costs you less to download it). It has to be "unsqueezed" to be used. Look at the documention for USQ.EXE in USQ.LBR. [.MSDOS] ALTER.DOC Alter directory attributes of a file ALTER.EXE AME86.LBR Allow CP/M-86 program to run under MS-DOS ASCII.LBR Print table ASCII/Hex/Decimal/Octal characters ASK.COM Yes/No batch prompting program ASK.DOC ASMGEN.COM Dissassembler ASMGEN.DOC CALC.EXE Reverse-Polish notation desk calculator CC.C C language checker CC.EXE CHMOD.EXE Change directory attributes of a file CLIP.COM Change disk volume label COMSPEC.ASM Patch COMSPEC parameter COMSPEC.COM COREWARS.LBR Game from Scientfic American CV.COM Create disk volume labels CV.DOC CWEEP.DOC SWEEP file utility CWEEP.EXE DELBR11.EXE Another library utility, v1.1 6/6/84 DELETE.COM Wildcard file delete with prompt DELETE.DOC DIAL.COM Dialer DIAL.HLP DIRFIND.ASM Directory search function for C86 DOS2.DOC MS-DOS "Hints and Kinks" DOSTIPS.DOC FDATE.COM Alters a file's date FDIR.COM Fast directory display FGREP.DOC;1 UNIX like pattern match utility FGREP.EXE FILT.C Text filter FILT.EXE FLY100.EXE Cessna 152 flight simulator FREE.COM Display available disk space INDEX.DOC Text file index generator INDEX.EXE INUSE.COM Displays "INUSE", requires password to continue INUSE.PAS LOOK.COM Byte search program LU.DOC Librarian utility for maintaining *.LBR files LU.EXE MAKE.LBR UNIX-style "MAKE" utility MAKEDB.C Programmer's tool - converts binary file to DB MAKEDB.DOC MICROLIN.C Control codes for Microlin printers MICROLIN.DOC MICROLIN.EXE NRO.DOC Environment type text formatter NRO.LBR NUSQ.COM New file squeezer utility (small and fast) NUSQ.DOC RAMDISK.DOC RAM disk for MS-DOS 2.xx RAMDISK.SYS RENDIR.COM Rename subdirectory SCAVENG2.COM MS-DOS 2.00 bad sector mapper SCRUB.C Text file filter SCRUB.EXE SD.COM Sorted directory listing utility SD.DOC SQ.COM File squeezer utility. SYSCALL.DOC MS-DOS 2.00 system calls TEXTFORM.C Text formatter (prints Wordstar format files) TEXTFORM.DOC TEXTFORM.EXE TIDY.ASM Creates new alphabetized directories TIDY.DOC TOUCH.COM Set directory date/time of file entry to current TOUCH.DOC TPRINT.C Print utility (useful for listing C programs) TPRINT.DOC TPRINT.EXE TREEDIR.COM Display tree directory structure TREEDIR.DOC USQ.DOC Unsqueeze utility (use with *.*Q* files) USQ.EXE USQ.LBR UTILITY.DOC MS-DOS utility extensions documentation VDEL.COM Delete with verify VDEL.DOC VECTS.EXE Display MS-DOS interrupt vectors in use WASH.DOC Disk management tool WASH20.COM XLISP.LBR Experimental object-oriented language Z.COM Switch directory/pathnames ZAPLOAD.DOC Converts binary file to Intel hax format ZAPLOAD.EXE MD0:[240,7] ********************* ********************* Madison Wisconsin Local Users Group Submissions submitted by: Michael K. Mansfield William T. Patterson University of Wisconsin Almark Enterprises, Inc. 302 Hiram Smith Hall 6425 Odana Road Madison, WI 53706 Madison, WI 53719 (608)262-7730 (608)274-3140 These MS-DOS files will work only on a Rainbow. The *.LBR files must be processed by the library utility LU.EXE in [-.MSDOS]. [.MSRB] MS-DOS programs that are Rainbow specific. CLRDTR.ASM Clears the Rainbow Comm. port DTR CYCLE.LBR Color graphics demo DESIGN.BAS Another graphics demo, use with GWBASIC DIAL.SCR Dialing example script file for LCTERM IO20501.LBR Update for MS-DOS IO.SYS, speeds screen I/O LCTERM.EXE Kermit and XMODEM transfer program version 3.30 LCTERM.MEM PTPDEMO.LBR Demo of PTP editor from Newline Software RBDOS.TXT Notes on undocumeted MS-DOS calls RBLCTERM.C Latest source we can find for LCTERM v2.26 RBLCTERM.DOC SCROLLCK.ASM ???? SETPORT.EXE Sets Rainbow printer/comm. ports (from DEC) VIEW.EXE Fast text file display (from DEC) VT100.BAS VT100 screen functions in Basic MD0:[300,70] ********************* ********************* [300,70] contains LUT (look at the LUT of a running task) and TTPOOL (displays number of free buffers in TT driver) Both were originally written for RSX11M, and have been modified for RSX-11M/PLUS V2.1. Joan Goodman G.D. Searle & Co. 4901 Searle Parkway Skokie, Illinois 60077 (312) 982-8187 MD0:[300,270] ********************* ********************* README.1ST Submissions in this directory are from George Cornelius & Steve Jobes Mayo Clinic 232 Plummer Bldg Rochester, MN 55905 1. CDDRV - DR11-W interprocessor link (M/M+) See CDDRV.DOC 2. INDIRECT.NDX - Documentation (M/M+) An alphabetic index to the chapter on Indirect in the MCR Reference Manual. 3. INSFL.COR - Correction file for INStall (M+ V2.1) See INSFL.DOC 4. MVD.MAC - Mounted Volume Display (M/M+) A privileged task to list for each user, all mounted volumes, sorted by user and device. Information displayed includes volume label and "Foreign", ACP name, "Private", "Nowrite", and "Marked_dismount" as appropriate. 5. MYMACS.MLB (M/M+) A general macro library used here to assemble MVD. 6. WHO.MAC - Who, What, & Where (M/M+) A privileged task to provide a display of logged-in terminals along with the default UIC and active tasks, if any, for each. It identifies privileged users, privileged tasks, and displays task priorities, if requested. MD0:[300,276] ********************* ********************* This account contains the software we at the Rockwell Graphic Systems Division in Lombard, Illinois have developed by modifying the standard DEC autoload overlay code. Please refer to the Fall 82 DECUS paper, AST's And SST's In An Overlay Environment, and the Fall 84 DECUS paper, The Well-Tempered Cluster Library for information regarding the motivation behind these files. The files in this account fall into five groups : 1) The RUNOFF file ASTPAPER.RNO, which is the text from the Fall 82 DECUS paper, AST's And SST's In An Overlay Environment. 2) The Autoload Overlay routines, which are to be placed in SYSLIB. 3) The macro files (extension .MCR), used by the Autoload routines and to be placed in RSXMAC.SML. 4) The AUT Autoload Overlay Trace Receiver Task. This task is written in "C". It must be compiled on your own system, because licensing arrangements prohibit our distributing task's using our vendor's run-time routines. 5) The ATF Autoload Overlay Trace Formatter Task. This task is also in "C" source form only. Miscellaneous object files from subroutines which we wrote are supplied for use with the AUT and ATF tasks. MD0:[300,301] ********************* ********************* DR11W COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE FROM FERMILAB SUBMITTED BY Vicky White/David Berg. Moved from [77,*] to [300,301-320] for RSX84B Tape - ed. THIS COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE HAS BEEN USED EXTENSIVELY IN TEST SITUATIONS ON A SINGLE PROCESSOR AND IN A THREE PROCESSOR/THREE LINK CONFIGURATION, WHERE ONE THE MACHINES HAS TWO OF THE LINKS. IT HAS NOT YET BEEN USED IN A RUNNING EXPERIMENT AT FERMILAB AND SO WILL VERY PROBABLY STILL CONTAIN SOME BUGS. HOPEFULLY THEY ARE NOT SERIOUS ONES PN172.MEM ON [77,200] IS THE PRELIMINARY VERSION OF THE FERMILAB GUIDE TO INSTALLING AND USING THE SOFTWARE. IT CONTAINS A COMPLETE LIST OF THE CONTENTS OF THE TAPE BY UIC. PAPERS PRESENTED AT THE DECUS FALL 82 SYMPOSIUM AND OTHER DOCUMENTATION RELATING TO COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE CAN BE FOUND ON [77,200]. THE AUTHORS WILL BE GRATEFUL IF USERS OF THE SOFTWARE WILL FEED BACK THEIR EXPERIENCES AND REPORT ON BUGS FOUND, PREFERABLY IN WRITING. MD0:[302,1] ********************* ********************* SEATTLE IAS CONTRIBUTIONS This tape consists of 4 contributions from the IAS community of the Seattle Area LUG. Two of these are modifications to DEC software (CDA and BRU) and only the modified objects are included. For those with source licenses, SLIPER (.SLP) files are included that will make the necessary changes to the respective DEC source modules, if desired. The 4 contributions and their UIC's are: 1. IAS C ( [5,3], [5,4] and [5,5] ): This is the earlier DECUS C submission with "IAS incompatible RSX bugs" removed. There is one outstanding problem with DECUS C (all versions) - the library DOES NOT support doubles. As long as you don't use doubles, everything appears to work OK. If anyone out there has some free time on their hands . . . . . [ed - moved to [330,5] through [330,7] ] 2. CDA ( [302,204] ): DEC's Crash Dump Analyzer package modified to create and run from a disk image of the crash tape. These disk images can be copied or transfered via DECNET, if desired. 3. BRU ( [302,205] ): DEC's infamous backup/restore utility made user friendly. changes include: 1. Disks can be mounted normally. 2. UIC's can be changed between disk and tape and vice versa. 3. DIR/DIS info can be written to a disk file instead of just to the terminal. 4. INIT switch has been removed. This prevents users restoring a single file from wiping out an entire disk. It also allows backup of disk types outside of the standard DEC family, e.g., virtual disks such as DV. 4. Virtual disk handler ( [302,206] ): Resubmission of the virtual disk package submitted to the Spring 1980 tape on [377,40]. Most of the changes are cosmetic in nature. The package is well documented in the handler source code. This version has one serious drawback in that it is a single volume handler. That is, only one virtual disk can be mounted at a given time. Multiple users can each mount the same virtual disk separately, but different virtual disks cannot be mounted at the same time. Again, if anyone out there has some free time . . . . MD0:[302,204] ********************* ********************* CDA: The crash dump analyzer program has been modified to create and read from disk rather that tape. The program will run identically to the original version and will still respond to all of the original command lines described in the DECs IAS System Management Guide. However, if a comma is placed after the output file specification, CDA will now create a binary copy of the crash tape. The file will have a default name of SY:BINARY.CDA. The file can be used as an input file by placing it after the equal sign in the command line. For example: PDS> MC CDA DR0:,=/ATL will create the files DR0:ANALYSIS.LST and BINARY.CDA. Here the equal sign is optional. The binary file can be copied or transferred via DECNET, if desired. To use the binary file: PDS> MC CDA =BINARY.CDA/SRQ This command will open BINARY.CDA, analyze it, and spool the output file [1,4]ANALYSIS.LST. The files on this tape on [302,204] are intended to be applied to the IAS 3.1 (autopatch E) crash dump analyzer CDA. If you have DECnet source, the NDAXFR, NDADIO, and NDAFIO sliper files can be run on your source code. All modified object files have also been included. This implementation contains IAS Software dispatch seq # . To implement the sliper files on your source code, issue the following command: PDS> SUB [302,204]SLIPER If you have DECnet source, then: PDS> SUB [302,204]SLIPERNDA Else: PDS> @NDACOPY If you don't have IAS source, the object files will have to be manually copied to [11,103]. No command files are provided. Also, the sliper files for CDAODL, and CDATKB will have to be executed manually. Build the program using the new command file and ODL file on [11,103]. file and odl file on [11,103]: PDS> MC TKB @TKB103 Please refer all questions, comments and/or gratuities to: Fred A. Lien C/O The Boeing Company, M.S. 6F-21 P. O. Box 3707 Seattle, Washington 98124 MD0:[302,205] ********************* ********************* IAS CHANGES TO BRU Here is a summary of the changes to BRU in this submission. 1. The disk can be mounted normally - device control functions need not be specified. Backup and restore operations can be performed with the disk online. Files open for non-shared write will be ignored in a backup operation. 2. Different UIC's can be specified between tape and disk, for example: BRU/REWIND/BACKUP:XYZ MM0:[*,50] DR2:[100,100] will put all tape files in the backup set XYZ with an ending UIC number of 50 on DR2:[100,100]. NOTE: If a UIC is specified on the output device only, BRU will look only for that UIC on the input device, e.g., BRU/REWIND MM0: DR1:[200,200] will only look for [200,200] files on the tape. 3. The directory (DIR) and display (DIS) options can output to a file directly by following the DIR/DIS switch with :filename. If only the colon (:) is specified, the default filename is BRU.DSP. Output to a file will also contain the creation date of the file(s). 4. The initialization option (INIT switch) has been removed. If restoring an entire disk, it should be separately initialized by INI prior to running BRU. This change removes the risk of a user restoring a single file or two from inadvertently wiping out a disk. It also allows backup/restore operations for virtual disks (DV) or any other disk with a name not in the DEC dictionary. 5. Files returned to disk will retain their original creation date and time, but the revision date and time will be when the file was returned to disk. MD0:[302,206] ********************* ********************* USAGE INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIRTUAL DISKS - DV 1. RUN DVSET - Changes an unused PUD to DV. Not needed if you SYSGEN with a DV PUD. If you use DVSET, be sure to change the code to reflect the correct PUD address of the unused PUD you wish to change. 2. INS/TAS:VRTACP [11,1]BIGFCP - Installs an ACP for the virtual disk. The system does some funny things if you try to use the same ACP for both the virtual and real disk. 3. INS DV - Installs the handler 4. RUN/N DV.... - Loads the handler, which will respond with the prompt Virtual Disk File ? Enter the virtual disk filename followed by any switches (described below). All switches are optional, except for /CR, which is required when creating the virtual disk file. The default filespec is [1,1]VIRTUAL.DSK. Some switches you may want to use are: 1. /CR - Create the virtual disk file. 2. /EM:XXXX - Emulate the disk type XXXX, e.g., RK07. This switch is needed only if you plan to use DSC on your virtual disk. The default for this switch is "Unknown". 3. /SI:n - Specifies the size of the virtual disk in decimal blocks. The default at disk creation is 20000. 4. /LI - Lists the characteristics of the virtual disk (EM and SI parameters). 5. Enter a Control-C to get PDS back. 6. ALLOC DV0: 7. INI/PRO:(WO:RWED)/FILE:(WO:RWED) DV0: Volumeid 8. DEALLOC DV0: 9. MOU/PROCESSOR:VRTACP DV0: Volumeid The virtual disk is now mounted and ready for use. You can create new UIC's, copy and delete files or anything else you do with real disks. When finished dismount the virtual disk and unload the handler with: DISM DV0: Volumeid MCR UNL DV You can now dismount the real disk (if other than the system disk). WARNING: The dismount and unload operations MUST be done in the order indicated. The virtual disk handler (DV) maintains an open file on the real disk and MUST be unloaded (to close the file) before you can dismount the real disk (and logout). This applies only to the terminal from which the handler is loaded. Once the handler is loaded and the virtual disk defined, other terminals can mount and dismount the virtual disk at will, without mounting the real disk. MD0:[307,341] ********************* ********************* The following two programs are sufficient to network various machines in a simple fashion: 1) The SOFTWIRE terminal emulation program 2) XMODEM file transfer program SOFTWIRE was designed to execute under RSX11M without loosing characters at 1200 baud. It will handle higher baud rates if the remote machine supports XON-XOFF protocol. It has file transfer capability and can send a break character. It has been used to converse with RSX, IAS, UNIX, CMS, and DIALOG. These programs have been tested under RSX11M V4.1 and RSX11M+ V2.1. They may be rebuilt using the DECUS C compiler system and the RSX extensions (CX.OLB). Note that there are only two files in this system, SOFTWIRE.C and XMODEM.C. RUNOFF user manuals can be extracted from these files with the CTOOL GETRNO. Be sure to read the comments at the top of these two files if you have any questions about installation or want additional information. MD0:[310,1] ********************* ********************* Toronto Area Rsx Local User Group - TARLUG The following submission from TARLUG contains: [310,1] Various fortran programs including: CPU Modified to run to the VT100 and ranged for a 11/44. DISKUSAGE Spawn Pip to give a disk usage report by account DTCCHECK Check all the Desk top calendars on the system every 1/2 hour for upcoming appointments and remind them. GETPORT Check if a port is logged in, allocated, or attached and allow the user to change baud rates to dial out. LISTEN Listen to all characters in-coming on a port (control characters expanded) SCREEN Clear the screen and display to all logged off VT100 terminals the terminal number, time/date, and number of logged in terminals. Walk this across the screen. SHOWTASK Show the attributes of a task image. SINGLETKB Prevent multiple copies of TKB from running on the system. T2T Fast tape to tape copy of any structured tape that ends with an EOV. Will handle the large (32256) VMS backup tapes. [310,2] DYCOPY Make Image copies of floppy disks [310,3] STRLIB A string library usefull with FMS APPEND Append a string to another BLANK Check if a string is completely blank (supplied char) CONCAT Concatenate a string to another ERROR Display error on FMS form if last status bad IDX Find position of 1 string in another INSERT Replace a string into another at a specified location INTSTR Convert an integer into a string LENGTH Return the length of a string PAD Pad a string to given length REMLED Remove leading zeroes from a string SCOMP Compare two strings for equality SCOPY Copy a string SMOVE Move a string (do not place trailing null) STRINT Convert a string to an integer S2INT4 Convert a string to an integer*4 TRANSP Transpose string around specified delimeter TRUNC Truncate a string UPCASE Convert string to upper case [310,4] CLUNKLIB A collection of routines to handle 8-byte clunks. ASCCLK Convert a time/date string to a CLUNK value. CLKASC Convert a CLUNK value to a time/date string. TIMCLK Return the current time/date in CLUNKS. [310,5] Command files including: BATCH Submits a complete batch job from the command line BLD Compile and link from commands in specified source file. CHECKDATE Check date for correct year and > last boot. MAKECMD Builds a customized command file to ask questions with help to run an application task under BATCH. MONTHREP Datatrieve account reports/bills for monthly system user. Includes System summary, User detailed, and Invalid logins. [310,6] Various programs to read and process Word-11 Word Processing files. WORADDRES Converts an address list Word-11 file to N-up, M-across text file for stick'm labels. WORINDEX Detailed and compact index of a Word-11 directory. WOR2TXT Print image Word-11 file to editable format text file. [310,7] Intel 8080/8085 cross assembler. [310,10] RCA 1802 cross assembler. [310,11] Spawned compile/assemble and link program [310,12] Findit (Pascal program to find strings in files) [310,13] Previously submitted, but modified here at TARLUG TCR Modified to support user defined terminal types [310,14] General purpose library used by the Canadian Hydrographic Service. ASCBCD Convert an ascii buffer to BCD ATTACH Attach/detach an lun BCDASC Convert a BCD buffer to ascii CONVER Conversion error handler for VT100 terminals DOESC Do and escape sequence qio to a specified lun FCSERR Return an FCS error description in text form GETTRM Get the terminal type from the system INQUIRE Get the full file spec (ala VAX). Spawns to DSP ITIME Return time of day as 3 integers JULIAN Return the current day of the year QUEST Logical function to ask a question SETCPI Setup the horizontal spacing of a LA100/LA120 type terminal SETVID Set up the video attribute sequences for BOLD, REVR, etc. TIMER Start and stop an elapsed timer TSKLOG Log to the console log file the task name and elapsed time CNV2UP Convert a character type string to upper case TARLUG TAPE LIBRARIAN Brad L. Tinney Canadian Hydrographic Service 867 Lakeshore Road Burlington, Ontario Canada L74 4A6 (416) 637-4728 or (416) 637-4205 README.1ST [310,1] Assorted Fortran files on this account from TARLUG: CPU - Taken from the Spring '83 US RSX tape [370,1] and modified to run on a VT100 or equivalent and give a full 0-100% range on an 11/44 with M-Plus. DISKUSAGE SNAPDISK - Two versions of a program to spawn PIP to determine the disk usage by account. DISKUSAGE reports to the logfile and SNAPDISK spools to the line printer. Both rely on an account file set up to have seperate group values for each account. These programs sum the disk blocks allocated over all members of an account group. DTCCHECK - Routine to spawn to the Indirect Command File Processor a DTC.CMD command file to check the calendar for the users and prompt them of upcoming appointments.. This program will usually be placed in the clock queue to run at some predetermined time. The command file and DTC are setup to run every 30 minutes. GETPORT Routine to spawn to the Indirect Command File Processor a PORTSTAT.CMD command file to check the status of a user specified port. It determines (from the exit status) from ICP that the port is Logged in or not, allocated, or attached. If none of these is the case, The baud rate is asked for and set. The primary use is to be able to remotely dial out of the system using the TALK program and an auto-bauding auto-dial modem such as the RIXON 212A. LISTEN - Prints on the issuing terminal all input to a specified terminal port. All characters received are displayed, including control characters. I have found this program simple but invaluable in testing RS232 equipment. SCREEN - A program that uses the Get CLI Information (GCII) directive to determine the logged out terminals and to write to those terminals, their terminal number, Time of day, and number of users logged on. This is written at the top line of the crt and is walked across the line. I have this run every minute. Off working hours it just clears the screen of every logged off terminal. SHOWTASK - Routine to Show the attributes of a task image. Information displayed: Name Partition Task Ident Size Creation date Priority Number of Luns Libraries Attributes including: privileged checkpointable generates_pmd external_header contains_pic memory_overlays maps_i/o_page Output can be directed to a file to facilitate a command file scanning the output files searching for a given pattern SINGLETKB - A simple program to prevent multiple copies of TKB from running on the system. Applies to BP2 and F77 as well. T2T - Another tape to tape program. Does a fast tape to tape copy of any structured tape that ends with an EOV as all tapes should do. Will even handle the large (32256) VMS backup tapes. MD0:[310,2] ********************* ********************* DYCOPY - A PROGRAMME TO MAKE IMAGE COPIES OF FLOPPY DISKS A.J. ARNOLD, BOUNDARY LAYER RESEARCH DIVISION, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT SERVICE, 4905 DUFFERIN ST., DOWNSVIEW ONTARIO, M3H 5T4 (416)667-4791 THE FOLLOWING FILES ARE PROVIDED IN THIS RELEASE: 1)README.1ST - THIS FILE 2)DYCOPYPRE.MAC - A PREFIX FILE THAT MAY PROVIDE RX01 SUPPORT IF IT IS EDITED 3)DYCOPY.MAC - SOURCE FILE OF THE FLOPPY COPY PROGRAMME 4)DYCOPY.CMD - A COMMAND FILE TO ASSEMBLE AND BUILD DYCOPY 5)DYCOPYBLD.CMD - A COMMAND FILE FOR THE TASK BUILDER THAT MAY HAVE TO BE EDITED FOR YOUR INSTALLATION NOTE: THE COPYING IS VERY SLOW (ABOUT 8.5 MINUTES FOR A DUAL DENSITY FLOPPY, BUT THE RESULT IS AN EXACT DUPLICATE OF THE INPUT FLOPPY. I HAVE TRIED USING LOGICAL I/O BUT THIS DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK. TRYING TO READ A TRACK AT A TIME RESULTS IN A SLOWER STILL TRANSFER. THE AUTHOR WOULD APPRECIATE HEARING FROM ANYONE WHO GETS THE COPYING TIME DOWN. MD0:[310,3] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,3] Another string handling library to aid the FMS fortran programmer in handling the string fields from FMS. Brad L. Tinney APPEND Append a string to another BLANK Check if a string is completely blank (supplied char) CONCAT Concatenate a string to another ERROR Display error on FMS form if last status bad IDX Find position of 1 string in another INSERT Replace a string into another at a specified location INTSTR Convert an integer into a string LENGTH Return the length of a string PAD Pad a string to given length REMLED Remove leading zeroes from a string SCOMP Compare two strings for equality SCOPY Copy a string SMOVE Move a string (do not place trailing null) STRINT Convert a string to an integer S2INT4 Convert a string to an integer*4 TRANSP Transpose string around specified delimeter TRUNC Truncate a string UPCASE Convert string to upper case MD0:[310,4] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,4] Brad L. Tinney Clunk Library - A collection of routines to handle 8-byte clunks. A clunk being the number of 100 nano-second time intervals since 17-NOV-1858. That date being the Smithsonian Astrophysical Base Date (celebrating the day the first photographic plate was exposed at the Harvard Smithsonian Observatory). These routines make use of the routines in the STRLIB library on account [310,3]. Two macro routines are included and part of the library. Clunks are used as the time/date field by Datatrieve as well as time fields in file headers. ASCCLK Routine to convert a time/date ascii string to an 8 byte CLUNK value. The input string is null terminated and always 18 bytes long in the following format: hh:mm:ss dd-mmm-yy CLKASC Routine to convert an 8 byte CLUNK value to a time/date ascii string. The output string is null terminated and always 18 bytes long in the following format: hh:mm:ss dd-mmm-yy TIMCLK Routine to get the current time and return the time/date in the 8-byte clunk format. MD0:[310,5] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,5] Various M and M-Plus command files BATCH.CMD - Command file to promote the use of batch files by allowing anyone to submit those 1-10 liner command sequences easily and generally all on the command line. A real boon to productivity here. BLD.CMD - A command file patterned after the LINK command file in account [310,11] to compile and link a fortran program in one operation. The compile and link commands are found in the Comment section of the program (and stay there where they belong). All of the single file programs here use this global command file. CHECKDATE.CMD - Command file placed as the first part of the STARTUP.CMD file to make sure that the year is correct and that the date is greater than the last boot date. MAKECMD.CMD - A command file to build a command file to submit a batch job for an application task. We have many large programs that lend themselves to batch and chaining, but there are too many questions for the user to remember when building a batch file. This file will build a command file to ask the questions that the application task asks, but with complete help on every question, and answer verification. The chaining option allows for default input filenames from the previous output filename. MONTHREP.CMD - Datatrieve command file to submit a batch file to process a months bills by user or for the system. Used via BATCH and Datatrieve. It is based on the January 1984, Multi-Tasker article. Supplies System charges for connect time, cpu-time, no. QIO's, no. Directives, and no. Pages printed. Gives a summary and user list. Also produces a list of invalid logins for the month. MD0:[310,6] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,6] Various programs to read and process Word-11 Word Processing files. WORADDRESS - Puts an address block list into a text file containing the user specified number of address accros the page, and number of lines per address. We use this at the CHS to print address onto stickem labels. WORINDEX - Produces a more dense and detailed index then Word-11 does on the RSX systems. Included is the total number of disk blocks used which most of our Word-11 users never see. WOR2TXT - The print image files of Word-11 have no defined record attributes. This causes problems when editing, or printing to a spooled device. This program converts to regular carriage control attributes. MD0:[310,7] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,7] Intel 8080/8085 cross assembler. Uses the Intel input and output format but allows for 12 character names. Optional Cross reference output. Modified from an 1802 package from Dofasco Ltd. MD0:[310,10] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,10] RCA 1802 cross assembler. Uses the Intel input and output format but allows for 12 character names. Optional Cross reference output. Modified from an 1802 package from Dofasco Ltd. MD0:[310,11] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,11] STELCO provides the following very usefull command file and optional spawning task. [ed note. I have placed the LINK.CMD file in and renamed it to BLD.CMD. All of my single file fortran programs now have have this build feature. To compile and link I type @BLD file and it does the rest. A must!] LINK.TXT PREPARATION OF THE LINK TASK ---------------------------- TYPE @LB:[1,3]LINK.CMD IT WILL ASK FOR A SOURCE NAME TYPE LINK IT WILL COMPILE & TASK BUILD THE LINK TASK INSTALL LB:[1,3]LINK USE OF LINK.CMD --------------- To use this command file your FORTRAN program must contain the compile and task build commands within the first 25 lines. These lines must be preceeded by a C TAB and not contain any blank lines ;;;;;;;; eg: PROGRAM PROG C C FOR PROG=PROG C SY:PROG=SY:PROG C DL0:[1,1]FOROTS/LB C / C ACTFIL=1 C UNITS=1 C MAXBUF=132 C CLSTR=FORCLS,FCSRES:RO C // C CALL ASNLUN(1,'TI',0) WRITE(1,*) ' THIS IS A TEST PROGRAM' STOP END ;;;;;;; NOTE: C- TYPING A C- MINUS WILL NOT INCLUDE THAT LINE C- WHEN PASSED TO THE TASK BUILDER PREPARATION OF YOUR PROGRAM --------------------------- TYPE @LB[1,3]LINK PROG OR TYPE LIN PROG WHERE 'PROG' IS THE NAME OF YOUR PROGRAM NOTE: LINK.CMD will COMPILE PROG TASK BUILD PROG REMOVE PROG.TSK INSTALL PROG.TSK clean up any temporary files MD0:[310,12] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,12] PROGRAM Findit; { PROGRAM TO FIND STRINGS IN FILES } {Written by: Gordon Atkinson, Data Plus Inc., (416) 425-3323. To find and display character strings in a file, of files thru an indirect file (@). (i.e. FOOBAR - find strings in FOOBAR note default extension = .PAS @FOOBAR - find strings in files listed in FOOBAR in format as above defaulting to Extension = .PAS note default extension = .DOC ) MD0:[310,13] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,13] Assorted Programs previously submitted by others, but modified here at TARLUG TCR - Terminal Characteristics Report program modified to support user defined terminal types ("200 and up) and user names to six characters (if using M+ accounting). MD0:[310,14] ********************* ********************* README.1ST [310,14] General purpose library used by the Canadian Hydrographic Service. This library will resolve any undefined references from the CHS tasks in this TARLUG submission. Brad L. Tinney ASCBCD Convert an ascii buffer to BCD ATTACH Attach/detach an lun BCDASC Convert a BCD buffer to ascii CONVER Conversion error handler for VT100 terminals DOESC Do and escape sequence qio to a specified lun FCSERR Return an FCS error description in text form GETTRM Get the terminal type from the system INQUIRE Get the full file spec (ala VAX). Spawns to DSP ITIME Return time of day as 3 integers JULIAN Return the current day of the year QUEST Logical function to ask a question SETCPI Setup the horizontal spacing of a LA100/LA120 type terminal SETVID Set up the video attribute sequences for BOLD, REVR, etc. TIMER Start and stop an elapsed timer TSKLOG Log to the console log file the task name and elapsed time CNV2UP Convert a character type string to upper case MD0:[312,315] ********************* ********************* RCA Submissions for Fall 1984 The main item in this directory tree is AnalytiCalc (PortaCalc), another version still faster and more capable than the last. (There has been a major speedup added.) Also now has logical names and a few more bells and whistles. The [.pccvax] version is the common documents, command files, and the VAX version. Build with @COMPILVMX.COM to get the thing going. The [.pccpdp] subdirectory has the PDP11, PRO3xx, and also a VAX version. The PCCPDPNEW.COM file builds (more or less) the RSX flavor. PCCPRO.COM builds PRO 3XX version. PCCMAKI.COM builds for VAX. The PCCOBJ directory has object libraries for those who don't have Fortran. Now you too can run PortaCalc. PCCVM is the standard VAX one. Note: you may have to bump your VIRTUALPAGECNT parameter to use this version. If it fails try the PCCX.OLB variant which is a lot easier on memory and not TOO much slower unless your scratch files are huge. There are SQ.* and USQ.* there too which are CP/M compatible Squeeze and Unsqueeze utilities to compress arbitrary files. They will help you save space on transmissions. All this stuff runs fine on V3.7 and hopefully won't break in V4.0. It's all native mode so should fly OK even on microvax. Also in the [.misc] directory is a compat mode multicolumn lister I made a couple mods to. It will do just about any multicolumn listing trick I ever heard of, and is a handy tool to keep around. Also included is SEDT from the DECUS library. It's a really great replacement for EDT, runs 2 or 3 times faster, and does all that EDT does in approximately the same way as EDT Keypad mode. It can be called from a program or programmed itself too. Glenn Everhart RCA GSD Engineering ms 206-1 Rt. 38 Cherry Hill, NJ 08358 MD0:[312,340] ********************* ********************* DTC - The Desk Top Calender Mitch Wyle December 1982 Version 4: REVISED BY GCE The idea here is to automate an appointment calender. Most appointment calenders give only one of Month-At-A-Glance, Week-At-A-Glance, or Day-At-A-Glance. DTC is an attempt to give all of these functions in a paperless, fast, menu-driven format. This release has had considerable work done to it to make it a more general tool. See the addendum for the extras. Among the features I would like to see added: - Year-At-A-Glance in 132 column mode with two rows of six months each - Menu option(s) to print out appointments, in day, week, month format - Support for non VT-100 terminals (general cursor positioning calls) DTC is one of a number of Paperless Office programs I have been developing for two years. Other related programs are an on-line telephone directory, an electronic mail system, an automatic "While You Were Out" message taker which spawns mail directives, Memo and Form letter templates and programs, and software tools for writers in a business environment. Is there a DECUS sig for Office Automation? Please call me with your problems and suggestions. I am very new at programming in Fortran in the DEC world. I have already developed the paperless office package on a Honeywell Level 6 running Ultimate. Source code is in PROC and Data Basic. Hope to hear from someone, Mitchell F. Wyle Data Systems Supervisor, NUS Pittsburgh Radiological Laboratory 5350 Campbells Run Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15205 (412) 788-1080 x405 Revision 1: Glenn C. Everhart I have added a few extras to the program to make it more usable and fix a few small bugs. The following has been done: * Date bugs in displaying weeks at the beginnings of months are fixed. * The E in Evening now is a pseudo time and gets displayed as 17:00 on the weekly summary. You can enter evening appointments using the D command with E for time. (EV works OK too.) * Most commands are accepted in lower case or upper case. * Commands T (Today), R (Reminder), and C (Calendar) correspond to Day, Week, and Month exactly but cause DTC to exit after they are executed. This permits them to be used from MCR with instant exit, thus to be placed into login.cmd files for an "auto reminder" service. * Time ranges may be input (so long as it is done with no format errors) in the form hh:mm>h2:m2 (e.g. 09:00>15:30) which will replicate the appointment part of the line into DTC.DAT over the indicated range. * Purge of old appointments (clear out appointments from before a given date, defaulting to today) * Reverse display of week/month times permitting FREE times to be found and displayed rather than occupied ones (potentially for a group of people) * A second level of data files, permitting an appointment file to contain pointers (1 level deep) to other files which can be searched as well as the first * Multiple appointment files, changeable on command (permitting "private" appointment calendars) * Scheduling of appointments in multiple files (useful for setting up meetings or maintaining multiple files) * Lookup for free times of length n * 30 minutes (where n is any number in the range 1 to 18) over a week period; display of times is made in Week format. Valid start times for meetings of given lengths are shown. DTC needs [1,2]DTC.HLP to execute the H option from its menu. >LBR DTC.HLP=DTC.ULB/EX:HLP >PIP SY:[1,2]DTC.HLP=DTC.HLP New commands: P [mmddyy] - Removes all appointments from current calendar file whose date is BEFORE the date specified. If no date is specified, today's is assumed. N(command) (for example NW [mmddyy] ) - Displays FREE time instead of scheduled time in week or month formats. Not deemed useful for Day format, so left out there. F filename - Closes current calendar file (defaults to DTC.DAT initially) and opens filename instead S [mmddyy hh:mm[>hh:mm]] appointment/meeting - Schedules appointment /meeting at the given time. If current calendar file contains pointers to other files (see below; year=99 and appointment part has 'filename=' in it) then each of those gets a notice of the appointment or meeting added to it as well as the current calendar. Otherwise only the current calendar file is updated in the D format. L [mmddyy] nn - Locate a period of nn half-hours in the week containing mmddyy. Displays the free time in week format. Used to schedule meetings. nn must be 01 thru 18 and is clamped to this range POINTERS in CALENDAR FILES The calendar file format is sequential records of the format: YYMMDDTTTappointment text of 60 characters length in which every record has this form, and the time TTT is in the range (for correct files) of 080 through 170 (for 08:00 through 17:00). The third digit is always either 3 or 0 as well, since DTC only schedules half hour periods. Indirection is accomplished by editing your calendar file (with any editor) or just entering an "appointment" for year 99 (by which time somebody should have hacked some more on this to fix it up not to mess up real appointments). The text of the "appointment" should be just filespec=, with the = sign as the terminator of the file spec. This will lead to the file you specified being opened and treated as if it existed inside your own calendar file (except you need to use the S function rather than the D function to enter appointments in it as well as your own.) CAVEATS: DTC is a bit touchy about illegal inputs. Be sure you input the mmddyy in the format given (i.e. July 4, 1983 is entered as just "070483", NOT as "7/4/83" or "7483" or anything else. If DTC seems to generate weird displays, edit DTC.DAT (or whatever else is your calendar file) and remove or edit lines in which the date or time are in illegal format. To use DTC, you need to create an empty DTC.DAT file first (and also any other calendar files you expect to need.) The simplest way to do this in RSX is to use the command PIP DTC.DAT=NL: and in VMS MCR PIP DTC.DAT=NL: but any method will do, including using an editor to set it up. Don't be alarmed about occasional open file errors; most have been fixed but just re-run DTC if any still show up; they don't corrupt your calendar file. I haven't seen any for awhile, so don't think many (if any) remain, but I could have missed a spot where a redundant close is needed. You may fix if need be. DTC Rev 2 The DTC program is now revised to provide the following new functionality: 1. Year at a glance (courtesy Mitch Wyle) 2. Default date and time remain as last set now, permitting switching among day/week/month displays 3. The new I command resets default date to today 4. Command D saves appointments in the current file only, not in any files indirected from the current file via the 99999999filename.typ= format. Command S (schedule) saves appointments entered that way in files indirected, but not in the current file (leaving a file of indirection pointers clean). Command G saves appointments in both. 5. Dates may be entered in format mmddyy (as before) mm/dd/yy (new, easier; mm and dd may be 1 digit long) dd-mmm-yy (dd may be 1 digit long. mmm text is parsed only enough to disambiguate months.) Also, the Week display does a better job now when showing appointments in a first week of a month where the month changes during the week. It appears completely correct now. Also the month display has been upgraded to not overflow the screen on long months with 6 lines for weeks. DTC Rev 3 DTC now contains the new function + nnU - nnU where U may be D,W,M, or Y for Day, Week, Month, or Year. This command changes the default date by the specified increment and leaves the display alone. The default for U is the last display mode, and the default for nn is 1 so that if just a + or - is seen, the default is to move 1 unit. Glenn Everhart 6/24/83 MD0:[312,345] ********************* ********************* PortaCalc Spreadsheet / DBMS This file is build notes: For VAX PortaCalc use the @compilvmx procedure in this account. For RSX, use the [312,371] account and edit to make a suitable compile file. Then make needed libraries and build with PCCNAT.CMD and PCCNAT.ODL. Inspect PCCNAT.ODL to see what object files to make libraries out of. For PRO 350, use PCCPRO.COM or a mod to compile, then build with PCCNAT.* again as in RSX (do it on the PRO). The PCCMAKI.COM file in [312,371] is to build the VAX variant of that form of PortaCalc. This version may need your VIRTUALPAGECNT sysgen parameter to be increased (perhaps to 20000) to link. Do so if you need to. (VAX) ALWAYS BUILD FROM SOURCE IF POSSIBLE. For those with Fortran, the COMPILVMX.COM file builds these files from source. You can edit the HVKLUGPR5.FTN file first ( copies it to vklugprm.ftn for inclusion in the compiles) to set your max sheet sizes if the ones supplied are too small. The maxima possible then are large enough you are very unlikely to need to go into sources to edit them. Look over the READMEs before doing your build please!!!!!!!!! The file PortaCalc.rno can become a VAX help library and be integrated with your system help if desired. The graphics utility is described separately in PCG.DOC and there is a file called KEYPAD.DOC in the distribution which describes various files of PortaCalc commands which implement auxiliary keypad functions. It should be edited to reflect any system default changes if these features are to be generally used. Note that if CMDMUN.FOR is compiled with the /debug qualifier, these files reside on device DK:, which may be ASSIGN/USER'd to a particular system area prior to running the local PortaCalc version. The PortaCalc.rno file must be passed through Runoff (possibly DECUS runoff as opposed to DSR) to convert it to a VAX help file format. It is designed to fit on 2 columns (using the LISTRS program to reformat it, available in various places in the DECUS library including 11-SP-6), but can fit on other sizes output with a little editing. Column size of less than 60 characters may fail in some places. I now have an 8088 version of this program. It sells for $49.95/copy on IBM PC DSDD disks, and needs 256K RAM. There's a $5 s/h charge also, and NJ residents must add 6% sales tax. Order by writing General Cybernetic Engineering, P.O. Box 748, Mt. Holly NJ 08060 and ask for General Engineering ANALYTICALC-88 giving your name, address, and enclosing payment. I can't handle credit cards. You may request the 320K version which has logical names and is not overlaid if desired, instead of the 256K version. PCDOS 2.0 is required. I'm considering an interface to the public domain RIM DBMS instead, since that DBMS is pretty good and available from Boeing for a copy fee. However, the difficulty of providing a general purpose DBMS interface is considerable where values need to be returned. Therefore, a usable general purpose database interface may wait on a commercialized version which will integrate various other tools as well (including hopefully editing, more complex graphics, and timekeeping). Glenn Everhart 6/14/1983 Set your system up so you know how to fire up the spreadsheet and print out Portacalc.tut (the tutorial). With the tutorial in hand, follow it along with the real spreadsheet and go thru its instructions. (If you built PortaCalc-PC, use 100 K sizes for starters as the sizes for value and formula storage; smaller if you must. You'll need some auxiliary storage, but a minimum is not known to the author. Hopefully, 100K will do. If you run out of space, try using negative numbers instead of positive ones. When you're satisfied with the tutorial, then go thru PORTACALC.TU2 (a short mini-tutorial) to see a little of how table lookups can be done. Then read through the manual (after passing it through Runoff to make it legible) once. The manual is a reference, not an introduction, so it's best not to try and absorb it all at once. As a useful example, the BER.* file supplied is for producing a Business Expense Report and will do all the normal arithmetic for you (though it assumes 20 cents/mile for mileage). The second line has just the day part of the date and is rather crude, but it's been useful at the author's site. Now define a system logical name DK: or set up a virtual disk globally assigned as DK: (init with the /SDI switch to avoid multiple directories on it in RSX) and move all the AK*.CMD, KY*.CMD, and Keypad.pic onto DK:. Make them world readable. You may want to use the SPREAD.COM file on Vax to run the sheet from. Read your other README and AAAREADME files and see how you want to tailor the spreadsheet. Now build any other versions you like. NOTICE: The best versions of PortaCalc to build are: VAX: PortaCalc-VM, built with COMPILVMX.COM or other command files using the .F40 flavors of sources where there are multiple versions, and PDP11: PortaCalc-PC, built with PCCPDP.CMD in the UIC containing PCCPC. A respectable VAX sheet can also be built using PortaCalc-PC in native mode with PCCMAK.COM in that area. Fortran formats are used and any format entered will be used. You can use things like O or Z formats for octal/hex or whatever you like. Formats A and L by themselves mean "display the formula itself"; anything else means "display the number". On entering numbers, any formula containing the characters ".","[","+", "(", or "-" is treated as a numeric; anything else is treated as a formula, unless the string contains the double quote (") character, which forces it to be treated as a literal rather than a number regardless of what else it has. The DF command can fix up this if it's not what you want. Note too that the multi-argument functions: SUM[args] Sum MAX[args] Maximum MIN[args] Minimum AVG[args] Average STD[args] Standard Deviation AND[args] Boolean AND (args treated as integer) IOR[args] Boolean inclusive OR NOT[arg] Complement of arg. Treated as integer. CNT[args] Number of nonzero arguments. LKP[val,range] Lookup (and several more) and the statement IF [v1.RL.v2]true-statement |false-statement \more statements must appear at the start of a formula or formula substatement (substate- ments are delimited by \ characters) and the value goes into the current variable cell (which is universally named P## if you want something location independent). It's a good idea to include an else statement in IFs since something gets put in otherwise. Note that the DEFAULT format is for a REAL (not integer) number and must be appropriate. The sheet can be converted to integer format, but will start as real (floating point) numbers, the most generally useful sort. Double precision is used, so about 17 digits of precision are available. Glenn Everhart KEYS ON VT100 FOR PORTACALC The files KYP.CMD, KYR.CMD and KYSAUX.CMD implement auxiliary keypad commands when used with PortaCalc for PF1, PF3, and PF4 keys. They need to be inside the login account as presently set up but can come off DK: device if CMDMUN.FOR is compiled /DEBUG. Functions: PF1 (KYP.CMD) WIDE - Sets screen into wide mode and sets up display of 10 columns. (The DB command can vary this) PF2 (no file) HELP (gets to top help page. A reply of Hn instead of just return will get help page n. PF3 (KYR.CMD) NARROW - Sets screen into 80 column mode and sets display back to 7 columns (DB command may vary this) PF4 (KYSAUX.CMD) ENTER - Turns off aux keypad mode and goes into a mode of reading input for expressions to enter, entering them at current cursor position. The Mn command should have previously been used to set automatic motion. Any control character or space as 1st entered character, or \ as first entered character, gets out of enter mode and back to normal command mode. Note if aux keypad mode isn't turned off, various AKl.CMD files (l varies from A to N; see cmdmun.for) may be used for user defined commands. To implement this scheme rename KYSAUX.CMD to KYS.CMD; otherwise you use KYS.CMD which means "recalculate" and the keypad is all a lot of functions. Other aux keypad keys are defined as AKm.CMD command files, where m is a letter corresponding in most cases to the last character of the generated escape sequence. These are also looked for on DK: (which on RSX systems is easiest to implement as a single directory virtual disk (initialize with /SDI switch) globally assigned, or on VMS is easiest as a system symbol.) This directory should include also the KEYPAD.PIC file. If AVO option VT100's are used, the file KEYPADAVO.PIC may be renamed to KEYPAD.PIC in that area, providing a more legible keypad diagram. Most command files will build PortaCalc for the DK: area since the alternative is to force everyone to have the full set of keypad command files in his account, plus the diagram. The keypad may be redefined by editing the files; in that case the KEYPAD.PIC file should be edited to correspond. MD0:[312,371] ********************* ********************* This area contains code for a PortaCalc version which will operate in very small environments by using bitmaps, etc., for storage. The WRKFIL and WRKSHT routines are called whenever the work file was accessed or VBLS, FVLD, or TYPE are called. Note that to gain space, the multiple precision integers are reduced to 20 characters' length from 100. NOTE: THERE IS ONE DIFFERENCE IN PROGRAM USE SYNTAX BETWEEN THIS VERSION AND OTHER PORTACALC VERSIONS: The command R (recalculate) in this version recalculates the sheet, but does NOT force recalculation of constants. The command RF recalculates and DOES FORCE recalculation of constants (and the command RR is a synonym for RF). RF can be read as "recalculate, force". In the OTHER versions, R forces recalculation of constants, and RAF recalculates everything except constants. Note that RAF in this version works as it does in others; bare R however has changed. Otherwise this version has the capabilities of the full VAX versions, except the *U XQTCM function is not available (and will not be until a larger machine that permits major mods to the overlay structure is available.) THIS PROGRAM IS NOW THE PREFERRED PORTACALC FOR PDP11 MACHINES AND FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT. The command files ending in "NAT" were set up to build a PDP11 .TSK image for RSX under VMS with the RSX TKB task. For RSX, edit PCCPDP.COM into a .CMD file (take out $ signs and be sure device defaults etc. are OK) and verify that the FCS11M.ODL reflects your F77 installation (or fix it up with the F4P flavor if using F4P); then build. The task WILL FIT on a PDP11 if F77 is used. If you use F4P, be SURE the FCS11M.ODL reflects the F4P OTS so addresses won't overflow. The capacity is around 16,000 cells on RSX (edit PVKLUGPRM.FOR to change how they are assigned in rows and cols). If you have the ability to use virtual arrays and/or I/D space, or FCSFSL (you M+ jocks know what that is), DO SO and reduce the complexity of the overlay structure. It probably won't fit flat, but every simplification speeds up the program. You can also increase the in memory array sizes with I/D space or FCSFSL (supervisor mode FCS) if your machine allows. Again, the parameter file controls this. The Best things in life are free! PORTACALC (alias AnalytiCalc) MD0:[312,375] ********************* ********************* This area is a contribution by Larry Finger of 2801 Upton St. NW Washington, DC 20008 It includes a replacement (scrind) for UVT100 for PortaCalc that uses the VMS screen independent cursor locs (and a trial vklugprm.ftn to use with it) [which may not be needed - ed], and input files (load with @file) for PortaCalc to do federal income taxes. Updates for the 1984 tax year are promised for August so you can use PortaCalc to do your taxes. The SCRIND contribution has been merged with the standard version now, so ignore it here. MD0:[312,376] ********************* ********************* Keypad Macros for AnalytiCalc This area contains files for the auxiliary keypad of AnalytiCalc (PortaCalc). They should be moved to an area globally assigned as DK: (a single directory small virtual disk in RSX or a directory in VMS). They are written short and small and are NOT commented since comments would slow them down. Do not attempt to learn PortaCalc command language from them. The KEYPAD.DOC file contains information on the % construct herein, and the PortaCalc manual has further information about how to write command files. Please don't let these be the first command files you read. Do however use them if desired. Once they are moved, you may want to rename KEYPADCS.PIC to KEYPAD.PIC to support terminals with advanced video and/or color. If you are using a VT52, leave KEYPAD.PIC alone. These files will work with either PortaCalc-VM (build from COMPILVMX.COM and similar files on VAX), or PortaCalc-PC (build with PCCMAK.COM on VAX or modify PCCPDP.COM to build for PDP11; it's in another directory.) The other set of keypad files is in the main directory and does not use a "gold key" style keypad interaction. These do, and attempt to put the text "Gold 1" at the upper right part of the screen when the GOLD key (PF1) is pressed. Other keypad commands turn this off, but note that the "gold" condition is cleared by cursor keys or the PF2 key without erasing this text, so treat the text with a grain of salt. MD0:[326,1] ********************* ********************* North Texas Local Users Group Submissions The UIC=[326,*] comprise the NTLUG submission for this RSXIAS SUG tape. A simplified directory follows: [326,1] Universal library of past years NTLUG newsletters. [326,114] Misc routines that may be helpful If you have any trouble getting in touch with any of the authors, please contact: Jeff Hamilton E-Systems, Inc. P. O. Box 1056 CBN 27 Greenville, Texas 75401 (214)457-4175 outside Texas (800)527-1000 MD0:[326,114] ********************* ********************* This UIC contains a collection of misc. I thought I would throw these on the distribution. Some things might be useful, some funny. Take you pick. FORTRAN programs HPTAPE copies ASCII files to tape using command lines (80 byte recrds) KTB kill trailing blanks and tabs from an ascii file PSWRDG password generator (uses REAL words, not just random char.) command files F a FORTRAN compiler, linker, command file (use for above prgrms) subroutines TAPEIO connection to unmounted tapes easy to use routine SORT a shell sort subroutine (very fast) I hope someone can use some of this. It has come in handy for us. None of this sould crash your system. If there is any difficulty get in touch with me. I don't promise to fix it, but I may be in a generous mode and help you out. Jeff Hamilton E-Systems P. O. Box 1056 CBN 27 Greenville, Texas 75401 (214)457-4175 outside Texas (800)527-1000 MD0:[326,116] ********************* ********************* This UIC contains two programs : 1) DAYOWK : For an input date in the 20th century. this program will give the corresponding day of the week. The date can be entered in various formats, such as : 11-Mar-84 , 03/11/84 , MARCH 11 1984 , etc... DAYOWK was written in DEC Fortran 77. 2) AGCAL : This program will provide the user with an "Aggie" Calender for any year in the 20th century. AGCAL will create a file called AGXXXX.CAL under the default directory ( XXXX is the input year number ). AGCAL was written in DEC Fortran 77. Both programs were written by : Richard A. Crawford E-Systems Inc. P.O. Box 1056 CBN-27 Greenville, Texas 75401 (214)457-6018 MD0:[326,340] ********************* ********************* BINARY FILE TRANSFERS CBA and CAB are used with Bob Turkelson's TALK program (Spring 82 RSX SIG tape [352,2]) in order to transmit binary files between an RSX system and a host VAX/VMS system. The two programs are compiled and task-built with the command file BINARY.CMD This software will run in compatibility mode under VAX/VMS. Documentation is in the file BINARY.DOC This software is a preliminary version. Comments and suggestions are welcome and should be sent to: David Gressett Physics Department North Texas State University P. O. Box 5368 Denton, TX 76203 MD0:[330,5] ********************* ********************* THE 3 directories [330,5] through [330,7] are the [5,3],[5,4], and [5,5] directories of DECUS C as modified to work under IAS. See [302,1] for overall documentation of these accounts. BUILDING AND RUNNING C COMPILER UNDER IAS VJ PHELPS 27-NOV-84 SOURCE FILES: COMPILER [5,3] ASSEMBLER [5,3] COMMON LIB [5,3] RUN-TIME LIB: OPERATING SYS DEPENDENT [5,5] OPERATING SYS INDEPENDENT [5,5] COMMAND FILES: ------------- ALL COMMAND FILES ARE ON [5,3] XASMLB.CMM - ASSEMBLE COMMON LIB XCOMLB.CRE - BUILD COMMON LIB XASMCC.CMM - ASSEMBLE COMPILER (CC) CCBLD.CMT - LINK COMPILER XASMAS.CMM - ASSEMBLE ASSEMBLER (CAS) ASBLD.CMT - LINK ASSEMBLER XASLIB.CMM - ASSEMBLE RUN-TIME LIB XBLDLB.CRE - BUILD RUN-TIME LIB THE COMPILER, ASSEMBLER AND LIBRARIES CAN BE BUILT FROM A BATCH JOB AS FOLLOWS: ! BATCH JOB TO BLD C COMPILER, ASSEMBLER AND LIBRARIES ! $JOB XXX $SET DEF [5,3] $@XASMLB.CMM $@XCOMLB.CRE $@XASMCC.CMM $@CCBLD.CMT $@XASMAS.CMM $@ASBLD.CMT $@XASLIB.CMM $@XBLDLB.CRE $EOJ INSTALLED TASK NAMES ARE $$$CC FOR COMPILER AND $$$CAS FOR ASSEMBLER TO COMPILE A C PROG FROM IAS: CC -A PROG.C TO LINK: LINK PROG,[1,1]C/LI MD0:[330,6] ********************* ********************* [5,4] Common Object-time library for C ----- ------ ----------- ------- --- - This library contains all modules that are independent of crass I/O considerations. Many are referred to directly by the compiler (to perform floating-point arithmetic, for example). For more information, please refer to [5,5]README.505. MD0:[330,7] ********************* ********************* [5,5] Standard I/O library for C programs ----- -------- --- ------- --- - -------- This library contains all modules that compile differently for RSX and RT11 support, along with some modules, such as printf.mac, that are heavily tied to the I/O library conventions. The library is built using one of the following command files: RSTS/RSX RSTS/RT11 VMS RSX-11M RT-11 -------- --------- --- ------- --------- XMAKLB.CMD RMAKLB.CMD VMAKLB.COM MMAKLB.CMD TMAKLB.COM Please read and understand the command files before executing them. In particular, note the special handling of ATOD and DTOA. Small "stubs" are placed into the library (the real ones are rather large). If you need floating conversions in printf() and friends, explicitly link in DTOA.OBJ to override the library stub. Likewise, if you need floating conversions in scnaf() and friends, explicitly link in ATOD.OBJ. This will cause an increase in your program size. NOTE The RT11.MAC and RSX.MAC command files, as distributed, assume the existance of the SXT instruction. This instruction is not present on the PDP-11/20, the PDP-11/05, and the PDP-11/40 (without optional EIS). If C programs or libraries are to run on any of these models, the command files must be edited to define C$$SXT = 0 before building the compiler or library. MD0:[332,12] ********************* ********************* BONNER LAB RUNOFF Page 1 AUTHOR: ------- John Clement Bonner Nuclear Lab Rice University Box 1892 Houston Tx, 77251 (713) 527-4018 ABSTRACT Bonner Lab Runoff (RNO) Bonner Lab Runoff is a text formatter which when used with your favorite editor makes a complete word processor. Its syntax is almost a complete emulation of DSR (Digital Standard Runoff) and it is very compatible with previous versions of Runoff. The document and help file for this version can also be used for DSR. The intent of this program is to support com- plete scientific word processing to produce publication quality output. It has been used to produce thesis, progress reports, and scientific pa- pers here at Rice University. This version allows complete control of any special printer available via user definable escape sequences. In addition a macro facility allows text or sequences of commands to be abbreviated to a single label. If the printer has the correct features then variable spacing,subscripting, superscripting, and equation formatting are possible. By properly defin- ing escape sequences the user may support different printers in a tran- sparent fashion. In other words the same input text will print in identical fashion on different printers with different control codes and escape sequences. Table of contents, indexing and sub-indexing are all supported. Multiple table of contents or multiple indexing may be constructed from the avail- able commands. A variety of LAYOUT and STYLE commands may completely change the look of the pages. Table layout is simplified by right justi- fied and 'decimal' justified tabs. Permanent margins which apply to the page headers are available. These simplify the setting of header and text margins. All special characters are redefinable. The user may define new com- mands, and text macros. This allows this version to be customized to resemble other text formatters, or other verstions of RUNOFF. A two pass option allows forward references to symbols defined later in the text. This runs under VMS, RSX, IAS, RT11, TSX, and probably RSTS. RNO occu- pies a minimum of 30 to 37 kbytes depending on the operating system. BONNER LAB RUNOFF Page 2 This distribution contains all files necessary for building RNO for any supported operating systems. All file names are 6 characters or less to acommodate all operating systems. Once you have built the executable im- age, you can use it to generate documentation and help files for your operating system. Several files are included to document this version. Instructions for building the program are in the BUILD.DOC file. Bugs that have been fixed are in RNOBUG.DOC. The latest enhancements are in CHANGE.DOC. BRIEF.DOC is a brief version of the full documentation. For VMS users the RNO.EXE is provided as a convenience. BIG ENHANCEMENTS 1. The number of tab stops is unlimited, and ellipses may be speci- fied for each stop independently. In addition stops may right, left, or center justify independently. The ellipses may be specified as a literal. 2. Numbers may be defined and incremented. This allows numbering figures, tables and so on. see: .DEFINE ITEM and .NUMBER ITEM 3. Reference labels to section numbers, chapters, and defined numbers may be defined. This makes possible references to vari- ous sections of the document. see: .DEFINE NUMBER 4. A 2 pass mode allows both forward and backward references. see: /2P option. 5. Parameters may be passed to defined commands. see: .DEFINE COMMAND. 6. All flags may be used in Titles and Subtitles. Extra commands .ENABLE/DISABLE FLAGS may be used to aid in using this feature. 7. .REQUIRE BINARY aids in merging documents and graphics. 8. The hyphenation algorithm has been improved. 9. RNO is more compatible with DSR. DSR compatability The SAVE commands were designed independently from DSR and as such are slightly incompatible with DSR usage. Since I do not have access to the new DSR manuals, I can not say more than this. Hopefully this will not cause users too much grief. MD0:[332,13] ********************* ********************* Contents of [332,*] [332,12] Bonner Lab RUnoff [332,13] Text of DAARC talk Help files on Bonner Lab acquisition system [332,14] Histogram + plot package 4010 compatible [332,15] MBD code, MBD driver, CLIST compiler [332,16] Fortran callable routines to access them For explanations as to how this all works please see the DAARC talk Fall 84 DECUS. The MBD code is for the Rice prototype MBD and need modifacation for the BiRa MBD. J. Clement Bonner Nuclear Lab Rice University Houston, Tx. MD0:[332,14] ********************* ********************* This is a collection of plotting and histogramming routines. They work on RSX/VMS/RT-11 The documentation on them is in ANAL.HLP MD0:[332,16] ********************* ********************* This is a collection of useful mathematical, and misc. routines It includes some matrix handling, Parameter getting etc. They are RSX/VMS compatible. MD0:[332,17] ********************* ********************* These programs are a collection of Bonner Lab data acquisition routines. These handle CAMAC and stream data to tape (AC2). The documentation on these is sketchy as most of it is written and has not yet been put on the computer. Unfortunately what documentation I have is on the other computer which is down and I can not get at it. J. Clement MD0:[333,100] ********************* ********************* DECUS "C" utility routines for DECNET DEC provides FORTRAN, COBOL and BASIC callable routines with it's DECNET Phase IV distribution for RSX 11M and M+, but none for DECUS "C". We are great fans of "C" and wanted to use DECNET task to task, so the DECNET "C" utility library was born. Each module follows the same argument sequence as the MACRO-11 macro definitions. The individual routines are very simple, this submission just saves you duplicating work we've already done. To recreate the library, use NETASM.CMD to assemble the modules, then concatanate the object files and put them in a library. We use NETCLB.OLB as the library name. The documentation follows the form of the CX extension library in the DECUS "C" kit. You should definitely read and understand the first part of the CX manual before using these routines. To rebuild the documentation, use the MAKDOC.CMD file. This assumes you have the GETRNO program from the DECUS "C" distribution or the Fall '82 RSX SIG tape. REC10.C and SEN10.C are "C" version of the REC10.MAC and SEN10.MAC tasks on the DECNET distribution in [200,200]. These routines assume you know your way around DECNET or are willing to learn, in other words, the comments are minimal. There is a partial utility library in NETUTL.C. It served a temporary need at A.P., but is being replaced. It does work but I don't have time to document it's use. A careful reading of the code may give enough information. Questions, complaints, praise (I rather like the last) can be addressed to: Hans J. Jung Assistant Manager of Research and Development The Associated Press 50 Rockerfeller Plaza New York, NY 10020 (212) 621-1568 I will take calls, but am notoriously hard to reach by phone. I also can't guarantee you much phone time. MD0:[333,101] ********************* ********************* Extended FCS routines for DECUS "C" These routines allow the "C" programmer on RSX to use some of the more advanced FCS functions including preallocation files, creating fixed record size files with record lengths other that 512, randomly reading and writing a disk block or more at a time, and reading and writing a random access, fixed record size file. FOPENX.C provides the extended file open command. It takes advantage of the existing DECUS "C" fopen() function, modified to leave out the actual file open call. This code is contained in FDBSET.MAC. Fopenx() calls FDBSET to setup the filename block, the "C" runtime system and the FDB. The FDB is modified to request the desired open options, and OPNFNB is called to complete to open. Fopenx() can be extended further, the entire FDB is at your disposal. FGETB, FPUTB, FGETR, FPUTR Fgetb() and Fputb() provide a simple way to read and write disk blocks. They use the qio routine internal to the DECUS "C" runtime library, so can be used in task that do not reference the CX library. These routines are much, much faster that the normal "C" fget and fput if you just need to manipulate disk blocks. Fgetr() and Fputr() are direct implementations of the getr$ and putr$ macros in the FCS library. I had a task written in macro that required extensive changes. Rather that fighting with macro, I rewrote the taks in "C", and needed these routines. Building Everything You should assemble or compile all the .MAC and .C file, then insert the object modules into a library. We added them to C.OLB, but you may want to keep them in a separate library if you want to keep a stock C.OLB. The documentation is embedded in the source modules. You can generate the .RNO files by using GETRNO from the DECUS "C" kit. See the README.1ST file in the other A.P. submission. Questions, complaints, praise (I rather like the last) can be addressed to: Hans J. Jung Assistant Manager of Research and Development The Associated Press 50 Rockerfeller Plaza New York, NY 10020 (212) 621-1568 I will take calls, but am notoriously hard to reach by phone. I also can't guarantee you much phone time. MD0:[335,2] ********************* ********************* Greater Lansing LUG submission for the FALL 1984 RSX SIG tape [335,2] MULPLT General purpose graphics program [335,2] RASTER Vector to raster graphics conversion program MULPLT is a multiple file plotting program designed to allow the easy plotting of scientific data. It allows for up to 10 data files, scaling and offsetting, linear or log axes, bar graphs and multiple character fonts derived from the Hershey characters. All features of MULPLT may be used independantly, accessed by the 'special features' options. Current additions to MULPLT include the use of color on those devices that support it, new command files and overlay structure supporting a coroutine for VECTOR (so all devices are built into MULPLT), and several bug fixes. All graphical output of MULPLT is directed through one subroutine, VECTOR. VECTOR currently supports the following devices: TEKTRONIX 4010 series terminals VT100's with: Retrographics, Matrox, Selanar DEC's GIGI HP's 7470 series plotters Grinnell systems GMR 37 Additions to this list are easy - use one of the existing subroutine as a template and create your own graphics driver. MULPLT writes only to vector oriented devices or to a file. RASTER is able to read these files and is primarily a vector to raster conversion program, but is also capable of scaling and offsetting several plots as generated by MULPLT, for creating banners wider than the line printer or putting several plots on a single page. RASTER takes MULPLT vector files and creates raster images suitable for line printers. Currently supported raster devices are: Printronix P300 Prism printers DEC LA50 The folowing files are supplied: README.1ST 7 blks this file MULPLTGEN.CMD 6 command file to extract and build everything MSULIB.ULB 539 sources to utility library (inc VECTOR, etc) MULPLT.ULB 366 sources to MULPLT RASTER.ULB 227 sources to RASTER MULPLTDOC.ULB 513 sources to MULPLT and RASTER docs (.RNO) MULPLTFIG.ULB 624 sources to MULPLT figures (.DAT, .PDL, etc) MULPLTHLP.ULB 166 on-line help files SYMBOL.ULB 2567 sources to symbol libraries MULPLT.TSK 428 MULPLT (uses F77, requires FPP, 32kw) RASTER.TSK 345 RASTER (uses F77, requires FPP, 30kw) For information on using MULPLT, see chapter 2, MULPLT for the Novice from the MULPLT documentation (MULPLTDOC.ULB/EX:MULPLT). The wizard's menu (MULPLTDOC.ULB/EX:WIZARD) contains brief descriptions and defaults of the MULPLT commands (note that if this document is printed with a 15 pitch printer, it fits an 8.5 inch page). Current author: Hugh Gregg Primary author: T. V. Atkinson Chemistry Department Michigan State University E. Lansing, Mi 48824 MD0:[337,210] ********************* ********************* THIS ACCOUNT CONTAINS THE 'STAT11' PACKAGE THAT IS IN THE DECUS LIBRARY. IT HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO BE COMPILED WITH BASIC-PLUS-2 UNDER RSX11M/M+ ALL VERISONS. THE DOCUMENTATION HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THESE CHANGES AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. WE HAD THIS DONE IN ORDER TO PROVIDE OUR MANY (200+) USERS WITH ELEMENTARY STATISTICS. WE THOUGHT THAT IT MIGHT BE HELPFUL TO OTHERS. DENNY WALTHERS AMERICAN MCGAW 2525 MCGAW AVE IRVINE CALIF 92714 (714) 660-2053 MD0:[343,30] ********************* ********************* This distribution kit contains the RSX-11M/M-Plus user monitor files. Note that this version of the monitor was upgraded with the release of RSX-11M V4.0 and M-Plus V2.0. This distribution corrects bugs in the version distributed in the Multi-Tasker and corrects the deficiency which prevented the monitor from logging out its own TI: . The problem of the monitor logging out terminals remoted to other systems via DECnet RMT/RMTACP has also been corrected - but only works on the new versions of RSX, as it requires the GCII$ directive. Problems with the monitor refusing to log out the last logged-in terminal on the system have also been (hopefully) finally eliminated. This version introduces time limiting. This means that the monitor may be built to run only during time periods specified at generation time. This may be useful to sites which do not wish to log idle terminals out during normal working hours. To build the monitor, log in on a privileged account and copy the distribution files into a chosen UIC. Invoke the build command file, USERGEN. This command file is reasonably intelligent, UIC-independent, and is usually able to build a task without intervention. If this is not the case, it may be necessary to run the command file with the /-MC switch and build manually from the produced build command files. Users of RSX-11M V3.2 / M-Plus V1.0 systems or earlier, take note. The build command file uses some features released in the M V4.0 / M-Plus V2.0 Indirect which may not be available on older versions of RSX. This means there may be difficulties which require manual intervention. Bruce R. Mitchell Machine Intelligence and Industrial Magic PO Box 601 Hudson, Wisconsin 54016 MD0:[344,61] ********************* ********************* [ 3 4 4 , 6 1 ] R E A D M E . 1 S T CCL VERSION 9.1A This version of CCL is essentially a maintenance release for V9.1. A few bugs have been fixed; most notably several typographical errors in SPAWN.MAC. At this point in time, it is still impossible to support long command lines in "flying-install" requests under Mplus. The problem lies in the fact that M still used a command queue for external tasks with list head @$MCRCB while Mplus now puts all command lines out in secondary pool. Building a privileged CCL under Mplus V2.x provides NO advantages, and should be considered an invalid option. A privileged CCL DOES have advantages for all M versions and Mplus V1.0. Some refinements have been made to CCL when its installed as an alternate CLI. Specifically, if CCL was installed with a non-proto-type taskname (eg. NOT ...CCL) there was a problem in not having correctly assigned the TI: device as the task processes commands from multiple terminals; this has been corrected. Another problem has been resolved in that CCL may issue a "syntax error" type message for a command line, but the parent task spawning the command line would not be notified until CCL exitted. This was typically a short (to 0) delay as long as CCL was assigned to a single terminal (installed with proto-type task name). This version now correctly "EMITS STATUS" to any parent when errors in processing a command are detected. Four new symbols are defined at task build time to improve customizing CCL; CCLCA1/CCLCA2 and CLICA1/CLICA2 define the RAD50 task names for the task CCL should chain to when a command match cannot be found. CCLCA1/CCLCA2 control the task CCL chains to when it's installed as ...CA.; CLICA1/CLICA2 control the task CCL chains to when it's installed as an alternate CLI. Typically, CCLCA1/CCLCA2 are defined as ...CA0, and CCL tasks installed as ...CA0-...CA8 will still automatically attempt to chain to the next higher level catchal, eg. ...CA0 -> ...CA1, ...CA4 -> ...CA5. CLICA1/CLICA2 are normally directed to "MCR...". Setting CCLCA1 and/or CLICA1 to 0 will disable chaining to any catchall task. A major new feature has been included with CCL in this release...Alternate CLI support for MV3.2/MplusV1.0. While more constrained than DEC's implementation, as much functionality has been retained to provide a useful tool for users locked into these older versions of M/Mplus. Consult ALTCLI.DOC(RNO) for a full description of how alternate CLIs may be installed on these systems. A proto-type CLI has been included, CLIDSP, along with command procedures to customize CCL to work with this "command dispatcher" task. A major design goal in implementing this functionality was that NO SYSGEN be required !!! To start blindly, use @ALTCLI. FORTRAN entry points have been included for all the alternate CLI routines required (EMST/GCCI/RPOI), but I have not had time to code a quick FORTRAN CLI to see if it can fit in the 12Kw address space of a privileged task. Use of these routines, particularly EMIT-STATUS and REQUEST- PASS-OFFSPRING-INFORMATION, is not restricted to CLI tasks, but as presently coded do require the task to be privileged ans map the executive. If anyone is interested in re-worrkin these routines so they can be added to RSX's system directives, I will be glad to provide any support required. Because of changes in my working environment, I do not have ready access to M V3.2 or Mplus V2.x. Because of this, many of the optional patches discussed in ALTCLI.DOC could not be tested (as was the case for the last release when the problem of building a privileged CCL under Mplus V2.x went undetected). I would greatly appreciate hearing, and will respond as best I can, to any problems or new features that should be incorporated into future releases of CCL. For instance, anyone in the user community interested in layering in command line recall/editing with CCL???? If you can provide me with the line editor code, I can work out the rest. Paul Sorenson American Electric Power/Operations Control Systems 1 Riverside Plaza Columbus, OH 43215 (614)-223-3833 MD0:[350,50] ********************* ********************* This UIC contains some contributions from Bankers Trust. Unfortunately, due to some recent personnel changes and a heavy work load, it is less well organized than I would like it to be, but it nevertheless contains some useful material. [350,51] contains our latest version of the online pool analyzer which works on an I/D system and finds many more structures than the older versions. [350,52] contains programs for processing SPM data into more easily read forms. [350,53] contains programs for processing System Accounting data, and to present data graphically. It also contains command files to easily compile and build Fortran programs using graphics on the PRO-350. [350,54] contains a program for analyzing the owners of packets in TTCOM. It also shows spillage of these packets into primary pool. [350,55] contains an article about using DCL as the catchall task for MCR, with SLP files. Mark Hartigan. [350,56] misc. programs to make life easier. An Abort AST module for Fortran programs (with article from Multi-Tasker), a Data Encryption program (with description), a Floating Point Processor checker and time stamp, command files to switch a device from RSX to DECNet & vice versa, a program to extract the names of all modules and their sources from a MAP and sort them, and a LIFE program. MD0:[350,51] ********************* ********************* This is the latest version of OPA, which identifies a few more pool structures than previously. It has been running well for some time, but read OPA.DOC before using. MD0:[350,52] ********************* ********************* This UIC contains some files for processing SPM data: one set of files collects the minimum System metrics data, the other collects and presents everything. SYSMET.* is a collection of files for collecting system metrics only (disk usage, cpu usage, pool space, etc.) without any task specific data. It is good as a general measure of system usage, and for pool monitoring, without generating giant data files due to saving statistics on every QIO on the system. To use it, use SYSMET.CMD as a saved answer file for SMPGEN.CMD: when you are ready to collect data start SPM with the command COL SYSMET=SYSMET and you will collect system metrics only. After collection is stopped, convert the data to a file which is readable with CLF: CLF SYSMET.FCS/FCS=SYSMET This file will have system metrics and startup records. It can be processed now, but I prefer to process some more with Sort: SRT SYSMET.DAT=SYSMET.FCS,SYSMET/SF This uses SYSMET.SRT as a specification file for Sort V3. (It can also be done on Sort V2, but I seem to have lost the .SRT file for V2). The resulting file can be reported using Datatrieve (the file SPM.DTR contains appropriate record definitions, etc.), but I prefer to transport it to a PRO-350, and present the data in graphic form using the program SPMGRA. A command file GRAPHIC.CMD which will build this program on a PRO should be elsewhere in this UIC. This program uses Core Graphics, so it might work on other systems. SPMREAD is a Fortran program which will read an FCS file (the output file of CLF as shown above) and convert all of the records into english. It is most useful when you want the finest detail of activity on the system, as it will, for example, show all of the directives issued by all of the tasks on the system in the order the executive processes them. To use it, start SPM as you would normally, with it collecting the desired data. (If you use SYSMET.CMD, you won't see much, as it is adjusted to collect the minimum amount of data. You might try ALL.CMD, which collects everything.) When the data is collected, convert it to an FCS file with CLF, and then run SPMREAD. The file SPM.TXT shows a sample of the output from this program. B. Z. Lederman Bankers Trust Co. One Bankers Trust Plaza New York, N.Y. 10015 MD0:[350,53] ********************* ********************* This UIC contains some files to make using System Accounting easier. The idea is for STARTUP.CMD to automatically start System Accounting whever the system is brought up, and for SHUTUP.CMD to create a command file pointing to that day's data when the system is shut up. Alternatively, STARTACC.CMD and STOPACC.CMD can be invoked. Either way, the intention it to create a file called LASTFIL.ACC for each System Accounting data file, with a command like: SRD [1,6]LASTFIL.ACC=[1,6]ACNTRN.SYS/-HD/MI/-BK/PA This assumes a fairly recent version of SRD: if you are using an older version, then you may have to modify PROCESS.CMD, which is the command file which processes the data. If there is a LASTFIL.ACC file, PROCESS.CMD will use it to pick up the proper ACNTRN.SYS file, and it's date, and use this information to process the data. If there is more than one LASTFIL.ACC file, PROCESS.CMD uses the oldest one, so you can let more than one stack up. If you wish, you can submit a batch job using PROCESS.BAT, which will invoke PROCESS.CMD, and if there is more than one LASTFIL.ACC, then submit more than one batch job, and they will be done serially. The command file SUB.CMD can automatically submit one job for each LASTFIL.ACC The idea behind all this is that SHUTUP.CMD could also submit a batch job to run the next day using PROCESS.BAT, so that the system accounting data would automatically be processed, and you would usually not have to do anything extra: it would be done automatically whenever the system is brought up or down. If there is no LASTFIL.ACC file, PROCESS.CMD will prompt you for the name and date of the desired data file. Once the data is obtained, it can be reported by Datatrieve, but we prefer to graph it on a PRO. The programs DEVICE.FTN and TASK.FTN graph Device statistics and Task statistics, respectively. They use Core Graphics, but have never been tried on anything other than a PRO-350. GRAPHIC.CMD and GRAPHBLD.CMD are used to compile and task build any fortran program which uses the graphics library on a PRO, including the two given above and the SPM program elsewhere on the tape. WARNINGS: Since System Accounting is tied to [1,6], most of these files also assume they are in [1,6]; some, but not all, will switch you there automatically, but it is best if they are kept in [1,6]. You will probably want to edit QUERY.DTR which contains the Datatrieve definitions, and specifically edit the two tables NOCHANGE_TAB and TASK_TAB to reflect the files you normally want in your reports. The Sort Specification files *.SRT are for Sort-11 V3. Files for Sort-11 V2 were placed on a previous SIG tape about a year or so ago. MD0:[350,54] ********************* ********************* PAC - Terminal Common Pool Analyzer -Mark Hartigan, Bankers Trust Co., New York This task analyzes the usage of packets in the terminal common area used by the TT driver. It shows which terminals are using which packets and also indicates any spillage into primary pool. Since this is a priveleged tasks which maps the executive, it must be built against the correct RSXMC.MAC, and RSX11M.STB files. When building PAC LB: should be set to the boot device, SY: to the device where this UIC is. MD0:[350,55] ********************* ********************* This account contains an article by Mark Hartigan on how he got DCL to work correctly as a Catch-All for MCR on RSX-11M-Plus systems. This configuration has many advantages over using TDX or other configurations, and we have become quickly attatched to it. The one factor it doesn't mention is how to keep some of the TDX commands we like, like CVT (base conversion) and DLG (Display LoGged in terminals). These are retained by installing TDX under these task names, such as INS TDX/TASK=...CVT INS TDX/TASK=...DLG INS TDX/TASK=...DLN INS TDX/TASK=...CHD once for each retained TDX function. I should point out that we are running M-Plus with secondary pool and external task headers, so having these extra tasks installed does not cost anything in primary pool. Also note: you should build the DCL catchall as a seperate task image from the one you will use (if any) for a CLI. Specifically, the catch all should be built so it DOES NOT pass any unrecognized commands back to MCR (or you will get a race condition), and SHOULD NOT pass any commands beginning with a "." back to MCR. The build command files generated for DCL by SYSGEN are clearly commented to tell you how to do this: you will probably want to make a copy of them with a new name (such as DCLCATCH) rather than DCL. MD0:[350,56] ********************* ********************* This UIC contains various items to make life more pleasant. ABORT.MAC makes it easy to have Abort AST's in Fortran programs, so your programs exit cleanly. There were articles recently on this in the multi-tasker, and mine is included here. CIPHER.FTN A data encryption program, easy to use, difficult to break. COPYPACK.CMD To simplify generating skeleton system packs from masters. Uses two other files to copy only the desired UICs from one pack to another. GRAPHIC.FTN;3 To put VT100 family terminals out of graphics mode. LIFE.FTN;1 A LIFE program for VT100 family terminals. Entertaining. Also demonstrates ABORT. LINEOFF.CMD To switch devices from DECNet back to RSX LINEON.CMD To switch devices from RSX to DECNet. In our development environment, we sometimes want to use DMR's for our own programs, and sometimes to get DECNet links up. Since a device cannot be owned both by RSX and DECNet, we bring up DECNet with no lines on, and then use these command files to switch devices from one owner to another. MODULE.FTN Extracts names of modules and sources from maps. Handy if you want to get a list of modules actually used by a task to prepare overlays, or determine what resident libraries can be used, etc. TIME.MAC Tests the Floating Point Processor and prints the time. Because the FPP on some 11's (especially the 11/70) can fail in a mode where the FPP generates arithmatically incorrect values, but does not generate system errors, a method of obtaining a warning when the FPP fails was wanted. This program does this, and also prints the time and error count out. Normally it is run on the clock queue to print out every 10 minutes or so. Also handy to mark the time off on your console listings. B. Z. Lederman Bankers Trust Co. MD0:[351,70] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: CVT Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: This program is a general purpose conversion utility. The original source was taken from an old version of the TDX (catchall) task. This version includes help (available by typing "?" or "/HE"), ranges, and display of EBCDIC characters. ****************************************************************************** Example: >CVT CVT> ? This program is used to convert Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal, Radix-50, ASCII, and EBCDIC to the equivalent in other radices. Either bytes, a word, a range, or wildcard can be specified. Valid commands are: nnn = decimal number, #nnn = octal number, $nnn = Hexadecimal, "xx = ASCII string, 'x = ASCII byte, %xxx = Radix-50 string, ~xx = EBCDIC string, * = wildcard (displays the entire table). Examples: CVT> 65,66 - Specified bytes are in decimal. #41101 - Specified word is in octal. ~A-Z - Displays EBCDIC A-Z inclusive. CVT> 65,66 Decimal Word/Bytes Octal Word/Bytes Hexadecimal Radix-50 ASCII EBCDIC ------------------ ---------------- ----------- -------- ----- ------ 16961 065,066 #041101 #101,102 $4241 %JXA A,B , CVT> #41101 Decimal Word/Bytes Octal Word/Bytes Hexadecimal Radix-50 ASCII EBCDIC ------------------ ---------------- ----------- -------- ----- ------ 16961 065,066 #041101 #101,102 $4241 %JXA A,B , CVT> ~A-I Decimal Word/Bytes Octal Word/Bytes Hexadecimal Radix-50 ASCII EBCDIC ------------------ ---------------- ----------- -------- ----- ------ 00193 193,000 #000301 #301,000 $00C1 % D3 ,NUL A,NUL 00194 194,000 #000302 #302,000 $00C2 % D4 ,NUL B,NUL 00195 195,000 #000303 #303,000 $00C3 % D5 ,NUL C,NUL 00196 196,000 #000304 #304,000 $00C4 % D6 ,NUL D,NUL 00197 197,000 #000305 #305,000 $00C5 % D7 ,NUL E,NUL 00198 198,000 #000306 #306,000 $00C6 % D8 ,NUL F,NUL 00199 199,000 #000307 #307,000 $00C7 % D9 ,NUL G,NUL 00200 200,000 #000310 #310,000 $00C8 % E ,NUL H,NUL 00201 201,000 #000311 #311,000 $00C9 % EA ,NUL I,NUL CVT> ^Z > MD0:[351,71] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: MISH Author: Robin Miller / Gary Larsen Date: Fall 1984 Description: This program is used to compress and convert input files into a printable ASCII format. The file attributes are stored in a header record which is used when decompressing to restore the file to its' original file format. This mished file format is useful for any communication program which transfers ASCII files. A special version of the MISH program called MISHALL is available to aid in bootstraping the SNDRCV program. This source file has all analyze code and comments removed to reduce the size. The using the DUMP command in RSXNET/VAXNET, the program can be sent to a remote system where it can be assembled and taskbuilt. A mished version of the SNDRCV program is then dumped to the remote system, decompressed by MISHALL, and you are ready to transfer files with the remote. ****************************************************************************** Example: >dir mish.tsk Directory DB0:[263,70] 3-DEC-84 15:50 MISH.TSK;1 60. C 14-AUG-84 10:24 Total of 60./60. blocks in 1. file >mish MISH>/he MISH is a program used to compress and convert input files into printable ASCII files. These files can be submitted on HASP reader streams and can be transmitted using VAXNET/RSXNET. After the file is received at the remote system, MISH is then used to decompress the files back into their original file format. All file attributes are restored using the header record from the compressed file. Command line format: input_file/switches output_file/switches Where switches are: /ANALYZE - Used to analyze the header record and/or data of a file which has been compressed. Additional sub-switches that can be used are /DATA, /OCTAL, & /REVERSE. /COMPRESS - Used to compress files. This is the default mode. /DECOMPRESS - Used to decompress files into their original file format. MISH>mish.tsk mish.mis File: MISH.MIS, total number of blocks = 60, total number of records = 474 MISH>^Z > >dir mish.mis Directory DB0:[263,70] 3-DEC-84 15:50 MISH.MIS;1 68. 03-DEC-84 15:45 Total of 68./68. blocks in 1. file ************************************************************ * The /ANALYZE switch displays the file header. * ************************************************************ >mish MISH>mish.mis/anal $*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$* MISH FILE HEADER File name: MISH.TSK Owner UIC: [263,070] Protection: System: R, Owner: R, Group: R, World: R Mished Date: 3-DEC-84 Contiguity Options: contiguous FCS/RMS FILE ATTRIBUTES: File Organization: sequential Record Format: fixed Record Attributes: Maximum Record Size: 512 Longest Record: 512 Blocks To Allocate: 60, Default Extend Size: 0 End-of-file VBN: 61, Offset: 0 $*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$* MISH>^Z > ************************************************************ * The mished file is then transferred to the remote * * system using the RSXNET and SNDRCV programs where * * it is decompressed back into it's original format. * ************************************************************ >mish MISH>mish/decompress File: MISH.TSK, total number of blocks = 60, total number of records = 474 MISH>^Z > MD0:[351,72] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: PHONE Author: Robin Miller / Gary Larsen Date: Fall 1984 Description: PHONE is a utility which allows you to talk to other users on your system. Once PHONE is started, the screen of the VT100 (only terminal supported) is split into two viewports. After you dial someone, what you type is displayed in the top viewport and what the other user types is displayed in the bottom viewport. At the current time, only two users can talk at the same time. When your phone conversation is complete, typing CTRL/Z returns you to the command prompt (%) where you can exit by typing either another CTRL/Z or by typing EXIT and the return key. Command line format: PHONE [phone-command] You may specify a command as part of the PHONE command line, or you may enter it at the command prompt (%). Additional information available: ANSWER Characters DIAL DIRECTORY EXIT HELP REJECT SCROLL VIEWPORT NOTE: The PHONE utility is taskbuilt /PR:0 because it does a write-break through QIO to the terminal you want to talk to. Our catchall task allows non-privileged users to run certain privileged tasks such as PHONE, USERS, and WHO. If you don't have this capability then you may want to modify PHONE so it can be run by non-privileged users. This would be done by removing the /PR:0 switch from the taskbuild command file, and by changing the IO.WBT function in module DIAL.MAC to an IO.WLB function. Also note that the phone task must be activated by the command line "RUN PHONE/TASK=PHOTnn" where "nn" is your terminal number. The above restriction actually only applies to RSX-11M. On M+, simply install the privileged version of PHONE for it to operate properly. This is because on M+, all tasks are started with the task name "taskTnn" where on RSX-11M, the first task starts up under the task name "...PHO" which causes a problem since the phone program uses the terminal number from the task name. MD0:[351,73] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: REF Author: Gary Larsen / Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: REFormat is a program used to convert input files into variable length output files with implied carriage control. During this conversion, the control characters NULL, XON, XOFF, and DELETE are stripped. The program will also optionally do ASCII to EBCDIC and EBCDIC to ASCII conversions. This program is generally used to reformat the RSXNET & VAXNET log files. Command line format: input_file/switches output_file/switches Where switches are: /ASCII - Convert input file from ASCII to EBCDIC. /EBCDIC - Convert input file from EBCDIC to ASCII. /VFU - Input file contains line printer Vertical Format Control. /TOTAL - Output number of records and bytes written to output file. /BACK (D) - Remove delete sequences from the input file. /ESC (D) - Break output records on cursor positioning escape sequences. /NAME (D) - Output the name of the reformatted output file. Switches can be negated by prefixing the switch with a '-' or 'NO'. MD0:[351,74] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: RSXNET Author: Robin Miller / Gary Larsen Date: Fall 1984 Description: RSXNET is a program which allows asynchronous communcations between two computers (systems). Communications can be either directly between the computers using a null modem patch cable (see "HELP PATCH" for the wiring diagram), or over a dialup line (modem). Communications with the remote system (the system you want to talk to) is accomplished using a second port (asynchronous line) on the local system. RSXNET is a sub-set of the VAXNET program which runs on VAX/VMS. The VAXNET program is being submitted to the VMS SIG tape for those who may be interested. Program Features: o Virtual terminal support with no speed limitations. The remote system must use the XOFF/XON flow control protocol to run at high baud rates (typically greater than 1200 baud) or a loss of characters will result. o Logging of the remote terminal session to a disk file. After exiting from RSXNET, a program called REFormat is used to create an output file which can then be printed/edited without problems. o File transfers to a remote system. The SNDRCV program (either FORTRAN or TECO version) is used to transfer files to a remote system with error checking. When this program is unavailable, the DUMP command within RSXNET can be used to send ASCII text to the remote system running any program which accepts input (such as an editor). o Ability to transfer binary files. The MISH program converts any type of file to a printable ASCII format (also compressed) which can be transferred to the remote then converted back into its' original file format. MD0:[351,75] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: SNDRCV Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: The SNDRCV program is used on a remote system to transfer files ASCII files with either the RSXNET or VAXNET communication programs. There are three versions of SNDRCV in this directory; an RSX version written in FORTRAN, and VMS version written in FORTRAN, and a TECO version which runs on any system which supports TECO. The version of TECO used when testing was version 36 on an RT11 system. MD0:[351,76] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: USERS Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: USERS is a program used to display the users logged on the system. You can display all users logged on, or a specific user by specifying the user name to display. This program is most useful on RSX-11M since there is no accounting as on RSX-11M+ which displays logged on users with a "DEV /LOG" command. Help can be obtained on a particular topic by typing : HELP USERS subtopic subsubtopic ... Examples: USERS Displays all logged on terminals and associated user names. The user names are obtained from the accounting file using the login UIC. USERS M Displays all users with the first or last name starting with "M". Additional information available: /FULL /HEADER /OUTPUT /SUMMARY /USER ****************************************************************************** The following changes were made to the ACTFIL distributed by DEC: July 28, 1982 by Robin Miller - Version 4.1 Changed buffer size from 2048. to 512. to save space. July 29, 1982 by Robin Miller - Version 4.2 Remove FSRSZ$ macro to save space. It isn't needed when not using GET$ and PUT$ to accounting file. MD0:[351,77] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: VTL Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: This program is used to list file(s) on a VT100 family terminal. The file(s) are displayed one screen at a time for easy viewing. Various commands can be entered to change listing parameters or to position to a particular portion of the file. Many of the commands are the same as the Digital editor EDT. Commands can be entered either by using keys on the VT100 keypad, or by entering commands to the prompt at the bottom of the screen. Some of the major features of the program are outlined below: o CTRL/C detection for aborting searches, etc. o Delete the file being displayed. o Display a ruler along the top of the file. o Display the next file or next the directory. o Display record numbers along the left margin. o Display the file header of file being displayed. o Print the file being displayed. o Search (forward only) for a specified string. o Shift the display window left or right. o Split screen mode to display two files. o Teco compatible see-all mode. o Write portions of the file being displayed. The maximum record size that can be displayed is 512 characters. All commands have a repetition count of one. Relative and indexed files are not supported. The special wildcard characters "* and %" can be used with VTL on RSX-11M using FCS for I/O instead of RMS. Previously these were only valid on VMS since a native image was being called to lookup files. The Digital files ASCR50.MAC and PARSFN.MAC were modifed to allow this type of wildcard lookup. Unfortunatly, since they are Digital source files I can't submit them to the SIG Tape. I hope to submit an article on this to the RSX News Letter in the near future. These modified modules are in the object library (VTL.OLB) and can be extracted an used with other programs. Refer to module VTLOPE for further information on using these (must save the file name block). [ File "VTL.MEM" contains full documentation for this program. ] MD0:[351,100] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: VTM Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: VTM is a program used to format messages for a VT100 terminal. Various options are available and are listed below. If no options are specified, the default is to clear the screen and write the message in double height characters centered in the middle of the screen. Help can be obtained on a particular topic (option) by typing : HELP VTM subtopic subsubtopic ... Get help on "Startup" and "Format" before attempting to use VTM. Additional information available: ALL ACSET ANSI BLINE BELL BLINK BOLD BOX CLEAR COLUMN CENTER CBOL CEOL CLIN CBOS CEOS DATE DELAY DHEIGHT DWIDTH Format JUMP HOME ITERATION KEYPAD LINE LED LJUSTIFY LMARGIN NARROW OUTPUT OFF PLINE REVERSE REGION RESET RJUSTIFY RMARGIN RULER TLINE SKIP SCREEN SGRAPHICS SMOOTH Startup TIME TEST TERMINAL TTY UNDERSCORE UKSET USSET WIDE MD0:[351,101] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: WHO Author: Robin Miller / Gary Larsen Date: Fall 1984 Description: WHO is a program used to display various information in the accounting file. You can display users by name (first or last), UIC, group, device, or even by CLI. A full display also displays the last time a user logged on the system. Help can be obtained on a particular topic by typing : HELP WHO subtopic subsubtopic ... Mulitple switches can be appended together. Example: WHO /GROUP=201/CLI=DCL Displays all entrys in group 201 using DCL. Switches can be abbreviated to one character. Additional information available: EXIT HELP ME SHOW /CLI /DEVICE /FULL /GROUP /HEADER /OUTPUT /SUMMARY /TRAILER /UIC /USER ****************************************************************************** The following changes were made to the ACTFIL distributed by DEC: July 28, 1982 by Robin Miller - Version 4.1 Changed buffer size from 2048. to 512. to save space. July 29, 1982 by Robin Miller - Version 4.2 Remove FSRSZ$ macro to save space. It isn't needed when not using GET$ and PUT$ to accounting file. MD0:[351,102] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: CAT Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: This is a catchall utility I've used successfully for many years. It allows some capabilities not available in other catchalls and has been received very well on the systems I've used it on. This version is much the same as the Digital version except for the following: o It's a privileged task which allows non-privileged users to execute certain privileged commands. o Many of the commands such as DELETE, DIRECTORY, TYPE, etc., are spawned to DCL for a friendlier interface (allows prompting and switches such as /TODAY). o Allows multiple command lines to be spawned. o Allows commands to be added much easier than the Digital version. See module CATTBL for more details. o Does not require the definition of the logical names ZZ1: and ZZ2: to use the flying run/install of tasks or global command files in the library account. o Allows both flying run/installs or command file execution. The Digital version allows one or the other but not both. o On RSX-11M, commands can be shortened to a single character. On RSX-11M+, modification of the MCR dispatcher is neccessary to pass single character commands to catchall. o A short command summary is displayed by the "CAT" command along with the current version and last modification date. MD0:[351,103] ********************* ********************* Free software BY Project Software & Development, Inc. This software is furnished for free and may be used and copied as desired. This software or any other copies thereof may be provided or otherwise made available to any other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby transferred or allowed. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by PROJECT SOFTWARE AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. PROJECT SOFTWARE assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of this software on any equipment whatsoever. Project Software & Development, Inc. 14 Story St. Cambridge, Ma. 02138 617-661-1444 Program: RSXMSG.MAC Author: Robin Miller Date: Fall 1984 Description: This module contains several routines which allow a programmer to output error message text instead of the normal error numbers we've all seen too many times. The routines are based on several routines available on the VMS Operating System. The routines are: SIGNAL - Displays an error message to the terminal. The facility name is always system when using the routine. GETMSG - Gets the error message text. The error message text is passed back in a user specified buffer. This is useful if you want the error message displayed on a particular place on the screen (my VTL program does this). PUTMSG - Puts an error message to the terminal. This is different from the SIGNAL routine in that you can specify the facility name, and other parameters such as whether the severity code and symbol name should be displayed. These routines use less than 1KW of memory and are well worth it. The FORTRAN calling convention is used by the GETMSG and PUTMSG routines so they can be used by FORTRAN programs. Hooks are in place to access an RMS error message file but since I don't use RMS this file was never created. All my programs on this SIG tape submission use these routines. Each program has a module called xxxERR.MAC which contains an general interface to these error routines. The error message file (RSX11M.MSG) must be placed in LB:[1,2]. If the file doesn't exist, the error numbers will be displayed. This file, which is fixed length records of 64 bytes each, was created by a BASIC program (included if I can find it). ERRDIS.CMD ---------- This command file allows easy generation of error log reports on either RSX-11M or RSX-11M+. When executing this command file, it asks a series of questions about the type of error report to generate, then generates the appropriate command line for the error report generator (RPT). On RSX-11M+, you can optionally submit the error report command file to batch to free up your terminal. TECO MACROS ----------- Several useful TECO macros are included in this directory. The SEARCH macro allows searching through a series of files, SEE creates an output file with non-printable characters displayed, EDT simulates the EDT editor, DRAW allows you to draw boxes and lines using the arrow keys of the VT100, and SQU is the macro which squishes TECO macros (.TES) files to make them run faster. The SEARCH and SQU macros are normally distributed with the TECO kit. MD0:[352,4] ********************* ********************* [352,4]README.1ST - Anaheim - Fall 1984 - Files submitted by: SRD Working Group Bob Turkelson NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Mail Code 614 Greenbelt, MD 20771 301-344-9832 FTS 344-9832 This UIC contains the files for building SRD V6.5. The first two items below were described in an article in the October 1984 issue of the Multi-Tasker. The modifications made by the SRD Working Group since V6.4 are: o Corrected a bug so that the diagnostic message for a corrupted date in a file header is not repeated for files with proper dates. o Changed the date decoding routine so that it skips over the first byte of the date field if it is a blank. When VMS BACKUP/IMAGE restores a Structure 1 disk, a file date with a single digit day of month is stored in the file header with a blank preceding the digit, rather than a zero character as is done in RSX. (For example, " 4OCT84" rather than "04OCT84".) Recently we learned that the RMS utilities DSP and BCK get file date errors when accessing such files. o Added information to the /ID message telling which operating system and support features were specified when the SRD task was generated. o Added support for named directories on P/OS and Micro/RSX. Used decimal format for file version numbers in P/OS. If named directories are not supported on a system, ignore any that exist in the MFD. Note that this code has not yet been tested on these operating systems. We will try to publish a report in the Multi-Tasker. Thanks to Bob Denny, Richard Kirkman, and B. Z. Lederman for sending us their modifications for these systems. o Added the /AP switch to append the listing to an existing file. If the named file does not exist, a new file will be created in most cases. See the documentation for details. o Changed the .PSECT attribute in the SRDXX1, SRDXX2, and SRDXX3 dummy routines so that SRD will work on RSX-11M V3.2. o Modified the help and documentation files. The *.C65 files are correction files which have already been applied to the V6.4 source files. They are provided here for reference purposes only. The *.MAC files are those for V6.5. SRD.TSK is a task built with the default switches shown in SRDDEF.HLP;1. It was built for RSX-11M V4.0/V4.1 with dynamic checkpoint allocation. SRDMOD.DOC describes the past changes to this version of SRD. SRDREF. is the text for a two-page SRD Reference Guide showing the available switches. Please send us any ideas you have for improving its organization and content. We will be updating it for each new version. Procedure: @SRD ! Asks configuration questions and ! builds SRD Copy SRD.HLP and SRDDEF.HLP to [1,2] and refer to SRD.HLP in [1,2]MCR.HLP. HELP SRD NEW will show users a list of the new switches. Note that under RSX-11M V4.0 or later and RSX-11M-PLUS V2.0 or later, the command string interpreter allows wildcards (* and %) anywhere in the file name or type. This eliminates the need for the /SE: switch in most circumstances. For example, SRD *AB%D*.%D* is valid. Specify /-SR whenever you are looking for certain files and do not care in what order they are listed. You will save the time required for sorting the directories. The /CM switch should be used with /NV (or /SV) unless V is specified in the second switch value and all versions are wanted. The value specified in the /GT:n switch is a four-byte integer value on RSX-11M V4.0/V4.1 and RSX-11M-PLUS V2.0/V2.1. It is considered a two-byte integer on V3.2. Its use on V3.2 has not been tested. The additions to the selection/listing overlay segment and the root segment total about 140. words (when built without FCSRES). This reduces the largest directory section that can be handled at one time by one block (out of about 110 blocks). Each block contains up to 32 file entries. The SRD Working Group plans to make additional modifications for future SIG tapes. Command and help file improvements are planned as well as program changes. We recently expanded our wish-list, and a number of changes are currently being implemented for the next version. We would appreciate hearing from those who have made changes or plan to make changes to this version, so we can continue to improve this useful utility. Many thanks to those who havee written [352,4]README.1ST - END MD0:[352,5] ********************* ********************* [352,5]README.1ST - FILES SUBMITTED BY: Mark Ransom Datamap, Inc. 6874 Washington Av. S. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 This UIC contains files for the TALK program, version V07.00. This version was modified from version 06.00, from [352,2] on the Fall '82 tape. TALK is a terminal emulation program which enables a user on an RSX-11M V3.2 or V4.0 system with the full duplex terminal driver to communicate with a remote host computer over a single line interface (such as a DLV11 or DL11). This version also allows the use of any terminal interface (such as a DZ11) when the line is set to 300 baud. The program begins in terminal mode, and has the capability of bi-directional file transfers. See the documentation and program source for details. NOTES.DOC also contains instructions for building TALK. The latest version includes some optimizations in the local terminal output, but the main addition was the binary transfer mode for RSX-11M systems. A companion program, MOV, is used in the remote system to convert and transfer a file block by block, resulting in an identical copy. The binary transfer mode is selected as an assembly option in TALKSYS.MAC. The MOV program must be copied to the remote system (perhaps using a non-binary version of TALK), assembled, and installed as the MOV command. The very extensive documentation file, TALK.DOC, has not been updated to reflect the latest changes. Kindly send notice of any changes you make to the program to: Bob Turkelson NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 935 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 344-5003 NOTES.DOC TALK instructions and notes TALKSYS.MAC TALK prefix file for local and host system parameters. *.MAC TALK source files. TALK.CMD Command file to assemble and build TALK. TALK.DOC TALK documentation. (Still the same - not updated.) TALK.RNO Runoff input file for TALK documentation. MOV.MAC Source for binary file transfer helper for remote system. MOV.BLD Taskbuild command file for MOV. [352,4]README.1ST - END MD0:[356,40] ********************* ********************* 00README.TXT (6 Dec 1984) COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY KERMIT DISTRIBUTION *** BULLETIN *** The KERMIT Distribution has now grown so big that it will not fit on a 2400' reel of tape at 1600 bpi. Consequently, some redundant or unnecessary files have been deleted from the distribution. For instance, only the Stevens/Bliss Kermits are included for VAX/VMS and Pro-350 (YOU DON'T NEED TO HAVE BLISS TO RUN THESE VERSIONS!), only the Brian Nelson Macro-11 Kermits for the PDP-11 operating systems. (End of Bulletin) *** READ THIS TOO ** If you are reading this from a handout supplied with a Kermit distribution tape, please note that this information might not be quite up to date -- there may be files on the tape that are not listed here. The copy of this file, 00README.TXT, on the tape will be current. The KERMIT distribution area includes all the versions of Kermit which are in our possession. The files have names of the form NAME.TYPE where NAME is the name of file, and TYPE is its type (program source, documentation, executable core image, etc). No NAME is more than 9 characters long (the maximum accepted by VAX/VMS), and every NAME is unique in the first 6 characters (the maximum under TOPS-10, RSTS/E, etc). On TOPS-10 BACKUP Interchange tapes, names longer than 6 will be truncated to 6. No type is longer than 3 characters. NAME and TYPE are separated by a period. * Prefixed Files: The file names for files associated with each implementation of KERMIT are prefixed by a few characters denoting the implementation. The following are presently used: -- "mainframes" -- Prefix Machine(s) Operating System Language 170 Cyber 170 NOS Fortran-77 20 DECSYSTEM-20 TOPS-20 MACRO-20 AOS Data General AOS Ratfor CMS IBM 370 Series VM/CMS IBM Assembler CR Cray-1, Cray-XMP CTSS Fortran-77 H8 Harris 800 VOS Pascal, Assembler HG Honeywell DPS 8, 66 GCOS3 or 8 C HPM Hewlett-Packard 1000 RTE Fortran K10 DECsystem-10 TOPS-10 MACRO-10 K11 PDP-11 RSX11,RSTS/E,RT11,TSX MACRO-11 MP PDP-11 MUMPS (M/11) MUMPS MTS IBM 370 Series MTS Assembler, Pascal MU Honewyell MULTICS PL/I PRI PRIME PRIMOS PL/P (PL/I) RDOS Data General Nova RDOS Fortran *RT PDP-11 RT-11 OMSI Pascal ST HP3000, Univac, etc Software Tools Ratfor TAN Tandem Nonstop TAL TSO IBM 370-series MVS/TSO Assembler UN Sperry/Univac-1100 EXEC Assembler UX VAX, SUN, PDP-11, etc UNIX C *VX VAX VMS Pascal and Fortran VMS VAX VMS Bliss-32 -- "micros" -- 800 Luxor ABC-800 ABCDOS BASIC-II 86 CP/M-86 Kermit sources CP/M-86 ASM86 APC NEC APC binaries CP/M-86 ASM86 APO Apollo Aegis Fortran APP Apple II 6502 Apple DOS DEC-10 CROSS ATA Atari Home Computer DOS Action! CPM 8080, 8085, or Z80 CP/M-80 ASM HL6 Honeywell L6/10 MS-DOS MASM HP1 HP-150 MS0DOS HP-150 HP9 HP-98xx UCSD p-System HP Pascal K11 DEC Pro-350 P/OS, Pro/RT Macro-11 MC1 Apple Macintosh C (SUMACC) MDS Intel Development System ISIS PL/M MS Various MS-DOS or PC-DOS MASM PC IBM PC or Zenith Z100 PC DOS, MS DOS MASM PQ ICL/3 Rivers PERQ PERQ OS Pascal PRO DEC Professional-350 P/OS Bliss RBK Rainbow binaries CP/M-86 ASM86 SIR Sirius-1 MS DOS MASM SEE Seequa Chameleon MS DOS, CP/M-86 MASM TA2 Tandy 2000 MS DOS MASM TRS TRS-80 I and III MS DOS Z80 Assembler TX4 Tektronix 4170 CP/M-86 ASM86 UCI IBM PC UCSD p-System IV.x Pascal UCM Pascal Microengine UCSD p-System Pascal UCT Terak 8510a UCSD p-System II.0 Pascal, Macro-11 VIC Sirius 1/Victor 9000 CP/M-86, MS-DOS ASM86, C *Items marked with asterisk are "extra" (see bulletin above) may be missing from the Kermit tape or the main Kermit directory. (The VAX/VMS Bliss version is also provided in MACRO-32 (.MAR) source form for those sites that do not have a Bliss compiler. YOU DON'T NEED TO HAVE BLISS IN ORDER TO RUN THIS VERSION.) (The K11 files include support for RSX, RSTS, RT11, and P/OS -- See K11INS.DOC for details.) (The Victor, Seequa, Tandy, Honeywell, and some other MS DOS versions are based on older versions of IBM PC Kermit; these have yet to be merged with the current MS/PC-DOS version.) Although the "mainframe" and "micro" Kermit implementations have been separated in the lists above, they are all stored together. The primary Kermit distribution area contains only "printable" files -- program source, binaries in "hex" or other printably-encoded format along with conversion programs, documentation, etc. For some implementations, there may also be "true" binary program images. These are kept in a separate place, KB: or , and may appear at the end of the tape if there's room. When working with one of these implementations, you would normally copy them to a separate area and strip the prefix from the file names, and install the programs on the appropriate systems without the prefix. For instance, on the DEC-20 you would copy 20KERMIT.MAC to KERMIT.MAC, then assemble it, and store the result as KERMIT.EXE in SYS:. The VAX/VMS, TOPS-10, PRO-350, TRS-80 and some other versions are exceptions; in these cases you would replace the "VMS", "K10", "PRO", etc, prefixes with "KER". Before doing anything with any particular version, look for an associated file with the suffix ".HLP" (help) or ".BWR" (beware). These files will often tell you special things you should know before starting to put together a working program from the distribution. The following .BOO files are provided for current MS-DOS implementions. BOO files are downloaded and decoded into .EXE files using MSBOOT.FOR on the mainframe and MSPCBOOT.BAS on the MS-DOS system. MSAPC.BOO NEC APC MSGENER.BOO Generic MS-DOS MSHP150.BOO Hewlett-Packard 150 MSIBMPC.BOO IBM PC, XT MSRB100.BOO DEC Rainbow 100, 100+ MSTIPRO.BOO Texas Instruments Professional PC MSWANG.BOO Wang PC MSZ100.BOO Heath/Zenith 100 MS*.ASM Sources MSKERMIT.DOC Manual chapter The following .HEX files for specific CP/M-80 implementations are included: CP4*.ASM The current, working source files for CP/M KERMIT. CP4KER.DOC User documentation (chapter from the manual). CP4APL.HEX Apple II, Z80 Softcard, 6551 ACIA in serial interface CP4APM.HEX Apple II, Z80 Softcard, Micromodem II in slot 2 CP4BB2.HEX BigBoard II (terminal required) CP4BRN.HEX Intertec SuperBrain. CP4CP3.HEX "generic": CP/M 3.0 (CP/M Plus) systems (terminal req'd) CP4CPT.HEX CPT-85xx word processors with CompuPak CP/M CP4DEL.HEX Digicomp Delphi 100 (terminal required) CP4DM2.HEX DECmate II with CP/M option CP4GEN.HEX "generic": CPM 2.2 systems with IOBYTE (terminal req'd) CP4H89.HEX Heath/Zenith H89. CP4KPR.HEX Kaypro-II (and 4; probably supports all Kaypro systems) CP4MDI.HEX Morrow Decision I (terminal required) CP4MIK.HEX MikroMikko CP4UDI.HEX Morrow Micro Decision I (terminal required) CP4OSB.HEX Osborne 1 CP4OSI.HEX Ohio Scientific CP4ROB.HEX DEC VT180 CP4TEL.HEX TELCON Zorba portable CP4TLB.HEX TRS-80 model II with Lifeboat 2.25C CP/M Display CP4TPT.HEX TRS-80 model II with Pickles + Trout CP/M Display CP4VEC.HEX Vector Graphics. CP4Z00.HEX Z-100 under CP/M-85 CPMH8.HEX Heath H8 (based on version 3.5 of CP/M Kermit) CPMPRO.HEX Compupro Interfacer 3/4 (based on version 3.9) "Generic Kermit" can be used on CP/M-80 micros not specifically supported, if the CP/M IOBYTE facility is implemented, and the fields of the IOBYTE point to the right devices. The CP/M-Plus version should be able to run "generically" on any CP/M 3.0 system. See the User Guide and CPMGENERI.DOC for details. The Kermit User Guide contains instructions for installing or bootstrapping the various versions of Kermit. Version 4 of CP/M Kermit is new; version 3 is also included on the distribution tape for backup purposes. The version 3 files begin with the prefix CPM. * Manuals: There are two Kermit manuals: KUSER and KPROTO, a user's guide and a protocol manual, respectively. Four versions of each files are provided: .MSS Scribe (UNILOGIC Ltd text formatter) source. .LPT* Line Printer format (overstriking, underscore, etc). .DOC No special effects, suitable for reading on line. .FOR* Like .LPT, but with Fortran-style carriage control. (* Note, the .FOR and .LPT versions may be omitted for lack of space *) If you have Scribe and the appropriate Scribe device drivers, you can run the .MSS files through it to produce output suitable for printing on any device supported at your site, including the Xerox-9700, Imagen Imprint-10, or other multifont laser printers or photocomposers. As of this writing, Scribe is not entirely bug-free; you may notice some problems with the footnotes in the .DOC and .LPT files. Note that some parts of the user manual rely on underlining to clarify examples; the underlines are missing from the .DOC files, but will be found in the .LPT and .FOR files. The user's guide is intended for users of Kermit (including those who want to install it), the protocol manual is for those who would like to write a new implementation (i.e. a Kermit program for a new machine or operating system). IMPORTANT: The Users Guide is always out of date. New implementations of KERMIT, and new versions of old ones, arrive in a steady stream. It's impossible to keep the manual totally current. The general description of KERMIT operation remains valid, but detailed descriptions of the various versions are better obtained from the accompanying help (.HLP), beware (.BWR), documentation (.DOC), memo (.MEM), or manual (.MAN) files. Look to these files for information missing from the user manual. ASCII.MSS is the ASCII/EBCDIC character table, which is included as an appendix in both manuals. MANUAL.HYP is a hyphenation dictionary for building the manual with Scribe. BYTE.MSS is the manuscript of the KERMIT article that was published in BYTE Magazine in June and July, 1984. BYTE.DOC is suitable for reading at the terminal, BYTE.MSS may be run through Scribe to produce output for various printing devices, BYTE.BIB is the bibliography. KMICRO.DOC is a tutorial by Norman Weatherby on using Kermit for micro- to-micro connections. * Other Files: 00README.TXT is this file, which should appear at the top of any alphabetical directory listing, and is the first file on the tape. FLYER.DOC is a short KERMIT "brochure", explaining the distribution policy. MAIL.* is the archive of the CCNET/BITNET/ARPANET KERMIT discussion group. MAIL.TXT is the current, active mail file. MAIL.yyx (e.g. MAIL.83A) files contain older messages. CURRENT.DOC is a list of the current versions of KERMIT in reverse chronological order, to help you see what has changed since the last time you looked. VERSIONS.DOC is a list of all known versions of KERMIT, even those that aren't being distributed yet, showing their status, who's working on them, etc. FILES.DIR is an alphabetical list of files in the main KERMIT directory, updated once each day. COMMER.DOC is a policy statement concerning commercial use of KERMIT. KERBOO.FOR is a short receive-only version of Kermit written in Fortran, to be used for bootstrapping Kermit onto systems that don't have a real Kermit from a system that does. * Tools: The following tools are specific to DECsystem-10 and DECSYSTEM-20 computers, and might not appear on distribution tapes for other kinds of systems, and will only appear at the end of DEC-10/20 tapes if there is sufficient room. The tools files are stored separately in KT:, . The files MAC80.*, M80UNV, etc, are an 8080/8085/Z80 cross assembler that runs on the DEC-10 or DEC-20; MAC80.DOC is a brief description. TORTUR.M80 is an 8080 instruction set "torture test" for MAC80, which illustrates its features. ZORTUR.M80 is a Z80 instruction set torture test. MAC80 is used to assemble CP/M KERMIT, and is mostly compatible with the standard CP/M 8080 assembler, D.R. ASM. HEXIFY.* is a program for converting a CP/M .COM file resident on the DEC-10 or DEC-20 to a CP/M .HEX file. This is handy when binary file transfers are failing to work for some reason. The .HEX file can be LOADed on the CP/M system in the normal way to reconstruct the original .COM file. HEXCOM.* is the inverse of HEXIFY, and provides .HEX-to-.COM file conversion. LASM and MLOAD are the public-domain CP/M-80 linking assembler and loader, that run on the CP/M system, and may be used to build Kermit-80. The files CROSS.* are a general purpose cross assembler that runs on the DEC-10 and -20; CROSS.DOC is the manual. CROSS is used to assemble Apple DOS KERMIT. WRITEL is a program to write ANSI labeled ASCII tapes on the DEC-20. EZFIX is a utility for converting EasyWriter files sent to the DEC-20 from the IBM PC into ordinary text form. STRIP is a program for stripping away the 8th bit. * Finally... If you make any modifications to Kermit, fix any bugs, or write any new implementations or documentation, please send them back to us on magnetic tape so we can distribute them to other Kermit users: KERMIT Distribution Columbia University Center for Computing Activities 612 West 115th Street 7th Floor New York NY 10025 We'll return your tape to you with the latest Kermit distribution (if you send a full-size reel). * OTHER WAYS TO GET KERMIT * To get Kermit on magnetic tape from Columbia University, follow the directions in the file FLYER.DOC. There are also other ways to get Kermit: . Network Distribution: The Kermit files are also available from Columbia via computer network. To learn how obtain Kermit files via BITNET, type the following command to your BITNET host: SMSG RSCS MSG CUVMA KERMSRV HELP To get Kermit files via Internet, use FTP, connect to host CU20B (Internet Host number []), login as user ANONYMOUS, password KERMIT, and use the GET or MULTIPLE GET commands to retrieve the desired files from the area KER:, e.g. "DIRECTORY KER:", "GET KER:00README.TXT". Network users may consult the file KER:CURRENT.DOC from time to time to see what new versions of Kermit have been installed recently. There is a network mailing list for Kermit information; it is available to users of BITNET and Internet and most networks that are connected to them, inclusing CSnet, Usenet, Mailnet, CCnet, and others. To get on the mailing list, send mail to Info-Kermit-Request@CU20B CU20B is a mail host on both Internet and BITNET, and is reachable from CSnet, Mailnet, Usenet, and other networks via explicit host routing, e.g. Info-Kermit-Request%CU20B@CSnet-Relay . UUCP Access: UUCP access to the Kermit sources is provided as a public service by Oklahoma State University Department of Computing and Information Sciences Stillwater, Oklahoma from 10:00pm until 10:00am CST, 7 days per week. A command like: "uucp okstate!/u/kermit/ux* dir" should transfer the UNIX Kermit distribution to the requesting system. The file names are the same as those distributed on the tape, except in lower case. UUCP login information for site: okstate Phone number : (405) 624-6953 (one line only, 300/1200b) Login name : uucpker Password : thefrog Hours : 10:00pm - 10:00am central time (7 day per week) Problem : okstate!uucp-support (UUCP) reports : uucp-support%okstate@csnet-relay (ARPA) . Floppy Disk Distribution: MS-DOS Kermit for the IBM PC may be obtained on IBM PC floppy disk from: PC SIG 1556 Halford Avenue, Suite #130 Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408) 730-9291 on disks number 41 and 42, for a moderate fee. [End of 00README.TXT] [KERMIT]AAAREADME Dec. 1984 KERMIT submitted by the Columbia University Center for Computing Activities This is an update distribution. The last complete distribution was onthe Spring '84 SIG tape. Only submissions which have substantially changed have been included. For information from the original tape, see 00README.TXT in this (Top Level) directory. Please also read COMMER.DOC which contains a policy statement on guidelines for redistribution of KERMIT particularly as it affects commercial software houses. VMS tape organization --- ---- ------------ This save set was prepared from the standard KERMIT distribution tape and arranged for VAX use. The standard tape does not use subdirectories. Files have been moved into subdirectories in this distribution where appropriate. The following organization scheme has been used: Top Level: 00README.TXT - Cover document from original Kermit tape AAAREADME.DOC - This document BYTE.DOC - Article submitted to BYTE magazine COMMER.DOC - Commercial policy statement CURRENT.DOC - Current version status FLYER.DOC - Flyer KPROTO.DOC - Protocol Manual KUSER.DOC - User Manual MAIL.HLP - Explanation for MAIL.TXT MAIL.TXT - Archive of Arpanet distribution list VERSIONS.DOC - Summary of work done or in progress Subdirectories: [.CPM80] - CPM Kermit [.CPM86] - CMP-86 Kermit (Rainbow etc.) [.MACINTOSH] - Apple Macintosh Kermit [.MSDOS] - MS-DOS Kermit (IBM-PC, Rainbow, etc.) [.PDP11] - PDP-11 Kermits (RT, RSX, RSTS, POS) [.UNIX] - Unix Kermit MD0:[356,70] ********************* ********************* date: December 7, 1984 to: HGraph DECUS Users from: Dennis V. Jensen Ames Laboratory 310 Metallurgy Ames, Iowa 50011 515/294-4823 subject: HGraf3 - An HGraph DECUS Release for REGIS. The initial DECUS release of HGraph was at the Fall 1983 Symposium. Release one was coded entirely in DEC Fortran 66 compatible code. The second release was distributed at the Spring 1984 symposium. Included in the second release was a new WRTSTR (extracted as WRTST2.*) which would generate characters as vectors (stroke font); it was not dependent on any particular terminal's character generator. Also, included was a cubic spline interpolation line drawing routine (extracted as SMOOTH.*) which was compatible with the DASHLN calling convention. HGR550 files on this distribution are the same as the second release (Hgraf2) files which support the Visual 550 (TEK4014 compatible) and the Bausch and Lomb DMPL plotters. This third release includes support for REGIS compatible terminals. It was initially developed for the VT-125 terminal although it should work with other REGIS compatible terminals. Refer to the VT125.DOC file for information on which modules were modified to adapt Hgraph to this terminal; it includes insights as to the conversion for other terminals if users would like to make changes. The HGR125 files support a REGIS terminal and the Bausch and Lomb DMPL plotters. Hgraph is coded in FLECS. This structured Fortran code is contained in the .FLX files. The FLECS generated Fortran 66 code is in the .FOR files. The HGraph document is in the HGraph.DOC file with the associated Runoff file as HGraph.RNO. An RT-11 FLECS translator FLECS.* (RE: RT SIG Fall 81 Tape) is also included for reference. Refer to the VAX Fall 82 SIG Tape [VAX82B.FORDAERO.UTIL.FORDUTIL] (or something to this effect) for a VMS FLECS translator. Other Flecs translators are available from SIG tapes and the DECUS library. PLOT3D.FOR is included as a separate file. A FLECS version is not included as it does not exist. PLOT3D is known to have bugs, but will work for many of the 3D plots you may wish to do. Although considerable HGraf3 - HGraph DECUS Release - REGIS support. PAGE 2 development is occuring at the Ames Laboratory on the 2D versions of HGraph, no additional work is currently planned for the 3D code; PLOT3D should be treated as unsupported. In general, you will find that the source code is quite transportable to other operating systems, especially if you transport the .FOR files. Hgraph was designed to provide graphics support on small systems but is quite extendable to larger systems. You can look forward to a new interactive graphics editor called UGraph which is based on Hgraph. It is menu driven and requires no programming. It unfortunately is getting larger though and is being developed on the VAX. An overlayed version for small systems may be possible, though. It is running in test mode now and will likely be available in the Spring of 1985. The following notes relate primarily to Hgraph on RT-11 (small) systems. They are included as they may help you isolate setup problems: When using HGRAPH it is common to encounter the message "LINK-F-Library list overflow". Increase the library list size with the /P switch when linking. For example: r link prog/P:400=prog,sy:hgraph A commonly occuring run-time error when using HGRAPH is "?MON-F-Trap to 4 NNNNNN" or "Stack Overflow". This message likely indicates a lack of program stack space. The solution is to increase the amount of program stack space using the /B linker option. For example: r link prog/B:1400/P:400=prog,sy:hgraph The default value of B is 1000 octal. This problem will undoubtedly be encountered when using threaded code. All code included in this distribution is in the public domain and may not be marketed for profit. It may be altered without the explicit permission of the authors. Any corrections or significant modifications to HGraph are of interest to the authors and may be communicated to the address above. The authors and their employers assume no responsibility for the correctness or the appropriatness of the software included in this distribution. MD0:[370,11] ********************* ********************* This UIC contains a number of utilities programs and command files I have written that may be of use to someone: CHKFRE A utility for monitoring the free space on disks. When free space falls below a given level, it executes a command file to broadcast warnings, or whatever. Partly written in SFortran, a structured Fortran pre-processor, but the .FTN is provided. CA A catch-all task that allows the "installation" of tasks, command files, TECO macros, and EDT initializer files for individual logins or for the entire system. Miscellaneous commands used with CA: AFTER Poor mans type-ahead. BEEP Ring bell n times. DISKUSE Summary of disk space usage by UIC and group. RCASE Aid to converting old Runoff files. REPEAT Repeat a command n times. PDP Programs / subroutines for logging in to an RSX system from a VAX/VMS system and executing commands. If you have any problems with or corrections with these programs, please let me know. Of course, in the unlikely event that any of them trash your system or do anything else unpleasant, don't blame me. Use them at your own risk. John P. McGrath, Analyst American Newspaper Publishers Association Technical Research Department P.O. Box 17407, Dulles International Airport Washington, D.C. 20041 (703) 620-9500 MD0:[370,60] ********************* ********************* .ps 60,80 .lm 5 .rm 75 .blank 2 .c;Wayne Dernoncourt .c;Naval Ordnance Station .c;Indian Head, Md .blank 2 This set of routines was written to read a mag tape but instead of writing it to a file, it gave you the portions of the tape record that were desired. This lets you analyze the data on the fly rather than having to store the data before analysis. This is very useful if disk space is tight or if you are processing classified information. You defined the record structure in the initialization call. Currently limited to 3,000 characters, 80 logical records per physical tape record and 40 sets of character moves (defined as from/to/character count). Included are a couple of programs which show examples of how to use thes routines along with the difference between structured programs and unstructured programming techniques. The files SP.FTN, SI.FTN, SP1.FTN and SI1.FTN are the main programs and SUBS.FTN and BLOCKER.MAC are the subroutines required. Also included is the original program that I used to derive these functions. This is my last submission as we have migrated to a VAX. This program worked like a champ under V4.0 but seems to have broke going to V4.1. Best of luck in getting these to work again. I plan to write a version that does these same things for the VAX and I will submit that when finished.