This area contains various utilities of general interest. Any files of type .LZC have been compressed with LZCOMPRS which is elsewhere on this tape. These are text files (and code source) and may be reconstructed without the -B option of LZDECOMP. The new DDT is of particular interest for RSX and POS users, as it now can help find out how you got to a weird place in your code after something has messed the stack up. The new options should have been there years ago but better late than never. The BGL2*.* programs draw very pretty banners on your printer. The BGL2.FTN is actually for VAX native mode; edit the TT: to TI: to convert for RSX. It runs WELL on both systems (must be compiled with /I4 and /NOF77 for both). The BGL2PC.FOR is an 8088 version for MSDOS using Microsoft Fortran (V3.2 or thereabouts) to compile. We use the banners for birthday parties, or other random celebrations. Most printable ASCII can be handled. gce Also in this area is a program not by me called FIGEDT which allows figure editing with text on an ordinary VT100. You can draw lines or boxes, fill in text, center text, insert text files, and so on. It works in VMS V3 or V4 and allows speedy creation or edit of character graphics charts. The .OBJ file is supplied for those who don't have VMS Pascal; just link/nomap figedt to get the .EXE.