This area contains a few files downloaded from a BBS of interest to VMS systems. LAR.C and docs are a utility to handle CP/M and MSDOS LU-formatted "library" files. The program is not quite right under VAX11C but is pretty close and is presented in case it is needed badly enough for someone else to fix up first. LZ*.* is a super compressor-expander which will compile with either VAX11C or DECUS C thanks to Martin Minow who deserves all the credit for it. It generates noticeably smaller compressed files than does SQ and, if run with the -B flag at runtime, will correctly handle binary files. I have tested it one some .EXE images and on some text files; original input was correctly regenerated in both cases. This compression scheme is said to be compatible with the un*x "compress" utility. It should be VERY handy for moving files across networks, especially if they contain repetitive patterns. The algorithm used Huffman codes strings, not bytes, so can achieve much better results than byte-oriented methods, and with considerable speed. The subdirectory .LOGO contains a UN*X based subset LOGO in C. It's also presented in case someone wants to clean it up for use on VMS in his/her copious spare time (while waiting for V4 compatible layered products that work to arrive?)