Glenn, remember our PHONE conversation about hysteresis? I started to send this an hour ago, then discovered one more, serious bug for month displays: d 1/31/85 +m yields a calendar for Feb with a day 31 (two intervening blank days between it and day 28)! Fix is that +/- M/Y must always truncate day number within valid bounds for the given month. Bruce, garbage month displays for negative years were because DTCALCDOW (DANY) returned negative value for day of week (courtesy of Fortran MOD function) (the MOD function is correct in returning negative remainder if given negative first value). In any event, I think all bugs are now gone, so Bruce please install DUA4:[GARMAN.MISC]DTC.EXE to RCA$UTILITIES DTCHG.TXT to SYS$NOTICE and maybe also DUA4:[GARMAN]RECURWORK.DAT to SYS$NOTICE for people to indirect to (somebody has to reschedule entries in it every so often, I'll discuss it with you later) Have made a change to Month display but not advertising it, change to DAY is discussed. All files are updated in DUA4:[GARMAN.MISC]DTCVAX809.AR Enjoy --- CG