Modifications to RSX11M V4.1 _____________________________ Changes to V4.1 are far less than V4.0. As DEC has adopted some of our ideas, we are switching over, where ever possible, to their way of doing things. Very few changes have been made from the V4.0 release. Those made either are to support KMS account or because the overwhelming convenience of having them outweighs the support costs. MCR CHANGES ----------- MCRDIS The enclosed version of MCRDIS.SLP probably will not work without modificataion. MCRDIS has been changed again at DEC to include some of the features in the SLP patch (I think). Look the patch over. The patches just relating to the PIN procedure interpreter (#) and the patch relating to the counting of the times indirect is used should go in. The only question is whether or not DEC is going to allow all commands which MCR doesn't fine to get passed to ...CA. Jim Kauffman (DEC) says this will be the case, but the MCRDIS for which the SLP file was written, does not have this feature. Two changes are made in MCRDIS. The first modification is to facilitate the use of the procedure interpreter, ie make it as easy to use as INDIRECT. Since '@' stands for indirect execution and interpretation of a command file, '#' is taken to mean 'direct' execution(no fancy interpretation) of the command file. Hence the command '#CMDFIL' will issue a 'PIN CMDFIL'. The second change incrememts a counter in a user's UCB each time @ is run. This change is conditionalized on KMS Accounting enhancements being present. MCRDEF.SLP,SPSOV.SLP, ST1OV.SLP, ST2OV.SLP These SLP files implement the SET /LIBUIC and SET /TIMEOUT commands for MCR. They are also conditionalized to include the KMS special features which allow non-privileged users with certain privilege levels to change login uics within or across groups. ICP --- Modifications (very small) are made to some modules of the indirect command file processor to enable /-LI (/LI is default mode), set substitution as the default and to add a special symbol so the user can read the current error sequence counter if error logging is active. ICPFIL This is modified by the addition of the switch "LI". ICPPRE Sets ICP to initial state of ENABLING LOWERCASE, SUBSTITUTION,AND GLOBAL. ICPROT Add comment. ICPSYT Add special symbol to provide access for error logger error sequence number. Nice to have access to this if doing tape backups. Or if mount causes error which must be reset. INS --- INSFL Allows RUN $ to look on both LIBUIC, NETUIC and SYSUIC. INSHD This module also contains the code required to assign run run privleges on a user by user basis. Increments U.INCT if KMS Accounting running.