RSX/IAS SIG Tape Distribution - Spring 1987 =========================================== This is the RSX/IAS SIG Symposium Tape from the Spring 1987 DECUS Symposium at Nashville. The tape contains material submitted by the user community for the tape at that meeting. The programs on this tape are from user submissions. The DECUS staff, the RSX & IAS SIG staffs, and DEC are all in complete ignorance of the contents of the tapes. No warranty of any kind is implied in the distribution of these tapes. The programs may or may not be well documented, they may or may not work, they may even crash your system. If you have a problem with the contents of the tape, contact the author of the program. Do not contact DECUS, DEC, or the RSX or IAS SIGs. The tape contains about 3660 files requiring 59,000 blocks of disk space. Since this will fit on a single 2400 foot tape only in BRU at 1600 bpi, it is being distributed as such. To simplify distribution and production, the tape is a single BRU container file followed (for the LUG distribution only) by several extra files. Directory [300,1] contains the files documenting the contents of the tape. The following files are present: RSX87ATPE.DOC contains an abstract of the contents of the tape by UIC. ALLREADME.87A contains a concatenated list of all the README files on the tape. RSX87ADIR.LIS contains a directory of all the files on the tape (BRU does not produce nice directories). This is a brief listing with UICs and filenames only for space reasons. SUBMIT.DOC contains guidelines for submissions to the RSX/IAS Sig Tape collection. This is MUST reading for everyone who desires to submit a program to the SIG tape. BEGIN87A.DOC has a copy of this text. UICSET87A.CMD contains the UFD commands to create all the needed UIC's on a device whose name is asked for in the command file. Edit it to match your needs before using BRU to extract the tape contents. A word of caution: under at least some circumstances, 11M V4.0 BRU's /UFD switch creates directories even when it doesn't put anything in them. If your disk is smaller than an RM03, you may want to exclude some files from the copy in order to have a backup set that fits on a smaller disk. Copy these off in separate passes. Directories [5,*], [120,*], and [356,*] between them contain about 10,000 blocks and they may be pulled off in a separate pass. If these are omitted, the rest of tape will fit on an RK07. A second pass through the tape can extract the other directories onto another device. Glenn C. Everhart RSX/IAS SIG Tape Copy Coordinator RCA AD Technology, Bldg. 206-1 _ Rt. 38 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08358 (609)-486-6328 *********************************************** [005,004]README.DOC *********************************************** To: DECUS "C" Users From: Jim Conroy X2346 Dept: Automation Tools and Technology - U2N27 Date: 4/21/87 cc: Subj: Modifications to DECUS "C" Compiler We recently had a need to segment a very large program into instruc- tion and data space. We encountered some problems in the compiler and libraries which we were able to fix. All programs that were changed are listed below and are included on this tape in the UICs listed be- low. Only programs that were modified are included with this submis- sion. The new "C" compiler, assembler and runtime libraries support I and D space. It was built from the DECUS Fall '85 RSX SIG tape (11-SP-90). Added to it were the Australian submissions for split I and D space from the Spring '86 tape (11-SP-92). The Australian changes can be found in UICs [272,34], [272,35], and [272,37] on that tape. Only the changes for I and D space were used. The double-precision arithmetic changes were not included. The merging of these two tapes has re- sulted in the use of these UICs: 1. [5,4] - compiler and assembler modules. 2. [5,15] and [5,16] - C.OLB library routines. 3. [5,24] - CX.OLB library routines. The resultant compiling system did not work well and we were forced to modify several programs. Specific changes to each program are listed in the edit history at the beginning of the program. The programs changed were: [5,4]CC200.MAC [5,24]APCSV.MAC [5,16]IOV.MAC [5,15]C5TA.MAC [5,24]GMCR.MAC [5,16]KBIN.MAC [5,15]ASCR50.MAC [5,24]SETFNB.MAC [5,16]KBINR.MAC [5,15]CALLER.MAC [5,24]TLOG.MAC [5,16]MEMDMP.MAC [5,15]CALLTR.MAC [5,16]SUPORT.MAC [5,16]PRMT.MAC [5,15]CTIME.MAC [5,16]ABORT.MAC [5,16]PROFIL.MAC [5,15]LOCALT.MAC [5,16]ATOD.MAC [5,16]RTIME.MAC [5,15]LTOA.MAC [5,16]ATOF.MAC [5,16]SCREEN.MAC [5,15]MALINK.MAC [5,16]DOPRNT.MAC [5,16]SETCC.MAC [5,15]MALLOC.MAC [5,16]DOSCAN.MAC [5,16]SLEEP.MAC [5,15]MAMCHK.MAC [5,16]DTOA.MAC [5,16]TIME.MAC [5,15]NARG.MAC [5,16]ERROR.MAC [5,16]TRAPS.MAC [5,15]PCSV.MAC [5,16]EXIT.MAC [5,16]PERROR.MAC [5,15]RAND.MAC [5,16]FWILD.MAC [5,16]IOPUT.MAC [5,15]RCTIME.MAC [5,16]IOCSI.MAC [5,16]PUTCHA.MAC [5,15]UNWIND.MAC [5,16]IOFOPA.MAC [5,16]FOPEN.MAC [5,15]ITOAX.MAC [5,16]IOGET.MAC [5,16]DTOAD.MAC [5,15]CTYPE.MAC [5,16]IOGETC.MAC [5,16]INIT.MAC [5,15]IOGETC.MAC [5,16]IOFOPT.MAC [5,16]IOFLSH.MAC [5,16]DOUTAB.MAC [5,16]UTIME.MAC [5,16]ATOFD.MAC [5,16]ATODD.MAC The changes to these programs can be summarized as follows: 1. Change the compiler(CC200.MAC) to use a default psect type of d(data) on psects C$DATA and C$MWCN. 2. Change library routines to use psect types of d on C$DATA and C$MWCN psects. 3. Move data from C$STRN to C$DATA since data is loaded at even addresses and string variables are concatenated at the next byte address. This eliminates odd address traps. 4. Fix MALLOC. The Get Partition Parameters ESR in INIT.MAC was returning the total length of the task(I-space plus D-space) rather than the length of D-space only. This set up variable $$MEND incorrectly for MALLOC. With these changes, you can use instruction APRs by compiling and task-building in the normal way. Use of instruction and data APRs is turned on by the /ID switch on the task-build. The compiler has been used at three UNISYS sites for about four months with no major problems. These changes come with the standard DECUS warranty. James M. Conroy Mail Station U2N27 UNISYS Corporation P.O. Box 64525 St. Paul, Mn. 55164-0525 Phone: (612)456-2346 *********************************************** [005,015]README.1ST ********************************************** This UIC is part of the "C" compiling system update for I and D space. The complete set of UICs include: 1. [5,4] - A complete description of this submission as well as a change to the compiler. 2. [5,15] - Changes to c.olb library routines. 3. [5,16] - Changes to c.olb library routines. 4. [5,24] - Changes tp cx.olb library routines. *********************************************** [005,016]README.1ST ********************************************** This UIC is part of the "C" compiling system update for I and D space. The complete set of UICs include: 1. [5,4] - A complete description of this submission as well as a change to the compiler. 2. [5,15] - Changes to c.olb library routines. 3. [5,16] - Changes to c.olb library routines. 4. [5,24] - Changes to cx.olb library routines. *********************************************** [005,024]README.1ST ********************************************** This UIC is part of the "C" compiling system update for I and D space. The complete set of UICs include: 1. [5,4] - A complete description of this submission as well as a change to the compiler. 2. [5,15] - Changes to c.olb library routines. 3. [5,16] - Changes to c.olb library routines. 4. [5,24] - Changes tp cx.olb library routines. *********************************************** [070,122]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains an 8086 cross assembler and linker, originally distributed by the old Pascal SIG. Full sources are provided. *********************************************** [120,001]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains an area code list, a spelling checker in C, and a calendar routine from the S87 RT11 tape. *********************************************** [120,003]README.1ST ********************************************** The following files are included in this release of GKS V0.20 for RT-11. DEMO.F77 ! Demo program. F77 Source. DEMO.LNK ! Command file to link DEMO. DEMO.OBJ ! DEMO object file. Compiled with F77. DEMO.SAV ! Executable version of demo program. Requires FPU. DRIVER.MAC ! Table of pointers to device drivers. DRIVER.OBJ ! ... (object file of the above) DRVUTL.OBJ ! Driver utility functions. DRVV50.MAC ! Visual 550 device driver source code. DRVV50.OBJ ! Visual 550 device driver object code. DRV407.MAC ! Tek 4107 device driver source code. DRV407.OBJ ! Tek 4107 device driver object code. DRV745.MAC ! HP 7475 device driver source code. DRV745.OBJ ! HP 7475 device driver object code. GKENUM.FIN ! GKS Enumeration Data Type definition file. GKS.DOC ! User document and reference manual. GKS.OBJ ! GKS object library. GKSDEF.INC ! Definitions used by this implementation. READ.ME ! This file. RELEAS.DOC ! Release notes. UTL.MLB ! Utility macro library (used by drivers). *********************************************** [120,004]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains a set of RUNOFF macros for formatting a thesis. *********************************************** [200,020]README.TXT ********************************************** A STAGE2 macroprocessor, complete with its test data, and a copy of SIMCMP used in its implementation. ref: Waite. Implementing software for Non-Numerical Applications. *********************************************** [264,002]README.1ST ********************************************** This area has a 3D plot package. Low level outputs are for Calcomp but can be changed to other devices. Portable to VMS rather easily. Major docs are in German; from DECUS Amsterdam (1981) tape. *********************************************** [270,001]README.1ST ********************************************** MRMLIB - GENERAL DOCUMENTATION. INTRODUCTION. "MRMLIB" is a personal collection of subprograms which can be called by fortran programs and which can also be written in FORTRAN. The principal aim in setting up this library has been to establish a reasonably portable set of subprograms which carry out operations that would otherwise be continually rewritten, thus many of the routines in this library perform simple (even trivial) tasks. Two strong secondary aims are to establish a standard set of interfaces which are inherently more portable than the routines, and to establish proven subprograms for non trivial operations particularly in the numerical area. No guarantee as to the correctness or efficiency of any routine can be given but generally the routines will have been used to a degree that should allow some confidence in them. THE LIBRARY IS MAINTAINED BY: DR MARTIN. R. MANNING INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SCIENCES LOWER HUTT NEW ZEALAND. It is freely available to anyone who is interested and comments, certifications, complaints and particularly constructive criticisms will be welcomed. THE "BASE" FOR THE LIBRARY CONSISTS OF 1. GENERAL DOCUMENTATION (THIS DOCUMENT). 2. A CATALOGUE OF ALL CURRENT SUBPROGRAMS. 3. FORTRAN IV SOURCES FOR ALL ROUTINES. IN ADDITION TO THIS "BASE" THERE WILL BE 4. ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE VERSIONS OF SOME ROUTINES FOR SOME SYSTEMS. 5. CATALOGUES OF THOSE ROUTINES AVAILABLE IN A GIVEN SYSTEM LIBRARY. THIS MAY CONTAIN OTHER ROUTINES NOT IN "MRMLIB" AS WELL. 6. SPECIAL REPORTS ON ORIGINAL ALGORITHMS ETC. AND AS DOCUMENTATION OF MANY ALGORITHMS WILL CONTAIN REFERENCES TO THE GENERAL PUBLISHED LITERATURE, THE FULL DOCUMENTATION OF "MRMLIB" IS BACKED UP BY STANDARD JOURNALS, REPORTS ETC. The base for "mrmlib" as described above is all kept on computer readable media and will be accessible through standard support programs such as editors etc. on several systems. In addition special programs may be made available to allow easy user access to sources and documentation. To aid this aspect of "mrmlib" the documentation files (including source files ) are formatted in such a way as to facilitate context editing etc. #GENERAL DOCUMENTATION. This document is intended to describe the general features of the library and standard conventions for some groups of subprograms. The subprograms are often conveniently grouped into "packages" for this purpose and a set of conventions given for the package. These may include such things as common blocks, regular features of parameter lists, data storage conventions etc. *********************************************** [277,001]README.1ST ********************************************** README.1ST This document describes the software which was outlined in Peter Bendall's Paper read at the Decus Muenchen Symposium held at Esslingen, 26-28 March 1980. The Programmes were written or modified at the Hamburg Outs- tation of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and were originally student work. They have been slightly modified by Peter Bendall to eliminate the most glaring bugs..... The Source code is supplied for use or modification, by per- mission of: European Molecular Biology Laboratory Notkestr. 85 2000 Hamburg 52 West Germany The programmes supplied are provided WITHOUT GUARANTEE, and the European Molecular Biology Lab is UNABLE TO PROVIDE ANY SUPPORT for this software. These versions are only applicable to FORTRAN-IV-PLUS V2.51 running under RSX11M V3.1 on a mapped System. It is assumed that they will run under later versions. Because INTEGER*4 has been used to hold various values modification for FOR TRAN-IV may not be very easy. ASS68 This is a simple 2 pass Assembler which produces a Moto- rola "S1" formatted load module and a listing. Standard Motorola Mnemonics are employed and the known limita- tions include: - There May only be one value for an FCB or FDB statement - The * format meaning "present APC Value" does not work - The line-numbers are counted, not the actual number of lines in a page, so that a page with several FCC state- ments may run off the physical page. - Only the shortened version of register commands are ac- cepted, e.g. LDAA and not LDA A. - ASCII strings can only be entered in the form text and not in the nH format. - ?? ASS85 This is an even simpler two pass assembler which uses the standard Intel Mnemonics for Instructions, but uses a non standard set of Pseudo Operators since it was mod- ified from a version which used 8008 type mnemonics as described in the book "8080 Cookbook" written by Scelbi in USA. The Assembler produces an Intel "Hex" load mo- dule and a listing. File types default to .BIN and .SRC . Known bugs include: - There may only be one value for DB (use .VAL) and DW (use .DBL) Pseudo Ops. - The line numbers are counted, not the actual number of lines in a page, so that a page containing several .ASC commands will run off the physical page. There are only 4 characters in the symbol table represen- tation of each symbol and these are the first three and the LAST character of the user symbol. If you assemble a published program, (e.g. Palo Alto Tiny BASIC) you may find several conflicts. - Non Alphabetic characters may be accepted in Symbolic names, but if the first character is non alphabetic, the symbol will not appear in the sorted version of the sym- bol table. This also applies to the pseudo-label ".END" that is inserted in the symbol table to indicate the next free address after the current APC value. *********************************************** [300,017]README.1ST ********************************************** [300,17] FLECS - FORTRAN LANGUAGE PREPROCESSOR FLECS is a FORTRAN preprocessor written by Terry Beyer at the University of Oregon. It supports a number of language extentions not found in FORTRAN. These include WHEN-THEN-ELSE constructs, conditional statement selection, REPEAT-WHILE and REPEAT-UNTIL, expanded DO and IF state- ments, local subroutine invocations and a number of other statements. It requires about 28KW of task space for exe- cution, but could be made smaller through overlays. Due to the untiring efforts of Dick Michaud and Larry Simpson we now have the entire FLECS manual in RUNOFF format !!! OPERATING SYS : RSX11D/IAS,?RSX11M? HARDWARE REQ'D: - SOFTWARE FORM : FORTRAN SOURCE, MACRO SOURCE, COMMAND FILES DOC. FORMAT : RUNOFF - ALSO SEE FLECS.TXT VERSION NUMBER: - DATE ENTERED: 17-FEB-77 LAST REVISION : 22-APR-78 CONTACT : LIBRARIAN *********************************************** [300,024]README.1ST ********************************************** [300,24] XREF - FORTRAN CROSS-REFERENCE PROGRAM XREF is a FORTRAN program with MACRO-11 subroutines which will cross reference variables in FORTRAN programs. Input is a FORTRAN source program, and output is a cross reference by statement and line number of all user symbols. VERSION NUMBER: - DATE ENTERED: 30-MAR-77 CONTACT : R. MILES - DIGITAL EQUIPMENT, ROLLING MEADOWS *********************************************** [300,047]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains the files nessasary to intercept illegal instructions. The area contains a paper, and design spec etc *********************************************** [300,051]README.1ST ********************************************** FERMILAB research services source and document control These command files, datatrieve definitions and procedures, and others, are the facilities that we have been using for a major project. These files are still under development. So is the documentation (currently, there is no documentation) The "GSR" prefixed files are the files that generate the standard type of documents. These documents have entries made in a datatrieve database. The database and utilities help document management. The "SLM" and "SLU" files are for the source management routines. The others are source generation files. Play with these as you wish. Next DECUS, the documentation should exist and the rough corners knocked off. Daniel B. Curtis some of the files are: 1. DOCINSGEN.CMD generates docins task which addes documents to the library 2. DOCLIST .CMD sample document listing command file 3. DTRDIRLST.CMD dtr command file for listing macreplacement documents 4. DTRDLIST .CMD called by doclist to make dtr.cmd 5. GENLISTS .CMD another dtr command file 6. GENSRC .CMD generate source files/modules (pascal, fortran, macro, etc 7. GSRDSASK .CMD design spec questions 8. GSRDSGEN .CMD design spec generation 9. GSRGENDOC.CMD main document generation file 10. GSRGROUP .CMD document group questions 11. GSRINCDOC.CMD increment document number 12. GSRMEMASK.CMD memo questions 13. GSRMEMGEN.CMD memo generation 14. GSRNUM1 .CMD number generation file for project 1 15. GSRTECGEN.CMD technical note generation 16. LIBDLALL .CMD dtr procedure to display documents 17. LIBDLDIS .CMD dtr procedure to display documents but different 18. LIBDOMDEF.CMD dtr document library domain definitions 19. LIBDTRDIC.CMD dtr command file 20. LIBGENALL.CMD dtr file to generate domains,procedures etc for doc library 21. LIBGENLST.CMD dtr procedure to generate document index 22. LIBLSTALL.CMD dtr ditto 23. LIBLSTCUR.CMD dtr ditto 24. LIBLSTDIS.CMD dtr ditto 25. LIBLSTDOC.CMD dtr ditto 26. LIBLSTGRP.CMD dtr ditto 27. LIBLSTNUM.CMD dtr ditto 28. LIBLSTSTA.CMD dtr ditto 29. LIBRECDEF.CMD dtr library record deffinition 30. SCONF1 .CMD macro source configerator 31. SCONF2 .CMD fortram source configerator 32. SCONF3 .CMD pascal source confingerator 33. SCONF4 .CMD Z80 source configerator 34. SCONF5 .CMD praxis source configeratior 35. SDATA .CMD for source data type modules ( not well thought out ) 36. SDEF1 .CMD macro definition 37. SDEF2 .CMD fortran definition 38. SDEF3 .CMD pascal deffinition 39. SDEF4 .CMD z80 definitions 40. SDEF5 .CMD prasix definitions 41. SLMDOMDEF.CMD source library managenent domain deffinition 42. SLMEXTMOD.CMD dtr slm extract module 43. SLMGENALL.CMD dtr slm generate dictionary 44. SLMHISDEF.CMD dtr slm history record deffinition 45. SLMINIDEF.CMD dtr slm initalization 46. SLMMODDEF.CMD dtr slm module record deffinition 47. SLMPRODEF.CMD dtr slm procedure deffinition 48. SLMREPMOD.CMD dtr slm replace module procedure 49. SLMRINDEF.CMD dtr slm raw data input from obj library listing 50. SLUCKNAM .CMD slm command file to check name 51. SLUDTRPRE.CMD slm command file to extract source modules and update database 52. SLUEXTRL .CMD slm command file that actually extracts modules 53. SLUREPL .CMD slm command file that replaces module in libraries 54. SLUUICCK .CMD slm command file to check uic and name match 55. INSRTDOC .MAC macro program to insert documents in the document library database 56. SAVRG .MAC 57. EDOC .TEC mung edoc to edit documents 58. ESRC .TEC mung esrc to edit sources 59. FORMAC .TEC 60. FORTEC .TEC 61. LOWINS .TEC 62. RNOFIX .TEC 63. TECO .TEC 64. DOCS1 .TRC 65. DOCS2 .TRC *********************************************** [300,052]README.1ST ********************************************** These routines were designed to allow a FORTRAN program to get access to the assembly language macros which interface to FCS. It is assumed the user is familiar with the IAS/RSX-11 I/O OPERATIONS REFERENCE MANUAL. The user should read this manual carefully. The user should also pay attention to the appendix in the back of the manual which details the contents of the file descriptor block (FDB). In using these subroutines the user allocates a 128 byte array in his Fortran program to hold the FDB. The subroutines use this array as their FDB when calling the FCS macros. Thus the FORTRAN programmer has complete access to every parameter that FCS keeps in the file descriptor block. The FCS macros also return a value to a two word i/o status block. The "INIT" subroutine modifies the F.BKST field in the FDB so that the address of the i/o status block points to bytes 124-128 of the FDB array. Thus the FORTRAN porgrammer can examine bytes 124-128 of the FDB to see what FCS places in the i/o status block after each i/o operation. The user should pay particular attention to the following locations in the FDB. F.RTYP RECORD TYPE BYTE F.RATT RECORD ATTRIBUTE BYTE F.RSIZ RECORD SIZE BYTE THE "HOW OPEN CODE" FIELD IS COMPOSED OF TWO BYTES, RACC AND FACC THEY ARE FOUND IN THE FDB. F.RACC RECORD ACCESS BYTE. BIT 0 THROUGH 3 OF THIS BYTE DEFINE THE RECORD-ACCESS MODES. BIT 0 =1 TO INDICATE READ$/WRITE$ MODE (FD.RWM); OTHERWISE IT IS 0 TO INDICATE GET$/PUT$ MODE BIT 1 = 1 TO INDICATE RANDOM-ACCESS MODE (FD.RAN) FOR GET$/PUT$ RECORD I/O; OTHERWISE, IT IS 0 TO INDICATE SEQUENTIAL ACCESS MODE. BIT 2 = 1 TO INDICATE LOACATE MODE (FD.PLC) FOR GET$/PUT$ RECORD I/O; OTHERWISE, IT IS 0 TO INDICATE MOVE MODE. BIT 3 = 1 TO INDICATE THAT PUT$ OPERATION IN SEQUENTIAL MODE DOES NOT TRUNCATE THE FIELD (FD.INS); OTHERWISE, IT IS 0 TO INDICATE THAT PUT$ OPERATION IN SEQUENTIAL MODE TRUNCATES THE FILE. F.FACC FILE-ACCESS BYTE. THIS BYTE INDICATES THE ACCESS PRIVILEGES FOR A FILE. BIT 0 = 1 IF THE FILE IS ACCESSED FOR READ ONLY (FA.RD). BIT 1 = 1 IF THE FILE IS ACCESSED FOR WRITING (FA.WRT). BIT 2 = 1 IF THE FILE IS ACCESSED FOR EXTENDING (FA.EXT). BIT 3 = 1 IF A NEW FILE IS BEING CREATED (FA.CRE); OTHERWISE IT IS 0 TO INDICATE AN EXISTING FILE. BIT 4 =1 IF THE FILE IS A TEMPORARY FILE (FA.TMP). BIT 5 = 1 IF THE FILE IS OPENED FOR SHARED ACCESS (FA.SHR). IF BIT 3 ABOVE IS 0; BIT 6 = 1 IF AN EXISTING FILE IS BEING APPENDED (FA.APD). IF BIT 3 ABOVE IS 1; BIT 6 = 1 IF NOT SUPERSEDING AN EXISTING FILE AT FILE- CREATE TIME (FA.NSP). RESPECTIVELY SUBMITTED PHILIP H. CANNON SCIENCE APPLICATIONS, INC. SUITE 901 1211 W 22ND STREET OAKBROOK, IL. 60521 (312)-655-5960 *********************************************** [300,062]README.1ST ********************************************** SUMMARY OF THE MICHAEL REESE MEDICAL CENTER SUBMISSION TO THE SPRING 80 DECUS MEETING F. BORGER, MICHAEL REESE MEDICAL CENTER CHICAGO, IL 60616, (312) 791-2515 [300,62] ABSZAP .CMD;2 ONE-LINER ABSOLUTE CORE PATCH PROGRAM ABSZAP .MAC;5 ATT .CMD;4 LISTS ATTRIBUTES OF FILE ATT .MAC;1 CORZAP .CMD;4 ONE-LINER SCOM PATCH PROGRAM CORZAP .MAC;1 DSKFIX .CMD;16 DISK ABSOLUTE BLOCK EXAMINATION/PATCHING PROGRAM DSKFIX .MAC;50 DSKFIX .MAN;10 FHD .CMD;6 PROGRAM TO LIST FILE HEADER (INDEX FILE) FOR ANY FILE FHD .MAC;106 LUT .CMD;6 LIST L(OGICAL) U(NIT) T(ABLE) OF RUNNING TASK LUT .MAC;70 PAG .CMD;3 PRODUCE PAGEINATED LISTINGS OF SOURCE FILES PAG .MAC;15 *********************************************** [300,300]README.1ST ********************************************** ; 4-FEB-76 ; FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF VARIOUS UTILITY ROUTINES ; CALLABLE BY FORTRAN MAIN PROGRAMS. ; ALL BUT THE FIRST ARE WRITTEN IN MACRO. ; LARRY SIMPSON ; DEPT. OF MEDICAL PHYSICS ; MICHAEL REESE MEDICAL CENTER ; CHICAGO, ILL. 60616 ; (312) 791-2515 ; FLOPEN ; 'FOR' ROUTINE TO SOLICIT FILE NAME AND PREPARE FOR OPEN ; STRCMP ; MACRO ROUTINE TO COMPARE STRINGS FOR EQUALITY ; MOCNVT ; MACRO ROUTINE CONVERTS MONTH NUMBER TO ASCII AND VICE VERSA ; STRCON ; MACRO ROUTINE TO CONCATENATE ANY NUMBER OF STRINGS ; MAXINT ; MACRO ROUTINE TO FIND MAX OF AN INTEGER ARRAY ; AMAXFA ; MACRO ROUTINE TO FIND MAX OF A FLOATING ARRAY ; CHRCNT ; MACRO ROUTINE TO COUNT # OF GIVEN CHAR. IN ASCII ARRAY ; FLINTP ; MACRO ROUTINE TO PERFORM FLOATING LINEAR INTERPOLATION ; LNFILL ; MACRO ROUTINE TO FILL AN ASCII ARRAY WITH A GIVEN CHARACTER ; TRNCAT ; MACRO ROUTINE TO GIVE POSITION OF LAST NON-BLANK CHAR IN ASCII ARRAY ; LUNDLT ; MACRO ROUTINE TO DELETE AN OPEN FILE ON A GIVEN LUN ; ATTDET ; MACRO ROUTINE TO ATTACH AND DETACH A DEVICE *********************************************** [301,011]README.1ST ********************************************** [301,011] SAN DIEGO 79 SELECT - FRTRN CALLABLE ROUTINE FOR KEYBD OPTION SELECT REV. 790621. Base level: Version CS1.18 Date: 06-21-79 Patch level: None Date: Submitted by: Charles South Hughes Research Labs 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 phone:(213) 456-6411 Description: A FORTRAN callable MACRO routine to provide keyboard option selection from a specified list of options. Defaults are provided for, as is prompting, recognition & string completion via the ESCAPE key. At any point in keyboard input, a question-mark will elicit all remaining selections which are still not unique. System reqts: Approx. 1.2K words for the subroutine. Has been run only on RSX-11M, but no known restrictions to other RSX systems. Documentation: A .DOC file, well-commented source code, and a FORTRAN test program as an example. Status: No known bugs. However, if the task using the subroutine is checkpointed, then echoing of individual typed characters may be slow, or characters may be lost if accidentally typing ahead. Support: A currently actively used subroutine. The author welcomes reports of any problems encountered in using the routine. Current Release Change Summary (since last DECUS distribution): CS1.18 CHANGED 6/21/79 TO (CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?) FIX THE BUG THAT 1.17 TRIED AND FAILED TO FIX. ALSO TO "UNDO" THE DAMAGE THAT THE 1.17 FIX DID. ONE OF THOSE HORROR STORIES...THOUGHT I HAD TESTED THE FIX AND HADN'T (AN "@" SYMBOL WAS INSERTED IN THE WRONG LINE). MY APOLOGIES. *********************************************** [301,012]README.1ST ********************************************** [301,012] WHO - 11M TASK - LIST LOGGED-IN TT:'S W/ NAMES, TASKS - REV. 790416. Base level: Version JKN3.0 Date: 23-AUG-78 Patch level: None Date: Submitted by: Jim Neeland Hughes Research Labs 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 phone: (213) 456-6411 Description: Privileged task for RSX-11M to allow ALL users to determine which terminals are currently logged in, what their login uic/name is, and what active tasks currently have which TT: number as the task TI:. Thus for example you can quickly see what tasks belong to whom and who is currently using the print spooler. Also displays selected task states, shows active (not stopped) tasks associated w/ CO:. Has built-in /HElp switch. Output format (example): >WHO /HE Lists active tasks associated with CO: ([DETACHED]), logged-in terminal #s, including any virtual terminals (VTnn:), their login [UIC]/, and tasks with that terminal as TI: Task states are indicated with symbols in the following order: / = Checkpointed ? = Terminal input wait * = I/O outstanding # = Wait for event flag sp= no special state flagged CO0: [DETACHED],*NT....,*F11ACP TT00: [377,377] TT12:<$NEELAND> , ...WHO TT13: ,*...F4P,/...AT. TT14: ,?...MAC TT17: , ...BAS VT00: ,*...PIP,#AT.V01 > System reqts: Approx. 0.9K words in GEN partition when running. This version requires the existence of the TERCOM database partition, and is only useful with the programs which support TERCOM, namely slightly modified versions of HELLO and BYE, and a small TLOGGR task which maintains the database itself. Please see [301,25] for further information. The prior version of WHO does not need TERCOM, but does not provide name information. Documentation: Extensive source comments, WHO.DOC file, '/HElp switch. Status: No known bugs. The following known limitations exist: Designed for an 80-char line terminal. A maximum of 8 tasks will be listed for any given TT:. The active tasks NOT associated with a LOGGED-IN TT: will NOT be listed. Desired enhancements: An additional switch to printout the login time also contained in the TERCOM database. Support: The author welcomes comments, suggestions, & complaints, as this is an actively used utility, but doesn't guarantee to fix anything. *********************************************** [301,016]README.1ST ********************************************** [301,016] SSPLIB - MODIFIED IBM SCIENTIFIC SUBROUTINE PACKAGE FOR PDP-11 Base level: Version 01 Date: 26-NOV-77 Patch level: None Date: Submitted by: Charles South (as received from Dr. Kaplan) Hughes Research Labs 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 (213) 456-6411 Description: This is approximately the IBM/360 Scientific Subroutine Package (SSP), modified to run using F4P. It should be independent of operating system (i.e. RSX-11M, D, or IAS). There is no guarantee that the routines will compile as supplied using FOR, but they might. The supplied OLB file is the result of compilation w/ F4P, version 2.50, with the default switches of optimization and TR:BLOCKS. System reqts: As compiled, requires FPP hardware (11/34,45,55,60,70). Speed and space obviously vary greatly from one routine to another. Documentation: None internally (including NO comments in source). For description of subroutines see: IBM System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package Programmer's Manual Document # GH20-0205-4 (or more recent version, if one exists) Status: No compilation errors. It is well known that for some situations this library does not use the latest or best algorithms for solving a given problem. However, it is widely used. Desired enhancements: Further information on run characteristics on PDP-11s, and/or further documentation on peculiarities of various subroutines. Support: The librarian will endeavor to keep a file of reported problems, fixes, etc., but this is a use-at-your-own-risk package. *********************************************** [301,022]README.1ST ********************************************** [301,022] UNIX TP TAPE EXTRACTOR FOR ASCII FILES Base level: Version JRBARR.01 Date: 17-NOV-77 Patch level: None Date: Submitted by: John R. Barr Hughes Aircraft Co. 377/C209 Box 92919 Los Angeles, CA 90009 Phone: (213) 648-8295 Description: Reads ASCII file from UNIX TP formatted tape. MCR>UTP OUTFILE.EXT=pathname System reqts: PASCAL source code, runnable on RSX-11M & RSX-11D, maybe on IAS. Documentation: None. Status: Mostly debugged. Desired enhancements: Writing a UNIX tape. Support: Unkown. *********************************************** [301,026]README.TXT ********************************************** Eric B. Levy Computer Graphics Lab - 264/116 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, Calif. 91103 This is a modified version of the Conroy unix editor. This version has some improvements and fixes the problem with no automatic backup that this editor had. The editor has some limitations: 1. it will not edit very large files - about 32k bytes and 2000 Lines maximum. However, a module (just finished) is supplied called bedi03.mac will allow for 1.8 million byte temp file and about 19,000 lines. Read the comments about efficiency in the source. To build this version just make a copy of the build files (ued.bld or ged.bld) and replace the edi03.obj reference with bedi03.obj. 2. The various SRD programs floating around all seem to give this editor the same hard time. That is, ued stores lines internally as asciz (null terminated) and therefore has problems handling text files that contain imbedded nulls. Srd does this on the heading line (the one with the ** DDn:[uic] ... ) but only because the format buffer it uses is not blanked initially. This can be fixed by changing a .blkb n to the same amount of blanks. Notice that this editor attempts to read all kinds of ascii files (even pip listing files) and make sense out of them. I have doubts about whether it handles Fortran Carriage control in all cases. 3. The line size may be adjusted in edi00.mac (its 140. bytes) and in edi05.mac the label tsize is 132. (input/output tty buffer). These can be adjusted if necessary. Note that gedio5 has 80. imbedded as the tty size; this is not too important as the line size in edi00.mac is the one which determines m^Aax chars STORED whereas (g)edi05.mac's tty size is just how much it will print with the type-out/in qios. I parameterized edi05 but have not yet put that into gedio5. *********************************************** [301,027]README.1ST ********************************************** A FORTRAN CALLABLE SET OF MATRIX SUBROUTINES. SEE [301,27]MATLIB.TXT AND MATLIB.DOC FOR MORE INFORMATION. *********************************************** [301,033]README.1ST ********************************************** [301,033] CHICAGO 80 CPA - CRASH POOL ANALYZER FOR RSX-11M 3.2 Base level: Version JN3.20 Date: 20-APR-80 Patch level: None Date: Submitted by: Jim Neeland Hughes Research Labs 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 phone: (213) 456-6411 NOTE: Substantial thanks go to Wayne Graves for updating the 3.1 version of OPA (nee POOLFL) to 3.2 and converting it to work on CDA files. This version is my attempt to get the 2 programs into agreement. Due to time constraints I haven't quite succeeded! Description: Displays a visual map of the data structures in the pool which existed at the time a CDA dump was taken. This is a companion program to that in [301,31], the Online Pool Analyzer. The code is similar, but here there is rather more checking, on the grounds that pool and other internal data structures are not so likely to be valid. Use of a hard-copy output and the version linked to ODT will give one a powerful tool to poke through the crash. System reqts: Approx. 24K for the task if linked to FCSRES. Note that this task is not as clever as CDA, and needs to be taskbuilt with the RSX11M.STB file which goes with the crashed system. It is not, however, a privileged task. Documentation: [301,31]OPA.DOC describes the output format, and the source is well commented (I hope). Status: This version is not quite up to that of OPA, in that it doesn't handle the two-interrupt control block situation as well, and does not track down active I/O packets. It should be a minor job to copy the code from OPA, but I've just run out of time! Desired enhancements: Code to find remaining data structures (described in OPA.DOC). Implementation of the /HElp switch to explain the symbols used. Support: The author welcomes comments & suggestions, including decoding by others of further data structures or corrections to existing code. *********************************************** [301,050]README.1ST ********************************************** This is the same Dungeon (A.K.A. "ZORK") that was distributed by the DECUS library. When it was first distributed on the RSX/IAS SIG tape at a DECUS symposium, the data files were eaten by FLX. A problem that many installations have is that the data files (DTEXT.BIN and DINDX.BIN) must be in the UIC of the person running Dungeon. This could not be changed since the source files were not supplied (and never will be). However, I have received permission from the Great Underground Empire to release the source of the initialization subroutine which determines the file names and UIC's. The version which I have supplied in Source, Object, and Task (RSX-11M) form looks for the data files in UIC [1,377]. If the .BIN files are present, it will use them. If not, it will regenerate them from the .TXT file. These files should be hidden from your users to avoid them getting clues from reading the files (names like PLUGH.OBJ would be good). Just make sure that all users have read access to the files so Dungeon can find them. All but two of the modules are written in Fortran IV-PLUS, the two are written in Macro. No Floating Point instructions are generated, so the FPP unit is not needed. Two taskbuild command files are provided: D.BLD is for systems that have the F4P OTS imbedded in SYSLIB. E.BLD is for systems with a seperate F4POTS.OLB. It is most important that Dungeon be built with the SHORT error text module if it is not the default (this is done by explicitly loading the module $SHORT from the library). This is to keep the size of the task image within the 32K maximum. Also, if you do not have a Floating Point Processor, you must explicitly specify the F4PEIS.OBJ file if it is not already built into F4POTS or SYSLIB. I recommend that you install it under the name of ...ZOR (for ZORK) to be consistant with previous usage. NOTE: DO ***NOT*** CONTACT ME ABOUT THE SOURCES FOR DUNGEON, AS I DO NOT HAVE THEM AND CANNOT GET THEM. I will, however, answer questions if you have trouble getting this up and running on your system. I have not played the game, however, so do not expect me to know anything beyond the installation procedures and general RSX/IAS questions. Alan E. Frisbie Xerox Electro-Optical Systems Mail Stop 351 300 N. Halstead Pasadena, CA 91107 (213) 351-2351 (In panic situations only! I reserve the right to be rude to anyone who bugs me when I am busy.) *********************************************** [302,022]README.1ST ********************************************** This UIC contains a version of CHESS that I found on the RSTS tapes which started me believing that the division of libraries between processors and then operating systems was probably no longer appropriate. Anyway, the task file was built under the RSX run time system under rsts and has run fine on several real RSX systems for quite a while. I think the source originated from RT11 (one TARLUG memeber reports finding a copy hidden on DEC's maintenance pack) and if you build it, it has a few error messages which you can ignore as the code is never gotten to (according to Gerry Mintz at the University of Toronto). Better yet maybe someone can tidy it up and send it back. Russ Brown *********************************************** [302,106]README.1ST ********************************************** Lunar lander and maze games for CRTs, in fortran with sources. *********************************************** [302,205]README.1ST ********************************************** The files in this UIC [302,205] are due to: Ed Bolson CVRTC RG-20 RR616 Health Science Building University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195 Most are intended for IAS, although CSI should work for all RSX derived systems. A few caveats are in order, and are included in the short descriptions of these programs below. CSI is a FORTRAN callable implementation of DEC's command string interpreter. Much effort has been expended to make the calls simple and compatible with the original MACRO's. However, I believe the assembly of CSI may give errors if the patch to the MACRO assembler which fixes expansion of macros with generated symbols has not been made. A version of the macro MOVARG which gets around this bug is included in CONTROL.MLB. The MAIL facility works as specified. Some users may wish to alter the subroutine SETDEF, which sets the default file protection word, to protect against read by all but the owner of [1,200]. This gives security against all but the most capricious of system programmers or the system manager (who can create a USER who owns [1,200]). MAIL was written in FLECS, a structured FORTRAN pre-processor. The FTN file is also included, and will compile with F4P. However, it is nearly unreadable, so the FLECS listing file MAIL.FLL is also included. COST is being sent as is. No attempt was made to generalize it to other charging procedures. However, the structure should be useful and/or informative to system managers. GET HAS BEEN FOUND TO BE VERY USEFUL, SINCE IT IMPLEMENTS A FEATURE NOT AVAILABLE IN IAS, AND ALSO EXPANDS ON IT. MOST OF OUR USERS IN ANY ONE GROUP NEED THE SAME PROGRAMS AVAILABLE. RATHER THAN INSTALLING THEM OR REQUIRING A RUN COMMAND FROM A CENTRAL UIC, GET RUNS A PROGRAM FROM THE UIC CREATED BY COPYING THE GROUP CODE TO THE USER CODE: I.E. [300,300]. THE GET $FILE COMMAND RUNS PROGRAMS FROM [100,100], AND THE PROGRAM COULD OF COURSE BE EXPANDED TO RECOGNIZE OTHER SPECIAL CHARACTERS. *********************************************** [303,001]README.1ST ********************************************** Running Colossal Programs on RSX/IAS by O.K.Olmstead Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Users wanting to run very large (100,000 FORTRAN source statements) programs on RSX/IAS are faced with severe Task Builder (TKB) limitations. The typical problem encountered is an overflow of symbol table space indicated by the error message "NO VIRTUAL MEMORY STORAGE AVAILABLE". If all of the hints in Appendix E of the Task Builder manual don't help (e.g. use SLOTKB) then the user is forced to restructure his program in less than an ideal way. This area contains instructions for generating huge programs like this and getting them to work under RSX11M. *********************************************** [303,040]README.1ST ********************************************** RSX mailbox handler. This one precedes the VMS handler of the same name by several years but is useful for transfers task to task without taking up task virtual address space. *********************************************** [305,100]README.1ST ********************************************** Modifications to RNO from CARTS The following modifications may be made to the standard RUNOFF. 1. Change bar support. This allows modified areas of text to be marked by a bar (| ASCII code 174 octal) on the left hand side of the page. 2. .BLANK and .SKIP may use negative arguments. This allows text to be moves some number of lines from the end of the page. 3. A shift right switch /RI. This switch allows text to be shifted right some number of columns. There is also build command files for RSX that allow mapping to shared FCS. The files for these modification are: 1. RNO.SLP -- applies the corrections to the RNO modules 2. Source correction files 1. CMTAB.COR -- CMTAB corrections 2. ERMAG.COR 3. FMTCOR.COR 4. PINDX.COR 5. RNCMD.COR 6. RNORSX.COR 7. RUNOFF.COR 3. RNODOC.COR -- RUNOFF.RNO corrections 4. RNOBLDFCS.CMD -- MAPS TO A SHARED FCSRES LIBRARY 5. RNOBLDFCS.ODL -- OVERLAYS FOR A SHARED FCSRES LIBRARY (you may need to change this) 6. README.1ST -- This document 7. README.2ND -- The standard README.1ST document normally distrubuted. To install runoff: 1. read this document and the README.2ND document. 2. If you want the modifications listed above: 1. transfer the files to the UICs specified in README.2ND. 2. set the UIC to the source UIC 3. Run SLP with @RNO.SLP as input 3. Now follow the assembly and task build instructions in README.2ND. 4. If you want to use the shared FCSRES library, use "TKB @[1,24]RNOBLDFCS" instead of "TKB @[1,24]RNOBLD". 5. Once you have made RNO use RUNOFF.RNO as input to check out the task and to generate a manual. At Fermilab, we have used these modifications without problems for some time. If you have problems, call Daniel B. Curtis at (312) 840-3927. *********************************************** [305,202]README.1ST ********************************************** FLECS COMMAND This package implements the FLECS FORTRAN pre-processor as a PDS-type command of the following format: FLEcs/qualifiers filespec /FORTRAN[:fortranfile] /NOFORTRAN /KEEP /NOKEEP /LIST[:listfile] /NOLIST /OBJECT[:objectfile] /NOOBJECT /RUN /NORUN /SWITCHES:(/switchlist) /TASK[:taskfile] /NOTASK The package implements two system tasks, the FLECS processor itself (installed as system task ...FLE) and the command processor (installed as system task $$$FLE). As written, the command processor expects to be used with IAS V3.0 time-shared systems, i.e. it makes use of TCS facilities. It could, however, be adapted to run with PDX by replacing the calls to the subtasking interface with appropriate task spawning. Like PDS, the FLECS command processor also expects to find a FORTAN compiler installed as task ...FOR and a task builder installed as task ...TKB. Movement to RSX11M or VMS should be simple. *********************************************** [307,005]README.1ST ********************************************** THIS DIRECTTORY [307,5] CONTAINS A LIBRARY OF FORTRAN CALLABLE ROUTINES, INCLUDING ROUTINES DESCRIBED IN TWO PAPERS TO BE GIVEN AT THE FALL '80 SYMPOSIUM. "RANDOM ACCES OPERAIONS ON SEQUENTIAL ACCES FILES", AND "MULTIPLE PRECISION ARITHMETIC FOR ACCOUNTING PURPOSES". THE MULTIPLE PRECISION ROUTINES ARE DESCRIBED IN A RUNOFF FILE NAMED MULTIPLE.RNO, ALL THE REST OF THE ROUTINES ARE DESCRIPED IN THE RUNOFF FILE NAMED CETUS.RNO. THIS VERSION OF THE CETUS LIBRARY SUPERCEEDS ALL OTHER VERSIONS OF THE LIBRARY RELEASED ON EARLIER TAPES. TO BUILD THE "CETUS LIBRARY" OF FORTRAN CALLABLE ROUTINES, YOU COMPILE ALL THE *.FTN FILES WITH FORTRAN 4 (VERSION 1C WORKS ON ALL BUT THE NEWEST ONES). THE MACRO FILES MUST BE BUILT WITH THE PREFIX FILE SUPER.MAC. FOR EXAMPLE, >MAC CURSE=SUPER/PA:1,CURSE THIS PREFIX FILE CONTAINS THE "SUPERMAC" MACROS, SO YOU SHOULD USE THE BIGMAC ASSEMBLER AND INSTALL IT WITH A LARGE INCRIMENT. AFTER ALL THE OBJECT MODULES HAVE BEEN CREATED, BUILD THEM INTO ONE LARGE LIBRARY, AS MANY ROUTINES IN THIS PACKAGE WILL REFERENCE EACH OTHER. MIKE HIGGINS CETUS CORPORATION 600 BANCROFT WAY BERSERKELEY, CA 94710 (415) 549-3300 X490 *********************************************** [307,011]README.1ST ********************************************** DIGITAL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS SUBMISSIONS: BLA -- SUPER TAHO RULES BLACKJACK GAME FOR VIDEO TERMINALS (VT52 OR TELERAY) TEK -- TECHNICAL PAPER WRITER (SUPER BUZZ PHRAZE PROGRAM, PRODUCES RNO FILE) WOR -- WORM CRAWLS ARROUND THE SCREEN OF VT52'S OR TELERAYS V -- VIDIO PONG GAME FOR VT52'S TEK is driven by some phrase files (samples included) and is a wonderful way to produce long reports quickly (if you don't mind their being a bit trite...) *********************************************** [307,020]README.1ST ********************************************** [307,20]README.1ST U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California Spring 1987 RSX SIG Tape Submission This directory contains a new release of a Virtual Disk driver and associated utilities for RSX-11M-Plus and Micro/RSX versions 3.0 and higher. This package is a complete rewrite based on the previous work of Stamerjohn, Mearns, and Everhart, and incorporating the following new features: - Support for shadowing of virtual disks - Support for virtual disks contained on shadowed volumes - Dynamic device database creation - Logically contiguous volumes created from multiple container files - Virtual device naming liberties - User-controllable container file locking and write protecting - Support for up to sixteen container files per virtual unit - Use of secondary pool for container file data structures - Use of advanced RSX-11M-Plus features - Vectored utility programs Please refer to the release notes for additional information. The following files are in this directory: README.1ST - You're reading it right now VFGEN.CMD - Command file to build the works RELEASE.RNO - Release notes and user guide (Bonner format) RELEASE.DOC - Output file from RELEASE.RNO V21.CHG - Description of change required to M-Plus V2.1 $IOFIN routine in IOSUB to get this to work (implements internal I/O scheme). VFPRE.MAC - Assembly prefix file AVF.MAC - Source files for AVF AVFERR.MAC AVFHRC.MAC DVF.MAC - Source files for DVF DVFERR.MAC VFDRV.MAC - Source files for driver VFTAB.MAC AVF.SAV - Non-vectored version of AVF DVF.SAV - Non-vectored version of DVF VFL.FTN - Task for logging VF: driver packets VFLBLD.CMD *********************************************** [307,022]README.1ST ********************************************** Disk Disaster Recovery Tools some Greg Thompson enhancements in Rsx11m 3.2 are here, plus disk disaster recovery tools. This area also contains many of the ODS-1 Disk Disaster Recovery tools that have been produced over the years. *********************************************** [307,025]README.1ST ********************************************** [307,25] SUBMISSIONS FROM FORD AEROSPACE AND COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION 3939 FABIAN WAY PALO ALTO, CA. 94303 (415) 494-7400 STEPHEN M. LAZARUS MAIL STOP X-90 EXT. 6291 FRANK HALLAHAN MAIL STOP X-90 EXT. 5015 PERFRM .SLP;1 THIS IS A SLP CORRECTION FILE TO PERFRM.MAC OF THE PERFORMANCE LIBRARY WHICH APPEARED IN [307,25] OF THE SPR80 RSX TAPE. A BUG WHICH LEAD TO INCORRECT NAMES APPEARING HAS BEEN FIXED. AUTOBRU .CMD;1 COMMAND FILE TO PERFORM REGULAR CLEANUP AND SAVE OF THE SYSTEM DISK. (RUNS FROM A PRIVLEDGED ACCOUNT) AUTOBRU .TXT;1 DOCUMENTATION FOR AUTOBRU.CMD ABBLD .CMD;1 FILE TO PREPARE A UIC TO RUN AUTOBRU.CMD README .1ST;1 THIS FILE *********************************************** [307,026]README.1ST ********************************************** SCHEDULE The program SCHEDULE (SKED) was developed in an attempt to provide a simple method of resource/milestone scheduling. The targeted user was to be both project management and senior software staff. The typical senior software analsyst using the program would have to schedule milestones for one to four additional persons. These persons typically range from entry level programmers ad data base maintenance staff to programmers with three to four years experience. [ Editor's note: This program is one of the gems of the 1977 tapes which has been long overlooked. It should be very easily portable to VAXen or to more recent Fortran compilers. ] *********************************************** [310,130]README.1ST ********************************************** CORE graphics package from DoD Important Note: This directory has been archived at the June 79 UNIX Conference in order to reduce size of the distribution. All c code has been archived in cont.a using the V7 (V6.5) archiver ******************************************************************* This file contains: 1. A description of every other file on the tape. 2. Instructions on how to use this graphics package. Files: READ_ME This file Prints documentation and sources genisco.c Genisco device driver init_termin.c functions for initializing and terminating user_program.c sample user program defaults.c functions for setting and inquiring default values inquiry.c inquiry functions seg_attrib.c segment attribute handling functions segments.c segment handling functions primitives.c output primitives handling functions prim_attrib.c output primitives attributes handling functions view_trans.c functions for viewing transformations view_surface.c functions for handling output devices auxiliary.c general system service functions errors.c error handling functions ???????.c the function having the name "???????" run shell file to compile all .c files and load library run-example shell file to load example batch.c batching functions (pseudodisplay) pseudo dislay file which will be created Instructions for use: 1. For some device, write a device driver according to the specifications in the documentation. A sample driver for the Genisco raster display is in file genisco. 2. Substitute the name of the file containing your driver for genisco in the run shell file. Also, edit the device characteristics for the device into the view surface descriptor in file init_termin.c. 3. Write a user_program that does something useful or use the sample provided. See the run-example for details. 4. Submit run-example files to UNIX shell. This will create file "example" which should execute. 5. When things go wrong (and they will), we'd be interested in hearing about it, but we probably won't do anything about it. Submit all complaints (in writing, not by phone) with the accompaning fix (sources on tape, if necessary) to: Department of Defense 9800 Savage Road Ft. George G. Meade, Md. 20755 Attn: Mike T. Garrett, R53 *********************************************** [311,025]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains some miscellaneous documents for older versions of TECO and some sources for pieces of TECO and a SLP merge program. The TECO.MAC is a commented source for an early version of TECO-11's main program, which has since been distributed only as object code. *********************************************** [312,315]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains: 1. Virtual disk driver for VMS. (note: vddriverv2.mar is a test version and is reported to need work; use vddriver.mar). 2. RSX FOCAL 3. DOCTOR for TECO V29 4. a MAKE program src. 5. An RSX task disassembler (as opposed to object disassemblers). 6. Source for a un*x program that reads VMS Backup tapes 7. Some archives (msdos format) with lookalikes for UUCP and for some other utilities. 8. DISOWN, which renames all tasks and moves them to CO: to let them keep running after a logout. Glenn Everhart *********************************************** [312,356]README.1ST ********************************************** 1. Infinite precision calculator. This calculator allows real number math of VERY long precision (hundred+ digits) and very large range. Also runs nicely on VMS, native mode. 2. NPUT is a simple Fortran callable subroutine to handle bit fields of arbitrary size and placement in PDP11. *********************************************** [312,357]README.1ST ********************************************** 1. FDT is a Fortran Debugging Tool, a symbolic debugger for Fortran 4 Plus or F77. It also has the extended symbol table generator to allow debugs with DDT22. *********************************************** [312,361]README.1ST ********************************************** Public Domain UUCP clone code --the enclosed files have had some formfeeds stripped and linefeeds replaced by carriage returns followed by linefeeds because ms-dos doesn't like unix delimited files... Bill Pechter 103 Governors Road Lakewood, NJ 08701 *********************************************** [312,366]README.DOC ********************************************** Program: DV -- Virtual Disk Handler for IAS Author: Shack Toms Technical Advisors, Inc. 4455 Fletcher Street Wayne, Michigan 48184 (313) 722-5010 Description: DV is a program which creates an ordinary non-contiguous disk file, and uses the logical blocks therin as the physical sectors of an imaginary disk drive. This virtual disk drive can appear to IAS as any of the known (to the author) DEC disk drives. The size of the disk is up to the user (the virtual disk is not pre-allocated.) Complete file control services are available on the virtual disk. In particular: INITIALIZE works on it (if it is emulating an allowed device type) MOUNT works on it DISMOUNT works on it DSC works on it FLX works on it In general, everything, works on it except for disk diagnostics. Genning for it: To sysgen a virtual disk into your system edit the [11,17]SYSGEN.CMD file to include the following directive (with all the other DEV= directives.) DEV=DV0,<150010,0,0,1000>,,,,VRTACP Then perform a system generation. Building it: Set your default UIC to the acccount where this file was found. Then type: PDS> @dv After a while pds should buzz, and the build will be complete. Using it: When a disk is first created, it looks as though BADBLOCKS had been run on it and found no bad blocks. The following command sequence will enable a virtual disk. The disk will reside in a file named SY0:[1,1]MYDISK.DSK. It will emulate an RK05. You probably need various priveleges to do this. PDS> install dv PDS> install/task:vrtacp sy0:[11,1]bigfcp ! [ or fcp ] PDS> mcr loa dv Fake disk file? mydisk/create/emulate:rk05 PDS> allocate dv0 PDS> initialize/index:beginning dv0 virt PDS> deallocate dv0 PDS> mount/nooperator dv0 virt That should do it. When finished with the disk, use: PDS> dismount dv0 PDS> mcr unl dv To remount the disk, use: PDS> mcr loa dv Fake disk file? mydisk PDS> mount/nooperator dv0 virt The virtual disk handler remembers that the disk is an RK05. I have had much success with this device. I have many large fixed length record files, with short record lengths (8 bytes.) The most efficient way for me to copy these files to mag tape is to first copy them to a virtual disk, and then to DSC that disk to mag tape. Of course, I find that whenever I copy any files from mag tape to disk (virtual or otherwise), duing peak activity, there is a great probability of a system crash. (The mag tape handler apparantly interferes with disk UMR usage, since the crash generally appears when a block from mag tape overwrites a recently loaded task header.) If you have a habit of running out of UIC's, you may find this program helps. For more complete information on the operation and use of this program, read the blocks of comments in the beginning of it. *********************************************** [312,371]README.1ST ********************************************** The RECALC.* modules here are a minor update to AnalytiCalc, last presented in full on the Fall 1986 VAX and RSX tapes. They correct a bug where the AVE[range] function crashed the spreadsheet if the first cell in the range contained 0.0 as its' value. *********************************************** [317,300]README.1ST ********************************************** WIRAP This is a wire-wrapping system which generates netlists and checks them. documents are in source files and there is a command file to actually generate the system. The manual .rno file is missing. *********************************************** [321,002]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains RATFOR for RSX (a FORTRAN preprocessor) and also SCCS, a Source Code Control system, done with an indirect command file. *********************************************** [321,003]README.1ST ********************************************** SUPERMAC This area contains the Supermac macros and documents. These are a set of structured macros for Macro-11 which can give Macro-11 the appearance of a high order language. *********************************************** [321,005]README.1ST ********************************************** PDPSML - Structured programming macros for Macro-11 CLOCK - Set and control digital pathways' clock *********************************************** [321,105]README.1ST ********************************************** SCREEN IS A FORTRAN CALLABLE SUBROUTINE FOR VT52 (AND VT100 IN VT52 MODE) SCREEN FORMATTING AND CURSOR POSITION TRACKING. IT WAS ORIGINALLY DESIGNED TO ALLOW FORTRAN AND PASCAL PROGRAMMERS HIGH LEVEL SUPPORT FOR DATA ENTRY PROGRAMS. SCREEN.RNO MAY BE PROCESSED BY RUNOFF TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTATION THAT DETAILS THE USE OF SCREEN. SCREEN.OBJ SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE UIC ASSOCIATED WITH LIBRARIES AND MADE AN INPUT OBJECT FILE TO THE TASKBUILDER FOR PROGRAMS THAT USE IT. NOTE: SCREEN IS WRITTEN IN SUPERMAC. THEREFORE DO NOT DELETE SCREEN.OBJ UNLESS YOU HAVE SUPERMAC AVAILABLE TO REASSEMBLE SCREEN. *********************************************** [323,002]AAAREADME.TXT ********************************************** CONTINUOUS SYSTEMS MODELLING PROGRAM This is a re-release of CSMP modified from a 1977 vintage RSX SIG tape with mods to run on later RSX releases (and most likely on VMS with little change. The Continuous Systems Modelling Program is a widely used modelling tool to model systems of continuously variable quantities. No documentation is presented, but texts in any engineering library can tell how to use it. *********************************************** [323,003]README.1ST ********************************************** Directories of older tapes These files are various "annotated directory" files of early RSX SIG tapes (plus a few others). They will provide some pointers to code available on these tapes. *********************************************** [325,007]README.1ST ********************************************** COMTAL RSX-11M DRIVER The current Comtal driver uses each 8 bit image as an independent device with all on a common controller. This is a good concept for an image plane can be individually ALLocated to a user and RSX-11M protects him from unwanted manipulation by others, or an image may be used by several tasks if no ALLOCATE command is used. The other addressable memories also have independent unit numbers. CD0: - COMTAL IMAGE #1 CD1: - Comtal IMAGE 2 CD2: - " " " 3 CD3: - Comtal GRAPHICS 1 CD4: - Comtal GRAPHICS 2 CD5: - Comtal GRAPHICS 3 CD6: - Comtal GRAPHICS 4 CD7: - Comtal Function memory 1 CD10: - Comtal Function memory 2 CD11: - Comtal Function memory 3 CD12: - Comtal Programmable Target as FM #4 CD13: - Comtal GREEN memory CD14: - Comtal RED memory CD15: - Comtal BLUE memory CD16: - SPECIAL functions unit This assignment is somewhat arbitrary but goes a long way towards making individual devices appear as individually addressable items and therefore protectable, ie color table. Also in the context of the program IMG the Comtal key board names for images is the same as for the IMG program. It would even be better if the graphics memories could have their own device names such as GR1:, GR4:, and the function memories have names FM1:, but this appears to be a more complex issue because the device drivers are called by these first 2 characters, -------- but wait we could give LOGICAL device names to cd3: as GR1: using the ASN so the user could use these funny names and yet get CD4: when using GR2: ------- horray!!!!! Now to go do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! issue the following ASN cmds either local to your terminal at sign on or globally in the startup commnad file . ASN CD:=IM1:/GBL CD0:=IM1: - COMTAL IMAGE #1 CD1:=IM2: - Comtal IMAGE 2 CD2:=IM3: - " " " 3 CD3:=GR1: - Comtal GRAPHICS 1 CD4: GR2: - Comtal GRAPHICS 2 CD5: GR3: - Comtal GRAPHICS 3 CD6: GR4: - Comtal GRAPHICS 4 CD7: FM1: - Comtal Function memory 1 CD10: FM2: - Comtal Function memory 2 CD11: FM3: - Comtal Function memory 3 CD12: CU: for CURSOR - Comtal Programable Target CD13: GR: for GREEN - Comtal GREEN memory CD14: RE: for RED - Comtal RED memory CD15: BL: for BLUE - Comtal BLUE memory CD16: - SPECIAL functions unit Now we have 13 special units that can be addressed as standard memory types and can be moved to other types of image display gear regardless how they are addressed or configured hardware-wise, ie graphics could be in a totally indepentednt unit made by a different manufacturer ! The generic names used in the above will keep devices functonally seperate and easier to remember and also have name similar to the swithches used in th task SHO-controls comtal display output. *********************************************** [325,013]README.1ST ********************************************** 6-dec-79 N.C.A.R Boulder, colorado (303)-494-5151 x718 Bob Brown This briefly describes IMG the image manipulation utility. It may be used with its companion SHO. IMG is designed to move images from device to device and to and from FILES-11 devices as well. The implementation can be used with most any video display device with 512x512 organization. Other display formats may be easily accomdated provided that small parametric changes are made to IMG source. The pixel resolutions handled are 8 bit byte and 1 bit . Others could be handled with reworking of source. The first implementation handles features of the COMTAL Vision 1 display which has 3 images planes and 4 graphic overlay planes as well as a function memory for each image and a color table for psuedo-color enhancement. The image planes are addressed as CD:,CD1:,CD2: but if the user has ASNed logical names ,ie. ASN CD:=IM1:/GBL ,the logical should be used as they make it easier on the user. The color and function memory tables are in CD7: thru CD14:. ALL units are directly addressed,even though they are not 512x512 by 8 bits. The image memory planes may be reassigned to be IM1:, IM2:,IM3: because people dont like to think of plane 1 as unit 0. It should be easy to use the code in a RSX-11 system where more or less image or graphic memories are present. The only QIO required to be recognized by the device IO.RLB/IO.WLB for standard raster line moves of data. The QIO must include as parameters the starting Y line # and X byte element #. Currently the X byte element is always zero,(and not honored by the driver). QIO$s #IO.RLB,lun,lun,,iosb,,<#BUF,NBYTES,,,YLINE,X> To assemble the code: MAC @IMGASM There are 2 fortran subroutines CONVOL & GRAPHL they work when compiled with F4P x=x/-TR. I dont know what will happen with FOR To Compile the 2 subs: F4P @IMGCMP To build the task: TKB @IMG Example of command strings in EDGE.CMD extracts edge information from an image USER SITE MODIFICATIONs: The printer spooled to is a PRINTRONIX 300 which has 780 dots across each row, the 512 images are there printed as 1 bit deep graphics using only the 1st 512 dots. The code GRAPHL.FTN formats the graphics line into the bit patterns the printer wants to see ,could be modified for Versatec or Gould easily. The CONVOL.FTN code is simple Fortran for implementing the digital convolver as a 3x3 kernel that moves over the data. It can easily be enhanced and perhaps speeded up greatly by others or add different filtering modes. KNOWN ERRORS:/AP - does not appear to actaully append to the end of an exisiting file. /FL - FILE n on mag tape seems to work. To date no glaring errors are apparent although some combinations of switches may produce bizarre results. Currently errors are reported but the exact cause,ie. 'PRIVELEDGE VIOLATION' is not. This will be enhanced later as will be portability. Some switches in some strings will be ignored without error comment if the code does not expect them in the current context. ************************************************************ To assemble SHO: MAC @SHOASM To build SHO TKB @SHO This code SHO is specific for the Comtal Vision One but could be altered for another display . end of readme.1st *********************************************** [330,011]README.1ST ********************************************** This program resequences statement numbers in FORTRAN IV-PLUS programs. See RESEQ.DOC for more detail. *********************************************** [332,100]README.1ST ********************************************** [332,100] README.1ST THIS ACCOUNT CONTAINS SUBMISSIONS FROM: BILL BURTON TEXAS RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL SCIENCES 1300 MOURSUND HOUSTON, TEXAS 77030 (713)-797-1976 EXT 501 THE SUBMISSION CONSISTS OF: 1. THE FINAL VERSION OF TWO PROGRAMS FOR DOING PARTIAL RESTORES OF DISKS FROM DSC TAPES. THESE PROGRAMS FIRST APPEARED ON THE SPRING 1981 RSX TAPE. FILES: DSCTAP.TXT DSC TAPE FORMAT DESCRIPTION DSCDIR.* PROGRAM TO GET DIRECTORY OF DSC TAPE DSCCPY.* PROGRAM TO RESTORE A SUBSET OF A DSC TAPE TO DISK. DSCFTN.FTN FORTRAN SUBROUTINES FOR ABOVE. DSCMAC.MAC MACRO SUBROUTINES FOR ABOVE. 2. REPRINT AND PATCH FILES FROM THE MARCH, 1982 ISSUE OF THE UNSUPPORTED (RETIRED) VERSIONS OF RSX WORKING GROUP THESE FILES PATCH THE FLX UTILITY DISTRIBUTED WITH RSX-11M VERSIONS 3.0 AND 3.1 TO ALLOW 9-CHARACTER FILE NAME CATALOGS AND SEARCHING. FILES: FLX.TXT REPRINT OF THE MULTI-TASKER ARTICLE LIPRC2.M30 PATCH FILES FOR VERSION 3.0 MTFLCK.M30 SETOUT.M30 LIPRC2.M31 PATCH FILES FOR VERSION 3.1 MTFLCK.M31 SETODT.M31 *********************************************** [334,002]README.1ST ********************************************** OBR -Object reader, reports globals defined and locations and other useful items. Set of Fortran callable subroutines for system and string function access. *********************************************** [334,004]README.1ST ********************************************** QX - Report queue listings with extensions. More report details than DEC queue reports. For RSX11M. *********************************************** [334,005]README.1ST ********************************************** DSM and DSX - Disk Storage Monitor and Disk Storage Examine routines to allow a system to keep track of disk space being used under RSX. *********************************************** [334,006]README.1ST ********************************************** PROGRAM LIBSEE.FTN SYSTEM ROSENBERG 13-AUG-80 PROGRAM TO EXAMINE A SPECIFIED LIBRARY FILE FOR A MODULE OR ENTRY POINT NAME This program enables a user to query a specific library file for a module or global symbol. If either is found, the program will output the module name, its insertion date, its ident field, and all of its defined entry points. Entering a * at file name time will cause program exit Entering a * at symbol name will cause prompt for a new library file. The extension .OLB is assumed for all files. *********************************************** [337,030]README.1ST ********************************************** Tektronix etc. Graphics Package This package is a revision to the package submitted on the Chicago spring 1980 RSX/IAS tape. There are 6 changes. 1. a bug in the cross hair cursor support has been eliminated. 2. a bug in SCALE.MAC which caused an occasional floating point to interger overflow error has been eliminated. 3. to run under RSX11M you should just assemble all the *.MAC'S and build your library.(the original version incorrectly directed you to do some conditional assemblies) 4. there is a conditional assembly statement to change in PLOTPRIMS.MAC and PLTDAT.MAC to allow the package to support a Tektronix 4025 (the user program must call TK4025) 5. for users in an overlayed enviroment only PLTDAT.OBJ needs to be in the root. 6. a bug in the call to 'HOME' has been fixed to allow it to work on all terminal types. All the fortran programs on the tape except TK4025 are demonstration programs that should be compiled and linked to the library before you try to use them. SFGL70 is a graphics package which supports Tektronix 4006,4010,4014 AND 4025 terminals. It's useful feature is that in most cases it will only add approximately 1K words to the user task. When using the file SFGL70.DOC to learn how to use the package, ignore the references to PDP-6 equivalent. They were needed internally at UTRC because this package replaced an older graphics package our users had been using. This file explains the SFGL70 package submitted to the 1980 FALL DECUS Symposium by Ken Demers. If you encounter ******************************************************** editor's note: I cannot find any submission by Ken Demers on the fall 1980 tape. The only stuff I can find is on the Chicago spring 1980 tape. ********************************************************** any problems or have any questions please call me at United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut (203) 727-7527. The package can run under IAS and RSX-11M. I also have a version that can be conditionally assembled for RT-11(not on this tape). SFGL70.OLB is the library to be linked with the user task. The distributed version has been built with IAS. To run under RSX-11M assessmble to source modules and create a library from the object modules. The user manual is in RUNNOFF format in the files SFGL70.RNO and SFGL70.DOC. I origionally received the PLOTPRIMS.MAC routine from Steve Davis of Haskins Labs New Haven, Ct. It was origionally developed at the Speech Communications Research Lab Inc. Santa Barbara, Ca. However I have made various changes to enhance the total package which I developed. One last comment: Many people around the USA are currently using the package and find it very useful. The package will work on a VT100 (if it has the hardware to make it look like a Tektronix 4010). There will be future enhancements to take full advantage of the VT100's additional capability. Thanks, Ken *********************************************** [337,050]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains Jim McGlinchey's "The Hitchiker's Guide to RSX" *********************************************** [340,001]README.1ST ********************************************** Atmospheric Sciences Division (ASD) Alberta Research Council Software release description. This software is released in the spirit of the RSX/IAS user's group, and the usual disclaimers hold for these programs. Any problems encountered, or suggestions, or even bug fixes, should be sent to: Mark Johnson Atmospheric Sciences Division Room 204 8625 - 112 Street Edmonton, Alberta T6G 1K8 The following is a list of the ASD UICs, and a few helpful? comments. Please note that many of the programs require two libraries before they can be built. These libraries are on [340,6], however, the command files refer to HG:[111,1] to access the libraries. If this UIC is unavailable, the command files may be edited. GOOD LUCK! Mark [340,1] ABSTRACTS ASDEXP.TXT -This explanation file. [340,2] ASD MAIL - Inter-user message facility There are two tasks used to support ARC mail: the MAIL task, and the notification task. The MAIL task is built from an object library (MAIL.OLB), the noification task is built from source. MAIL.RNO -Documentation. MAIASM.CMD -Assemble individual MAIL routines. MAITKASM.CMD -Assemble the notification task. MAITKB.CMD -Taskbuild the MAIL task. MAITKTKB.CMD -Taskbuild the notification task. THEMAIL.CMD -Build the works. MAICSPARS.MAC -Source for MAIL modules. MAIDAY.MAC MAIDEFINE.MAC MAIDIE.MAC MAIFDB.MAC MAIFILDSD.MAC MAIFN2FDB.MAC MAIL.MAC MAILINBUF.MAC MAIMAIL.MAC MAIME.MAC MAIMESOUT.MAC MAIMRKTIM.MAC MAINAMSTR.MAC MAIOPNMAI.MAC MAIQUE.MAC MAIRDPMPT.MAC MAITERM.MAC MAITSK.MAC -Source for the notification task. MAIL.MAP -Example maps. MAITSK.MAP MAIL.MLB -Macro libraries used by MAIL. MAIMCR.MLB MAIL.OLB -Object library for MAIL. *********************************************** [340,020]README.1ST ********************************************** ; ; DOC and KWC are two utilities written at the ; Atmospheric Sciences Division of the Alberta ; Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta. ; ; DOC - a handy aid to generation of formatted ; documents from predefined templates. ; ; KWC - a utility for the generation of KWiC ; (Key Word in Context) index listings. ; ; Included with these utilities is the Timesaver ; macro library and the general purpose object ; library from ASD, which is required in building ; these utilities. ; *********************************************** [341,001]README.1ST ********************************************** Please find enclosed the contributions from the Maine LUG for the Fall '80 DECUS RSX tapes. Actually, all contributions this time around are from the Jackson Laboratory. Maine LUG Librarian The Computing Center The Jackson Laboratory Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 Phone: (207) 288-3371 X-306 This software is submitted in the general spirit of DECUS. Thus the software should be considered as experimental. The Jackson Laboratory assumes no responsibility for the use or accuracy of the software, and the software should not be used in a profit oriented fashion. If you have problems, patches, suggestions, or comments, feel free to contact the authors. No promises regarding maintainance though. The authors are: Eric Johnson ( LG.... BRM... LEVELS TECO_macros ) John Guidi ( $$$BLK $$$LBN TECO_macros ) Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LG.... The LG psydo device handler is used as a resource task at the Jackson Laboratory. It provides a clean means for implimenting privileged processes for non-privileged tasks and for providing oft needed facilities through a know communications interface (QIO's). We use it as a system log because we run LEVELS on a VT100 as our console. By redirecting PDS's LUN 10 from CO0: to LG: all login/logout messeges go to both the console and to a file. LGINSTAL.RNO should provide enough info to get LG running. The source code documentation and the MACRO program LGTST give examples for using the QIO mechanism to talk to LG. The following is a list of the files associated with the handler and test programs. LGMAC.CMD LGTKB.CMD LGTST.DCL LGDEF.MAC LGINIT.MAC LGROOT.MAC LGTST.MAC KILC.MAC WAKUP.MAC LOG.MAC LGINSTAL.DOC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...BRM BROOM is a little utility that writes a block of nulls to every free block on a Files-11 multi-directory device. This is done periodically to insure that data from deleted files is kept private. It uses FCS to allocate the largest non-contiguous file possible, then writes to each block in the file. The files associated with this utility are: BROOM.CMD BROOM.MAC BROOM.TKB BROOM.DOC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEVELS This is another version of the now famous LEVELS. This one has VT100 ansii mode support for the real time flavor. It does some fancy reverse video, and maintains separate scrolling regions for levels and the operator. LEVASM.CMD LEVTKB.CMD LRVPRE.MAC LEVELS.MAC LEVLIB.MLB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $$$BLK $$$BLK is a block identifier utility. It is useful in determining which files are allocated to particular locations on a Files-11 disk. Input to the utility consists of a list of LBNs. The utility outputs the file names which are allocated to the LBNs, as well as the corresponding VBN for each file. Read the file BLK.DOC to get started. BLK.DOC BLK.MCR BLK.PDS BLK.RNO BLK.TKB BLKCML.MAC BLKDRV.MAC BLKHLP.MAC BLKIMP.MAC BLKINSTAL.RNO BLKMAP.MAC BLKPRE.MAC BLKTRP.MAC BLKWRK.MAC PIPUTL.OLB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $$$LBN $$$LBN is a LBN mapping display utility which will identify all LBNs allocated to any user specified files. Input to the utility consists of file descriptions (possibly wild), or an indirect file which contains a list of files to be displayed. The file LBN.DOC is the starting point. LBN.DOC LBN.MCR LBN.PDS LBN.RNO LBN.TKB LBNCML.MAC LBNDRV.MAC LBNDSP.MAC LBNFND.MAC LBNHLP.MAC LBNIMP.MAC LBNIND.MAC LBNINSTAL.RNO LBNINX.MAC LBNPRE.MAC LBNTRP.MAC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TECO Macros There are a number of TECO macro sources (.TES) in this account. The file TECMAC.DOC describes how command line syntax and documents the function of each macro. These macros are not squished (obviously!). TECMAC.DOC ASCII.TES CTLIMP.TES KEEPER.TES NODUPS.TES STRIPPER.TES TABREP.TES WILD.TES 029TO026.TES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *********************************************** [341,100]README.1ST ********************************************** PONG This is the old PONG game, for VT52 or VTxxx emulating VT52, for two players. Primitive but, to some, a classic. *********************************************** [341,307]README.DOC ********************************************** THIS PL/I PROGRAM IS AN IMITATION OF THE ORIGINAL ELIZA PROGRAM WRITTEN IN LISP BY JOESPH WEIZENBAUM (MIT). THIS PARTICULAR PROGRAM WAS INSPIRED BY STEVE NORTH'S ARTICLE IN CREATIVE COMPUTING. THIS DISTRIBUTION CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING FILES: ELIZA.PLI - PL/I SOURCE FILE OF ELIZA ELIZA.OBJ - OBJECT MODULE OF ELIZA.PLI THE FOLLOWING 4 TEXT FILES ARE USED BY ELIZA. THEY WERE OBTAINED OF THE FALL DECUS '78 TAPES: 1) DOCTOR.KEY - THIS FILE CONATINS A LIST OF ALL THE KEYWORDS WHICH ELIZA CAN RECOGNIZE. 2) DOCTOR.RPL - THIS FILE CONTAINS A LIST OF ALL THE REPLIES WHICH ELIZA KNOWS. 3) DOCTOR.NUM - FOR EACH KEYWORD, THE CORRESPONDING DOCTOR.NUM RECORD CONTAINS THE RECORD OF THE FIRST REPLY FOR THIS KEYWORD, AND THE NUMBER OF REPLIES AVAILABLE. 4) DOCTOR.CON - THIS FILE CONTAINS CONJUGATES, AND THE CONJUGATE'S PAIR IN THE NEXT RECORD. *********************************************** [342,002]README.1ST ********************************************** TECO V36 This area contains the last submitted TECO V36, submitted by DEC about spring '79 to the tapes. In this version the screen and teco routines were only in .OBJ form so disassembled versions are provided to guard against anything that might eat the .OBJs in the future. The complete TECO manual is here also. *********************************************** [343,040]README.1ST ********************************************** PETER J. HUNTER U.C. DAVIS DIV. ENV. STDS. DAVIS, CALIF. 95616 (916) 752-7533 This directory contains a Foreign Tape Processor(FTP) which allows a user to read, write and dump tapes that are not RSX compatible. FTP.HLP explains how to use FTP, and a ready to use task image is included as well as all source files. Inaddition to FTP there is a string library(STRING.FTN) for FORTRAN which maybe of some value. Example uses of FTP are: FTP>FILE1.DAT=MT0:/RS:80:800 This would copy the current file on MT0 to a disk file named FILE1.DAT. The tape file is blocked with 10 logical records per physical tape record. FTP>MT0:/FT:EB/RS:84:840 = MYPROG.FTN This would copy the ASCII file MYPROG.FTN to tape MT0 translating ASCII characters to EBCDIC. The tape would be blocked with 10 logical records of 84 characters per physical tape record. *********************************************** [344,001]README.1ST ********************************************** New and modified material from KMS Fusion: The following is not guaranteed in any way. All the rights to the source code are owned by KMS Fusion, Inc. Anyone may use the programs, but not for resale, and please include a copywrite notice from Robert Hays, KMS Fusion, Inc., 1986 and from any other original authors as noted in the code comments. The subdirectories on this tape are: [344,1] - Various stuff, many SLP files, etc. [344,2] - CHCKPM [344,3] - Small library of subroutines. [344,4] - SBT, code to submit print jobs to a VAX [344,5] - MOVE, a SET DEFAULT program in FORTRAN [344,6] - RPTBLD, a command file to create RPT reports [344,1]IDLE -- [344,1]DVCDAT -- DVCDAT dumps V3.0A, B, C, and D device data bases. This is a modification of an old utility written by J. Neeland. [344,1]CKPVEC -- This will clear out high memory at this point and will reschedule the task to clean out dead wood every 20 minutes. [344,5]OLDMOVE.CMD -- [344,5]MOVE -- Set default type commands [344,2]CHCKPM - Check for PM and notify people logging in. [344,1]CHK.MAC - It just lists checkpointed tasks by name. It would probably be easy to vector.... [344,4]SBT -- This is a FORTRAN program that uses DECnet-RSX calls to communicate with a VMS command file and program to print files on the remote node. [344,1]SYSBRU -- This is a modification of the BRU.CMD file by T. Wyant on the Spring 1985 tape. [344,6]RPTBLD -- A command file to interface to RPT. [344,1]APPNDFILE.CMD and APPNDSUB.BAT -- APPNDFILE.CMD will merge your accounting and error logging files to a destination directory. Robert Hays KMS Fusion, Inc. 3621 South State Road Ann Arbor, MI 48106 *********************************************** [344,030]README.1ST ********************************************** CVL - Change Volume Label FRAG - report disk fragmentation TRUNC - truncate files, don't alter their rev. dates. *********************************************** [344,051]README.1ST ********************************************** TRANSIENT LIBRARIES under RSX11M One problem with transient libraries is that if memory is tight the region required for the library sometimes can not get created and LDLIB produces an annoying message that the task can't run because the region could not be created. Several steps are taken to solve this problem (at least partially) 1. The SUSPEND/RESUME logic/handshaking between LDLIB.TSK and LDLIBS is replaced with STOP/UNSTOP for systems having parent/offspring tasking GENed into their system. A STOPed task has 0 effective priority and is immediately elegible for checkpointing. A suspended task only can get checkpointed by a higher priority task. This makes it easier to checkpoint the initiating task while LDLIB is doing its thing. 2. CKP... has been modified to accept requests from LDLIB to clear out core. LDLIB now sends off requests to CKP... to checkpoint everything (!!!) it can when LDLIB needs to load a loadable library. Clearly this would cause a lot of thrashing on a system in which tasks with loadable libraries were bouncing in and out of core constantly. However, in many systems, the tasks built with loadable libraries are infrequently used. 3. CKP... has been modified so a privileged user can RUN CKP... and checkpoint everything out of core. *********************************************** [346,100]README.1ST ********************************************** Ralph Stamerjohn goodies This area has various documents and utilities submitted by Ralph Stamerjohn over the years. They include the CDA Workbook file, virtual terminals, virtual disks, the ACP manual, loadable XDT, SIG tape index of early tapes, and more. *********************************************** [350,124]README.1ST ********************************************** This UIC contains the files required to manufacture a Read-only ACP for ODS-2 file structures. The sources are made from the V3.0 RSX-11M+ kit. To build the ACP; Place the original SYSGEN sources on a volume. Copy the files in this UIC to a new directory at [13,14] on that volume. Execute @slipper. This makes the new macro sources in this uic from the sources in [13,10]. Execute @doall. The UIC of [13,24], [13,34], [1,54] are required on the volume. The RSXMC.MAC is required in LB:[11,10] and the EXEMC.MLB are required on LB:[1,1]. If you link in the debugger, the debugger will start at the first call to the ACP. i.e. 'Mount du:/ove/show' will produce the first break. Just do a go and the ACP is off and running. The ACP is not overlaid so the address are correct for a debug set-up. If you make a change to the sources, a command file called onefile will reassemble it for you. In [350,125] I have added a directory routine to use a modified PIP. With this PIP you can do directorys and copy files. The full file directory string has to be used. You must call out the full file string for it to work correctly. PIP clobbers the default directory string for partial file strings. Any Questions? Dan L. Eisner Perkin-Elmer Corporation 7421 Orangewood Avenue Garden Grove, California *********************************************** [350,125]README.1ST ********************************************** This UIC contains a multi level directory pip called pir. To build; Move thes file to a new directory in [50,14]. Be sure the sources for FCS are in [50,10]. Execute @slipper Executre @pir Try pir. It is in [3,54] so it can be run via $pir. The only changes to pip are the directory find routines. I have not had time to correct pip for the overwrite of the default directory. The directorys pir may use is [hhh.hhh.hhh], [.ggg.ggg], [-], [.], [-.gggg], [-jjj], and several other combinations. Any questions? Dan L. Eisner Perkin-Elmer Corporation 7421 Orangewood Avenue Garden Grove, California *********************************************** [350,340]README.1ST ********************************************** The following driver and utilities are provided by: Eddy Fey Fey Professional Services Suite 118 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 713-530-5187 14727 Delbarton Houston, Texas 77083 713-495-3058 Pipe Driver (VX:) for task-to-task communications. This is an update to my previous released driver. It has been enhanced to include a limit counter The default limit for each queue is defined in the the U.CW4 word of the UCB for each 'device'. this default can be accessed through the MCR command - set /buf=vx0:100. where 100 is the new default limit. This default limit is for all queues created in the particular device. The individual queue's limit can be accessed via the VXUTIL program. i.e. VXUTIL VSU>L 100,QUENAM where 'QUENAM' is the queue's name and 100 is the new limit. Enter a '?' at the prompt to get instructions. VXDRV is a pipe queue driver which is accessed via normal QIO directives. Each VX device accesses a partition which contains the queue area for that device. There can be multiple devices. VXDRV accesses the partition using optimized block moves. VXUTIL is a utility program for looking at the queues, changing parameters, creating queues, deleting queues, etc. VXUTIL defaults to VX0: device. To access the other devices, VXUTIL needs to be renamed upon installation in the following manner: ...VSU = VX0: ...VPU = VX1: ...VHU = VX2: VXPAR is the partition for VXDRV. Each partition must be renamed upon installation: VX0PAR = VX0: VX1PAR = VX1: VX2PAR = VX2: The size of each partition can be up to 16384 bytes (2 APR's) PIPE.FTN is an example subroutine to access the VX queues from a FORTRAN program. SETUPVX.CMD is a command file to build the driver and install the partitions and VXUTIL. *********************************************** [351,073]README.1ST ********************************************** ECR (Enhanced Console Routine) Description: ECR is a port of Robin Miller's AUX program to run under IAS. The ECR program allows VT100 auxillary key definitions and command line editing ala VAX/VMS V4.x systems. The program also saves the last twenty commands which can then be recalled. In this release of ECR, the auxillary keys are statically defined. The main ECR documentation is contained in file AUXKEY.PAD. This file is used by ECR to display help from the program when the PF2 (help) key or the PF1 (GOLD) PF2 key is pressed. This help file must be placed in LB:[1,2] for system wide access. ECR may be executed from MCR, or it may be installed as your default CLI using the /CLI= command. Note that ECR does not go away like MCR, but does a SPAWN and a STOP for event flag. This version of ECR has been modified to use the REESE system security system, whereby a pds style user privilege word is stored in the users PUD on login, and the routine PRICHK verifies whether the user has the required privileges to complete the command. Users who do not wish the PRICHK feature will have to comment it out of the code themselves. ECR also has been modified to allow the definition of up to 48 special command re-definitions, similiar to the way VMS lets you define com- mands, (although in a simpler way.) Gold-help now generates a three page display, which includes information on this feature. For a fuller description, see the file ECRCMD.DOC. ECR also has a default name mode, whereby it remembers the last phrase following the command name and uses it if nothing follows subsequent command names. This lets you do things like the following: o Define a command KEF KEF name expands to KED name.for o Define a command MAC MAC name expands to MAC name,name=name o Define a command LIN LIN name expands to TKB @name You can then edit,link and compile a simple fortran program by issuing the following commands: ECR>kef name ECR>mac ECR>link The following control keys are used by ECR Control Keys: CTRL/A Toggle between overprint and insert mode. CTRL/B Skip backward to next character input. CTRL/C Delete the entire command line. CTRL/D Delete to end of command line. CTRL/E Position to end of command line. CTRL/G Switch default name mode on/off. CTRL/F Skip forward to next character input. CTRL/H (BS) Position to beginning of command line. CTRL/J (LF) Delete the previous word. CTRL/M (CR) Terminate the current command line. CTRL/N Reload specially defined commands from ECR.CMD CTRL/R Recall all previous command lines. CTRL/T Display one line status report. CTRL/U Delete to beginning of command line. CTRL/V Display the current version number. CTRL/W Refresh the current command line. CTRL/Y Display all current specially defined commands. CTRL/Z Exit from the AUX program. DELETE Delete the previous character. !n Recall command line number 'n'. The numeric keypad is set up to do the following: +-------+-------+-------+-------+ | |10 |11 |17 | |GOLD | HELP | VTL | DEL L | | |CTL KEY| VDI | UND L | +-------+-------+-------+-------+ |7 |8 |9 |18 | | WHO |QUE /AL|CLR SCR| DEL W | | NTD |QUX /TI|C WIDTH| UND W | +-------+ +-------+-------+-------+-------+ |12 | |4 |5 |6 |19 | | ^ | |ADVANCE| BACKUP| PRINT | DEL C | | | | DEL | PURGE | DOC | UND C | +-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+ |14 |13 |15 |1 |2 |3 |21 | | < | V | > |S WORD | EOL | KED | TERM- | | | | | DEMO |DEL EOL| SPY | INATE | +-------+-------+-------+---------------+-------+ CMD | |0 |16 | | | DIR | EDT | | | SRD | TECO | MAIL | +---------------+-------+-------+ *********************************************** [351,144]README.1ST ********************************************** TEM - Terminal EMulator for RSX -- Version: 87.077 Page 1 Author: T. R. Wyant III, E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Richmond, VA. Operating System: RSX11M+ V2.0 forward, RSX-11M V4.0 forward, RSX-11S V4.0 forward, VAX-11 RSX V2.0 forward. Language: MACRO-11 Memory Required: 16KW Other Hardware Required: Dial-out Modem Keywords: RSX-11; Communications; Terminal Emulator Abstract: TEM provides "dumb" terminal emulation over a full duplex TT: line. It allows the user to "become" a terminal on a remote system, and to do ASCII file transfer between systems. TEM has been used to communicate with RSX, VMS, RSTS, and TOPS-20 sys- tems, as well as non-DEC equipment. It requires no software on the remote system (and therefore has no error checking). In addition to the basic functionality, TEM can automati- cally issue canned commands to smart modems at the beginning and end of a session. The user can also select from the fol- lowing features: * Local Echo. * Automatic linefeed on carriage return. * Translation of inbound control characters to ASCII abbre- viations. * Passthru of control/s, control/q, control/o and control/x to the remote system. * User selectable attention and end-of-file characters. * Inbound and outbound character mapping. * Specifiable record delay and prompt character for file transfer. * Parity generation and checking. * Support for dialout modems as remote devices. TEM requires at least RSX-11M+ V2.0, VAX-11 RSX V2.0, RSX-11M V4.0, or RSX-11S V4.0. If running under RSX-11M or RSX-11S, it requires the full-duplex TT: driver, get/set mul- tiple characteristics, and unsolicited input AST's. Correct access of named directories and files numbered in decimal re- quires the FEAT$ directive. The GIN$ directive is used to pre- vent nonprivileged users from using TEM to read files that are none of their business (eg: LB:[0,0]RSX11.SYS). An attempt has been made to conditionalize TEM for RSX-11M V3.2, but I have no way to check it. TEM can be initiated from and commun- icate with any reasonable serial device, but there may be res- trictions if not being used on a TT:-type device. *********************************************** [351,145]README.1ST ********************************************** This directory contains two papers that were to be presented at the Spring 1987 DECUS U.S. Symposium - Introduction to the RSX, P/OS, and RT Indirect Command File Processor (RX001) Programming in the RSX Indirect Command Language (RX002) Also included are the command files from which the examples in RX002 came. The files in this directory include: README .1ST;1 2./2. This file BRU .CMD;1 100./100. BRU Preprocessor (rewritten) CRASHDUMP.CMD;1 22./22. CDA preprocessor PRN .CMD;1 43./43. Printer port handler SYMDMP .CMD;1 15./15. .STB file dumber UPS .CMD;1 26./26. MAIL large numbers of files RX001 .RNO;1 88./88. RUNOFF source for RX001 RX002 .RNO;1 111./115. RUNOFF source for RX002 RX001 .TXT;1 51./51. Slides for RX001 RX002 .TXT;1 58./58. Slides for (part of) RX002 11. Files selected 11. Files total Selected blocks used/allocated: 516./520. File sizes are subkect to change, as the files themselves are subject to revision. *********************************************** [355,002]README.1ST ********************************************** BM - Look through bitmap to see where and how big holes are and how fragmented the disk is. DUMHEADER - Dump file header in readable format DUMP - Formatted dump of file (like VMS DUMP) ERROR - Error notification facility, again something like the one in VMS. FIDDLE - Change bits in a disk based bitmap (e.g. to fix corrupted file header files) SPQ - Display print queue in 11M BIOMAC Structured Macros for Macro-11 TIMEIT - Execution profiler (finds out where a program spends its time) USAGE - Disk Usage Summary report generator. *********************************************** [356,040]README.1ST ********************************************** KERMIT-11 This contains Kermit-11 from Brian Nelson, as of Spring 1987 *********************************************** [356,041]README.1ST ********************************************** VMSTPC This contains a VMS version of TPC, a tape to disk to tape copy utility that's format independent and blindingly fast. From Brian Nelson. *********************************************** [356,042]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains server software usable with JNET to provide file access to BITNET sites from a VAX. *********************************************** [356,045]README.1ST ********************************************** Kermit-11 under IAS Original Author - Bruce C. Wright Updated for version 3.2 - Frank R. Borger This document describes some of the features and restrictions of Kermit running under the IAS operating system. The IAS version of Kermit is a modification of the RSX-11 version of Kermit, but because of differences in the operating systems not all of the features of RSX Kermit are currently available under IAS Kermit. Supported features IAS Kermit supports most of the features of RSX Kermit: 1. File transfers 2. Remote and local commands 3. Spawning installed tasks 4. Dial-out lines 5. Help facility *********************************************** [360,200]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains the ARAP library of utilities. These permit various file and other operations from Fortran and are used by some other utilities on this tape. *********************************************** [360,205]README.1ST ********************************************** Command files and humor There's a round TUIT here (for things you'll do when you get a round TUIT), some other humor, and some system management and backup command files. *********************************************** [360,214]README.1ST ********************************************** Fortran conditional compilers There are two conditional compiler preprocessors here. They allow RSX and VAX Fortrans to have conditional compilation that's more flexible than the "D" line facility DEC supplies. *********************************************** [360,217]README.1ST ********************************************** KPS - KEYPUNCH SIMULATOR 03-JAN-79 The purpose of this program is to simulate the functions of the keypunch using a terminal. KPS is a very simple editor with the added special functions of keypunches. These functions include the use of 'program cards' and a 'dup' key, allowing input of a fixed field nature where keypunch functions make the typing task easier. *********************************************** [364,020]README.1ST ********************************************** SEMAPHORE DIRECTIVES FOR RSX-11M EXECUTIVE Version 01.2 May 18,1977 Last modification April 16,1980 Harry Atherton University of Cincinnati Medical Center Department of Pediatrics, Room 6253 231 Bethesda Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45267 Phone (513) 872-5341 The files in this UIC implement binary semaphore opera- tions in the RSX-11M executive. This software has been in use at our installation for over two years, and it is be- lieved to be bug free. If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions I would like to hear them. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of this software. *********************************************** [370,050]README.1ST ********************************************** This area contains a software emulator for the FIS (Floating Instruction Set) instructions (found on PDP11/40) for machines that don't have them. *********************************************** [370,070]README.1ST ********************************************** Submitted by : Robert Abramson Digital Equipment Corp. 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03061 Contents: Summary description of PDP-11 FORTRAN OTS *********************************************** [370,130]README.1ST ********************************************** INDEX is a FORTRAN cross referencing program. A FORTRAN source file processed by index will be checked for all of its variable name and label useage. The results will then be listed in alphabetical order, listing all the variable names and labels used in the program, the lines on which they were used, and how they were used. If needed, the variables from specifed Fortran source files can be saved along with those of other Fortran source files and later printed out as a Super Index giveing variable name and the names of all the Fortran source modules it was used in. Also included is the capability to exclude from the index listing all variables that only appear in a Fortran source module in a COMMON block ,Type or EQUIVALENCE declaration but are not used elseware(or list only those if wanted). The user can also list only those variables that are global (defined in a common block) or those that are local. A variation of the Super Index is available to list (almost)all entry points, the modules that they are defined in, and all the entry points that call them and that they call. INDEX will handle all source files written in FORTRAN FOUR and FORTRAN FOUR PLUS in acordance with 'PDP11 FORTRAN LANGUAGE REFERENCE MANUAL' (DEC-11-LFLRA-C-D) and the FORTRAN 1977 standard. INDEX can be generated to run under the RT-11 or RSX-11M operating systems. *********************************************** [370,140]README.1ST ********************************************** MGT is a mag tape transfer program that allows a user to transfer data from magtape to disk,magtape to magtape,magtape to terminal,disk to magtape etc. MGT DOES A BLOCK DATA TRANSFER SO NO DATA TRANSLATION IS PERFORMED. IT CAN BE USED TO COPY ANY TAPE. IT ALSO HAS SOME NICE BLOCKING FEATURES. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT: REB BURROUGHS GENERAL DYNAMICS P. O. BOX 748 MAIL ZONE 1189 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101 PHONE 817-732-4811 EXT. 4675 *********************************************** [370,352]README.1ST ********************************************** CLE is an interactive command line editor for RSX. This is a non-privileged task which requires no modification whatsoever to any other software. It works with MCR, DCL, and CCL. With CLE the user is able to edit his command line before or even after dispatching the CLI and it "remembers" the last several commands which can be recalled, edited, and resubmitted as well. It is very "VMS-like" though the user can toggle between "VMS mode" and "CLE mode", changing the definitions of several keys (others do not change). CLE function keys and keys are described below. CLE function keys & keys LEFTARROW backup 1 character UPARROW backup 1 command RIGHTARROW advance 1 character DOWNARROW advance 1 command GOLD_LEFT backup to begin of cmd GOLD_UP backup to oldest cmd GOLD_RIGHT advance to end of command GOLD_DOWN advance to newest cmd ^A overstrike/insert DELETE delete 1 character left PF1 GOLD ^D delete 1 char at cursor PF2 help ^B delete to begin of cmd PF3 show status ^E delete to end of command PF4 show all commands ^R redisplay command ^K CLE/VMS keys ^U cancel command ^Z exit CLE VMS keys ^D backup 1 character ^B backup 1 command ^F advance 1 character ^H backup to begin of cmd ^E advance to end of command ^A overstrike/insert ^R redisplay command ^K CLE/VMS keys ^U delete to begin of cmd ^Z exit CLE There are three options determined by assembly conditionals. If the symbol LINE24 is defined, line 24 is is used as a status line (requires VT100/VT220 and only partially tested). OVRMOD determines whether insert mode or overstrike mode is the default, and VMSKEY determines whether CLE keys or VMS keys is the default. You should be aware of the following problems/unexpected behaviors: 1. If a character is inserted or deleted to the left of a horizontal tab ("011) or if a tab is inserted to the left of any character, the command line will be displayed improperly, though passed to the CLI correctly. can be used to redisplay the command line. 2. CLE must wait for completion. So pressing while a command is executing will generate a CLI prompt, not a CLE prompt. And the command entered at the CLI prompt can not be edited. 3. CONTROL-C ABORT, under versions of RSX which support it, should be disabled for CLE use. 4. Some kind of problem exists between CLE and SET /UIC with named directory support. Not fully investigated. Included in this distribution are the following files: CLE.HLP help file, move to LB:[1,2] CLE.MAC source file CLE.MAK command file to assemble & taskbuild MYMACS.MLB library containing macros such as PUSH, POP, JEQ, etc. README.1ST this file CLE can be installed and then invoked by typing "CLE" or you might consider placing ".xqt CLE" in your LOGIN.CMD. *********************************************** [370,365]README.1ST ********************************************** Submission to Spring 87 ---------- -- ------ -- RSX tape --- ---- Submitted by: Richard Neitzel 312 Laveta Pass Golden, CO 80401 This submission is a collection of various items that I have accumulated over time and feel are of interest to other users. They span a range from extremely useful to trivial. I hope that they prove helpful to others and am interested in their reactions to them. There are 5 major catagories of items included: 1> Routines to access and manipulate the file structure. 2> Some SST handlers. 3> A software fix for a DL device hardware bug. 4> A undeletion utility. 5> A misc. grab bag File routines ---- -------- These routines are described in the file FILE.DOC and the sources are in FILES.ULB. SSTs ---- The files are SST.DOC, SST.MAC and F77SST.FTN. DL -- These are in DL.DOC and DL.ULB. Undelete -------- The introduction is in INDEX.DOC, source in RESTORE.ULB and a command file to build the task, INDEX.CMD. The Grab Bag --- ---- --- This covers a grab-bag of items useful and playful. A quick describtion is given of each. WIND.FTN - This program takes input values for temperature and wind speed and returns the wind-chill temperature. SEARCH.FTN - This program is quite useful. The user enters in a wildcard file specification, with optional switches that prompt him for string to locate and the number of lines from the file to print on the terminal, and the program then dispalys the matching files on the terminal (up to 99 lines). The user can then go to the next file, quit or print the current file. Modifcations to delete, move, etc. the current file would simple to make as well. COMPS.FTN - Where CMP fails, COMPS shines. The CMP utility does not handle object or image files well, but COMPS does. Differences can be directed to a terminal or file. This program is very useful for verifying that the executable version of a file is identical to the master for software quality assurance purposes. BINARY.FTN - CVT, as suppiled, does not allow the conversion of numbers or characters into a binary representation. This program, built as ...BIN, does that. Bases 8, 10 and 16 as well as ASCII characters are converted into a 16 digit string representing the binary form of the number. Eight and 16 bit binary numbers can also be coonverted, being output in all the above forms. The help file BIN.HLP is also included. MACLIB.ULB (OLB) - This ia a collection of assorted macro routines that all are callable from Fortran. They perform various functions that are either impossible from Fortran, such as performing bit reversals or push/popping items onto the stack, or are easier and faster in macro, such as converting lower case to upper case or changing an odd into an even integer. To save time the object library is also provided. The file MACLIB.DOC is a compilation of the headings of the various entries, giving a describtion of the routines function and calling convention. QIO.PAR - This file is a fortran include file that provides the necessary definitions of the i/o function codes for (wt)qio calls. REWIND.FTN - A simple program that rewinds tape unit MS0:, easily modified for other tapes. Informs user when tape is rewound, nice for non-visible tapes, like cartiridges. *********************************************** [372,004]README.1ST ********************************************** Dear Sirs: You will find that this tape contains a complete SOURCE kit for SAMSTAT, our version of STAT-11. SAMSTAT has not been modified since May of this 1979, but has been in heavy usage at the School. This version is an initial version, and we expect to modify it quit extensivly. It is resource intensive. An overview of SAMSTAT is provided in the file SSTLOG.DOC. The entire package can be installed by: FLX /RS=MM0:[6,4]SSTGEN.CMD/DO/FA @SSTGEN Since SAMSTAT is written in BPR, a preprocessor for BASIC+2, BPR has been included in this kit. This is also an 'initial attempt' package. Partial documentaion is included in BPR.RNO. There is an undocumented feature which might be of some help to you, i.e., BPR file=file/RES will resequene a BASIC+2 source file. An overview of the package is contained in SAMSTAT.LOG. For BPR, the ODL file produced by your BP2 compiler will have to be modified to reference the single subroutine required. SSTGEN should prompt you when this is necessary. An ODL file is provided for SAMSTAT that will probably work for a system that has: -> An FP11 <- -> Libraries in the default UIC's <- No core resident libraries are required... If libraries are not in the default UIC's, the SAMSTAT.ODL file will have to be edited to reflect their proper location. Respectfully, Bruce Montague USAF/SAM/BRSO BROOKS AFB, TX. 78235 (512)-536-3886 *********************************************** [373,001]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains a version of the Universal Magtape Reader origiannly written by D. Macre in DEC Paris. A number of changes have been made to make it more usable. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,003]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains a version of FRC, the utility to force a command line to another terminal. It has been modified from William Storey's original design to use the Spawn directive, and so does not have to map the Executive. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,004]README.1ST ********************************************** RENUM DISTRIBUTION KIT, NOV 79. RENUM is a program to resequence the statement numbers in an FORTRAN program (or set of programs) and also to provide a cross reference listing of variable names vs. line numbers. It also produces a formatted listing with DO loop ranges flagged in the left margin. This version is configured for RSX11M, but should also work for D and IAS. This version is configured for FORTRAN IV, V2.04, but should also work under F4P. Use FORRENUM and TKBRENUM to build the task. You may want to edit TKBRENUM.CMD to use a resident library, etc. ICSI does the command line processing and it uses some string routines in STRLIB. Both are written in RATFOR, a FORTRAN pre-processor. The produced FORTRAN code is all you need for RENUM, but the original RATFOR is included also, since the resulting FORTRAN is not easy to understand. If you are using F4P or the newer FORTRAN IV, with the OPEN and CLOSE statements, you can modify the mainline program to use them and add a /SP switch. Also, using OPEN to specify carriage control will remove the current problem that PIP doesn't correctly understand the carriage control of the FORTRAN source code file created by RENUM (but FORTRAN does). The task image provided was done under RSX!!M V3.1. The object modules provided were made with FORTRAN IV, V2.04. If you have and problems or suggestions, call David P. Sykes 1515 Wilson Blvd Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 841-6086 Good Luck! *********************************************** [373,005]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains RTR, a small program designed to access RSTS/E format disks from RSX-11M, and FORMAT, another program that will convert the output from RTR into one suitable for input to the BASIC-PLUS-2 translator program. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,006]README.1ST ********************************************** QUICK BUILD INSTRUCTIONS: THE OBJECT MODULES AND TASK IMAGE PROVIDED ARE FORTRAN IV, V2.04, AND RSX11/M, V3.2. (SEE BLDRATFOR.CMD, A RSX11/M INDIRECT COMMAND FILE THAT DOES THE WHOLE THING, FOR MORE INFO). SEQUENCE IS THE SAME FOR BOTH RSX11/M AND /D BUT A COMMAND FILE THAT DOES IT ALL IS AVAILABLE FOR /M. COMMAND FILES SUPPLIED ARE FOR FORTRAN IV V2, BUT ONLY MINOR MODS ARE NEEDED FOR F4P; SEE F4PRATFOR AS A SAMPLE. COMMAND FILES ASSUME A DUMMY DEVICE NAMED XX0:. ASSIGN THIS WHEREEVER YOU WANT BEFORE BUILDING. THE FIRST TIME, RATFOR IS BUILT FROM THE .FTN FILES ON THIS TAPE, AFTER THAT, WITH A WORKING VERSION OF RATFOR, YOU CAN RATFOR THE .RAT FILES TO CONFIGURE THINGS THE WAY YOU WANT IT. FIRST TIME YOU BUILD RATFOR-- MOVE EVERYTING ON THIS TAPE INTO UIC [314,6]. GIVE MCR THE FOLLOWING- FOR @FORRATFOR OR F4P @F4PRATFOR FOR @FORSTRLIB LBR @LBRSTRLIB TKB @TKBRATFOR INS RATFOR RAT @RATSAMPLE FOR @FORSAMPLE TKB @TKBSAMPLE (INSTALL AND RUN SAMPLE PROGRAMS) AFTER THE FIRST TIME-- ADD : RAT @RATRATFOR BEFORE THE FIRST LINE ABOVE. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE UIC [314,6], EDIT THE COMMAND FILES FOR WHATEVER UIC YOU DO WANT. ALSO EDIT TKBRATFOR.CMD FOR RESIDENT LIBRARIES. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS, CALL DAVID P SYKES AMERICAN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS, INC. 1515 WILSON BLVD ARLINGTON, VA 22209 (703) 841-6086 GOOD LUCK *********************************************** [373,007]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains a very simplistic program to recover a file that has just been written. It was written in a great hurry, and sadly never really revised, so it is rather rough and ready. Still, it is better than nothing after you have just deleted the only copy of a file you've spent all day editing! From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,010]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains SND, a generalised Send/Receive packets task that can be very useful for checking out systems where several tasks communicate via Send/receive packets. It was originally written by Mike Stevenson of DEC UK and I have only made minor modifications to it. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,011]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains PIN, the Procedure Interpreter designed by James G Downward as a much smaller version of AT. I have rewritten most of it to use file primitives (instead of FCS) and to do its own parsing (instead of using CSI) - this has made it vastly smaller. I have also added a 'Chain' facility. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,012]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains the FORTRAN Cross-Referencer XRF. I have only modified it slightly to allow for Tabs in the input file, to allow lowercase in the input file, and to output more meaningful error messages (and an error count). From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,015]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains FIN, a small program to search a set of files for a given string. It is copied from GREP as written by Bruce Wright and Ray French, with only minor modifications (like the addition of /HE), a couple of bugs corrected and the name changed (what the hell does GREP mean?). From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,016]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains CVL, a small program to allow you to manipulate the volume label of a disk, originally written by H.L. Coleman & James Downward. I have simply tidied up a few minor bugs, added a help facility and made the task non-privileged so that it does not need to map the Executive. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,017]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains a pair of programs to produce a detailed breakdown of what DSR is currently being used and for what. It even attempts to follow FCB pointers through F11ACP, and usually finds everything in pool. The only item knowingly omitted is Error Message Blocks, which appear to be exceedingly rare. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ******************************************************************** editor's note: This program looks like it dumps on the data structures in an RSX-11M pool. (except error blocks). Someone should see if it knows about more data structures than the Online pool analyzer (OPA) or the crashed pool analyzer (CPA). Maybe following FCB pointers will help determine what files a large program (that you didn't write, but just inherited) has opened. ********************************************************************** *********************************************** [373,021]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains VCO, a program which compares two files block by block. It is intended mainly for comparing task images or object files. In addition it allows wildcards to be specified, thus allowing you, in particular, to compare two whole UICs. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,024]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains STB, a small program for interrogating an RSX11M.STB file to find out where various symbols are located in the Executive. It is very useful for finding UCB addresses and suchlike. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,034]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains a version of BATCH which has been modified to stop it hanging/crashing the system, and to support input data files as well as command files. The version of VTDRV in this account has also been modified slightly to support BATCH. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,101]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains the sources of the macros and subroutines in USRLIB.OLB and USRMAC.MLB. These cover a wide variety of topics, such as data conversion, string manipulation, and sorting. Read USRLIB.HLP and USRMAC.HLP for details. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ********************************************************************* editor's note: This looks like a pretty complete package. It appears that USRLIB.HLP and USRMAC.HLP are intended to be files that allow one to use the HELP facility to get information. Maybe one (well I don't have time to try everything) types HELP "subroutine name" and it gives you the calling sequence and says something about what the subroutine does. Anyway I think its an interesting idea to use the HELP facility to document the modules in a subroutine library. ******************************************************************** *********************************************** [373,102]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains a set of subroutines to enable you to write programs that do various aspects of screen control (e.g. cursor positioning) without knowing or caring what sort of terminal it will run on. See SCREEN.DOC for more details. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [373,104]README.1ST ********************************************** This account contains the sources of the date and time subroutines in USRLIB.OLB. These convert one one type of date or time to another, and retrieve the current date or time in one of several forms. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. *********************************************** [375,001]README.1ST ********************************************** This is the contribution from 3M, as our lug is temporarily defunct. There are 3 programs available: a)Tcr - terminal characteristics utility b)Tcu - the TCU clock utility c)CDC - the EMULEX/CDC 9766 formatter 1)Tcr - the terminal characteristics utility. This program displays many different TT characteristics for either: a) all terminals b) all logged in terminals c) any single terminal d) TI: 2)Tcu - The Digital Pathways Tcu-100 and Tcu-150 controller task. This utility sets RSX-11M or RSX-11M/PLUS time via one the the TCU clocks. The mechanism for setting RSX time is done via a TIME command to MCR. The program is privileged in order to control the hardware without a driver. Setting the TCU is done with the same syntax as a RSX TIME command. 3)CDC - The formatter task for the Emulex/CDC 9766 "RM05" This little routine makes use of the hardware formatting capabilities of the EMULEX controller, and allows on line formatting similar to DEC's FMT. Because it by-passes the DEC DR: driver, CDC makes some validity checks before formatting. 1) you must be a privileged RSX user. 2) the disk must be dismounted. 3) The disk must be allocated. 4) The controller drive type register must return a device code of 27, the code for a RM05.