[5,1] Readme.1st DECUS C "scratch" update ([5,*] directories) master document. This version is based on DECUS-C Kit from RSX SIG Tape Fall 85, including the updates from Spring 86 and 87 for I/D Space, RMS and DECnet. This area contains a full update to DECUS C system for enhanced functionality and compatibility with evolving C language standards. TOTALLY UNSUPPORTED (DON'T call the authors) but it is believed the complete kit is here. LOTS of tools and support for all OSs. To obtain a working C, you should look over the KIT.RNO file and others (redundant .DOC files have been deleted to make room for the whole kit) and included command files. Basically you need to assemble the compiler and assembler and then if the .OLB files here are inadequate you need to compile the runtime system. The tools here are well worth using even in VMS native mode VAX11C, for which build files also exist. This version has some enhanced compatibility with U**x C in its syntax and the preprocessor has been enhanced to relieve many restrictions of older versions. Some work on floating math has supposedly been done, but its degree of cleanliness is not known. Since none of the authors has time to spend weeks putting the code in supportable order, this submission is TOTALLY unsupported but is made available to allow you to at least have something to try. It is believed to work but testing has been quite spotty. If you find something that is broken and you can fix it, please do so and submit it to a later SIG tape. Original directory names follow with UICs on tape: [5,100] Ready built libraries for RSX11M-Plus V4.0 [5,1] Top level directory [decusc] [5,2] BIN directory (.H files, libraries, and VAX .EXE's) [5,3] COMMAND directory. Documents, more .H files, some other stuff. [5,4] COMP directory. Sources for AS and CC, compiler and assembler. Also a readily built CC.TSK and AS.TSK for RSX11M-Plus V4.0. [5,5] CPP directory. C preprocessor. [5,6] CROSS directory. A variety of cross assemblers. [5,7] CTEXLIB directory. Part of P/OS version of DECUS C. Access to menus, etc. [5,10] DECNETRSX directory. RSX DECnet support. [5,11] FONT directory. Part of P/OS C kit, fonts for bitmapped display. [5,12] LEX directory. A lexical scanner generator for DECUS C [5,13] LIBC directory. C library items. [5,14] MISC directory. Odds and ends, some quite useful, but not part of the compiler proper. Includes a speller, file compress utility, and more. [5,15] OTSCOM directory. Common OTS routines for C runtime. [5,16] OTSIO directory. I/O areas for C OTS. [5,17] PML directory. Portable Math Library (in C) [5,20] POS directory. Executable DECUS C for P/OS with libraries. [5,21] POSCTEX directory. Later version (?) of CTEXLIB for POS C. [5,22] RMSPCLIB directory. RMS I/O support items. Used for POS flavor of DECUS C. [5,23] RSTSLB directory. RSTS (and RT) I/O support items for runtime. [5,24] RSXLIB directory. RSX I/O support items for runtime. [5,25] SPRSX directory. file I/O-free support for tiny "standalone" C programs. Also support's R. Denny's special ACP. [5,26] TOOLS directory. LOTS and LOTS of tools no programmer should be without. Also buildable with VAX11C. Tom Shinal has contributed a super enhanced GREP also. [5,27] USEFUL directory. Odds and ends that may be handy compiling C code from other systems. [5,30] VAXLIB directory. VMS I/O components for runtime. [5,31] COMP directory subset. Pre-built executables for RSX11M. [5,32] ZZDECUSC directory. H files needed (in a directory named ZZDECUSC) for P/OS DECUS C. The [333,*] UIC's contain two set of useful DECnet tasks. [333,102] - Contains a DECnet remote file access package. Uses a special remote DECnet object, not FAL. [333,103] - REX - a remote execution package. Allows submitting command on a remote node without losing the use of the local node.