RSX11-M Mailbox Driver -- Patterned after VSDRV (see Fall '81 DECUS RSXSIG symposium tape, [300,120] submission by John Osudar) and the VAX/VMS Mailbox driver, this driver performs virtually the same functions with a new twist. The driver maintains a set of named queues/mailboxes similar to VS: but rather than copying data buffers destined between tasks to its internal buffer pool, MB: re-links the I/O packets themselves and copies data directly from the writing task's virtual address space to the target task's address space. This can represent a significant performance improvement for large QIOs and is much more immune to running out of "pool" because the data is maintained in the requesting task's address space. There are, however, attendent disadvantages to this scheme. By necessity, write-QIOs NEVER complete until a corresponding read-QIO (or cancel) operation is issued for the mailbox, and tasks with outstanding I/O cannot be checkpointed or shuffled. Assemble and build the driver by executing MBDRV.CMD; RSXMC.MAC and RSX11M.STB must reside in current system UIC. Consult the comments in MBDRV.MAC and documentation in MBDRV.RNO for a full description of the driver's design, function codes, etc. Several test programs are also included to exercise various features of MBDRV; IOPAGE, TIMER and MBTSTn modules are required for the test programs. Paul R. Sorenson AEP/Engineering Computer Support Center 1 Riverside Plaza Columbus, OH 43215