[.LILUG] This subdirectory contains routines from the Long Island Local Users' Group. [.LILUG.ABT] This directory contains an assembler routine for RSX-11M/M+ that retrieves a radix-50 list of active tasks associated with the invoking terminal and a program that aborts them all. The list excludes cli's. Submitted by Mitch Nelson of Brookhaven National Laboratory. [.LILUG.CLOSEUP] Here are two command procedures for protecting a networked vax from attacks directed at the default decnet account. The procedures were written for easy readability and modification. Submitted by Mitch Nelson of Brookhaven National Laboratory. [.LILUG.HAHN] This directory contains two routines from Pierre Hahn of SUNY at Stony Brook. 28-DAY.COM analyzes the accounting for the past 28 days. TERM.COM collects the data from SHOW USER and stores a pictorial representation of it, indicating which lines are in use.