This is file RECFIL.TXT RECFIL is a somewhat improved version of UICREC combined with LAZRUS from [307,22] of RSX Spring 80 tape. Date selection and command input is included. Switches and usage is described in RECFIL.HLP which can be used with the RSX11M help facilty. The distributed OBJ files are for IAS only!(There is a difference concerning the length of the DPB's of the QIO between IAS which has variable length and RSX, which has fixed length). Installation: Assembly: @RECFILASM (Should have SUPER.MAC in your RSXMAC.SML) (You should reassemble for RSX11M, OBJ's are for IAS!) Task built: IAS: @RFILIAS RSX11M: @RFIL11M Specials for IAS: If you want to create a multiuser version of the program you have to edit the sources RECFIL,CMDINP,BLOCKN,CNVDAT and to change the line P$SECT=0 to 1 before assembly. Use TKB @RCFIASMU.CMD. This binds also to SYSRES. But the task is not privileged. It could therefore only be used on FOREIGN mounted volumes. To remove this restriction patch the task header with ZAP ZAP ZAP>RECFIL.TSK/AB _0:10/20100 TO 20300 (200 is privileged) _X This lengthy procedure is necessary because the IAS-TKB doesn't have the /PR:0 switch like RSX11M. this means that at INSstall time IAS still maps parts of the SCOM to the task(APR 4,5), although we don't like it. The APR 6,7 are used by SYSRES and the readonly part of the task. For IAS which doesn't have BRU till now one can also do some incremental backup. E.g. RCF>DK3:=DR:/GR/AF:20-DEC-80 collects all files after created from that date on with owner UICs [g,*] and writes them to the corresponding UICs on DK3, if one has logged on under [g,s], s means one single owner in that group. 9-FEB-81 O.Titze, Kernphysik THD D-6100 Darmstadt, W. Germany