110211 PLOT: Digital Incremental Plotter Software Package Version: June 1975 Submitted by: Jeffrey Kodosky, Applied Research Labs., Austin, TX Source Language: MACRO-11 Software Required: FPMP or FORTRAN Library Routines Hardware Required: DIGITAL Incremental Plotter Keywords: Plotting Abstract: This plot package consists of five MACRO-11 source modules containing FORTRAN callable routines which implement plotting operations on a Digital Incremental Plotter. A FORTRAN source tape for a demonstration program is also included. The subroutines in the foundation module handle interrupt driven vector plotting, origin resetting, vector scaling, dotted line plotting, and Y-motion limiting to prevent loss of origin. In addition, a subroutine is provided which will implement a circular buffer to buffer the plot vectors. The other modules contain utility subroutines which call the subroutines in the first module. A small lettering routine containing 64 characters is provided for use where core space is restricted. A more sophisticated symbol plotting subroutine exists which has a 157 character repertoire and is expandable to many times that number. It presently contains upper and lower case Roman and Greek alphabets and standard math symbols. An axis plotting subroutine is included which will plot a linear or logarithmic coordinate axis at an arbitrary angle. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AA), Source Listing (BB), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11