110229 INDEX: FORTRAN Cross-Referencer Version: 6.4, December 1982 Submitted by: Michael N. LeVine, Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA Operating System: IAS, RSX-11M V3.1 or later, RT-11 V4 or later Source Language: MACRO-11 Keywords: Cross-Referencers, FORTRAN Abstract: INDEX is a cross referencing program that does for FORTRAN what CREF does for MACRO. A source program run through INDEX will be checked for all of its variable name and label usage. The results will then be listed in alphabetical order, listing all the variable names and labels used in the programs, the lines on which they were used, and how they were used. If needed, the variables from specified programs can be saved along with those of other programs and later printed out as a super index giving variable name and the names of all the programs it was used in. Also included is the capability to exclude from the index listing all variables that appear once in a program in a common block or type declaration, but are not used elsewhere (or list only those if wanted). The user can also list only those variables that are global (defined in a common block) or those that are local. Media (Service Charge Code): One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11 or DOS-11 MEDIA FORMAT MUST BE SPECIFIED ON ORDER FORM