110445 SORT: Singleton's Sort Version: July 1980 Submitted by: Harris I. Berkowitz, INTERCON Systems Corporation, Ontario, CA Operating System: Standalone Source Language: MACRO-11 Memory Required: 189 words Keywords: Sorting Abstract: SORT is a MACRO-11 version of Singleton's Sort (CACM Algorithm 347. March 1969). Singleton's Sort is similar to QUICKERSORT, by R. S. Scowan, which in turn is similar to QUICKSORT by C. A. R. Hoare. SORT was written in MACRO-11 Assembly Language, using an RSX-11M Operating System, and was designed to use the FORTRAN IV-PLUS calling convention. It could, of course, also be called from any other language which used the same calling convention, and should be able to be used with any other operating system. SORT was approximately four times as fast as the corresponding FORTRAN version (taken from the CACM write-up) in each case. Notes: This routine was designed to use FORTRAN IV-PLUS-MACRO-11 calling conventions. Any other operating system used must follow the same calling convention. Restrictions: Sort array limited to 16,383 entries. Documentation not available. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up and Listing (DA), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: FILES-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: FILES-11