110448 Laboratory Applications-11 Library Version: 1, July 1980 Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corporation Operating System: RT-11 V2B or V2C Source Language: MACRO-11 Hardware Required: LPS11 or K Options and KW11-K Keywords: Libraries - RT-11, Scientific Applications Abstract: The LAB APPLICATION-11 Library is a library of software modules and operational programs specifically designed and developed to solve typical laboratory problems. The purpose of the library is to provide a group of software modules that, when linked together with a user-written calling routine, results in a program to solve many laboratory computer applications. User-developed modules, following well-defined guidelines and rules, can be combined with library modules to generate tailored programs. Notes: The manual describes the functional characteristics of a particular module, programming information, and release notes. Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (EE), Four RX01 Diskettes (KD) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11