110533 MACRO Library Macros for MACRO-11 Program Development and Debug Version: V1.0, March 1981 Submitted by: Donald D. Marchand, Diffracto Ltd., Windsor, Canada Operating System: RT-11 V3.1 Source Language: MACRO-11 Keywords: Debugging, MACRO, Tools - Software Development Abstract: The MACRO Library is a collection of macros that can be added to the system MACRO Library to be used with MACRO-11 programs. Included in this collection are the macros: PUSH, POP To store and retrieve registers R0 to R5 BINDIS, BINDNR To display numbers in binary on the TT OCTDIS, OCTDNR To display numbers in octal on the TT DECDIS, DECDNR To display numbers in decimal on the TT HEXDIS, HEXDNR To display numbers in hexidecimal on the TT TTYO To display a string of ASCII characters The program BASE.MAC shows how to use these macros in a program and displays the equivalent value of a number in all four bases. Notes: A program BASE.MAC illustrates how to use the macros which display 16 bit values in various bases. Media (Service Charge Code): One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11