110583 SURFAC: Graphics Representation of Surfaces by Contour and Crosshatched Plots with Hidden Lines Removed Version: October 1982 Submitted by: Russell H. Batt, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH Operating System: RSTS/E V7.0 Source Language: BASIC PLUS-2, BASIC-PLUS Memory Required: 28KW maximum Software Required: Graphics subprograms to drive user's graphics device. Hardware Required: HP2647A Graphics Term. but can be modified to support other graphics devices. Keywords: Graphics Abstract: SURFAC is a package of three programs, SURGEN.BAS, MESH.B2S and CONTUR.B2S for producing contour and mesh (cross-hatched) plots of surfaces defined by single valued functions Z = f(x,y). The mesh plots are presented in true perspective with hidden lines removed, and can be viewed from user selected viewpoints. Input to each program is driven by a menu. SURGEN evaluates the user supplied function over a regular rectangular xy grid, storing the function values in a virtual disk file, used as input by both MESH and CONTUR. As supplied, these programs drive a HP2647A Graphics Terminal, but calls to the device dependent subprograms are grouped and identified to facilitate replacement by analogous routines for other graphics devices. Notes: The Manual listed below consists of a USER'S GUIDE and PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE which includes listings. Source listings, cross reference files and binary test data files are available on magnetic tape. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up and Listing (DB), 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: DOS-11