110612 CDPACK: Interface Routines for DR-11W Version: December 1984 Author: Vicky White, Fermilab, Batavia, IL Submitted by: Peter Heinicke, Fermilab, Batavia, IL Operating System: RT-11 V4 or later Source Language: MACRO-11 Memory Required: 1000KW Software Required: DR-11W Driver for RT-11 (DECUS No. 11-611) Keywords: Data Communications, Interface Routines Abstract: This is a collection of routines which interface to the DR-11W driver (DECUS No. 11-611). These routines implement no-wait, wait, and completion routine I/O. Multiple messages may be awaited, and error status of each message is saved until the status routine is called. The interface is standardized so that the same FORTRAN routines may be used on RT-11 or RSX-11. See also "CD" (DECUS No. 11-611) - an "RT-11 device driver for the DR-11W" which is required software. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AA), Two RX01 Diskettes (KB) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11