110680 RSX-11M-PLUS System Accounting Reports with Datatrieve Version: October 1983 Submitted by: B.Z. Lederman, I.T.T. World Communications, New York, NY Operating System: RSX-11M-PLUS V2.0 - 2.1 Source Language: Datatrieve Memory Required: 32KW Software Required: RMS Utilities are desirable. Keywords: DATATRIEVE, System Accounting - RSX-11, System Management - RSX-11 Abstract: This account contains Datatrieve structures to produce reports of RSX-11M-PLUS system accounting data. The file ACCOUNT.DOC is the text of a paper on this subject scheduled for the Fall 1983 Las Vegas symposium describing these reports, which I believe are useful and easily adaptable to individual sites. A description of the files and how to set things up is in SETUP.DOC. This account also contains some commands for producing reports from the Console Log file, which work for both 11M and M-PLUS, and are also described in the documents given above. Media (Service Charge Code): One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: DOS-11