110682 BASIC-PLUS System Dependency Flagger Version: V1.0, October 1983 Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corporation Operating System: RSTS/E V8.0, RSX-11M-PLUS V2.1, RSX-11S V4.1, VAX/VMS V3.4 Source Language: BASIC-PLUS-2, VAX-11 BASIC Memory Required: 11,264KB Keywords: BASIC, Conversions, Tools - Applications Development Abstract: This utility assists conversions of BASIC-PLUS and/or BASIC-PLUS-2 programs from PDP-11 systems to VAX/VMS by reading the BASIC source code and reporting on lines which contain operating-system specific dependencies. The program can be compiled and run under VAX-11 BASIC or under PDP-11 BASIC-PLUS-2. Input to the utility can be either a single file-name, or an indirect command (@filename) which names a file which contains a list of file names to be examined. Output from this utility consists of a report file and summary information printed on the users terminal. The report file lists the EDT line numbers, by file, where system dependent code has been detected. Summary information printed on the terminal includes a summary by filename of the types of system dependencies encountered. The intent is that this utility can be used to very quickly scan a large number of files and report the specific dependencies as well as statistics on the overall kinds of system dependencies of the application programs at a user site. This information can then be used as one input to a conversion-planning process. Media (Service Charge Code): 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: DOS-11