110694 WORD: Document Spelling Checker/Corrector Version: June 1983 Submitted by: R. R. DiMarco, South East Old Electricity Board, Brisbane, Australia Operating System: RSTS/E, RT-11, TSX-PLUS Source Language: MACRO-11 Memory Required: 28KB Hardware Required: EIS Keywords: Spell Abstract: The WORD package consists of a 15000 word dictionary file and a number of simple programs that allow the dictionary to be used in the correction of spelling errors in documents. The major components of the kit are: . WORDS.DIC...dictionary file . WORDS.SAV...flags possible spelling errors . WORDE.SAV...corrects spelling errors . SPELL.SAV...finds correct spelling from abbreviation . SOUND.SAV...finds correct spelling from sound Media (Service Charge Code): Two RX01 Diskettes (KB) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11