110772 RAID: A Really Awesome Interactive Debugger Version: V1.0, December 1984 Submitted by: John Wilson, Concord Academy, Concord, MA Operating System: RSTS/E V7.0-07, RT-11 V04.0 Source Language: MACRO-11 Memory Required: 2215 Words for RSTS/E, 2116 Words for RT-11 Keywords: Debugging, Tools - Software Development Abstract: RAID is a symbolic debugger for the PDP-11 series. It includes most of the major facilities for ODT, with some important additions. RAID provides commands to: . Set breakpoints (up to 16) . Deposit values in memory . Dump (ranges of) memory (with ASCII, if byte) . Start or continue execution at any point . Disassemble (range of) memory . Display and change registers and flags . Perform single steps RAID, like ODT, is linked to the program to be debugged. RAID can disassemble all PDP-11 instructions (including FIS and FP11) except for CIS. Two versions of RAID are provided: one for RT-11, and one for RSTS/E. The RSTS/E version is the same as the RT-11 version (except it uses RSTS I/O calls), but adds ^C trapping, and a command to print RSTS system error messages. The RT-11 version doesn't use any EIS instructions, and will run on any PDP-11 series computer (including LSI-11s). Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (EC), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: DOS-11