110846 STATPK Version: V1.0, May 1986 Submitted by: Ed Mills, Harris Semiconductor Corp., Melbourne, FL Operating System: TSX V5.1B Source Language: APL Memory Required: 64K RAM, 61 blocks disk Software Required: APL-11 Operating System (See DECUS No. 110631) version 1.00 or compatible version of APL. STATPAK is not tested on other versions of APL-11 but it may work on them as well. Hardware Required: APL Terminal (optional), APL Character Printer (optional). Keywords: Statistics Abstract: STATPAK is a powerful statistical package which performs statistical Process Control calculations. It is very flexible and can be used on many forms of databases. Standard calculations include: x-bar, r-bar, control limits, process capability and out-of-control points among others. Functions can be applied individually to the database, or a SUMMARY function can do all calculations. Also a DATA function is provided to facilitate database entry from the keyboard. Release Notes are distributed with each order. Notes: Developed under APL-11 V1.00 which runs under TSX or RT-11. (If APL is installed, it should run.) Media (Service Charge Code): Source Listing (BA), One RX01 Diskette (KA) Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: RT-11