110886 PLOTC Version: March 1986 Author: J.F. Vibert & J.N. Albert Operating System: RSX-11M V4.1 Source Language: C Software Required: DECUS C Compiler, DECUS Program No. 11-SP-18 Hardware Required: BENSON 1x3x Plotters Keywords: Graphics, Plotting Abstract: Because of LUN conflicts between FORTRAN and DECUS C, it is not possible to use the FORTRAN library BENLIB from C programs. This library was entirely rewritten in C in order to access from C programs to the BENSON graphic plotters (microprogrammed mode). It allows management of the paper space and works in subject and paper space, absolute or relative, and color management. Device dependent codes are grouped into few modules, thus allowing easy portability to compatible devices. They are written in "standard" C in order to be portable. All sources and a full documentation are provided using the DECUS getrno C tool (UNIX like manual). Media (Service Charge Code): One RX02 Diskette (LA) Format: FILES-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA) Format: FILES-11