PRO130 STRESS-11: A Structural Analysis Program for RT-11 Version: August 1985 Author: Digital Equipment Corporation Submitted by: Stephen Hirsch, NZAEI, Canterbury, New Zealand Operating System: RT-11 V5.1 Source Language: FORTRAN IV, MACRO-11 Memory Required: See below Hardware Required: Floating point unit is recommended because of large amount of double precision math. Keywords: Engineering Applications, Professional-300 Series - RT-11 Abstract: STRESS-11 is an engineering application program used to analyze forces, reactions and displacements in structural designs. Typical uses include the analysis of building frames, bridge trusses, transmission towers and floor systems. Use of STRESS-11 requires no computer programming experience. Problem descriptions use engineering terms that are familiar to a structural engineer. To use the package, the engineer describes a structure with a coordinate system that can be either 2 or 3 dimensional. He then assigns a joint number and coordinates to each joint in the structure. With its information, the program is capable of determining joint displacements, joint reactions and forces for the structure. The engineer then describes the physical properties of each member, and the member and joint loads to be placed on the structure. With this information, the program is capable of determining joint displacements, joint reactions and forces for the structure. This version of STRESS for RT-11 was developed on a Professional 325 running the XM monitor. Three link command files are included which use different amounts of memory. . High limit 23816 + OTS work area for SJ or FB monitor. . High limit 23989 + OTS work area linked as a virtual job and will run on the Professional. . High limit 23989 + OTS work area linked as a virtual job but with full high memory overlays and using 51235 words of memory. The Inline FORTRAN compiler was used for program development. The link files above may not work if the threaded code compiler is used. Assoc. Documentation: There is a manual available as a separate submission, see DECUS No. 110613. Restrictions: It is not possible to perform more than one run with STRESS without exiting from the program and rerunning it. On the second or subsequent runs the parser fails and reports a large number of non-existent errors. There is a fault in the initialization routines somewhere which I have not been able to trace. The program is written in a very unstructured way and has been modified extensively many times, making debugging very difficult. Media (Service Charge Code): One RX50 Diskette (JA) Format: RT-11